The History Society Ch. 06

Chapter Six

Awakened by the sounds of the other two getting dressed, Emma sleepily wondered where she was for a few seconds as she looked up at the dirty, cobwebbed ceiling of the cramped room. Then the memories flooded back and she shivered with the intensity of feeling that rushed through her senses. A cruel tug on the bedclothes made her squeal as cold air wafted over her body and Hannah chuckled and then whipped the thin blanket off entirely.

“Come on, sleepyhead. You need to get moving or you are going to be late on your first proper day and then you will get paid by Miss Morgan or Mr Jamieson. Oh and it is your turn to empty the chamber pots!” the girl finished with triumphantly as she adjusted her white apron and pinned her mob cap into place before leaving the room.

Emma Stayed in bed for a few moments longer then, groaning with the effort, pushed herself up and anxiously got ready. She washed in a lukewarm bowl of water then got dressed, slipping the chemise over her head and then the skirt and blouse followed by the cap and apron. She gartered her stockings tightly then trafficked down the servants’ stairs carrying one chamber pot having emptied the other two into it. After rinsing it out in the sluice room, she entered the kitchen just in time to snatch a quick breakfast before she had to take Miss Amanda’s up on a silver tray.

“That girl better get a hearty breakfast inside her,” murmured the cook as she ladled a portion of scrambled egg onto the porcelain plate and set it down carefully on the tray. “Mr Jamieson will be seeing to her straight after breakfast, I believe!”

Emma knocked quietly at Miss Amanda’s door and then entered when bidden, finding the girl sitting up in bed and looking pale and wan. She set the tray down on the bedcovers then went and drew back the curtains, allowing the early morning sun to shine in and warm the room.

“I will require hot water in half an hour or so,” remarked Amanda as she took the cover off the plate and Emma curtseyed respectfully and withdrew swiftly. Water was boiling merrily away in huge coppers in the kitchen and so it was only a matter of pouring some carefully into a ewer and then taking it up the stairs at the required time. Wryly Emma thought to herself that she was going to get extremely fit trudging up and down stairs all day as she nudged the bedroom door open and walked in. She then removed the breakfast tray and hurried back up the stairs at Amanda’s orders so that she could help her get ready.

Emma lifted off her mistress’ nightgown and bared her body to the sun’s flickering rays. A dappled effect covered the naked flesh as wispy clouds covered part of the sun and Emma swallowed hard as she tried to resist the temptation to fall to her knees and worship the tall, willowy figure.

“Wash me, girl!” came a peremptory order and Emma fell to with a will, sponging down the long legs and then up Amanda’s back. Lathering the full breastsand feeling the nipples jut out against her fingers was heavenly and Emma had to intuitively bite down on her tongue to stop herself making noises of appreciation and delight. She had just finished washing her mistress when a sharp knock sounded on the door and Amanda’s dark grey eyes glanced across in fright and her face paled.

“I expect that will be Mr Jamieson,” she announced with a shiver and she wrapped herself hurriedly in a peignoir while Emma walked over to answer. Opening the door just a crack, Emma discovered that Amanda had been correct in her assumption that it was the butler and she stood hurriedly aside as he pushed past her, carrying what appeared to be a cross between a stool and a chain longue.

“You have five minutes to prepare, Miss Amanda, and then I will return. Your maid will stay and help you. I expect to find you ready or I will add further strokes to your punishment,” he stated coldly as he set the stool down and stared at the pale girl.

“Which is?” inquired Amanda, her voice trembling slightly as she forced the enquiry out.

“Six strokes…from the tawse, the crop, the cane and the martinet. Lord Talbot has decided that he has been gentle with you for too long and this time he expects you to be truly penitent. Afterwards you will write a letter of apology to your father and to your fiancé. That will be completed by lunch or I will apply a second dose this afternoon.”

With that threat hanging in the air, the butler turned on his heel and strode out, leaving a white-faced Amanda shivering at the prospect of being beating for her temperament in questioning her father’s choice of husband.

Five minutes seemed to vanish in a flash and Emma was still arranging Amanda properly on the stool when the knock came on the door. The curved item of furniture pushed her mistress’ twin white globes up and then swooped down to allow her spine to curve pretty before her head was forced up by a padded rest. Straps adorned the stool in various places and Emma shivered as she contemplated being bound tightly on the cushioned surface and then subjected to the cane or the crop. Leaving the hapless girl, Emma once again went and opened the door and then she stood in shock as the butler entered, leading a blindfolded and totally naked young man by the hand. It seemed absolutely scandalous behavior to introduce such a figure into a lady’s bedchamber but Emma managed Not to blur out her thoughts as the cold eyes of the butler came to rest on her.

“Prepare him properly, girl,” Mr Jamieson snapped, handing her a strip of red ribbon and she took it from him and then allowed it to dangle usefully from her fingers as she wondered what he meant.

“She’s new, Jamieson,” whispered Amanda from her vulnerable position on the stool and the butler fixed his piercing blue eyes on Emma again and observed her carefully.

“Hmm, of course she is. I remember her at dinner yesterday. Well this will be a learning expErience for you then, girl. Now take the ribbon and tie it tightly around his member and then add a loop around his testicles as well.”

Emma stood there open-mouthed at the suggestion then she was shocked out of her daze by the butler who, after setting four implements down on the bed, whipped the last one, a flexible cane, across her backside.

“Now, not in twenty minutes time, girl!” he added as she jumped and squealed and he shook his head disparagingly, muttering about the lack of decent servants as she turned her attention to the young man and his cock.

She felt him twitch into life as her hands encountered his warm flesh and she quickly looped the ribbon round his thick shake and then around his balls, watching with interest as his price enlarged at her touch and the restriction of the ribbon.

“That’s better, girl. Now your mistress here is to be punished and to add to her humiliation, John is going to muffle her screams. He is blindfolded so that he does not know exactly whom he is serving. It would be very embarrassing otherwise as I am sure you understand. Now, miss, please stretch your arms down to the sides of the stool and push yourself up further on your toes.”

Amanda did as he asked and Emma watched as the butler fastened the leather straps around her wrists and then a broad one around her middle, keeping her stomach pinned to the padded bench.

“Now gag your mistress with the footman’s member, girl,” Jamieson ordered and Emma gulped as she took the now fully engaged cock and tugged the young man closer to Amanda. Her mistress looked up resignedly, grey eyes dulled with tears of shame, as the purple head neared her criminal lips and she opened obediently, swallowing in the massive knob.

“Good girl. Now you will use Your tongue and lips on him as I pray you, miss, and make sure that you think about why you are in this position as I do so. It is about time that you showed some maturity and realized that you areHere to serve the family and do as you are told!”

Emma could see the struggle in Amanda’s eyes as she remained mute, her mouth now full of John’s throbbing shake. For such an apparently dominant spirit to be subjected to this humiliation was deeply degrading and Emma watched in fascinated horror as the butler picked up the crop and laid it lightly across Amanda’s twitching buttons. There was a brief pause and then it lifted up and was whipped back down and a vivid red line blazed into prominence on the girl’s creamy white skin while she gave a muffled gasp as the pain seen into her senses. Five more sharp blows followed and each time Amanda’s bottom showed the evidence clearly while she could not stop herself groaning around the cock in her mouth. As Mr Jamieson laid the crop back down on the bed and picked up the martinet, he instructed Emma to go behind John and push him forward into Amanda.

“She clearly needs more inside her to stop her cries,” he commented caustically as Emma patted John’s muscle buttocks gently, delighting in the warmth under her fingers. He shifted forward and Amanda gave a gargling grunt as more of his thickness slide into her and then he was sheathed to the root and the girl could only make inarticulate noises as the martinet flashed her buttocks and turned them scarlet with its many strands.

“Half way,” observed the butler as he ran his fingers over the heated surface of the girl’s skin. He picked up the cane and laid it across the well-marked buttocks and watched them twitch as Amanda recognized the weight of the implementation and realized what was to come. There was a loud swish of displaced air and then Amanda’s bound body compromised in agony as the fearsome weapon struck her soft skin and left a purpling mark. Another followed and then four more and Emma swallowed hard as she saw the Flesh bruise while her mistress jerked forward with every stroke and impaled herself even more on John’s pulsing prick. The tawse ended theordeal and it seemed even more painful than the cane judging by its effect on Amanda. Her body twisted and bucked under the lash of the leather as it curled round her contours, leaving living twin-tailed marks on her buttocks and the back of her thighs. Tears streamed from her eyes and bathed John’s heated cock with penitence as the harsh leather strap was laid across her back.

“Bring John round behind her, girl,” stated the butler and Emma guided the youth round, making sure that he did not fall over anything. She blushed as she saw the perfect view of Amanda’s bottom, now glaring red and angle, and the pouting pussy lips above which a tiny dark hole turned alluringly. Emma remembered the previous evening and how she had kissed and licked that tight anal crevice and she found herself struggled to resist the temptation to do so again.

“Guide him into her bottom hole then, girl, and make sure he enters slowly. We want her to feel every inch as she is plugged and corked proprly.”

Hesitation ensured as Emma tried to come to terms with what she had been told to do but eventually she grasped his swollen and slippery cock and pulled him forward into the correct position. There was a shiver from her mistress and a shamed sob as the empurpled knob slippered against her soft crinkled skin and then came a howl of abasement as John pushed steadily forward into her heated depths until all of his monstrous cock was inside her tight tube.

“Five minutes at least, girl, and make sure that you work your muscles on his shake. John, let me know if she does not milk you well.”

John grunted wordlessly, his face scarlet and his buttocks twitching with the effort of being in such a tight gripping orifice and not being able to come due to the ribbon tied around his shake and balls. Seconds ticked by and Emma could not tear her eyes away from the debased sight of her mistress being used by a mere footman. Amanda’s wrinkled hole pulsed gently around his thick tool and Emma knew exactly when her mistress was doing as she had been instructed because John gasped as the browny-pink ring squeezed against his shake.

It seemed like an eternity had passed before Mr Jamieson gave the order and John pulled slowly out as the ring of muscle everted around his thickness, almost clinging to his flesh until the huge knob emerged with an audible plop that sent a shamed tremor running through Amanda’s bound body.

“Remove the ribbon and use your mouth to bring him off, girl!” snapped the butler and Emma stood there open-mouthed at the horrific idea of ​​doing such a thing. She shook her head slowly from side to side and then stayed as still as a rabbit in the glare of headlights as the tall figure of Mr Jamieson walked over to her after untying Amanda. He grabbed her arm and manhandled her over the stool, ignoring her protestations and her resistance as she realized what he was going to do. Quickly and shamefully she found herself in the same position as her mistress had been, bottom well up and vulnerable while her arms were bound by her side.

“You are going to have to buck your ideas up if you wish to remain in service here!” commented the butler as he swept her skirt and chemise up and bared her shivering bottom cheeses. “Next time you are told to do something then you will jump to it. Is that clearly understand, girl?”

“Yes, Mr Jamieson,” she mumbled in terror as she felt something press down against her quivering buttons. There was an instant of freedom as the weight was removed and then came a blazing pain which swept through her senses as the cane met her flesh and left a living line delineating its ownership of her body. Two more strokes followed, causing her to scream out in ago, and then came a whispered conversation behind her and Emma Found her mistress’ wet pussy lips sliding sensitively up to her mouth. Obediently and willingly, she flicked out her tongue and started to kiss and lick them as the next three strokes tormented her soft cheeses, leaving vivid red lines decorating the ivory-white flesh.

Emma gave a sudden start as she felt heat against her beaten flesh and she realized that John’s hardness was now pressing against her tight little anal entrance. Her heart seemed to still in her chest and she whimpered as her tongue licked away at Amanda’s soft folds. She had never ever been taken there before and the very thought was anathema after her strict upbringing and yet…she could not deny that there was a dark worm of desire coiling in her stomach and groin at the taboo idea. Pressure intensified as his knob poked into her spread ring and she groaned in abasement as hands gripped her hips and she tried to relax even though she feared the pain that would surely follow. Her bottom felt hot and pulsing after her caning and she knew that her tight little anal eye was winding just as lewdly as Amanda’s had earlier. The thought was so shaming that tears started to trickle from hereyes and then came a veritable flood as sharp pain rocketed through her as his bulbous knob pierced her anal hole and took her virginity. She squealed deep into the muffling folds of Amanda’s sweet tasting pussy as he thrust in hard and deep and suddenly he was lodged inside her and riding her, thrusting in and out and making her cry out as her anal tissues squeezed around his long shaft. Agony vied with ecstasy as he drive in and out and then he came with a guttural roar, pumping her tight tube full of his creamy seed and sending her into a paroxysm of pleasure at being used and abused so badly. He thrust in again and again, making her cry out, as his seed spurted out of his cock and then he withdraw, dribbling pearls of come over her wrinkled browny-pink anus as it gaped open like a hungry mouth.

Tears splashed down onto the padded rest for Emma’s head and she wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole as John was escorted to the door by the butler and then told to goAbout his duties. She waited helplessly to be released, still toguing the sweet-tasting delight of Amanda’s slit, as the butler walked slowly back over. Then her heart sank as she felt his fingers settle on her flesh and start to explore her soft folds. It was so humiliating to lie there and suffer the invasion of her pussy as he inserted two digits into her and twirled them round slowly, remarking shamingly on her wetness and wondering When she lost her maidenhead.

“A girl should be pure there until her marriage!” he commented loudly as he slid his fingers in and out, making her gasp in delight. “That is why Miss Amanda was taken in her bottom and always will be until she is safely married off later this year.”

Emma felt Amanda’s body tension up slightly at the unwelcome reminder and so she gently fastened her lips on the girl’s swollen nub and sucked it, feeling it throb and swell against her own soft flesh whilst his fingers continued to press deep into her quim and hisLarge thumb started to ease into her already-abused anal orifice, making her squirm once again in humiliation.

After a few minutes, a rustle of clothing came from behind her and Emma found herself squealing out again as the butler’s hardness slippered deep into her already sore anal tube. She could not stop her velvety soft anal walls gripping his shake in a reaction to the pain as he glided in and out while his fingers tormented her pussy lips and folds then rubbed gently against her cliporis. Above her, Amanda ground down onto her service’s lips as she came, spattering sweet juices over Emma’s chin and mouth as she witnessed out her pleasure. Emma’s own delight mounted rapidly as the butler continued to shake her bottom, sodomising her slowly and deeply and making her squeal with every hard stroke into her bowels. He timed his climax with her own, teasing her into rapture with his fingers on her throbbing button as he rammed hard into her anal tube and sent another load of sperm floading into her. More followed as she understood in ecstasy and she could feel it bubblering up out of her clenching tube and running down over her swollen pussy folds, daubing the slippery pinkness with white stains as he withdraw.


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