The Help Ch. 01

January 5th, 2011

Dear Alissa,

I lost my job three weeks ago and the apartment manager just taped a 3-day notice on my door yesterday. I have no idea what I’m going to do, but I’m hoping this guy from a craigslist post calls me back. He needs a live-in maid. That should be easy enough and I’ll have a place to stay until I get back onto my feet. I’ll let you Know how it goes.

Love ya!


January 6th, 2011


Hey, I just wanted to update you. Tom (the craigslist guy) called back and he is stopping by to help me pack my stuff today! I’ll be staying with him and cleaning or whatever until I get my life together. I wish you lived closer so I could just stay with you and Matt. Anyways, tell everyone I said hi. I’ll write again when I get things situationd.


January 10th, 2011


I have to tell you that this is the weirdest job ever. I signed a contract (upon Tom’s insight) that I stay here at all times during my stay, unless I am with him or I will be fired/forced to leave. I guess I’ll be trying to get things together more quickly, because he is one picky guy and I like to do my own thing, you know that!

I have been keeping the house as clean as possible and making sure that his dinner is done when he comes back from work, you know– all that kind of stuff. I’m sort of rushing through This letter because he will be back very shortly and said my actual training begins today and he has my uniforms. What a weirdo! Maids in hotels wear uniforms, not maids in houses- lol! I can only imagine they are some sort of bland gray uniforms, like the ones maids wear in cheap hotel chains.



I can’t even write anymore tonight to Alissa. I have no clue why I’m Even writing on this blank page. The training that I just went through was inexplicable. I’ll try to get this out though, because I need some sort of reminder. I have a feeling things will never be the samefor me again. I’m drawsy from what Tom put in my drink and I’ll try to make this quick.

Tom ate his dinner as usual and requested that I wait for him in the living room. I heard him wash his own dish, which was a little odd, as I usually washed the dishes as soon as he was finished with them. In spite of the strong urge I had to go and wash the dishes for him, I stayed in the living room, as he requested.

When he finally came in, he was holding two glasses of champione. Though I thought it was a nice touch and a very nice welcome to my new job, I politely declared the drink, as my mother was an alcoholic and I thought it would be better to stay away.

Suddenly, I saw a look on his face that I’d never seen before. He was angry. Not just a little angry, but absolutely infuriated. I was terrified. This man, that I had thought was my saving grace, seemed like a complete nightmare.

“You will drink this champione. Don’t refuse me on anything again, or you’ll find yourself and your things on the front lawn,” Tom said calmly.

He then extended the glass of bubble champion once more, but with a forceful thrust towards me this time. I took the champion without another word and began to drink it.

I couldn’t afford to be homeless and I knew from the way he was acting, that he wouldn’t think twice about throwing me out onto the street. The thought terrified me and I knew I needed to buy myself some time by cooperating.

He then told me that I needed to get off of the couch.

“You are very important to me,” he said as calmly as he ever spoke to me,” but you are the help. You are not the owner of this house and you are not a guest, so get off of my furniture. Kneel on the floor when you are tired of standing and never forget that this is my home. Respect it.”

I did as I was told. I had no other choice. This man, this ‘boss’ of mine, was the only person I had to lean on at the moment and maybe for quite some time. I knew this job would test my ability to stay calm and deal with authority, something I’ve never been good at.

To be continued…


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