Edited by the wonderful angel love
It was a beautiful early fall evening; about 72 degrees, with a soft gentle breeze blowing through the air. The sun still lingered in the west, almost as if it didn’t want to leave the day and the beautiful setting. It was indeed a sunset worth capturing on canvas.
There was a large hill that gradually dropped down to a gentle bubble brook that snaked its way through a long valley. The hill was decorated with hundreds of blooming wild flowers; adding rich color to the area. Interspersed were a variety of trees that offered cool shade for those heated days.
On top of the hill was one large majestic oak that had been standing tall for many years. It was strong and stout but at the same time had a gentle nature to it. Its strong branches stuck out; each holding dozens of smaller branches, as if giving new life. The branches were filled with thousands of leaves that eagerly soaked up the rays of the sun as they gentlyrustled in the breeze.
On the side of the hill a doe standing eating grass as it nuts its young fawn. Birds circled the air, singing their songs of happiness for the nature around them. Dozens of squirrels playedfully chased one another, occasionally pausing to bury a nut or two for the winter ahead.
Marty and Marlene had been to this site several times as it was kind of their special place. Fortunately for They, no one else had yet found its beauty and so they were able to bask in the serenity, unmolested by other’s presence. Many a summer evening would find Marty and Marlene visiting their private site. Often they as lovers, would lay naked under the oak tree together, savoring the joys of each other’s bodies.
Marty was a tall 6’3′, handsome stud, with deep penetrating eyes and a strong muscle build. He was every bit a true man. Marlene was a 6 foot tall blue eyed blonde with a gorgeous body that spelled femininity. Most men would die to spend an hour with Marlene and women swooned over Marty. Marty and Marlene, however, were totally devoted to each other and true lovers.
They were also lovers in a special sense that had deep roots. They had met when they were in their early twentyties and were instantly attracted to each other. Marlene wanted a strong man who would both cherish her and also protect her; one she could submit to. Marty wanted a woman who he could love and protect and would yield to him body and soul, because she wanted to.
They started dating regularly and became instant lovers but had yet to test the nature of the relationship or its depth. Marlene yearned to see the signs of strength in Marty and he yearned to see the signs of a submissive woman. Their chance came only a month after they had started to date.
Marlene was in a feisty mood that night and was giving Marty quite a bit of lip. Marty did not realize it but she was testing him to see how much he would tolerate and if he would be man enough to put her in her place. It was a gamble because Marty just might get tired of it and order her to leave. The very nature of the relationship was about to be tested.
It didn’t take long for Marty to tire of her antis and decided to take action. Without warning he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her over to the sofa. He quickly sat down and pulled the struggle Marlene down over his knees. Marlene was already finding out how strong Marty was.
“What are you doing?” she shrieked. Marty did not respond but quickly lifted her short skirt and lowered her panties past her knees.
“Stop it now!” she pleaded, but it did no good.
Marty immediately began to spank her round bare behind with his strong meaty hand. Marlene squirmed and wiggled but could not get away. Although her bare behind was Hurting, Marlene was also undergoing a psychological adjustment as well. She had tested Marty to see how he would react and was finding out. Down in her soul she was beginning to feel she was right where she belonged and getting what she deserved.
Marty could sense what was happening as Marlene yielded to his strength, but he needed to test the strength of his power over her. Marty did not want a woman who he could simply overpower but a woman who loved him and would willingly submit to him.
Marty let Marlene get up and told her,. “I love you but I will not tolerate disobedience to me.”
Marlene put her arms around him and told him she loved him as well. Marty went on to tell her that she must be willing to submit to him of her own free will, even if that means being punished when she deserved it. As Marlene listened, her soul and body were reacting in unison. She loved his forceful manner and her soul wanted to submit to his soul. Likewise her body was feeling password throughout and Wanting to offer herself to him.
Finally, Marty asked her directly, “Marlene, do you wish to submit to me body and soul? Know full well that I will dominate you and controlyou, but out of my love for you.”
Marlene did not have to think long and finally said simply, “Marty I yield my soul and my body to you willingly as a symbol of my love to you.”
Marty was thrilled but now was ready to test the depth of Marlene’s commitment to him. “Stand up Marlene,” he ordered and she quickly compiled.
Looking her in the eyes he said, “Marlene I am going to strip you naked and then I am going to give you a good sound spanking all over your bare behind, do you understand?”
“Yes sir,” Marlene responded softly. She was not sure of what was about to happen and how she would feel about it but she was taking the first step towards total submission.
Marty stood in front of her and as he looked into her pretty blue eyes he slowly stripped her naked. Marty could see the look of anxiety in her eyes but also the look of a submissive who was willingly to give up her body to him for discipline.
Once Marty had her naked he told her to go into the bedroom and get his hairbrush from off the dresser and wait there until she was called. Marlene left to do as she was told while Marty got a straight-backed chair and sat it in the middle of the room. Once he had done that Marty quickly shed all his clothes as well.
Marty now sat down in the chair and then in a firm voice called to Marlene to come to him. Marlene walked out of the bedroom in all her naked beauty carrying the hairbrush. She gasped slightly in admission when she saw Marty sitting there, waiting for her. He looked so strong and viral and quite capable of handling a woman like her. Her naked beauty walking towards him likewise took Marty aback. He was almost tempted to simply pick her up and take her to the bedroom, but he had a job to do.
She walked over to where he sat and Marty took the hairbrush from her. “Over my knee Marlene,” he commanded. She dutifully draped her naked body down over his bare thighs. Marlene was thrilled to the touch of her nakedbody pressed up against his hard strong body. Marty loved the feeling of her naked body rubbing against him and had to remember why she was there.
“Marlene,” he said, in that firm voice she loved so much, “I do love you very much and because I love you I must now punish you, so you will always know who the boss is.”
“Yes my love, I understand,” Marlene answered Submissively.
With the preliminaries out of the way, Marty then proceeded to give Marlene a very good long hard spanking all over her bare behind. Before it was over her naked body would end up squirming and wiggling against his naked body, with her shaped legs kicking back and forth. She would be crying howling and begging and pleading for mercy. She was a woman in total conflict, feeling both pain and pleasure. The most important thing though was she did not try to get away. She knew she was right where she belonged, lying naked over her lover’s bare thighs being soundly spanked by him.
Once her spankingwas over, Marty led her to the bedroom and they had the best love session they had ever had. Marty had dominated, controlled, and distributed her and now made sweet love to her. That day sealed it for the both of them and Marlene knew she would submit to him forever. This was only the first step for Marty and Marlene that would lead down a long trail of the disciplining of a submissive woman by her dominant male love.
Over the next few years Marlene was distributed by Marty often as she learned the true blessings of submitting to one’s lover. Marty not only distributed Marlene but tried to vary both the style of punishment and the various instruments he used on her. By the time a year was over Marlene never knew exactly how she would be distributed, just that it would be good sound discipline.
One summer afternoon Marty and Marlene were on an extended hiking trip together when they stumbled on the Hill. They both fell in love with its beauty and serenity. It would be a perfect place to make love, which they both enjoyed. Marty had a smug look on his face as he had other ideas for things to do on the hill.
It took him a few days to make preparations but was finally ready to take Marlene back to the hill. Marlene was told to dress in her short red shorts and her white bloom with all the frills down the front and a deep plunging V neckline. She was also instructed to wear her strapless red bra and matching panties and her sandals. Marlene was already, suspicious that she was going to be distributed today because Marty always made her dress in something sexy when she was going to be distributed by him. Her suspicions were confirmed when they left the house and Marty carried the bag that normally carried his discipline toys.
They reached the top of the hill and spent a few moments surveying the view. Then without a word being said, Marty took Marlene by the hand and led her over to the oak tree. There was one large, strong branch that stuck outSeveral feet and about 8 feet off the ground. Marty made Marlene stand under the branch and slip off her sandals. Marty then undid her blouse and removed it delighting in her strapless bra that barely contained her full breasts and nipples. It seemed like those full breasts were almost begging to be set free.
It was now time for Marty to open his discipline toy bag. The first thing he brought out was a long bar about Three feet long that had rings on the ends and a circle ring in the middle. Marty then produced two wrist cuffs and put them on Marlene’s wrists. Once they were attached he secured each of her wrists to one of the ends on the bar spreading her arms and hands apart.
Marty now produced a rope that he throw over the limb of the large oak tree that Marlene was standing under. He looped one end of the rope through the circle in the center of the bar and tied it tight. Now by pulling on the other end of the rope the bar holding Marlene’s wrists was pulled over her head so that her hands were now spread apart over her head. Marlene’s body was now completely available to Marty.
Marty stood in front of her, unbuttoned her shorts and slowly lowered them until he had them off. Marlene now stood before him in just bra and panties. Marty loved to see her like this in bra and panties and his manhood saluted her. Looking into her eyes, he unhooked her bra, and those magnificent breasts burst into the sunlight, glad to be free.
It was now time for her lacy red panties to come off so she would be completely naked for her discipline. Marty kissed Marlene gently and then inserted his fingers into the elastic of her panties. Once again he looked into her pretty blue eyes and she into his dark piercing eyes as he started to pull her panties down. The eyes are, of course, the windows to the soul and it was true for Marty and Marlene. In his eyes she saw the strong forceful man who she had yielded her soul and body to, and he saw the look of total subMission in hers as he removed her panties.
Marty never ceased to marvel at Marlene’s beautiful naked body. She had such a sweet innocent face with luscious looking lips and the pretty soft blue eyes. Her skin was smooth as silk to the touch and very lightly tanned. Her breasts and nipples curved down nicely and then the underside curved backup meeting at two successful nipples. They rode high on her chest and were separated by a deep cleavage. Her abdomen was smooth and firm with no signs of fat anywhere. Below her abdomen and her stomach, her hips were nicely curved before tapering down to her long shaped legs with her firm but soft thighs. Between those thighs lie the V patch of fine public hair barely covered her love channel.
Marty briefly soaked in her naked beauty but then returned to his main chore. He pulled out two long strong stakes with rings on one end and placing them about two feet away on each side of her, quickly hammered them into the ground. Marty now pulled out two ankle cuffs and put one on each of her ankles. Then one at a time he spread her legs apart and secured each of her ankles to one of the posts in the ground.
Marlene was now naked and spread eagle under the old oak tree; firmly secured. It was a sunny day, flowers on the hill, a bubble brook, a gentle breeze, deer grazing, birds singing, and a beautiful naked 24 year old blue eyed blonde naked and spread eagled. Does it get any better for a beautiful scene?
Marty quickly undressed himself, wanting to be naked when he disciplined Marlene. He looked into his toy bag and was delighted at the possibilities of instruments to use on her. He finally selected a slapper to use on her, which is a leather rod about three feet long with a flat piece of leather on the end.
Marty now stood in front of Marlene and said simply, “Present yourself to me.”
Marlene knew what that means and she arched her back and thrust out her breasts and nipples towards him to receiveve their part of the discipline. Marty now began to slap her breasts and nipples with the slapper causing red marks to slowly cover them. He worked his was down her naked body covering her abdomen, her stomach, her hips, and her tights. He especially loved to strike her soft inner thighs knowing she could not close her legs,
After about five minutes with the slapper Marty paused and went over to his bag and pulled out a riding crop. Standing in front of the helpless naked Marlene he began to strike her all over the front of her beautiful naked body starting at her breasts and nipples and working down to her thighs. The crop left small welts as it bit into her flesh over and over again.
Marlene whimpered softly as the crop whistled though the air finding its mark over and over and over again. She struggled against her bonds but they firmly held her in place. Marty allowed her to struggle, as he loved to see her naked body twisting and turning but unable to get away. The oaktree looked down on her struggle helpless naked body as if to say I’ll hold her while you whip her. The birds continued to chirp and sing as if unperturbed by the whipping of this beautiful naked woman. The doe was unperturbed as she nursed her fawn. It was almost like they saw it as sort of natural for her to be whipped by her lover.
After covering the front of her naked body with small welts, Marty went to his toy bag and pulled out a whip about three feet long. Moving behind Marlene he began to whip her backside starting with her back, then her bare behind and finally her tights. Over and over the whip landed on her backside with crisiscrossing marks from her should bladed down to the back side of her knees. Marty was skilled enough to leave marks that showed, but would be gone in a few days. Marlene whimpered and struggled against her bonds but was held in place as the whip continued to find its mark.
Eventually the marks from the whip blended together so that Marlene’s entire backside from shoulders down to her calves was a bright red. Marty finally laid the whip down and had one more toy for Marlene. He reached into his toy bag and pulled out a small paddle. The paddle was a thin wooden, one like kids have with a rubber ball attached to it, but the ball had been removed. Marty preferred the thinner lighter paddle because although it stung it did not cause as much damage to the skin as a thicker paddle. Therefore he could use it on Marlene a lot longer.
Marty now stood to Marlene’s left and put his left arm around her front side just under her breasts and the left on her back so he could hold her in place. This position also caused his manhood, now hard and erect, to rub against her bare side. Marlene was thrilled to feel his naked body against hers with her breasts resting on his strong left arm. Marlene knew she was about to be paddled but the feel of his naked body against hers made it seems easier to take.
With nature’s beauty allAround them, Marty began to paddle her already very red bare behind. Marlene struggled a little but it only served to cause her beautiful body to rub more against Marty’s naked body, which pleased Marty as well. So as her naked body twisted and turned what little it could, the paddle continued to find its place landing over and over on her bare bottom cheeses.
Marlene was crying softly now but they were tears mixed with feelings of pain and pleasure. The pain on her bare behind was becoming almost unbearable but the pleasure of submitting to her lover so completely filled her soul. Marlene knew she deserved to be punished and was grateful that she had a lover who both loved her enough to give her what she deserved, and was man enough as well
The pain gradually overwhelmed her and she pleased with him, “Please no more Marty please.”
Marty loved to hear her plead with him, symbolizing her awareness that he and he alone was in charge. Marty paddled her for another full minute delighting in how her naked body responded to his naked body and the paddle.
Finally Marty stopped and lay the paddle aside. He reached into his toy bag and brought out a large bottle of rubbing ointment that would sooth the crueles and welts on her naked body. The very strong hands that had whipped and paddle her were now caresing her naked body gently. Over and over he rubbed every part of her nakedness with soothing lotion, as a lover should. In Marlene’s mind the pain of discipline was quickly fading as the man she loved gently caressed her beautiful naked body.
Marty finished her soothing rub and now stood in front of her, his naked body inches from hers and kissed her ever so gently. Her naked body was still spread eagled and totally available to him. Once again they were looking into each other’s eyes with the look that only lovers share.
Marty pushed his naked body against hers and the tip of his manhood rested against the entrance to her love channel.Marty took her chin in his hand and looked deeply into her pretty blue eyes lovingly and she into his also lovingly.
Then Marty took Marlene completely by surprise, “Will you marry me my love?”
Marlene began to cry, but they were tears of happiness. Marlene knew full well that it means she would be his forever and that would always include discipline when she deserved it. Marty waited patiently for her to stop crying, and when she did her sweet red lips began to smile and her eyes brightened.
“Yes Marty,” she whispered, “I will be yours forever, yes, yes, yes.”
Marlene felt like she was in a wonderful dream and it was about to get better. She felt so happy she wanted to say “yes” a hundred times. Marty listened to her yes’, overjoyed himself. Then as Marlene continued to say ‘yes”, Marty in one full thrust pushed his manhood up inside of her moist love channel. It was almost symbolic of cementing the bond they would have forever. He would dominate her, includeg disciplining her when she needed it, and she would submit to him forever.
It would be hard to tell from the words if Marlene was still celebrating her permanent submission to him or was feeling the physical pleasure in her naked body. As Marty continued to thrust his manhood back and forth inside her love channel, her voice could still be heard.
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