She walked into the room to find him propped up on the bed, reading a rather large book. The intellectual appearance of his reading glasses and gray bear contrasted sharply with the cotton t-shirt and nylon jogging shorts in which he was adorned.
He looked up and smiled as she approached. “Hello, Sweetheart,” he said. “How are you today?”
“Horny as hell,” she replied as she took the book from his hands, glanced at the title, and throw it on the nightstand. “Is the history of Latin America of more interest to you than me?”
He removed his glasses, placed them next to the book, and laughed. “Come here. You know nothing is more fascinating to me than you are.”
She sat down next to him on the bed. He leaned forward and gave her an affectionate kiss as his hand ran lightly up and down her stocking-clad legs. “Did you have something specific in mind?” he asked.
“I want you to fuck me,” she replied sharply, sticking her tongue into his mouth and fondling his cock through his shorts to accentuate her request.
To her surprise and chagrin, he leaned back and placed his hands behind his head. “You know how much I love to fuck you, but I’m feeling very lazy today.”
“Not a problem,” she shot back, shrugging her shoulders. “I’ll just have to fuck you.”
She grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and yanked it up over his head, revealing His firm and furry chest…as well as his soft little belly. She then slipped her fingers into the waistband of the shorts and pulled them off as well. With a small measure of disappointment, she noticed that the brief action of her tongue and hands had done virtually nothing to fulfill his cock out of its limpness.
“We’ll have to do something about that,” she muttered as she climbed on top of him. Her mouth moved immediately to his nipples, and with satisfaction she heard a slight moan and felt them harden as she kissed, licked, and gently bit them.
She slide down, placing kisses on his chest and stomach as her mouth worked its way quickly to his cock. She lifted it with her tongue, and then slowly sucked it in, letting her warmth and motivational inspire him to rigidity. Feeling the first signs of firmness, she began moving her head up and down and rolling her tongue around, and she soon was rewarded by the feeling of a full erection filling her mouth and pressing towards the back of her throat as her head bobbed.
She wondered whether or not she should make him come. She loved to feel his hot, salty fluids spurt onto her tongue and down her throat, and she loved to feel his body spasm as she grabbed his ass and pulled his cock deeper into her face. On the other hand, she yearned to climb onto him and sit on his cock. She loved to lean forward, kissing him as she rocked back and forth in short motions with steadily increasing Speed until she couldn’t stand the friction of his cock head teasing the entrance of her pussy, then sitting back and having him grab her shoulders,pushing her down hard so that she would be instantly and totally impaled by his full length.
Her musings were cut short by the sudden realization that she wasn’t hearing any sounds. She was damn good at what she was doing, and she should’ve been hearing long, animalistic groans by now. Incensed by the lack of audible appreciation, she lifted her head and glared at him. “I’m sorry you’re not enjoying this,” she sneered.
She was further angered by the silly little smile on his face. “Oh…I’m enjoying it,” he said. “But I’d rather do something else.”
Now fully furious, she sat up on her haunches and increased the intensity of her glare. “Don’t let me stop you,” she snapped as she started to climb off of him.
She was halted before she could move more than a couple of inches. He grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her to look at him. The silly smile had been replaced by an intense star she knew only too well. “You know I would never let you stop me,” he intoledCalmly yet firmly.
Yanking her by the hair, he pulled her up so that she was straddling his chest. He released her locks, leaned back, and put his hands behind his head again. “I want to watch you come,” he told her.
“Go fuck yourself,” she retreated, and once again started to climb off.
This time she was stopped not by a hand in her hair, but only by a deep verbal command that paralyzed her more than any physical restraint ever could. “Sit your ass right back down,” he ordered. “And you fuck yourself.”
For a split second, she thought about telling him off and climbing off again. But the look in his eyes sapped every ounce of strength she had to do anything but obey. Her anger dwindled to irritation, and then disappeared completely…gradually being replaced by a warm tingling as his will become hers.
She reached back to loosen the straps of her high-heel sandals.
“Leave the shoes and stockings on.”
She obediently brought her hands back and beganunbuttoning her blouse. She slipped it off, revealing her pale white breasts straining against her deep burgundy bra. She unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt, and then lifted herself so she could remove it.
“Sit your ass back down.”
This wasn’t going to be easy. She made sure the skirt was unzipped as much as possible, and then struggled to pull it up her body and over her head. It was a difficult and awkward process, but she succeeded.
“I don’t think that’s going to work with my panties,” she muttered playedfully.
His expression did not change in response to her jest. “Rip them off,” he retreated.
She hesitated. The matching burgundy bra and thong were among her favorite lingerie sets. They were among his favorites too. She recalled the many times he had played with her Through the silky material for what seemed like hours before he finally released her tits and pussy from their confines.
“Rip them off,” he repeated sternly.
She grabbed the materiall and started tugging, but it would not give easily. The slender piece in the back slipped deep into the crack of her ass and started making her fairly uncomfortable as she pulled and pulled as hard as she could. “Damn, I’m giving myself a wedgie,” she complained silently. “That’s what I get for buying quality stuff.”
She gave one more mighty tug, and the material gave way. “To hell with it,” she muttered to herself as she grabbed the cups of her bra and ripped it off rather than unfastening it.
She looked at his face and smiled as she noticed he was no longer looking into her eyes. Instead, he was glancing back and forth between her beautiful breasts and her already glistening pussy.
She knew the effect her naked body had on him, and she turned slightly, reaching back to get both visual and tactile confirmation that there was a raging erection behind her.
That was a mistake. He took a hand from behind his head, tucked his forefinger under his thumb, then flicked it out so that the nail hit her hard and fast, squarely on her clip.
She yelped in pain as she quickly turned back and put her hands over her pussy, trying to rub away the sting and extremely protect herself from further attack.
“Hands on tits,” he commanded.
Reluctantly, she obeyed. She cupped her breasts and began massaging them. But she did so lethargically, her mind still focused on the harsh abuse of her most sensitive spot.
That, too, was a mistake. His finger flicked again, and the singing was even more intense and the yelp even louder this time. “You know what I like,” he told her.
To the best of her diminished ability, she resumed massaging her breasts. She lifted them and squeezed them. Then she took a nipple between each thumb and forefinger and gently rolled the hard little knobs between them.
His finger flicked again. And again. And again. Struggling to ignore the singing pain between her legs and to stifle her sharp groans of pain, she started pinching her nipples hard…pulling and twisting them as forcedly as she could.
Evidently, her vigorous efforts were not good enough for him. As she pinched, pulled, and twisted her nipples, his finger kept flicking out, roughly torturing her poor little cliporis. She wanted to beg him to stop…but she knew that any indication she wasn’t giving her tits her full attention would only result in further abuse.
She felt her clip swelling. At first, she feared he may have caused injury. But then she realized that her masochistic slut of a cliporis was responding with pleasure. The sharp stinging caused by the flicking of his finger was becoming overshadowed by a deep, dull ache that ground through her entire pussy. And as the pain in her breasts shot through her body and joined in, that ache intensified and pulsated, making it absolutely unbearable.
The sounds she had yearned to hear earlier entered her ears. But they were not coming from him. It was she who was emitting long, low groans punctuated by coarse gasps and guttural grunts.
It was all too much. Her hands involuntarily dropped from her breasts. With one, she pulled back the hood of her clip as far as she could, and with the other, she began squeezing it and rubbing it with a ferocity that would have frightened her had she been cognizant of what she was doing.
The waves and waves crashing Through her body caused her eyes to roll back and the lids to close. She couldn’t see him laying back, hands behind his head again, watching as she bucked wildly before him. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. There was no stopping what was happening…and when it happened, it tore through her like an express train heading straight for the core of her soul.
When she replaced her senses, she realized that she had collapsed onto his chest. He was gently rubbing her back and softly stroking her hair as her body heaved up and down, struggling to get breath back into her lungs.Finally, she gathered enough strength to lift her head, lean forward, and kiss him…deeply, passwordately.
She couldn’t hold the kiss, and soon slumped back down into his chest. She just lay there for a while, listening to his heartbeat, and unconsciously running her hands over his shoulders and arms.
Eventually, she felt strong enough to try again. This time she lifted herself all the way up to her former position, straddling his chest. “May I please go back and finish what I was doing before?” she asked demurely.
He did not respond immediately. He ran his hands up and down her legs, and then let his fingers brush lightly along the flesh inside her tights just above her stockings. Just when she was about to beg, he silently nodded his consent.
She slide down slightly and started by putting her mouth on his nipples again. This time she licked and nibbled more aggressively, and she was encouraged to even stronger action as he arched his back a bit, put his hand on her head, and pushed her face deeper into his chest.
She began inching down his body, planning wet, sloppy kisses as she went. She felt his cock pressing against her ass, and she was grasped to note that it had already been inspired to a semi-rigid state.
Slowly and carefully she slide down farther, making sure that his cock would be pressed between the lips of her pussy, which was still soaking wet. When she felt that his cock was in the perfect position she paused, and then rocked back and forth gently, teasing it with her tender flesh and bathing it in her sweet juices.
As she felt his cock increased in hardness in response, she had a sudden urge to grab it, shove it into her pussy, and sit on it. But she knew better than to do so without asking permission…and judging by the soft moans she was hearing and slight squirming she was sensing, he probably was not inclined to change the plan at this point.
She resumed her downward movement, and as her clip draggedacross his cock, she winced. It was still a bit tender from being so harshly abused by them both. “Okay, we’ll give it a rest,” she thought to herself as she pondered the potential disappoint of having her cliporis pounded between pelvic bones at this particular moment.
She paused again and hovered over him, letting her breasts brush lightly across his stomach. Then she moved down just a bit more so they were touching his cock. She swwayed gently from side to side, letting it bounce around the soft flesh and teasing the tip with her rock hard nipples.
Lord, how he loved her tits. His moans became louder and longer, and his squirming became considerably more noticeable. She continued her activity, waiting for him to reach out, grab her breasts, wrap them around his cock, and titty-fuck her like he was so fond of doing.
But his capacity for restraint was greater than hers. She longed for him to lose control as a result of her ministers, but it was she who could notresistant her own urges. She was irresistibly drawn to move farther down his body and take his now fully erect cock into her mouth.
His guttural groan greeted her ears as she sucked him in and her breasts settled lightly on his balls. She noted that her nipples, too, were somehow tender from the pinching, pulling, and twisting she had performed earlier. “Oh my god,” she thought to herself as she recalled his penchant for reaching down and pulling, pinching, and twisting her nipples himself as she sucked him.
She tried to focus her attention on his cock, rolling her tongue around the head, licking the shake, taking it deeper and deeper into her mouth. But out of the corners of her eyes she could see his hands moving down, slowly approaching and preparing to do the deeds she dreaded right now.
Another mistake. He obviously sensed her lack of concentration and was displeased. Yet he did not grab her nipples as she had anticipated. Instead, he opened his hands and administratorred a sharp slap to the side of each breast.
His action caught her completely by surprise, and she involuntarily jerked her head and let out a whimper in response. The movement of her mouth and the violence running through it clearly were a welcome addition to the blow job experience as far as he was concerned, because after pausing a few seconds, he administratored another pair of sharp slaps to her suspended titties.
She struggled to regain her focus. She used all of her expertise to pleasure his cock in every way imagine. But now he was administratoring slapses to her breasts in a steady, ever increasing rhythm.
Her concentration was further clouded by the realization that the abuse of her breasts was causing her tremendous delight as well. It was like a wire was connecting her tits and her clip, and each slap sent a hot jolt of electricity racing through her torso until it exploded between her legs. That sensing combined with the feel of his cock plumping down herthroat and her nipples rubbing against his balls to create a crescendo of pleasure that seemed to emanate from every cell in her body.
She continued sucking and he continued slapping until the crescendo reached its climax. And the climax was like nothing she had experienced before. Instead of a massive exploration, it was like a string of firecrackers being lit. Pop..Pop..Pop..each small surge of ecstasy being produced and punctuated by the repeated slapses.
She lost count…but the last one was slightly more powerful than the rest, and it caused her to lose her concentration completely. She let out a scream, and his cock fell from her mouth. She buried her head in his stomach and simply wallowed in the ragged, torrid tingling course and crashing through her.
Her recovery was quicker this time. However, she was reluctant to raise her head. How Angry would he be that she had not finished what she started? What pain would he inflict as punishment? What humiliating act wouldhe force her to perform in order to assume his wrath?
“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry,” she mumbled as she cautiously peered up at him.
To her great relief, he was smiling. “That’s perfectly all right,” he said. “You’re a goddamn little orgasm slut…and that is one of the many things I love about you. But now that you’re done…give me what you know I want.”
She actually was a bit disappointed by the reprieve from punishment, although she suspected he was merely delaying her demise. In any event, the opportunity to pleasure him was all that was required to rekindle her energy and enthusiasm.
She moved up slightly and wrapped her breasts around his erect cock. The juices from her pussy that she had applied earlier combined with the perspiration that had gathered in her cleavage, thus providing plenty of luxury. She rocked back and forth, and he bucked his hips, working together in a perfect title-fuck harmony.
The feel of his cock gliding between her globes wasdelicious. But better yet was the look on his face. That look was what she lived for. She called it “A.C.E.S.” – exquisite Agony, total Contentment, absolute Ecstasy, and full Satisfaction all mingled together and accompanied by a chorus of moans, grunts, and groans.
She could have looked at his face forever. However, the increased squirming of his body and the pulsating of his cock indicated that another delight was on the way. He let out an enormous “ARRRGGHHH!!!” and she felt his hot fluids spurt spasmodically into her chest and drip down to her stomach.
She slipped down a bit and once again took his cock into her mouth. She sucked every drop from him and luxurious in the feel of his body jerking and twitching in response. When she was satisfied he was completely dry, she licked the shake and head clean, then climbed up on his body, wrapped her arms around him, held him close and kissed him.
This time the kiss was sustained. Their tongues entwined, and they huggedd and gropeed each other, seeking to exploit every lingering sensing until mutual exhaust forced them to cease.
Finally, she rolled off of him and lay on her back near the edge of the bed. She reached out and picked up the book she had tossed on the nightstand. “So…Tell me about the history of Latin America,” she said as she flipped through the pages.
“Actually, it’s pretty interesting,” he replied. “I was reading about the early Spanish conquests. Lots of torture, rape…that kind of stuff.”
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