*COMMENTS* This is the first version of the second part of The Hotel. I say it is the first version because I will be rewriting it, but I feel like some people will like this version better. Far be it for me to not put something out just because I don’t like how its going. But I will be putting up two versions of every chapter from now on. It is your choice which path you want to watch Cayley do down. ;)**
Cayley’s mind whirled from the orgasm that shook her to the bone. Her thoughts were starting to become clearer the longer she rested, but she knew she couldn’t just sleep. Sitting up, she regard her torn uniform with panic.
If her uniform was…well….destroyed, what was she going to wear? She still had to get her purse and take back the a/c monitor before Taylor got suspicious. What the hell was she going to do?
Cayley gingerly rose from the bed, feeling her legs still wobbly. When she walked around the room’s divider, she once again got a glimpseof the man she checked in earlier that night. He had a business shirt and slacks loosely thrown on, almost as if he didn’t truly intend on fixing himself up. His phone was glued to his ear and he was writing something down on a black folio that held a yellow legal pad.
“12:30pm. Lincoln Center. I look forward to meeting with you, Mr. Hemmings.” His voice was stern and professional.
He hung up the phone slowly and Cayley could see he was deep in thought, as though an inner struggle was going on inside his gorgeous head. Then his cool eyes were staring into hers with the expression of an angry father.
“I thought I told you to get some sleep. You should know by now what happens when you disobey.”
Cayley rushed quickly to explain.
“I-I’m sorry Sir. But I just thought I should go grab my purse and take back that monitor so that I don’t raise any alarms. But I can’t wear my uniform.” Cayley’s arms went up to cover her breasts, feigning cold.
Michael smoothly got up, regarding her with dismay, and walked over to the hotel’s closet. It took him a second to pick out a slim pair of jeans and a red tank top that she could tell would show too much cleavage.
“Throw these on. I will get your co-worker to come up to fix something. You go down the stairs farthest from the front desk. I can buy you about 5 minutes.”
Cayley nodded quickly, slipping on the jeans that fit like a glove and the tank top which feel more like spandex than cotton.
His hands were gripping her shoulders as she looked up into his eyes.
“When you are done, come back here. We need to talk. I will not force you anymore.” He laid a quick kiss on her forehead and sent her towards the door. Before she left the room, she looked back to find him ringing the front desk.
She quickly made it to the stairwell and hung over the railing a bit, listening for any doors opening. After a minute, she ran down the stairs as quickly as she could without falling andopened the 1st floor door cautiously. She peeked her head out the door slowly, and jumped back when she saw Taylor crossing the hallway to the elevator. She knew she could count on him being lazy enough to use the elevator. When the elevator doors closed with a clang, she hurriedly made her way to the back room and scooped up her purse and laptop, making sure the monitor was put back in the cupboard. She hurriedly made her way back down the hall to the stairs and ducked into the stairwell, keeping it open a bit to watch for Taylor. 5 minutes. That’s how long he would try to keep Taylor up there. But how long had it been?
Her eyes wandered over to the door that led from the stairwell to the parking lot outside. She could see her little Camry outside, waiting for her. For a second, she contemplated running. But a part of her didn’t want to. When she heard the elevator door open, she quickly peeked out to see an agitated Taylor crossing back to the front desk again. She was slower going back up the third floor, each step seeming harder and harder. By the time she made it back to his room, she was deep in thought, moving more like a robot on a track. She jumped suddenly when she noticed him leaning against the doorway. Her purse fell to her feet and she must have looked stupid struggle to keep ahold of her laptop. Her eyes rose up to him and she saw a look of pure amusement on his face. She quickly picked up her purse and ducked by him, rushing into the room.
Cayley set her purse and laptop down next to the couch and sat herself down, thoughts racing through her head at supersonic speed, making her almost hyperventilate.
Michael closed the door once again behind her, leaving it unlocked. Cayley hardly noticed it when he sat down beside her, too caught up in her thoughts.
Michael’s face turned to worry as he watched her in a state of panic. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, bringing her face against his chest, and was happy to find her arms wrap around him as well. It only took a minute of him holding her for Cayley to calm down. For her, it just felt right being in his arms. When she was fully calm, he let go of her, but keep his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes with concern.
“Are you okay, little one?”
Cayley couldn’t bring herself to do anything but a nod. Michael would have normally pointed out that she should have said “Yes, Sir”, but found it hardly the right time to correct her.
“Cayley, we have a lot to talk about.” He shifted slightly on the couch.
“Firstly, do you want to be here?”
Cayley’s eyes shot up at him with a shocked expression on her face. Even though he had asked her if she wanted it earlier, he had still originally forced her.
“Um..yes…I think.”
Michael gently guided her face back to his when she began to trail off again.
“Cayley, you need to address me as Sir or Master. If you want to be here, that is a rule. You also need to make a dEcision. You either want to be here or you don’t. Be clear, or this ends now.” His voice was stern and in control, his eyes bearing into her.
“Yes Sir. I do want to be here.”
Michael smiled and pulled her into a password and aggressive kiss. When he finally let go of her, his eyes held hers in a trance.
“Get down on your knees.”
Cayley’s eyes went wide and she froze on the couch. His arms rested on her shoulders, comforting her.
“Cayley, if you want to be my sub, you need to put all your trust in me and obey me. I promise you I will never do anything to hurt you; unless you want me to.” Michael’s smile turned into a sexy smile and she felt a need to please him.
Cayley slowly eased down onto her knees, her long dark hair spilling over her Shoulders as her head hung towards the floor.
Michael raised from the couch and captured her chin, forcing her neck to crane almost painfully.
“Sit on your heals; hands flat on your thighs.”
Cayley surprised herself with how fast she snapped into the position he wanted.
Cayley’s mind was both blank and full, caught in the peace that came with her surrender. She trusted him more than she ever had trusted a man. And he had basically raped her. Funny thing. But then he asked her if she wanted it. So could that really be considered rap? All she knew is that she was enjoying every minute with Michael and she would do anything to stay there.
Michael walked around her and out of her sight, but she dare not turn around. She waited patiently until he came back around, holding something she had never thought she would see him possess.
A thin dark red satin covered leather collar hung from his strong hands, and his eyes fixed on her shocked face. The collar didn’t look like it was for a dog, it looked more for looks, not for strength. It was beautiful and dainty, but it had a strong metal clasp around the back.
“I have watched you for a long time Cayley.
Normally, I would not bring a collar out for a sub for quite some time, but you are very different. I know that you feel a need to please me. I can see it in your eyes.”
Cayley’s eyes raised to look into his, showing nothing but a dedication she never knew she was capable of.
“I need to hear you beg for my collar, Cayley. I need to hear you beg me to own you, body and soul. I need to hear you tell me you want me and everything that comes with it. Speak, little one.”
Cayley sat there thinking for a minute, contemplating her reactions and weighing what she wanted to do with the consequences for her actions. She had always been an impulsive person, not thinking things through first, but what he was asking was a huge commitment for her. Her heart told her the answer in the end.
“Please Sir, I need your collar around my neck. I want to be a part of your world and everything that comes with it.”
Michael’s smile showed the pride he felt, as he knelt down and gentley clasped the collar around her neck. When he stood back up, she knew not to move.
“What are you feeling, little one?” Michael’s face was concerned, having never collared a woman so new to his lifestyle.
Cayley had never felt anything so extraordinary as the slim piece of material on her neck. The leather backing was smooth with a slight texture and the metal class seemed to weigh nothing. The entire collar weighed just enough to feel but not enough to be cumbersome. It was amazing to her how a simple accessory could bring such a warmth and sense of security.
“I feel…right. I feel safe and loved. I feel happy.” Cayley’s bright blue eyes shone at Michael and if he hadn’t been in love with her already, he definitely was at that moment.
Michael raised her to her feet with his strong arms and picked her up in a swift motion. Her arms instantly wrapped around his neck and her head lay against his chest.
“You need to get some sleep, little one.” He lay her down on the soft bed and pulled off her jeans. “And this time, no getting up until I tell you.” He smiled softly and turned to leave, ensuring a slight panic in Cayley.
“Sir?” The word came out before she could even stop herself.
He turned back at her with a raised eyebrow, daring her to disobey him.
“Yes, little one?”
She instantly rethought herself, but knew she needed to get it out.
“Can you stay with me, Sir? I don’t want to be alone.”
Michael stood there for a second, as if thinking about whether he could or not, and then nodded softly, making his way back to the bed. He slipped off his button down shirt but kept on his slacks, slipping under the covers on the opposite side of the bed.
Cayley clung to his chest and His arm went around her back, drawing small circles on the soft skin of her shoulder blades.
It didn’t take long before he noticed her breathing soften and her head became heavier on his chest.
As the soft moonlight fell on the soft brown comforter of his hotel room, Michael closed his eyes and softly drifted into sleep next to the woman who held his brand, his collar, his heart.
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