Acknowledgements: My very grateful thanks to AngelLove for agreeing to edit this story, for her very timely work, and her valuable suggestions and corrections.
Copyright 2006 by Zeta. All rights reserved.
Max woman taking in his surroundings, his mind still somnolent and blank and confused at the unfamiliarity of the room around him. Before awareness and understanding could Focus his thoughts, he felt Rose’s arm drawn over his waist and her breath on his neck. Understanding and comprehension returned in a sudden rush and Max remembered the events of the night before. He had been married to Rose yesterday, and last night he had lost both his virginity and innocent in the very bed and room in which he now lay. The surroundings were, of course, unfamiliar in part since this was Rose’s bedroom and this was the first night he had slept there. As Max reflected on the events of last night, he blushed remembering what Rose had done to him and his reactions.
Maxhad been brought up by his sister, Miranda, and had lived with her until she introduced him to Rose. Max led a very sheltered life, dominated by his sister and kept sexually innocent and ignorant until last night. Rose ended his ignorance but not his innocent, at least not completely. Max recalled his sister’s admonitions that he must do whatever Rose asked of him and that it was his duty to please her above all else. Max loved Rose and, of course did his best. Rose seemed to have been pleased, although the thought of what they had done together embarrassed him deeply. Max worried that Rose was not entirely pleased, since the evening ended with him crying himself to sleep in her arms. She had brought him to the verge of cumming but had refused him release, denying him the pleasure he had wanted so badly. Max had pleaded, then cried but to no available; Rose had been harsh and firm in her denial and Max wept until he finally fell asleep.
As Max reflected on this new experience, Rosestirred and moving her arm, lay on her back and opened her eyes. “Good morning my pet! How did you sleep?”
“Well, thank you. And you Mistress?”
Rose smiled. Max had remembered to call her ‘Mistress’ as she had instructed and she was pleased. Moving her arms above her head, Rose stretched and said, “Wonderful. I can’t remember sleeping so soundly in such a long time. It must have been all the exercise before bedtime.”
Max blushed at the word ‘exercise’ and Rose’s smile broadened. She was going to have such a wonderful time on her honeymoon. Max was absolutely delightful, just has Miranda had promised he would be. So innocent, even after last night; she hoped he would remain like this forever. Looking at the clock, she realized it was getting late. Past noon already! Miranda would be arrived shortly and she needed to get dressed.
“Time to get going,” she said to Max. “Have a shower while I wake up a bit.”
Max dutifully got up, naked and blushing, as she watched him enter the bathroom. As he showed, Rose reflected on the previous night and her plans for the day. She was really going to have to thank Miranda when she saw her. Max had been everything she had said and more. So very, very innocent! And a virgin too! She remembered his expression as her dildo penetrated his ass and his surprise when he ejaculated for the first time in front of a woman. God it made her horny to Just think about it again! And she had a full week of more to come. Even better, when the honeymoon was over, and she had him all to herself, his training would begin in earnest.
Last night, she had given him some rudimentary instructions and had purposely denied him a final orgasm, just to set the tone. But oh! Training was going to be wonderful. But first things first. She would enjoy his extreme Innocence during this week, their honeymoon. Max walked into the bedroom, a bath towel around his waist, unsure of what to do next. Rose looked at him and smiled slyly.
“No need for the towel, such modesty! Especially after last night!” Max blushed a deep red, but let the towel drop, his penis stiffening under Rose’s gaze. “My, my, I can see you are well rested and ready to start the day.” Max’s blushed deepened and Rose smiled. This was going to be such a fantastic week!
Reaching into the night stand drawer by her bed, Rose pulled out a white clothes and tossed it to Max. “Well since you are so modest, you can put this on.” Max caught the bundled clothes and let it unwrap. It was a short white apron and the confused expression on his face made Rose laugh out loud. “Well, put it on! Or would you prefer to go around naked all day? Miranda is coming soon, and it doesn’t make any difference to me whether you are naked or not.”
At the mention of his sister, Max quickly tied on the ‘apron’ and stammered, “But, but . . . it’s not . . “
“Not what?”
“It does not cover me,” said Max. “Isn’t there something else? Miranda packed my clothers.”
“I sent them home with her last night. As I told you, I am in complete control of your life, including what you wear. It pleases me for you to wear what you have on, unless of course, you wish to go naked.”
“No, no please, this is fine,” said Max, sensing that Rose was becoming angry.
“Good. Now go draw a bath for me. I need to get cleaned up before Miranda gets here.”
Max turned and walked back into the bathroom and within a few seconds Rose could hear the water running, filling the tub. Getting out of bed, she stretched, removing some of the stiffness of sleep. Looking at her naked body in the mirror, Rose passed a critical eye over herself, noting various imperfections that would have remained unnoticed by anyone but herself. Rose was, in short, stunningly beautiful. Her body was voluptuous, full, and large. Her soft, large DD breasts were not the least of her wonderful physical features either. Thick thighs, a delightfully round ass, and full belly coblemented her ample upper body, and made her striking to behold. Rose, frowned slightly at her appearance, a perfectionist to the end, surprised and moved towards the bathroom. Looking up from beside the tub, Max blushed at her naked body and looked away quickly.
Rose smiled to herself again at his obvious bashfulness, and stepped into the tub, setting into the warm water, and luxury at the feel of the soothing liquid running over her beautiful body. Max stood up, turning to leave, but she called him back, “Where do you think you’re going? Part of your daily duties is attending to my physical needs, not just my sexual ones. This includes my bath.”
Max, turned and stood looking at the floor and stammered, “But I thought you wanted privacy . . . you’re naked and . . and . . “
“And what?”
“Well . . . I . . it’s just . . “
Rose was enjoying his disappoint, but restrained her display of humor. After all, if she was to get anywhere with breaking himin, she would need to impose some authority and discipline. “We’re married and you saw me naked last night just as I saw you naked. You need to overcome these silly inhibitions. It’s your duty to serve me as I see fit, and this includes the bath. Would you have me bath fully clothed?
“No,” said Max softly, still staring at the floor and blushing.
“Good, then get over here and help me.”
“Yes Mistress,” said Max, stepping slowly to the side of the tub.
“Now knee down beside me, get the soap and the sponge and wash me.”
Max looked at the soap and sponge on the opposite wall of the tub, as if they were a thousand miles away. Slowly he reached out, taking both and being carefully not to touch Rose, dipped them in the water and slowly soaped the sponge. When he was finished, Max hesitated, looking at Rose though the clear water, searching for a spot to begin, trying not to look at her breasts and pussy, desperately seeking a neutral territory to begin the intimate task of cleaning his Mistress.
After of few moments (during which Rose struggled to suppress her amusement at his obvious predicament), he softly lowered the soapy sponge to her tummy and circled it slowly around her navel. As his circles widened, his pace slowed till he was just under her breasts and above the bikini line. At this point, Max paused, and slowly started to spiral in again.
Rose, knowing it was time to assert her authority and knowing that time was becoming short before Miranda arrived said, “My stomach is clean enough already, get on with it!” Max blushed and stopped starring at his sudsy hands, frozen in embarrassment at what must logically and inevitably follow.
Rose, seeing he needed some direction said, “Do by breasts. And let’s get going. Miranda will be here very soon.”
Rose’s words thawed Max’s hands, her direction providing the need impetus to his mind so he could move the sponge to her large, full, soft breasts floating in the warm water of the bath tub. As he moved the sponge over Rose’s mountainous frames of femininity, his penis stiffened and rose from under the scant cover of the white garment his Mistress had provided as his only protection from embarrassing observation.
When he was fully erect, as was clearly evident to even the most casual observer, Rose said, “Now my pussy.” Max blushed furiously at the word ‘pussy’ and, as if dragging a huge weight, slowly moved the soapy sponge to Rose’s sex.
Rose let out an audible sight when the sponge touched her sex, and Max flinched as if hit. Rose closed her eyes as he started to rub, revealing in the wonderful sensing of sponge against her cliporis. When Max lifted the sponge after only a few strokes, Rose grabbed his hand and pushed it down onto her pussy saying, “I’ll tell you When it’s clean.”
Max slowly continued to ‘clean’ her and Rose moaned with each stroke. Half opening her eyes, she could see that Max’s penis was throbbing as it moved inRegular pulse-like jerks under the clothes. Within a few minutes, an orgasm swept her body and Rose cried out softly, enjoying the wonderful wet pleasure of the bath and her new pet serving her.
Reluctantly, she grabbed his wrist and said, “Enough for now. Get a towel, and dry me. We are running out of time.”
Sighing she stood like Venus emerging from the sea, the cooling water running down her voluptuous body as she waited for the towel. Normally she would have made Max dry her, but time was short, so she took the towel from Max and said, “I’ll dry myself today. Miranda will be here any minute. Go set the table on the patio; I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Relieved, Max turned and walked out of the bathroom, his penis sticking straight out and still obviously throbbing at his reluctant, but obvious excitement. Relaxed, Rose toweled herself dry and stepped out of the tub. God! She was enjoying him. How she loved to get him excited, but deny him release. Tonight when she did let him cum, she knew he would explore, shooting cum uncontrollably everywhere.
But one pleasure at a time. First, there was Miranda, then an afternoon full of relaxing fun. She was really going to enjoy this honeymoon, and there was no need to rush things. In this she agreed with Miranda: Max needed to be not only enjoyed and saved, but handled slowly and with care. Otherwise, his innocent would be lost forever. After passing the comb though her blonde hair, Rose put on a thin satin robe, that did little to cover her wonderful figure, and walked purposely out through the bedroom and into the living room.
Glancing to her right, she could see Max setting the table just outside on the patio. He was still erect, but clearly less excited. Just then the door bell rang, and Rose turned left towards the door. Looking down, she noticed that she had forgotten her slippers, so she called to Max over her shoulder, “Max, get my slippers for me while I answer the door. They arein my closet.”
Max started by the doorbell, feel his heart leap to his mouth. Panic struck him at the thought of someone seeing him essentially naked. He was even more horrified that it might be his sister. Given the chance to retreat, Max almost ran to the bedroom to get Rose’s slippers. In the next room, he heard the muffled noise of Rose opening the door, and her greeting his sister. Panic struck, Max stood over Rose’s slippers in front of the open closet door, listening to the voices of the two women in his life, chatting happily and laughing in the next room. Miranda and Rose were good friends, and in fact it was Miranda that was responsible for introducing Rose to him, and ultimately their marriage. The two women talked and acted as if they had known each other all their lives, though in reality, it had been less than a year. Listening to their comfortable conversation, calmed Max’s panic, but he stood, slippers in hand, listening to them, still frightened to return and reveal himself to his sister. Instead he stood and listened, hoping the two women would lose themselves in conversation and forget him.
Rose greeted Miranda warmly when she opened to the door, and the two women hugged, kissing each other lightly on the cheek. “Come in!” said Rose, holding the door wide, and gesturing with her right arm. Miranda entered, and after closing the door, Rose said, “Here let me help you.” Miranda had brought their lunch and her arms held two bags, whose contents filled the room with a mouth-watering arma. Taking a bag, Rose led the way to the patio, where Max had set the table. “Sit down and make yourself comfortable.”
Sitting down, Miranda said, “So did everything go OK?”
“Yes,” said Rose, a broad similar on her face. “Your brother was wonderful! I can’t tell you how happy and pleased I am. I can’t thank you enough.”
Obviously relieved, Miranda sat back in her chair and relaxed. She had been worried. Although Max loved Rose, he was so very naïve and innocent and Miranda had worried that he might have been a big disappointment to Rose.
“You were worried for nothing, as usual,” continued Rose, seeing the tension leave her sister-in- law’s face. “In fact, things could not have gone better. I can’t wait till later.”
Miranda smiled sheepishly, but was relieved to hear that Rose was happy and that things were going so well. “You must tell me all about it, but later, of course. I am so relieved to hear he performed well. I can’t tell you how anxious I was.”
“Indeed. You were anxious, and as we thought, he did superbly. You worry yourself for nothing, Miranda dear.”
“So how is he? I did hope to visit with you both.”
“I sent him to get my slippers just as you rang the bell. I don’t know what’s keeping him. Max! What’s keeping you? Your sister’s here and she would like to see you. Come here at once!”
At the sound of his name, Max almost dropped the slippers. He knew that he needed to bring them to Rose, but his feet would not move. The thought of Miranda seeing him like this, kept them firmly planted in place, as if glued to the carpet.
“Max! Please come here at once. Miranda is waiting.” Max jumped at the sound of Rose calling his name again, and he knew that he must go, still he hesitated, looking around the room wildly for something, anything that might come to his aide.
“Max!” called Rose a third time, “come here now! Don’t make me come and get you.”
The harsh tone of Rose’s call made Max jump, releasing his feet from the invisible bond that held them so firmly to the carpet. Slowly and reluctantly, he edged towards the door, slippers in hand. Fortunately, Miranda’s back was to the patio door, so she could not see him approach. If she had been facing him, Max knew he would have bolted back inside the bedroom. As if walking through a viscous liquid, Max approached the patio door slowly, as if he were proceeding to the edge of a precipice.
When hewas almost to the door, Rose looked up and said, “There you are at last! What took so long?”
Miranda turned to look at him, and Max frozen again, under sisters’ gaze. Smiling, her eyes swept over him, and glancing at Rose, she rose to greet her brother. “Max dear, you look great! I was just chatting with Rose, and she told me you are having a wonderful time. I am so Pleased!”
Max stood frozen at the threshold of the patio door, blushing under his sister’s gaze and at her words. “Well, what are you waiting for? Come here! My feet are getting cold.”
The sound of his Mistress’ voice spurred Max into motion again, and he stepped over the threshold onto the patio, holding the slippers out to Rose. Miranda embedded him warmly, giving him a light peck on the Cheek, and then sat down again. Rose took the slippers and put them on her feet, and turned back towards Miranda, Max standing awkwardly, at her side.
“So what are your plans for today? I can’t get over how wonderful and happy you both look!” said Miranda.
“Yes,” said Rose, putting her arm around Max’s waist and pulling him close to her. “We are so very happy, aren’t we Max?”
“Yes,” said Max starting to come out of his daze. Seeing his sister and Miranda so casual about everything was starting to affect him.
Rose smiled up at him and then at Miranda. “We had such a wonderful time at the reception and, of course last night.” Max blushed again at Rose’s reference to last evenings activities.
“Married life seems to agree with you both,” said Miranda noting her brother’s embarrassment at the topic. “I am so very happy for both of you!”
“Thanks,” said Rose.
Moving her hand from Max’s wait, she started to stroke his bare behind. Max’s blush deepened at the obvious intimate touch, and he could feel his penis becoming very stiff again. “Your brother is a marvelous person,” continued Rose moving her hand now to Max’s balls, cupping them under the clothes, which seemed torise magically.
Max could not believe what was happening. He was completely erect, in front of his sister, the clothes drawn over his penis doing little to conceal anything. Rose moved her hand under the clothes and stroked his erect penis in an obvious sexual gesture of married intimacy. Max blushed red to the waist, but as his embarrassment and humiliation grow, so did his obvious excitement. “As you can see,” said Rose, continuing to stoke him, “Max is really enjoying himself.”
“Yes,” replied Miranda and both women laughed. “Well, I don’t want to keep you lovebirds too long,” said Miranda rising. “You need to be alone so you can enjoy your honeymoon. I hope you like the food I brought. I’ll check-in, in a day or so.”
“Thanks for the goods,” said Rose rising. “Come by whenever, we’ll be here.”
With that, the two women embedded, and Miranda patted Max on the cheese and said, “Relax and enjoy. Remember what I told you. It’s your duty to make Rose happy.”
“I’ll try,” said Max. With that Miranda left, leaving the newlyweds alone again.
“Sit Max, and eat,” said Rose opening one of the bags Miranda brought. “You’ll need your energy for later.”
Max to his surprise found he was hungry and he ate with gusto. He had not eaten much the previous day, being both busy and anxious. When they finished, Max cleared the table and cleaned up, while Rose watched him. Rose had given some thought as to spending their first full day together as a married couple. She had discussed this day several times with Miranda, and the two women had come to the conclusion, that it should be spent relaxing around the house and pool, giving Max time to adjust to married life. In fact, the two women had planned out the entire honeymoon week, months ago. This was going to be a very pleasant week for Rose, and an enlightening one for Max.
Their agenda for the day was simple. Rose wanted to keep Max in a near constant state of sexual excitement. He wouldNot be allowed to cum until that evening. This would start to establish Rose’s complete control over his life from the get-go. After the honeymoon, Rose had some work ahead of her training Max, but for now she would just enjoy him. However, a little work would obviously have to be done, to get things off on the correct footing. Rose had already instructed Max to address her as ‘Mistress’ and that he needs to obey her without question.
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