The History Society Ch. 05

Chapter Five

“Now it’s my turn, I believe,” murmured Amanda and calledally she topped Emma off her lap as she stood up fluidly. Emma lay on the floor for a few moments then felt the independent pushing of her mistress’ toe into her ribs and so somehow managed to raise herself up to her feet, tighs feeling as weak and trembly as a new born foal’s.

“Remove my chemise now, Fletcher,” added Amanda and tenatively Emma reached out and started to draw the silical fabric up. Her fingers shook as she revealed the pale thighs and then the contrasting dark fur at the centre of her mistress’ being and she licked her lips nervously. The soft susurrating sensing of the silk on skin was sensitive to say the least and it was all Emma could do to keep pulling it up over Amanda’s head as the girl’s beautiful breasts were revealed, areolae erect and coral-pink hued. The temptation to touch them and then kiss them was almost overpowering as they jiggled slightly with every breath that Amanda took and she had to force her eyes away from them then coloured rapidly as she caught the knowing look in the dark grey orbs that were fastened on her.

“My lingerie drawer, Fletcher. Middle one in the chest over there. Bring me the Moroccan leather box from the very back.”

Emma moved across the room in a daze and delved into the froth of filmy lace and silk. Silken stockings and delicate garters were crammed in and it took her a few moments to locate the dark red leather box as it was tucked away so discreetly.

“Put it on the bed for me and then come here and knee in front of me, girl, and do be quicker. I do not have all night to wait for you!”

The harsh snap sped Emma up and she lowered herself to her knees in front of Amanda and then looked up and swallowed hard as her eyes feasted on the pouting pink pussy lips just a few inches from her face.

“Now use your tongue, girl, and you better be good or I am going to use that brush to spank your pussy lipsInstead. Very soft and swollen pussy lips too, I should think after all that delightful pleasure that I have given you. Now get to work!”

It was forbidden and totally against her upbringing and yet Emma could not resist the temptation. It was not the threat of a beating that individualized her tongue to lick slowly along the pink whorls but the sheer exclusive and alluring scent and sight. It was heaven on earth to taste the sweetness and she sobbed in shame and desire as she twirled the tip of her tongue round then stiffened it and slide it deeper, feeling the soft warmth surrounding her and suck her in. A soft hand settled on her head and guided her gently, pushing her in further or moving her up and down so that her tongue explored new depths or slightly different angles while her face became heated from being so intimately close to her mistress. The seconds of sensitive success stretched into minutes before she was abruptly released from her sweet servitude.

“Passable though I am sure you will improve when I have a chance to train you further. Now lie flat on the floor on your back and place your arms by your sides, Fletcher.”

Past even a token show of resistance, Emma assumed the position she had been told and then waited, watching the tall, shaped figure of Amanda walk over to the bed and extract something from the leather box. Then the girl straddled Emma and she found herself licking her lips with anticipation and trepidation as slowly her beautiful pink pussy lips descended closer and closer until they hovered tantalisingly just out of reach.

“Tongue out and keep it stiff for me, girl,” snapped Amanda and Emma hastened to obey then found herself in heaven once again as her mistress’ successful slit squashed down over her mouth. A trickle of clear juice spattered over Emma’s mouth and then her tongue was swallowed by Amanda’s softness, vanishing into the tight tunnel. The girl started to rise and fall slightly, inching her hips up and down andthus impaling herself on the stiff little tongue time and time again. Emma reached with the effort of keeping her mouth open and her tongue poking out but she did not dare to false and just drank in the sensitive sight of the slippery folds smoothing her face.

There was a brief respite and then came the moment of supreme shame and mortification as Amanda moved her hips slightly and suddenly Emma found her tongue penetrating the tighter, darker pumper of her mistress’ anal star. She felt as if her heart had stopped as she tasted the raw scent of Amanda’s crinkled tube and tears spilt from her jade eyes at the ritual humiliation as once again the girl raised and lowered her hips, sliding joyfully up and down on the stiff tongue as it impaled her anus. Amanda held her cheeks open wide with her hands and lowered herself down as far as she could, squashing Emma’s face under her and wriggling delightedly as the servant’s tongue strained even further into her dark interior and she held that position for as long as she could, revealing in the complete dominance it gave her.

Emma gulped in oxygen as eventually Amanda raised herself up but then she shivered as she saw what the girl had removed from the box. It was a large ivory dildo but it had been fitted skillfully into a leather strap and Emma worked out what was going to happen as the protruding butt end of the dildo was poked against her lips Forcefully.

“Open wide, girl!” stated Amanda impatiently, wiggling the large rounded end.

With her trepidation showing clearly in her jade eyes, Emma opened her lips and accepted the two inches of carved ivory that dangled beneath the leather. The size spread her lips wide and she then tried to hide her panic as the straw was buckled swiftly and securely behind her head leaving six inches of glaiming white ivory sticking up towards the ornately-carved ceiling. Amanda played with her own pussy folds, slipping her fingers in and out until they were glistening andThen she wiped the mood over the tip of the dildo, smearing the bulbous head while Emma looked on, almost going cross-eyed in her efforts to see.

“Now all that fuss you made earlier about having a little brush handle up you, girl. Watch and learn as next time I might use this or something bigger in you. Or perhaps I could use it in your sweet little pussy if you are not a virgin? Hmm, I Wonder… something for me to find out in a few minutes, I think! I would love to use this in mine but naturally I must remain unbroken until the night of my marriage,” she finished with a giggle and Emma looked on in amazement and total surprise as Amanda straddled her face once again and settled the thick knob against the tiny winding eye of her own anus. It looked far too massive to go in and Emma winced, expecting screams of age as Amanda started to bear down on the dome-shaped glans. Gradually though, the pinky-brown crinkled ring started to spread as Amanda held her buttocks wide apart and dribbles of pussy juice snaked from her whorled labia as the tightness opened further and further until the very tip of the dildo began to slide in.

The dark opening stretched wider and there came a sudden gasp from Amanda as the giant knob entered her and Emma swallowed hard as she saw the elastic ring of muscle close around the thick shake and pulse gently against the smooth ivory. Emma’s eyes widened even further as her mistress started to slide down further, impaling herself fully on the cream-coloured dildo. Soon her parted buttocks were touching Emma’s face and she felt the heat build in her cheeks as the soft flesh enveloped her, squashing down on her slowly but inexorably. She found her world shrinking down to the pale white globes, the tight winding star and the slick pinkness of Amanda’s slit. It was delightful yet unbearable to be used in such a way but all Emma could do was to lie there and stare, green eyes almost crossing, as her mistress rode the ivory dildoWhile her slim fingers teased out her throbbing cliporis and rubbed it hard. Shudders ran through Amanda’s body and Emma realized that she was coming and then a sudden stream of wetness splashed over her chin and neck as the girl gushed out her pleasure.

More slippery juice slippered down and Emma found herself revelling in the taste and the smell and the bitter-sweet sensing of being abused as Amanda slowly and Carefully lifted herself off the slick ivory. Swiftly she removed the offending object from her servant’s mouth and Emma witnessed in relief as she could finally manage to close her aching jaws. Her expression of satisfaction however was rudely interrupted when her mistress abruptly squatted once again and ordered her to lick out her slippery anal hole. Cringing inwardly, Emma found herself obeying and then she found herself actually enjoying the total humiliation of cleaning the girl especially when she could lick across the still-sopping slippery slit and taste Amanda’sessence.

“Hmm, passable for a first attempt, I think. Plenty of practice will make that little tongue of yours more proficient in the art of pleasure me…and a few men too!” giggled Amanda as she finally released Emma from her anal servitude.

Emma’s fingerers shook as she draped the lace nightgown over her mistress’ shoulders a few minutes later and then watched in the cheval mirror as it cascaded down like crystal-clear water over the girl’s beautiful breasts then shaded the dark public that from view as well. Whirling round swiftly and making Emma step back in alarm, Amanda shot out a hand and gripped her new service by the chin then pulled her in close.

“A kiss before bedtime, I think, so that I can taste myself through the long night. A goal that you cannot stay with me all through the night but Jamieson will be checking and I am already in enough trouble, I suspect. After tomorrow morning, I will have trouble sitting down to my meals for a while…” she mused andEmma wondered what Amanda was on about as she was finally dismissed after her lips and tongue had been devoured for what seemed like forever. She wandered up the back stairs to her little room in the eaves in total bemusement and then washed swiftly in a bowl of cold water and brushed her teeth with a hazel twig before donning her own coarse cotton nightgown and climbing anxiously into bed, aware that she would be up at dawn to prepare Everything to her mistress’ satisfaction.

As she lay in the complete and utter darkness of the countryside at night and listened to the regular breathing of the other two maids and the soft, almost spooky sounds from outside, Emma found her mind busy remembering the events of the day and she was some surprise to realize that she was smiling broadly. Memories and sweet dreams of sheer humiliation and debasement accompanied her into the darkness and soon her gentle breathing joined in radically with the others.


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