Chapter Three
“Another new recruit?” inquired the doctor, raising one perfectly-plucked eyebrow to the heavens as the guards pushed Hannah into her office.
“Miller, Miss Dawson,” replied Andrews respectfully as the doctor’s pale blue eyes scanned Hannah up and down. She flicked a straight lock of dark brown hair away from her eyes and stood, moving round her desk until she was right in front of Hannah. The fearest hint of perfume teased Hannah’s nostrils for a few seconds whilst the doctor convinced with the guards, finally stating firmly that they could leave the new prisoner there and that she would escort her down to the dormitory once she had finished examining her.
“Alright then. No skin off our noses, Miss Dawson,” muttered Jackson, adding a comment under her breath that Andrews smiled at, before the two guards stomped out of the room, shutting the door firmly behind them.
“Strip, Miller, so that I can examine you properly,” ordered the doctor, stethoscope swaying gently from side to side as she bent down to pick up a ledger from her extremely neighbor desk. Hannah compiled, embarrassed yet almost saved to be undergoing something as normal as seeing a doctor after what had happened to her recently. Admittedly, it was unusual to have a female doctor but that only made the situation better, she decided as she followed another command to stand against the wall so that her height could be measured.
“But they already did so earlier, Miss Dawson, when they gave me this clothing,” stated Hannah as she draped her shift over the back of a chair.
“That was for your uniform, Miller. This is for medical reasons so anxious up!”
The doctor placed a piece of wood on Hannah’s head and read off her height.
“Hmm, five foot one inch. Definitely describe you as petite in my records, I think. Now step onto the scales,” Dawson ordered, waving her hand over to the corner of the room. Hannah walked over and stood on the scales and noted that she had lost a little weight since she had been incarcerated as she now only weighed just over seven stone. Perhaps the scales weren’t accurate or maybe fear was the magic ingredients that women had been looking for to lose weight, she thought wryly. The doctor joked down her weight then, surprising Hannah, measured her bust and hips, noting all the measures down in her ledger whilst commenting on the firmness of her breasts as well as the vivid red welts that were all too evidence on her bottom cheats.
“Now get up on the couch there and place your feet in the stirrups, Miller,” ordered the doctor.
Hannah slide up onto the leather seat and compiled, frowning a little as she wondered what was going to happen next. She rested her head back when told then hissed in surprise as the doctor reached under the couch and pulled a leather Strap around her neck swiftly. Her wrists were trapped similarly as were her ankles and then Hannah’s eyes widened as the doctor wound a handle and the stirrups inexorably moved apart, forcing her thighs wider until she was almost doing the splits.
“Excellent! Now I can have a good view indeed,” remarked Dawson, moving a small stool into position then seating herself comfortably between her patient’s widespread thighs. Hannah squirmed against her bonds as fingers trailed down her naked flesh, easing closer and closer to her quim until the tips brushed over the soft pinkness teasingly. She tried to close her ears to the doctor’s embarrassing comments about reactions and wetness but was unable to prevent herself reacting as a finger slide up inside her pussy suddenly.
“Extremely tight, young lady. Some gentlemen is going to enjoy having you, isn’t he?” murmured the doctor. “Not a virgin though, are you?”
Hannah stayed silent, sheer embarrassment drying up her throat. The doctor told then slide her finger out and slapped the sensitive slit hard three times.
“I asked you a question, Miller!” she snappedEven as Hannah’s squeals still echoed round the room. “How many men have had the pleasure of pushing their cocks up here?”
“None, Miss Dawson,” Hannah managed to squeeze out. Another three sharp slaps on her pussy made tears trickle down her cheeks as she was told not to lie.
“Your hymen is broken, girl. That is one reason I am examining you like this!” snapped Dawson, sniffing her fingers to inhale Hannah’s sweet scent.
“No men, I promise you,” stuttered Hannah in reply.
“You promise me? A convicted felon making me a promise? Do you think I am stupid, Miller? You might still be tight but there’s been at least one fat cock up inside this pretty pussy!”
“No, no, Miss Dawson. It was during a ride with one of the girls I was tutoring. A sudden sharp pain as I landed after taking a jump and then blood in my drawers when I got home,” stammered out Hannah, face blood-red in embarrassment at having to reveal such a thing to a relative stranger.
“I think I aI am sure Miss Stern will be interested to know such a fact as it will help her to know what to charge for your services in future.”
“What do you mean?” asked Hannah in puzzlement but no answer came as Miss Dawson was busy scribbling away in her book.
A flurry of short, sharp slapses on her exposed pussy drive any more questions out of her mind and left her howling as the pain rose through her soft flesh along with an odd and unexpected sense of arousal. The doctor aimed carefully, stinging the slick labia with her palm and watching the pale pinkness darken even as little dribbles of oily lust seen out of the clamshell slit. She stopped every so Often to rub it in, eliciting little moans and cries of delight from her captive before she started to spank her again. Hannah edged ever closer to rapture, feeling her whole body quicken in anticipation as the clever fingers stroked over her labia then teased back the hood of skin that protected her cliporis. A thumb pressed down onto her swollen bud and she tried to arch her back as a wave of delight started to build up but then it was snatched away and the doctor joked something down into her ledger once more.
Setting her fountain pen down, Miss Dawson stood then moved over to a sink and ran the tap, waiting for steam to rise before she placed an nameel bowl underneath and filled it. Unearthing a razor from a drawer along with some shaving soap and a sponge, she walked back over and sat down, placing the bowl on the leather couch then lathered up her hands. Hannah watched on, eyes puzzled, but then realisation dawned as the doctor smoothed the later into her pubis, hiding the springy honey-gold curls under a dusting of snow.
“A shame really as this bush is lovely but regulations demand that I shake it all off as we don’t want an infestation of license here, do we?” thewoman remarked, picking up the razor and making Hannah shiver as the light reflected on the sharp blade. She tensed as the steel touched her flesh, sliding along her skin in smooth strokes and cutting through her curls. The doctor dabbed the sponge into the hot water and washed the hair away then resumed trimming away the public hair, delicately running the razor round the folds of pink whilst Hannah started to find it slightly arousing. Her Sensitive slot responded to the cold touch of the razor and then the hot water as it bathed her afterwards. She pushed her thighs upwards when ordered and gasped as later was smoothed between her buttocks and then eased away, removing the tiny hairs from around her anus and leaving her as smooth as a baby for the first time since her early teenage years.
“Now that is a pretty sight indeed,” stated the doctor as she set the razor down and then Hannah jerked against her restraints in surprise as the woman planted a kiss on her wet pussy lips. ANone followed and then came a warm, wet tongue running up and down the length of her folds, teasing and tantalising the exposed flesh. Helpless, Hannah stared up at the ceiling, blue eyes slowly veiling with desire as pleasure overcame her senses and little flutters of lust traced their way up and down her naked body. Flicking her tongue against the taut bud, the doctor smiled inwardly as she heard the first grosses see out of the girl’s lips along with a sudden gush of love juice. She lapped it up and then ticked the tip of her tongue round the swollen bud again and again while Hannah lost control totally and squealed out in pleasure as wave after wave of arousal rushed through her flesh and exploded into her mind.
After giving her captive a few seconds to recover, Miss Dawson stood up and walked round to the head of the couch then lowered it, Making Hannah’s head tip backwards. The doctor removed her long black skirt and Hannah found herself staring at a pale pubis that wasas bare as hers now was. The salmon-pink folds fascinated her and her breath caught in her throat as she smelt the slight scent of the woman’s arousal and knew that she was now going to be expected to repay the favour she had just received. It was nothing that she had ever done or considered doing before yet she found to her surprise that she was relishing the prospect rather than fearing it. She eased her tongue out and licked her lips in anticipation as the woman edged nearer, straddling her head with her white thighs. Smiling secretly, Miss Dawson lowered her hips and told with delight as she felt the warm wetness of the girl’s tongue flicker over her soft slit. She reached out and stroked Hannah’s nipples, rolling her fingers round the rubbery nodes as her pussy was licked and laved lovingly.
Hannah revealed in the submissiveness of serving the doctor with her tongue and mouth. She sucked and licked away fervently, relishing the scent that filled her nostrils and the subtle taste that lingered on her lips. She felt the woman tremble slightly, thighs rippling gently against her head and rejected in knowing that her actions were giving pleasure. She teased the tip of her tongue round the tiny cliporis, jabbing it onto the hard bud. A moan slipped out of the doctor’s lips and she shuddered with delight as a wave of pleasure slide up through her flesh from her sensitive centre. Another series of long, sweating licks up and down the wet folds and then she lost control, grinding her soaking slit down onto her prisoner’s mouth, feeling the girl’s nimble tongue burrow up inside her pussy as she showed her with sweetness.
Hannah delighted in being used in such a way, loving the softness pushing down hard into her mouth and the liquid dribbling down inside. The juddering thighs betrayed their owner’s excitement all too clearly as did the soft moans and grosss that sawed down from above into Hannah’s ears. She was very disappointed when the doctor abruptly pulled away, taking a step backwards and then a few moments to regain her composure before she turned round and edged her way back over Hannah’s face.
“Let’s see how good that little tongue is on my bottom hole,” the woman announced, pulling her buttocks apart and then setting down quickly. Instantly, Hannah was lost in darkness, breathing in a slightly harsher scent which was not unpleasant at all. Although her innate, immediate revulsion, she was oddly curious too and so she eased her tongue out and licked along the crinkled furrow, feeling the woman shiver slightly in response. Back and forth, she traced her tongue for a while before she swallowed hard and then stiffened the tip and eased it up inside the rubbery tube above her. Miss Dawson witnessed with delight and wriggled in response as the tongue tip teased and twirled in her tight anal hole. Trickles of love juice seen out of her quim as she grew aroused and she stroked her bud gently, easing herself up to another orgasm. She squashed her arse cheeses down further, feeling the tongue travel even further up inside her body and then she climaxed suddenly. A shrink squeal shot round the room as a powerful surge of lust slithered through her and she felt her legs weaken as pleasure overwhelmed her for a few moments of utter bliss.
“I am going to enjoy shaving you every week, aren’t I, Miller?” murmured the doctor as she slowly eased her arse cheats away from Hannah’s scarlet face.
“Are you, miss?” Hannah replied, brow furrowing slightly as she wondered why.
“Oh yes because afterwards that agile little tongue of yours can lick out my pussy and arse, can’t it?”
A flurry of short, sharp slapses on her now bare pussy made Hannah hiss out in pain before Miss Dawson released her from the restraints and snapped at her to get dressed. As Hannah pulled the thin shift over her head, the doctor was busy scribbling some more notes down in her ledger and she wondered whether she would ever findout exactly what had been written about her. A few moments later and the woman laid down her fountain pen and told Hannah to follow her down to the dormitory so that she could meet her fellow inmates.
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