Act One: The Blindfold.
My right temple itches.
Considering the totality of the situation in which I have found myself, that seems like a minor thing, but being unable to fix it for the last half hour is driving me nuts.
It itches because there is a tag on the bandana tied around my eyes. I should have cut that off first. Lesson learned I guess.
A second bandana is tied around my mouth, resting between my teeth, gradually soaking up saliva. My jaw is getting a little tired from this. If I focus on that, maybe I won’t notice the itchy tag as much?
Of course, I could focus on the fact that I am otherwise entirely naked, lying face up on a bed in a hotel who knows where, spread eagle, with leather cuffs securing my hands and feet to chains attached to the four corners of the bed frame. That seems like it should be my biggest concern.
Before you get too worried for me, I should clarify this was my choice. My husband was skeptical at first, nervousabout putting me in danger, letting other people see me and use me. But this will be our fourth hotel adventure, and I know this time he’s just as excited as I am.
Let me tell you a little more about us. My real name is a secret, but on these adventures I go by Velma. I am a 38-year-old woman. I am white, 5’3 and very curvy. I wear a D-cup bra and US size 20 jeans. I carry most of my weight in my hips and nice round ass, although my belly isn’t exactly flat either. I have chin-length brown hair with a hint of red, which has yet to show any gray despite my being almost 40. My hair and the fact that I wear glasses are how I got my nickname. My husband is 40, and his code name is Shaggy. He is moderately tan, 5’7, leaner but starting to get a little soft around the middle with age. He has nearly black hair with some sprinkling of gray, especially around the temples. He keeps his hair long and doesn’t shake much, so his nickname is fitting too. We have been married for 15 years, have three kids under 10 and are both well-respected professionals. He is a university professor and I am the director of nursesing at a local clinic. We live in a fairly small midwestern city. We are both bisexual, although we weren’t open about this with each other until the last couple of years.
I have always had a kinky side, but I keep it well hidden in most settings. Before we were together I read and written erotica online, had plenty of kinky cyber-sex encounters and watched BSDM porn. But I was also raised really religious, and felt plenty of shame and guilt about these things. Outside of my online fun I barely even kissed anyone before my husband, and waited until our wedding night to lose my virginity.
Shaggy had two other girls before me, both serious but ultimately wrong for him. He was never into casual sex. His taste in porn is vanilla compared to mine. A few years ago, when I finally opened up to him about my various fans and ditched religion, most of the shame and guilt went away. That did wonders for our sex life. Even still, he has never been entirely comfortable dominating me in the ways I really want. Maybe it’s because he’s also a feminist? Or maybe he has a submissive side he hasn’t shown me yet? I’m not sure. But about a year and a half ago I made a joke about him letting someone else dominate me instead, and that is ultimately What led us here.
The first time it was just the two of us, but he did a video call with a dom who gave us instructions. We worked on some different bondage positions, orgasm control, balancing pain and pleasure, and after-care. We also learned how to find people in the lifestyle and what to look for (and avoid) in possible hookups.
The second and third times I helped make some of the arrangements, communicated with some possible dates on message boards and via email, and booked the hotels. He made the final decisions on who to invite and video chatted with them ahead of time. We’velearned that more mystery means more exciting, for me.
On our second adventure we met up with another married couple. I was excited, but also nervous out of my mind, never having had sex with anyone but my husband. I ended up backing out of some of what we originally planned. We watched him tie her up and play ‘try not to cum,’ and give her a good caning when she did. She and I ended up giving Each other some really good oral while our husbands watched, and then Shaggy fucked me hard while the other couple also went at it in the bed right next to us. But that dom didn’t touch me at all.
The third time, we met two dominant men with their submissive female partners. We talked about just watching them again, but I was feeling a lot braver. I got a very through introduction to rope bondage that day. They tied me in almost all of the same positions as their own subs, and again there was a good amount of oral, fingering and vibrator work between the other women and me. I even agreed to suck the other two men’s cocks for a few minutes each, but only Shaggy got to fuck my pussy. He wanted my ass too, but I ended up saying no. So far that is something we’ve only done in private.
This time he planned everything. I don’t even know what state we’re in, but we were in the car long enough that it could be one of several.
Our adventure started when we dropped the kids off with my mom yesterday at lunchtime. All she knows is that we’ve been re-kindling our romantic lives, and she loves spoiling her grandchildren for a couple days here and there, so it works out well. We got a rental car and left her our minivan.
“This adventure is all about you giving up your need to control things,” Shaggy told me once we had driven ten minutes or so. He pulled into an abandoned strip mall parking lot.
I was wearing a blue and white floral sundress and blue cardigan, with nothing underneath to get the excitement started. “Take off your clothes.” He ordered.
He took the bandana out of his pocket then. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course.”
“Then get in the backseat and strip. I will get you from here to the hotel room without being seen.”
The back windows were tinted, but still I hesitated. “What if we stop for the bathroom?”
“Just trust me.”
I do, of course. You can’t stay married as long as we have without trust.
I crawled to the backseat. He handed me the blindfold. “Make it snug. Also, no touching yourself. You have to earn that sort of thing on this trip.”
“Yes sir,” I agreed with a smile. I love it when he gets authoritative.
He turned on some music and drive. When my most recent cup of coffee caught up with me and I told him I needed to stop, he Pulled off at an exit and made a few more turns. I heard the tires transition from asphalt to gravel before he parked and switched off the engine.
“Where are we?”
“Nowhere. Literally.” He was silent for a few moments and the said “Seems like your blindfold is good.” I don’t know how he tested it, but it was.
I undid my seatbelt. My door opened and he gave me his hand.
“Keep your back up against the car, squat down here and pee.”
“You’re sure no one can see?”
“There’s no one for miles, I promise.”
When I finished he handed me some baby wipes to clean myself and a bag to toss them into.
We stopped once more before reaching our destination. That time he said, “There is a gas station and a restaurant here, but when you get out on your side of the car you’re facing nothing but trees.” After I peed he went in to get us some dinner, which I ate in the car, still blindfolded.
When we finally arrived he checked into the hotel by himself. Then he came back to the car and said, “I parked by the side door. Our room is the first one on the left. There is no one out here, I promise.”
I held his elbow and walked completely nude from our car to our room. It was quick, aspromised, but still, I had no way to verify he was telling the truth.
He led me to the bathroom to once again pee and brush my teeth, then to the bed. I expected him to want to fuck me then. Instead, he cuffed my hands in front of me and then attached the cuffs to a chain that was secured to the bed frame. “Just to help keep you from doing anything naughty while I’m sleeping,” he explained.
“Aren’t You turned on? Having your wife naked all day, totally at your mercy?” Of course, my motivation for asking this was entirely selfish, I was horny as fuck and wanted him to give me some relief.
“I never said I wasn’t going to do anything naughty,” he answered.
He kept the blankets from me while he jacked himself off.
After, once I thought he was sleep, I was Still wide awake and even hornier. I tried squeeze my legs together a few times to get at least a little stimulation.
“Don’t make me tie your legs apart too,” he threatened sleepily.
Fine, I thought, I’ll wait.
I didn’t think I would be able to sleep at all. The possibilities for the day to come were too excited. I knew we would have guests again, of course, that was the main point of us traveling all the way out here. How many? So far we’ve had dominant men and submissive women. Would we have a dominant woman for a change? Of course I was also tired from the long trip, so I Eventually fell asleep. I know my imagination bleed into my dreams, although I couldn’t remember the details I woke with the sense that they were wonderfully erotic.
“Are you going to give me even one hint about what you have planned today?” I asked him the next morning. He had ordered breakfast, DoorDash, I think. I was still naked with my hands cuffed to the bed, and he had taken all the covers away. I have no idea if the delivery person could see the bed from the door or not.
“I will give you two,” he teased as he released my hands so I could eat. First, just remember that some people really like to watch. Second, after you eat you’ll want to use this.” He pressed a plastic bottle into my hand. I felt it up and down and my heart sped up a little. It isn’t hard for an RN to recognize the shape of an enema bottle.
I gave him two firm rules for this adventure. One, he needs to verify negative STD testing from within the last 7 days on anyone he invites. Second, no one does anything to me that I won’t let him do. My absolute no’s are choking and fisting. I don’t enjoy when he cums in my mouth either, although recently I’ve allowed him to shoot it on my face and lips a few times, and I am trying to learn to like the taste. I suppose I should be expecting anal, since it is something I really do enjoy when we’re alone. And I told him this time if he wants to let another man fuck me, I think I’m ready. I wonder just how far he intends to take that?
Or, when he said some people like to watch, I suppose that could mean guests watching him take my ass. Last timeI said no to that because, even after everything else I let them do to me, it feel like too much exposure. If I am being truly honest, it is embarrassing to me just how much I enjoy anal.
After breakfast, he walked me to the bathroom and then finally removed the blindfold just long enough for me to take care of the toilet stuff and bathe. I held my legs, armpits and most of my dark brown pubic hair, leaving just a neighborly trimmed patch above the apex of my labia. He replaced the blindfold before letting me leave the bathroom.
That tag must have been folded inside when I blindfolded myself, since I didn’t notice it at all on the way here.
He had already stripped the bed of everything but the bottom sheet, and then he secured me into my current position.
Now I wait. The air conditioner kicks in, sending a cool breeze over my naked breasts and belly, still slightly damp from the bath. I have instant goosebumps and feel my nipples harden painfully.
I wonder how long he plans to leave me like this? I forgot to ask. What if I have to pee? If they come in and I am in a puddle of urine, is that going to turn them off? Or would they find it appealing? Some people like to watch… could someone be watching me now? Would they want to see me piss all over the place? I didn’t think there was anyone else in the room before, but he was very independent I keep the blindfold on everywhere but the bathroom. I realize that I know nothing about my surroundings. Is there another bed? Are we in a multi-room suite? A warm tingle gathers in my lower belly at this idea. I imagine a man standing on the other side of a door, open just enough for him to peek through, stroking his cock, eyeing my completely helpless form. He’s eager for his chance to get it inside me. Maybe he’s got someone sucking his cock for him and imagining their mouth is my hot, wet cunt.
God I am so fucking horny. I wonder if it is possible to cum from thought alone, with no pHysical stimulation at all. With my imagination, it just might be.
Act Two: Hotel Guests
After maybe 45 minutes I hear the door open and there are some hushed voices. I don’t know how many and can’t make out anything they are saying, an instant later there are hands all over me. They are fondling a breast, stroking my thigh, circled a finger around my navel, and teasing my bottom lip with a thumb. Two people? Three? I’m not sure.
“Ooh you are gorgeous,” one woman says. Her voice has a touch of an accent I can’t identify.
“Look at these amazing tits.” Another woman’s voice. She jiggles my right breast up and down a few times.
“Can’t wait to flip her over and get a look at that sexy fat ass,” a deeper male voice says.
This is new for me, as a very plus-sized woman, being called gorgeous and sexy by people besides my husband. They all had seen pictures of my body before today, and they all found me attractive enough to be here at least. One thing I’velearned through these experiences is that many people in the gym community care more about the experience than the physics.
Someone has their face between my legs, not touching but they blow a stream of air right against my exposed clip. “God she is dripping wet already too, I can see it.” A modern tenor voice, unclear if male or female.
“Can we take that thing out of her mouth? I think she needs a thick black cock in there.” Another voice. Male. A chill runs up my spine. Just how many people are here?
“Slow down, Brent. Shaggy said just to tease her for now.” A woman’s voice. The second one again? Or someone new?
And Shaggy….sad??? Does that mean…he’s not here???
I feel panic rising in my chest. He’s not supposed to leave me alone with them!!! I’m completely vulnerable! “No!” I try to call out “Wait!” But through the gag, all that comes out is “Oh….ath!” I shake my head back and forth trying to dislodge the fabric to free my mouth. I twist my hands in the wrist restraints, hoping to free them, but the straps remain firmly secured.
I hear a soft chuckle. One solidary finger slides up the opening of my completely vulnerable cunt. “Damn, you were right Shags that really got those juices flowing.”
I recognize my husband’s laughter then. Wait…was that a prank? My heart is still pounding. I feel my eyes water underneath the blindfold. I draw a ragged breath in and try to release it slowly. I am still safe, I tell myself, He won’t let them hurt me.
As if reading my mind he lowers his head close to my ear. “Gotcha there for a minute, didn’t we Velma.”
I nod my head a little more frantically than I mean to.
“You are still safe. Remember, all you need to do is snap your fingers. Once means slow down, twice means stop. You are going to absolutely love what these guests have planned for you.”
How many? I desperately want to ask. But I remain firmly gagged, so I just nod my head again.
Around me, I hear some light conversation. Someone pops open a bottle of something. Someone else puts on some music. Someone sits on the bed next to me and opens a plastic bag. “Can I give her one?” she asks.
“Sure, just half. She has no real tolerance for that,” my husband answers.
The gag comes down from my mouth for just a second and in pops a small fruit snack. They must be planning for a slow burn, since the edibles won’t hit for an hour or so. “I’m Emerald, by the way,” she tells me.
“Hey Shaggy, you’re a gamer, right? Have you played the latest Mario? I brought my switch, should I hook it up?” one of the men asks.
“Yeah, let’s do it! We’ve got lots of time,” my husband responses.
Ok now this is just getting mean, I’m supposed to lay here bound and naked while this totally chill hotel party happens all around me?
The woman who gave me the edible stays perched on the bed next to me. She draws her fingerprintnail lazily from my neck, between my breasts, acrossmy belly, past my right hip, and down the inside of my leg, then back up the other leg. Her fingertips dance across my freshly shacked public shaft, up and down my arms, and brush against my lips above and below the gag, teasing so very lightly.
All this with the sounds of video games and casual chatter around me. Shaggy and the other gamer get loud enough to block out most of the other conversations, but I hear snippets about the recent NBA finals, the weather and the latest political drama.
After a few minutes I feel something dripping over my breasts, belly and legs. Emerald switches to a firmer touch and begins to massage. She digs her thumbs into the bottom of my feet and I moan. She works her way up my body, using strong, gliding strokes to loosen any tension she finds. She adds more mass oil regularly. Her hands slide underneath me as best they can to massage my calves and hamstrings. When she gets to my thighs she works even slower, getting achingly close to the most sensitive spots with each stroke but always reversing course at the last second. It is intoxicating. I want to rip this gag out and beg her to please touch my cunt, run those hands over my clip, massage my g spot, oh god I want her to make me cum so bad.
Of course I can’t do anything more than moan and whimper through the gag. She abandons my legs and runs her hand in circles around my belly instead for a While. Then she starts in on my breasts, gliding her hand up and down, putting pressure on either side of my nipples with her fingers. I can feel myself getting wetter by the second.
She takes her time moving from my breasts to my arms. She slides her hands underneath me again to massage my neck and shoulders. I lose my sense of time, but the edible seems to be kicking in, so I bet at least an hour has gone by.
The good news is I am not thinking about the itchy bandana tag anymore.
“Feeling nice and relaxed?” She asks me after she has thoroughly oiled and mAssaged everything she can reach in my current position. I nod. “Good, that will make the next part much easier.”
Emerald undoes the chain holding my right ankle in place. She moves the cuff to be just above my right knee instead, and then attaches the chain to the right upper corner of the bed frame. She repeats this with the left. Now my knees are bent and open to the side. My cunt truly could not be any more exposed than it is now, and my ass hole is also easily accessible. I feel a jolt of pleasure as she slips an egg-shaped device into my very, very wet pussy.
“Catch!” She says, and tosses something to another guest. I realize it must be a remote control for the egg vibrator, which is now activated.
“Don’t overdo it, Jay,” another woman says, the one with the accent. Southern maybe? But Faint, like she hasn’t lived there in a while. “She hasn’t earned any orgasms yet.”
“Understood, Mistress.” This time it is the voice that I can’t identify as male or female. The name Jay isn’t helpful either, could be a nickname for anyone.
“They’re pretty good at judging how much someone can take,” Emerald assures me. “They might hold back, or not. We’ll have to see.” OK so Jay is non-binary, that makes sense.
Now she has a lubed fingerprint teasing the outside of my asshole. She puts a little pressure against the opening and slips it in gently. The vibrating in my cunt stops. I’m sure Shaggy told them how wild I am for ass-play. If she fingers it much I will be cumming in seconds, especially if the egg turns back on. But instead she withdraws her finger, and in its place I feel a hard, cold butt plug. Glass, I suspect.
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