Dedicated to Judi Ann. This series was written at her request.
He watched her as she checked her gear. She was bent over her pack, checking her supplies for a few days’ worth of hiking. Simply ensuring the necessities, such as having water readily available, that the pockets on her pack were closed and the straws appropriately adjusted. He marveled at how beautiful she was. Judi, his UK girl… Wearing a close-fitting sleepless shirt, hiking shorts that displayed her legs so well, and sturdy shoes made for rough terrain. He still found it slightly unbelievable that she had traveled across the ocean to see him. He felt she was completely out of his league, yet here she was.
They had met online, like so many do these days. In fact, they’d met in a virtual world, where people Take on avatars and use typing to emotional feelings, and of course, sexual animations to enjoy each other to the fullest. He fondly remembered the brat he’d met one time. She was completey on the offensive and totally arasive. She challenged him in the virtual world, and he rose to her challenges and pushed back. Before long, he had her on his knees begging him for more. However, that was in a virtual and this was quite different. This was altogether real. While in the virtual world and later on video cam, they had shared so much and knew each other as well as possible. Her wants and desires were no mystery to him, and her cravings were seemingly limited. He smiled as he remembered that the harder he pushed her the more she loved it… Grinning widely, he thought about the upcoming 4 days of hiking through the wilderness of Yellowstone National Forest. He wondered also if she was really ready.
They started out with a group of other hikers. Not a group with whom they would travel, but rather a loose set of people all headed the same direction. He knew the speed of the hike and the different trail options would soon separate them all, and he also knew, that hisCarefully planned route was going to lead him and her someplace where they could be alone.
She looked up and their eyes met. His heart left in his chest as he noted the mix of emotions in her eyes: excitement, happiness, a little fear. He helped her don her pack and then he hoisted his own onto his back. He patted her bottom and she giggled as they started up the trail.
The first part of the hike was easy, the crowd, or herd as he called them, traveled generally together, with some of the faster ones farther ahead and others straggling behind. All-in-all, it was a good day of travel and sightseeing. The temperature was perfect and the sky was cloudless. He and she teased each other along the way, but he could tell that his real life gentleness was wearing on her, and by the time camp needed to be setup, she was showing her petulant side. Or rather, the brat arrived. She had come here with an understanding as to some of the activities, and she had been excitedly fearing and anticipating them for weeks. However, now that she was here, he did not seem ready to give in yet. Judi does not handle disappointment well.
Her attitude continued to worsen as they ate their meal and watched the other hikers file in and setup their camp areas. She began her attempts to make him angry, with comments, such as, “There has to be a real man around here someplace,” “Fucking pussy,” “Why did I travel all this way for this shit,” etc.
She continued her attempts by flirting shamelessly with other hikers, laughing with them, touching them provocatively, leading them on. He noticed, however, that she watched him the entire time looking for the desired reaction. Instead, he simply watched and listened impossiblely, not giving in to her attempts to raise his ire.
He knew what she wanted, but he was well aware of what Anticipation brings to the table. When you want something so bad you can almost taste and touch it, but it is still afar off. Like children on Christmas Eve before time to open presents. Anticipation brings excitement and a sort of age at the same time. He was a master at making her wait. At bedtime when they got into their sleeping bags, she was all over him: kissing, sucking his lips, biting his neck, and urging him on. He stared into her eyes and they were pleading for his touch and contact. She would have taken anything that he would give her at the moment in time. Yet, he ignored her and rolled over on his side with his back to her. Simply, he dismissed her.
She had no idea, but she was driving him crazy inside and it was so hard to ignore her, but he knew it was necessary for what was to come. Finally, she relented and rolled over too. He could feel her anger through her body language and sensed her pouting. Then he sensed something else. He could feel her body vibrating against his and know that she was moving her hand at a rapid pace. He heard small moans and gasps escape her lips as she played with her pussy. Hewas so fucking turned on, but continued to ignore her as her moans reached a frenzied crescendo and she had what could only be a massive orgasm.
Suddenly, she rolled over and rubbed her cum slick fingers over his lips, cursing into his ear and calling him every name in the book as he continued to ignore her. Finally, she whispered softly into his ear, “You fucking son of a bitch… I love you…” and then drifted off into silence and sleep.
He was smiling now. She had all but fallen into his trap. Finally, sleep found him and anticipation of the next day caused unbelievable dreams to float through his head.
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