The Hollow Tree – Part 2 – slave girl sara
My dearest mum and brother.
I have been given an opportunity to leave this place, please do not worry.
I will come back to you when I am rich.
Love your Ruth xxxx
Ps. Please burn this note when you have read it so you have no idea where I am and are sooo worried.
I put my church dress on and put the few other clothes and possessions I had gathered, after nearly twenty years, in a sack I made from my work dress. I had eleven pence I had saved from my meagre wages and popped that into the clothes bag with the money I had from Sir for the needs and off I went.
No one challenging me and just outside the workhouse gates I stopped a couple walking past.
“Excuse me Sir, Ma’am, could you please direct me to the railway station.”
“Yes of course, if you walk down this road to the end and go right, the station is around a ten-minute walk. Are you lookingfor a position young lady?”
“Not sure what you mean Sir.”
“Bless you my dear, we are looking for someone to look after us as we get older. (He patted my bottom.) Do you not wear pants?”
“Not always Sir no. (His hand went up my dress and onto my bare bottom.) Excuse me please Sir, Ma’am, I have to rush I have a train to catch.”
“Bye my dear, good luck.”
I found the railway station and the kind man in the ticket office did all the talking.
“Are you on your own little one?”
I nodded.
“Are you going all the way to Steadbury?”
I nodded again.
“Perfect, half to Steadbury, that will be four pence please.”
I paid and got the ticket for my journey.
In the station were some barrows with all sorts on, bread and buns, flowers, fruit and chocolates. I spent two pence and got a whole bag full, including two drinks.
The train arrived so I got on and soon a man in a uniform checked my ticket, I told him I had never been on a train before.
“Just wait in my little cabin and I will show you to your seat.”
“Thank you Sir.”
He came back a few minutes later.
“Never been on a train before, you are obviously a runaway, so here is the deal. When we get to Steadbury come with me to the Station Master’s office and be taken by the police, or, remove your dress and knee down.”
I had no choice I knelt, and he got his cock out, held the back of my head and pushed it into my mouth. I was then bent over some packages, and he fucked me from behind, embarrassingly I cum a few times. I had to lick him clean, and he then sat on some of the packages, turned me over his knee and spanked me for running away.
“Wait here till I return.”
“Yes Sir.”
A young guy, also in a uniform, came in, dropped his pants and pushed me to my knees to be sucked off.
At last, I was taken to a carriage and once sat down I had some proper food and a drink. I heard someone ask theticket man how long it would be, he said just over two hours. Although I had no real concept of time it was still comfortable to know.
I was beginning to get drawsy when a man approached me.
“Excuse me Miss, may I sit next to you so you can rest your head on my shoulder, you look tired?”
“Yes please Sir, that would be nice.”
It was a habit of mine, saying yes to men I suppose. I did off but after a while I woke, and his coat was over my knees one arm was over my body and my head was on his chest. His other hand was up my dress fingering me. I was not sure if I was dreaming. He took my hand and placed it on his cock. No others were in our carriage, so he sat me on his knee and cock and I rode him.
“Where are you heading?”
“I think it begins with Stand Sir.”
“Could it have been Steadbury?”
“Yes Sir, I believe it is.”
“Where are you staying?”
“Not got anywhere, until I get there Sir.”
“Ok, that`s fine, I am Paul, just sayIf I can help in any way, a home or work.”
After some time, he knew we were nearly arrived at Steadbury so he stood to get ready to get off the train and began to walk down the cornidor.
He turned around and came back.
“I am Ruth, nowhere to go and no job.”
The train stopped, I picked up my small package and cotton bag, and we got off.
“Link up with me, I do not want to lose you.”
We walked through the town, over two fields and into a wood. We reached a clearing in the wood where stood a cabin.
“This is my home, and so your home as long as you wish to stay.”
He lit the two fires and the stove to heat some water. We had a cup of tea and some food from my package. He took our cups to the sink, opened his jeans, and began to wank.
“Whose job is this, Ruth?”
“Mine Sir, and I will wank you every morning like I did with my elder brother at home.”
He moved closer to me, wanked a bit faster and cum on my tits.
“Would you like a bath Ruth?”
I did not hear what he said.
“I said would you like a bath?”
“Who me Sir, I have never ever had one in my life, I have bathed hundreds though.”
“Wou, would you do that for me?”
“Yes of course.”
It took a while for the bath to fill, he won some soap flakes in to give bubbles.
“May I thank you whilst we are waiting Sir.”
I knelt before him and began to undo his buttons; he looked down at me as I got his cock out and licked it.
“Good girl.”
He let me suck and swallow his cock down my throat, as far down as I could anyway, he was quite long. He pulled back a little as he cum, and I swallowed.
The bath was filled, and he pulled my dress up from the bottom and over my head. My knickers came off and ended up in the same place then he lifted me into the bath. He was so gentle and caring.
“You have a choice Ruth, towel dried or spanked dry?”
“Spanking sounds the fairest Sir after all your efforts and all the help you have given me, I am well used to it once or twice a day Sir.”
I was soon dry and in one of Paul`s shirts, I never buttoned it up so I was freely available.
“We have guests visiting the Hollow Tree area tomorrow, let me show you. It is cold outside, but I want you naked.”
“Yes Sir.”
Not far from his cabin was another clearing with a huge tree, lots of other fallen trees, and even more cut to just above my height.
“Go to the other side of this tree and see a surprise.”
“A big hole Sir, may I go in?”
“Yes and watch the other holes in front of you.”
His cock came through, so I knelt and sucked it.
“Turn around and push your bottom to the hole.”
“Oh wow!”
“Now, let`s swap places.”
I went to the front of the tree and his cock popped out.
“Tighten my cock up a little harder, then turn around and push onto it.”
I wanked and licked thenlet him into my bum hole, wow again!
“Take these scissors and go cut three switches Ruth.”
“What are switches Sir?”
“The tops of bushes and cut them the length of a cane.”
I cut three and took them back.
“Now take every leaf and every bumpy bit off so when I cane you with them, they will not cut you.”
“Yes Sir.”
I was soon over a fallen tree and whipped with the switch things I cut. My screams echoed around the wood; it was awesome. He stopped, sat down and put me over his knee for a spanking, I screamed to get the echo.
“Now, over to the next tree and hug it.”
As I wrapped my arms round it my hands were pushed into rope loops fastened to the tree, not tight, I could have escaped any time I wanted. He removed his belt and whipped my back and bottom a few times, then turned me around, hands in loops facing him. He actually wanked himself stiff and then fucked me to a cum.
“How many activities have I showed you Ruth?”
“WillI get a beating if I miss one Sir?”
“Hmmm, you will get a beating anyway.”
He kissed my lips, wow, the first time ever I had been kissed on the lips, I kissed him back.
“In the tree, mouth, pussy, bum. Same out of the tree that`s six Sir, cutting the branches seven, over the tree to be hit with the branches, eight, over your knee nine and two fastened to the tree, eleven Sir.”
He pointed in front of him to my knees, I took out his cock again and sucked him off.
“Now do you see why we have guests tomorrow, and rich guests I might add. They pay quite a lot for what we offer.”
“We, Sir?”
“Yes, we, Ruth, we will show off each of what we offer, so an early night for you to dream of all the whippings, switching, spankings and fucking you will get, to pay for your bed and food.”
“Yes Sir, I will. Sir.”
“Will I be getting a bedtime spanking?”
“You sure will little one and be fucked.”
“Oh thank you Sir.”
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