The Honeymoon


This was not your average honeymoon. Dan looked over at his beautiful wife, Sara. He could see the corn fields speeding by behind her through the limousine window.

He couldn’t help but wonder what outsiders would think of his situation. He laughed to himself. Whatever they would think, it worked for him. This wasn’t how he had pictured his life turning out, but here he was. And he couldn’t imagine it any other way.

He took his wife’s hand and smiled as he remembered their wedding day. It had been a perfect June day, a beautiful ceremony. But what he would always remember the most was the odd mixture of pride and amusement at the confusion of those in attendance.

He remembered hearing a quiet but stern discussion with the ushers as he prepared. Although clearly recognizing the voice, he peeked out the window at the people below. He saw confused glances from his friends and family, trying to figure out who this woman was.

The ushersmust have asked which side she wanted to be seated on, because she was explaining that she was a friend of both sides and could not pick one. She did not cause a scene, but was firmly independent, enough so that it got the full attention of those sitting in the back few rows.

Then, during the ceremony he remembered his smile, and that of his wife, as they saw the woman move from along the back wall with a folding chair and place herself directly in the center of the isle.

Several people noticed. Their raised eyesbrows made the couple smile that much more, though anyone watching would have thought it was the normal smile of two people about to wed.

So she got her way, he remembered thinking to himself. She usually did, and always did with the two of them. He loved that about her.

Again at the reception questioning eyesbrows were raised when the mysterious woman bought a dance with both the bride and groom, but everyone had been far too polite to ask any questions orSay anything.

Dan and Sara had no doubt it had been a topic of conversation at the tables and as people drive home, but no one appeared willing to simply walk up and ask her who she was or how she knew the bride and groom.

Before the couple knew it, they were off to start their honeymoon. Everyone waved as they drove away, everyone but her that is. She just smiled as they disappeared from sight. She knew she would see them again soon.

Chapter 1 The Beginning

The first week of their honeymoon had been like any other. Mistress Angelica felt it was important that the two of them spent some time alone together. It was their honeymoon after all.

But what no one know was that he and his wife Sara had flown back after that first week. They had not gone home, not even briefly to drop off their belongings.

A limousine had picked them up from the airport and driven them the fifteen miles out of town to thehouse of the woman who owned them both. It was there that they would spend the next two weeks.

A honeymoon celebrates the beginning of a life-long journey. That is just what this was. The first week together had celebrated the new couple’s commitment to each other. The following two weeks were to signify that both of them were committing to Mistress Angelica just as much as to each other.

They Both knew what they were getting into. There was no backing out. They loved each other. They wanted to start a family. But both of them felt the urge to submit to someone whose authority they did not question.

They were both too submissive to be that person for each other, but lucky there was someone to fill that void. Dan and Sara would spend the rest of their lives together. And they would serve Angelica until she decided it was time for them to move on.

Even then, Angelica had told them they would be taken care of. When the time came she would not release them, but place them with a new owner of her choosing. In that way they could continue serving her even if she was no longer able to be with them.

As the limousine pulled up to the house Dan thought back to the events that had led him here. He had always long for a relationship. He had even saved himself for the right woman. By 28 he had been about ready to give up. At 30 he finally did.

Oh, in the back of his mind he still hoped to meet someone. But he knew the odds of the life he had imagined were low. That had been enough for him to finally give in to the submissive urges he had felt since childhood. He had always been ashamed of them. But if a normal relationship was not on the cards he might as well give it a chance.

He had scoured the Internet in his quest to understand his desires. He had read articles, stories, anything he could find. The more he read the more excited he got. The more excited he got, the more he realized this was for him.

He had tried on-line personal adds, but had very little luck. And if he was honest with himself he knew that he would be too afraid to meet someone that way.

Then, one random Saturday someone had stopped him as he checked out at the health food store. It was a fairly short woman who appeared to be in her 30s. (He was shocked to later learn she had recently turned 50). She wasn’t thin, but she didn’t seem overweight either . Nothing in particular stood out about her physically, but there was something about her he couldn’t put his finger on.

She had asked him to carry her bags to her car for her. He was happy to oblige. Before leaving she asked when he usually came to the store. He usually came on Saturday, but she said she generally went on Friday nights. She asked if he could go on Friday next week and help her again. Since (as usual) he had no other plans, he agreed.

The next week he carried two baskets for her. She carried one as well. She filled them all up to overflowing. It took him two trips to carry all of her bags to the car.

When he finished she asked him to follow her home and help her carry them into the house. He again agreed. He remembered wondering why he agreed, but only after driving out into the country and wondering exactly how far he would be traveling.

Although he didn’t realize it, asking him to come to her house to help carry groceries in was the last time in a long time he would hear her word anything as a question.

After emptying the groceries she told him to come in for a meal. He ate with the woman. The two then spent the evening watching a movie and then talking.

He didn’t leave until late that night. It took him several weeks to realize that she had not asked if he wanted to come back the following evening. She had simply told him she was busy until 6pm, and asked him to come around 7:00. Over the next several weeks she continued in the same manner, just assuming that he was coming back and telling him when they would see each other next.

It was the same way when he was there. She didn’t boss him around. But she seemed to … assume obedience. She didn’t raise her voice or “order” him around. She would just say things like “I need to go shower. The kitchen floor needs mopped and the dishes put away. Why don’t you do that while I shower. Then when I get done we can watch a movie”.

Over Those weeks he started spending more and more time with her. He started cleaning for her. She taught him to cook for her. She started telling him what kind of clothes to buy and to wear, saying that she was “helping him look his best”.

He enjoyed the attention and the help. He felt his self-confidence rising. As it did she asserted more and more control over him. He questioned the wisdom of getting so close to a woman 20 years his senior, but he enjoyed himself. There was nothing else he would have rather been doing.

Before Dan knew it, she had taken his heart. She had filled a void he had felt since childhood. Whenever he was not with her he was looking forward to his next visit. He was addicted, and he knew it. There was no turning back.

About a month after their initial meeting she took his virginity. He had seen that coming for some time. He had expected to have a nervous breakdown afterward. After thirty years of being alone, then finally giving himself to this woman so different from what he had expected, who didn’t fit into the plans he had for his life; no one could have blamed him.

But it didn’t happen. All of a sudden his life made sense. The only things he felt were satisfaction for saving himself all this time, for this woman – and optimization for the future.

They spent the next two years together. He kept his apartment, but rarely slept there. He spent almost all of his time with her. She learned all his secrets, hopes, and fears.

It was nothing like what he had read about on the Internet. It was so much better. It was more like a regular relationship where she was clearly in charge. As time went on his remaining fears and barriers started to fall away and he gave himself more and more of himself to her.

Then one day she started calling him over less and less often. She insisted she was not angry or disappointed with him, but he was not convinced. He felt lost.

Then a few weeks later she surprised him. She invited him over. When he arrived the first thing he saw was a beautiful girl his age, naked, and kneeing before his Mistress.

Her name was Sara. Apparently Mistress Angelica had worked her wiles on her as well. He had been over less often because she had been teaching Sara to serve her. She knew how much he wanted a family. As usual, she took good care of him – but in a completely unexpected way.

And the next thing he knew he was here, exiting a limo with his wife, eagerly anticipating spending the next two weeks sharing her and himself with the woman who had taken over his life.

Chapter 2 – The Arrival

Mistress Angelica was outside to meet them. With the help of the limo driver they brought their things into the house. She tipped the driver who quickly departed.

She welcomed them like anyone would welcome an old friend. Dan and Sara felt almost nervous, filled with silent longing and anticipation. They had no idea how these two weeks would go. She hadn’t even given them a hint. Although they had both served her for at least a year, neither had ever spent more than a week with her. These weeks would be something new for both of them.

She had been equally cagey about what would happen after their honeymoon. She had instructed them not to make any living arrangements, or to make any other major life decisions before the wedding. She would take care of those now.

The two had no idea what she had in store for them on their honeymoon, or even where they would go afterward. It was oddly exciting. They enjoyed the anticipation, but still looked forward to finding out what the rest of their life would be like.

They both wanted to speak, but stayed silent. They felt the urge to move towards her and wrap their arms around her like the good friend that she was. But uncertainty stopped them. They waited for a sign from her as to what she expected. After a short, awkward silence, she spoke.

She tonelessly instructed them to both undress. They nervously complied. Once their clothes were neatly folded on the table, she softened. She gave them each a hug in turn, and asked how their honeymoon went.

She had a meal already prepared for them. They sat, ate and chatted, mostly about their wedding. All three of them found the reaction of the people there precise and amusing. They conjectured about what people must have thought. Somehow having this secret made Dan and Sara feel … special somehow.

After their meal Angelica had the two of them take their clothes and luggage up to the closet in her bedroom. Once they had been deposited there, she closed and locked the door. They wouldn’t need them for the next two weeks, she explained. And soon they would have no possessions. They needed to get used to not having anything without receiving it from her.

The latter comment caused the anticipation to grow in the new couple. Sara looked nervous, and Dan’s hands were obviously shaking. They both knew that they were about to make a much bigger commitment than the one they made to each other.

It’s not that their commitment to each other means any less to them. But they knew that was a decision they could un-make. This decision had much more of a feeling of finality about it.

Oh sure, they could always change their mind. But they were unsure of what would happen next. They knew she cared about them both. She would never hurt them. They both suspected that at times this would be scary, even unpleasant.

They had discussed this with their Mistress many times. They both wantedher to take control. They were both timing people, and were sure there would come a time when they would want to bolt like frightened rabbits. They wanted her to stop them from doing so.

They knew that this was something that they needed to experience. They suspected and hoped that in the long run it would prove rewarding.

It was a fine line they were asking their Mistress to walk. They knew they were lucky to find someone they trusted enough to let guide them. They trusted her and her judgment completely. But not knowing exactly where she drew the line, how much she would expect of them, how much control she would exert, and how much she would push them if this turned out to be a mistake; that scared them anyway.

Upon locking up their clothes Angelica gave them a list of chores to accomplish. They were all cleaning related. Her house looked neat by any reasonable standard, but she wanted it spotless. While they cleaned she ran out to perform some errands.

They sused that the cleaning was just a test of their submission or something to keep them busy while she was away, but they retired it. It gave them something to do to take their mind off of things. It allowed them to fall into a well wound routine. And today, it made them feel like it was finally the start of their new life.

Maybe it was the rest from the honeymoon. Maybe it was exciting. They were both bursting with nervous energy. But whatever the cause, they cleaned like they had never cleaned before.

It was impressive really. They were unsure if they were allowed to talk while they cleaned, but neither asked the other about it. They cleaned in silence. Even so they made a great team. It was amazing how well they understand each others facial expressions and posture.

Any time they completed a task they both inspected it to make sure it would meet with her approval. Upon a smile from both of them, they would move to the next task.

There was no discussion ofwho would do what. It wasn’t that they always performed the same tasks. It was that they could express themselves so well without words. It was like a silent ballet. They were both surprised at how far they had come.

Despite their attention to detail, they finished before their Mistress returned. They exchanged a glance. Not knowing what else to do, they opted to knee in the center of the living room facing the door and await her return, hoping it would please her.

Dispite both wanting to, they did not speak. They never once looked up. They were kneeing so close, and just finishing up their honeymoon, they both felt the urge to move their hands, just a touch, so they could hold hands while they waited. They refrained.

After a very long half hour, Angelica returned. They both felt a sense of relief. To their surprise however, she did not speak. She walked past them as if they weren’t even there. They could hear her moving throughout the house, but they didn’t move.

After a few minutes, she returned. They each felt a hand on the top of their heads, caresing them. “You have done well”, she formally. “I know that you would. And waiting here for me like you did. Very good. Have you been waiting like this the entire time?”

“Yes mistress”, they said in unison, still looking down.

They both feel a hand on their chins, lifting their heads up. They looked at their Owner. “This pleases me very much”, she said. She still sounded oddly formal. Her normal warmth and charm weren’t there.

“I am sure you are both wondering what is in store for you this week”, she continued. They nodded. “Well, I am afraid I will have to keep you in the dark for now. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”

“What I can tell you is that our time together is going to be very different than it usually is. You know I love you both, but for the next two weeks I might not always act like it. You see, I want you both to know what it is truly like to be owned. Cosider this both a gift and a test.”

“I know you both have a desire to know what it is like to be property. So that is my wedding gift to you. Likewise, you are making a commitment to me as well. Up until now, you have almost always seen my warm, loving side. I also have a strict, sadistic side however.”

Their mistress could not help but see the couple tension up. They were clearly afraid, unsure. She continued, “I haven’t been hiding this from you. I care about you both too much to cause you undue suffering. I will always take care of you. For these two weeks however, I will use you both any way I see fit. This is your wedding gift to me. Do you understand?”

They both nodded. “You may both speak without restrictions until further notice. Please answer out loud. Dan?”

“Yes Mistress.”


“Yes Mistress”.

“Good”, Angelica continued. “After this two weeks, something will go back to the way they used to be. Other will not. I will be less sadistic. Our relationship will go back to the way it was before.” She noted their relief. “But know that from time to time you may have weeks like these. You exist for my pleasure. I will not be afraid to use you.”

Angelica noticed that the couple looked nervous, but was coping well. “Now, if you both understand, please stand up. Lets enjoy the rest of our evening.” The warmth had returned to her voice. The young couple, still naked, spent the evening snacking and watching movies with their owner.

When the sun started to set, her voice still sounded warm and inviting, but some of the steel was back. “Starting tomorrow, your test will begin. Are you both ready?”

Sara spoke first, “I am as ready as I can be”. She sounded nervous. Angelica looked to Dan.

“I don’t know What to expect. I’m afraid. But I love you. I trust you. And I want to make you happy.”

Angelica seemed pleased with their answers. With that she led them both back to her bedroom. They all laid down together. A submissive on each side of their mistress. The submissive couple, exhausted from their day and feeling content and relaxed laying with their Mistress, fell asleep almost instantly.

Chapter Three: The Test Begins

Dan awoke with a start. He was lying face down. He felt something cold on his neck. He tried to get up and look around, but his mistress had a hold on his neck and held him down. He heard something snap shut. Then Angelica took him and guided him to his feet by what was obviously a collar.

Dan looked around. The clock said 12:20. Sara was nowhere to be found. He glanced into the mirror in his Mistress’s bathroom. He saw a lock on the collar. His mistress attached a leash. “Slaves do not sleep in beds”, she said coldly. “Come with me.”

Dan walked in silence through the house, first down to the first floor, then down into the basement. He had very rarely been down there, and now it looked very different than it had then.

Before, it had just been storage. It was one large, open space, unfinished. Now it was finished, and he found himself walking down a hallway. She took him through a door on the right. He looked around, but still did not see Sara. The room was actually bare, except for a large metal cage in the center of the room.


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