Dedicated to Judi Ann. This series was written at her request. This is the last part of the 6 part series. If you have not read the preceding stories, please do so first to know the background.
She wakens only when she is picked up in his strong arms. She is still covered with the tarp and he wraps it around her so he does not trip while carrying her. She notices the woods are silent except for the typical sounds of nature.
Her body is cold and stiff from the weather and the beatings she has taken. She feels pain throughout her entire being at first, but then feels the heat and power radiating from him, which causes her to snuggle into his warmth and feel content.
As the walk continues, she realizes they are going further then the location of the tent, but she is still not concerned as she cares only about him and his presence at that moment.
Soon the going seems slightly tougher, and the sound of water is getting louder, but even now, she feels no alarm. In fact, it is only when she hears the sound of him sloshing into the stream with her still in his arms that she begins to realize what is happening to her. Unfortunately, by then, it is too late.
With a huge SPLASH, he drops her, tarp and all, into the stream that runs near their camp. She immediately goes under and struggles to get free from the tarp. Though the water is only about knee deep for him (tigh deep for her), she fears she will drop if she gets enangled in the heavy plastic covering.
As panic sets in, she feels as he reaches down, grabs a corner of the tarp and literally spins her out of it. She rolls over several times and then is dumped naked into the stream.
As she struggles to stand, he grabs her by the back of the neck and dunks her under. She seriously panics this time, but he has her out of the water in no time before she takes any water into her lungs.
As she shakes the water from her hair and blinks it out of her eyes, she looks at him questioningly. He is standing there in hip waders, with a bar of soap and a scrub brush.
“It’s time to clean your ass up pet,” he says nonchalantly.
Without further comment, he pulls her to her feet, “Now, get up and stand still cunt.”
Shivering in the cold, feeling it etch in throughout her body, she can only say, “Yes Master.”
Soap is then applied all over her body. If not for the mixture of the strong soap soaking into all her wounds and the frigid water freezing her extremes, she might have found it all quite enjoyable. Until, at least, he went to work on her with the scrub brush.
The pain was increasing as he scrubbed the soap into her scratches, welts, and bruises, which now covered her from head to toe. She yelped, squealed, and groaned at times, but never once uttered a foul or hateful remark, which she was so well known for previously.
As she shivered and cultivated in the water, he patiently said, “Stand still Princess, it will be over soon.”
Mustering all her discipline, she is able to block it all out– or at least mostly block it out– and stand still while he continues.
To him, the only indication of her pain she shows is the grimace on her face and the muffled gasps of pain when he scrubs a particularly sensitive area.
He cannot help but feel a swelling of pride in his chest when he sees how she has transformed over the past couple of days. She has moved from being a petulant brat, to this submissive and sweet creativity before him.
Soon, her body and hair have been washed and scrubbed. Leaving her standing in the stream alone, he walks back to the shore, sits and watches her. He sits and waits wondering what she will do.
He asks himself silently, “Will she realize she should wait for my command, or will she simply act alone?”
Momentarily after she remains still and says nothing, he is satisfied she knows her place. With a smile, he tells her, “Dunk yourself pet.”
Withought hesitation, she throws herself into the icy stream and rinses the soap, as well as the last vestiges of the things she’s be subjected to over the last couple of days, off of her body.
He cannot help but laugh as she pops back up out of the water, bounds to shore and jumps into his arms. This time, instead of a tarp, he has a large towel ready for her and helps dry her off before snuggling her into him to help warm her.
For a few minutes, they do nothing, but sit on the shore as she reveals in the happiness he’s showing. Obviously, she has pleased him and that makes her very happy too.
Finally, the silence is broken, “You’ve done well Princess. Are you ready for the last step?”
“Yes Master, Yes Yes Yes!” She squeals in laughter.
“Let’s go back to camp,” he says while laughing and Helping her to her feet.
She is barefooted, so he scoops her up and carries her back to camp. When they arrive, she notices that their camp guests are gone, having leftSome time earlier, and there is now a large roaring fire for them to enjoy.
He seats her by it as he goes into the tent and she happily soaks it into her cold body. While luxury in the heat blasting her face and body, she notices a poker handle sticking out of the fire, but only give it the briefest of thoughts as she assumes it is for stirring the fire when it gets low.
When he comes out of the tent, he says simply, “Follow me.”
There are no more questions or complaints from her. There is only the need to obey her Master. As quickly as her sore body will allow her, she rises and follow him back to the tree where he first tied her up.
“Kneel slave,” he says.
Rena, without thought or hesitation, she immediately replies, “Yes Master.” And drops to her knees, bowing before him.
“Are you ready to become my slave?” He asks.
“Yes Master.”
“And you accept me as your Master?” He continues.
“Yes, oh yes sir, Master!”
He asks the final question, “Are you aware of the implications of the life you are choosing slave?”
“Yes Master, this girl understands.”
“Then rise girl.” He beckons as he takes her and again secures her hands to the tree above her head and her feet around the base.
This time, however, he takes additional rope and secures her body flat against the tree with a length around her waist and another across her thighs, leaving her buttocks exposed.
Rummaging in his pack beside her, he removes a collar. She stars at it greedily and sees that it is made of black leather and covered with ornate designs. From what little she knows, it appears Celtic in nature. He slips it around her neck and buckles it snuggly around her throat.
She has been smiling nonstop since the stream bank, but her grin is huge now as she beams with pride at the realization that he is really and truly making her his slave.
He places and buckles the collar on her with an appropriate amount of ceremonkey. Upon finishing, he checks the fit and asks, “Is that too tight?”
She shakes her head, and giggles pleasantly, “No Master, it’s perfect. Thank you.”
He winks and smiles at her. Then leaning in, he kisses her ear and whispers into it, “Brace yourself.”
Now, she’s confused and thinks, “Why would I need to brace myself for a new collar?”
After he finishes saying the words, he simply walks away from her without another sound; which only expounds her confusion.
Her mind is racing, because she assumed she might receive more punishment when tied to the tree; and in truth, it is something that she now both fears and desires at his hands.
She quickly reflects back to the beginning of their relationship. After a short time of knowing him, she saw it in him to fulfill her needs and not cower where others have balanced and run. His strength and ability to both rein her in and melt her down were nothing short of amazing.
In fact, what he’s done to her isWhat she has craved from the start and now she is sure that she has been completely conquered by this man. Without a single doubt in her mind, she knows he is the Master that knows how to both use and love her, as she needs to be for fulfillment in her life.
As her reflection time ends, the confusion remains, but she is sure that whatever he’s doing that she is willing to withstand it. Nevertheless, she cannot help but crane her neck uncomfortable to look behind her as much as possible to see what he is up to.
Immediately, she regrets the decision to look, because what she sees is something that makes her want to beg for mercy like never before. Nothing, absolutely nothing, done to her so far during this trip will ever compare to what she is about to experience.
In a moment of clarity she understands fully. Everything up to This point was to prepare her for this moment; to test her. It was all to take her to levels never dared or experienced. To see if she could actually handle what was about to happen right now.
As she watches, he walks up to the fire and grabs the handle of the ‘poker’ and removes it from the eggs. It isn’t a poker at all. Instead, it’s a branding iron.
She wants to scream, she wants to kick, but she is secured to the tree. She starts crying, because she knows what is about to happen. As he gets closer, she steals herself and determines that she will face the fate with strength of will.
In her head she thinks, “Remember you asked for this.”
He walks directly back to her and without preamble begins the process.
She stressens and prepares, but to no available. The pain… is… incredible… It lances through her entire body as he firmly presses the red-hot branding iron into the flesh of her left buttock.
Her last minute muster of strength and determination hold no sway as she lets out a blood-curdling scream that makes birds in all directions take flight.
Her nostrils are filled with thestench of her own burning flesh. Her eyes overload and she sees white, then red, and then her vision begins to dim to black.
As she is on the verge of passing out, he quickly removes the iron from her ass. She cannot help but notice that while the pain remains considerable, the relief is immediately when the branding iron is removed.
She breathes heavily into the tree, as he knees behind her and apply some kind of cooling ointment to her burned area. While not much help against what has been done to her flesh, there is a modicum of relief, which rushes through.
He stands behind her and whispers in her ear, “Good girl, you’ve made it.”
She doesn’t have the strength to respond, yet she tries to say, “Thank you Master.” But what comes out is an unintelligible whimper.
Finally, it is over. He cuts the ropes loose and helps her stand, as she gets woozy upon being released. He half supports her and half carries her to the tent, where he assistants her inside and lays her down on the sleeping bag.
The fight is out of her, and within seconds, she is sleep. The exhaust, the exposure, all catches up with her as the adrenaline fully leaves her system. She… simply… passes out.
Hours later, she wakes. She is sore all over and still lying on her stomach. When she rolls over to get more comfortable, she squeals and jumps as she places weight on her branded bottom.
Hearing the noise, he slips his head inside the tent and says, “Hello sleepy head. Are you ready for some supplier?”
She asks hesitantly, “Yes sir please. How long has girl slept Master?”
“About eight hours my pet.” He replies as he steps the rest of the way into the tent.
“Now let me check your brand and then you can get up and put some clothes on for dinner.” His tone is light and airy like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
After a quick glance at her bottom, he says, “oh baby, that will be so nice when it heals. Lie still for a minute.”
She feels him as he puts the ointment on her wound again and then lightly places a large gauze pad over it to cover and protect it from her clothes. The pain is still bad, but not as horrible as she expects. She assumes it has something to do with burned nerve endings and such, but is beyond caring anymore.
After he steps back out of the tent, she gets dressed, being careful of the burned area, and heads out of the tent for dinner with her Master. As she steps into the clearing, she sees his smile and she remembers why she loves him so much. Crossing to him, she sits as comfortable as possible and allows him to fuss over her while he prepares her a meal and ensures she eats and drinks plenty. The rest of the evening was simply fantastic, as they ate and talked well into the night. Forever, clinching their relationship.
For the next two days they are like any other couple enjoying a wilderness experience. They sleep, they eat, they laugh and play. Of course, they have alot of mad, passwordate sex, as she gathers her strength and greatly recovers from her ordeal. However, there is no punishment and no arguments as they are both comfortable with their places in the relationship.
Two days later, the couple comes out of the trailhead at the same place where they started, having never gone any further down the trail. She is much better after the time of rest and relaxation and is ready to begin her new life as a slave to her Master.
She smiles, as she knows her Master now owns her body, heart and soul. She wears around her neck a wide black collar of which she is proud, and on her left buttock is forever emblazoned the name of the Master who played her. His name is “Brass.”
The End of this Series
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