It was a beautiful day as Jill a 23-year-old sexy redhead was driving out in the mountains looking for a place to camp for the weekend. She had just broken up with Ronnie and was looking for a place where she could be alone and find solitude so she could think things over. She had camped out before and had everything she needed.
After driving aimlessly for a few hours she discovered a federal park with camping facilities. She entered the park and drove for a minute before coming on the official entry to the park complete with a ranger’s hut where campers were to register and to pay. The ranger was not in the hut and so Jill took the opportunity to sneak past. She didn’t have a camper and would not need electricity so why pay. All she wanted was a quiet place out of the way from every one.
The park was a huge one several miles wide and deep with plenty of majestic trees providing ample cover for a restful weekend of camping. She continued to drive past several campsites covered with camping trailers and avid campers. After about a five-minute drive she began to find nothing but scenery and no humans around. This was precisely what she wanted for a quiet weekend.
Jill found a dirt road deep inside the park and turned down the road to see if she could find a spot to set up camp. After going a short distance she found the perfect spot on a grassy hill over looking a stream and surrounded by tall trees.
It was still early Friday evening and so Jill still had plenty of time to set up her tent and get all her supplies and gear out and prepare for a long quiet weekend. After her tent was set up with her sleeping bag placed inside the tent she set about to gather some wood for a fire. She was quite capable of building a fire and cooking on it for her meals. She made herself a simple camper’s dinner and admired the beauty around her as she ate.
After dinner she sat down by her fire to contemplate what had brought her here. She had been datingher boyfriend Ronnie for about a year but things had slowly deteriorated. Ronnie was a nice guy alright, but over time Jill began to see him as a wimp. Ronnie was an accountant by trade and made good money but simply did not satisfy Jill’s inner needs. Jill had once told her girlfriend that having sex with Ronnie was like having sex with a cold fish.
Ronnie on the other hand saw himself as tender and compassionate and would never hurt Jill. Ronnie had every right to want Jill’s body. Jill is 5’4″ tall, bright red hair, green eyes, and a perfect figure to go with it. She had nice full breasts that curved out and down with nice nipples jutting straight out becoming to be touched and loved. She had nice hips that curved out and then curved back in before meeting her nice shapedly tights that gradually tapered down to her calves and ankles.
Simply put Jill had a body any woman would be proud of, and any man would be glad to have first hand knowledge of. For whatever reason Ronnienever seemed to truly appreciate the body of the sexy Jill Bronson in the way it should be appreciated. Many nights Jill would find herself going to sleep quite frustrated by Ronnie’s lack of manly appreciation of her body.
Over a few months Jill had finally decided to break it of with Ronnie even though he really was quite sweet and could truly provide security for a woman. After the break up Jill stewed about it for several weeks wondering if she had made the right choice. After work she would go out for a drink with friends and try to forget the relationship she had ended.
One night Jill stayed a little too long at the local pub and hand a few too many. Had Ronnie was there he would have seen to it she got home all right always being the considerate one. Unfortunately Ronnie was not there so Jill who had more than Enough to drink stayed to drive home alone. Unfortunately she did not make it before having an accident seriously damaging another car. When the police cameJill was arrested and taken to Jail. She waited in jail for several hours before one of her girlfriends bailed her out.
With the help of a good attorney Jill was placed on probation and avoided Jail time with the judge admonishing her that if she got in trouble again she would have to serve the jail time. Jill was now in a quandary; she had only been away from Ronnie for a few weeks and was already in trouble. Perhaps she had made a mistake. She needed some time alone to sort things out and that’s why she decided to take the camping trip alone.
Jill sat by the fire long after the sun had gone down just thinking about life in general and her in particular. Even though it was only 10:30, Jill was tired and decided to get ready for bed. There was noone around for miles so Jill took off her shirt revealing her full breasts and nipples. It was nice to feel the nice warm summer breeze gently careing her breasts and nipples. Jill stood up and slide her shorts off and then slide her panties down her shapedly thighs revealing all her sexy charms to nature.
The night air felt good on her sexy naked body so Jill sat on the log in front of the fire and sipped the coffee she had made. Jill knew she had a nice body and could not figure out why Ronnie had seemed so remote when she was naked. There is no doubt that any man seeing this 23-year-old sexy redhead sitting naked by the fire would have appreciated her beauty.
About 11:30 Jill was ready for bed so she got up and went into her tent. It was a warm summer night so she decided to forgo her pajamas and sleep in the nude. She climbed into her sleeping bag and settled down for the night. One almost got the feeling that the moon looking down almost shook its head at the waste down below. A sexy redhead lay naked in her sleeping bag all alone. It just didn’t seem right. As Jill drifted off to sleep she kind of felt the loss herself. Maybe a cold Ronnie next to her naked body would be better than nothing at all.
Jill spent most of Saturday after breakfast hiking around and simply enjoying the beauty of the park. She truly loved the out of doors and it was a chance for quiet meditation. Though she loved the quiet time there was still something missing in her life and it probably wasn’t Ronnie. Jill went to bed that night again sleeping in her sleeping bag while completely naked. As she lay there she let her hands roam over her naked body as if trying to figure out why Ronnie was not completely turned on by her and why sex with him always seemed so unfulfilling.
Jill woke up Sunday morning and by the time she had her morning coffee and breakfast she had pretty much decided that she had made the right decision by breaking up with Ronnie. She knew that although he would be a great provider he could never satisfy her inner needs. It was time to move on in a new direction although she was not sure what that would bring.
It was a warm day so Jill had removed her shirt and was nowTopless down to her shorts. It was about noon when Jill heard a man’s strong voice saying, “Good day ma-am.”
Jill almost forgetting she was topless turned around to find a man dressed in a park ranger’s outfit standing there. Park Ranger Tommy Thompson was quite an imposing figure standing 6′ tall with piercing blue eyes, dark wavy hair, and quite muscular.
“You’re quite a long way away from everyone”, he remarked.
“I know,” Jill said, “I came to have some quiet time.”
“That’s’ fine ma-am, I just need to see your camping permit and your fire permit.”
“I don’t have one,” Jill admitted.
Ranger Thompson now frowned heavily making Jill cringe. “You mean you snuck in here without paying and then used park property for your fire without paying the permit fee?” he snapped. “Yes Sir,” Jill said sheepishly, “I’m sorry.”
Jill tried to avoid looking at him but his commanding manner forced her to keep her eyes on his.
“Well ma-am, I’m afraid sorryis not good enough. We can’t just let people come waltzing in her and not paying. That young lady is simply stealing from the government and in this case the federal government. I have no choice but to write you two tickets and then arrest you. You will have to go to jail, post bond and then appear in court. Stealing from the federal government is a serious offence and may result in a jail sentence.” He made Jill produce her ID and prepared to write the tickets.
Genuine fear crept into Jill’s heart. She knew she was in trouble, not only for this offense but she was also on probation. There was no doubt in her mind that she would be sent to jail. On top of the embarrassment she would lose her job as well.
Jill began to cry and plead with Ranger Thompson, “Please don’t turn me in Sir, I don’t want to go to jail, I promise to never do it again, please Sir pleasureseeeeee!!”
Ranger Thompson was moved by her pleasure, but was in a real quandary. He could tell Jill was genuinelycontrite and it would be such a shade to see this sexy young woman go to jail. In addition to her contriteness Ranger Thompson could not help but be moved by her sensitivity, especially as he stood there with her alluring full breasts and nipples totally bare. On the other hand it would not be right for her to go completely free. Someone had to protect the rights of the government and that was his job.
As Jill Continued to beg and plead with him his mind was whirling a mile a moment. Finally he spoke in a firm voice, “Ma-am I really don’t want to see a beautiful young woman like you have to go to jail but you do have to be punished for what you’ve done.”
“Okay” said Jill, not sure what that means. “Punish me as you see fit just don’t let me go to jail.”
“Let me understand this so we are both very clear,” said Ranger Thompson. “You agree to be punished by me in any way I dream appropriate and in return I will not have you arrested?”
“Yes Sir,” Jill blurted out.
“Wait right here for a moment Jill,” Ranger Thompson said. He went to his jeep and returned with two pieces of rope. He looked at a couple of trees until he found the right one for his purpose. The large tree was bare on one side and had a strong branch on the other side about seven feet off the ground.
He tossed the rope over the branch and then turned to Jill and said, “Come here Jill.” Jill did as she was told mesmerized by his commanding presence.
Ranger Thompson had her face the bare side of the tree and then tied one end of the rope around her left wrist and secured it tightly. He then made her raise both hands around the tree and reach as high as she could. He then quickly tied her other hand to the other end of the rope and secured it tightly. In order to do this Jill was forced to put her partially clad body up against the rough bark of the tree and she could feel its roughness against her tender nipples and smooth breasts.
Ranger Thompson now went behindJill and reaching in front of her unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them down until he had them off. Jill’s heart began to pound with anticipation not knowing what was going to happen next. Ranger Thompson now took the other rope and tied it around her left ankle and pulled the rope around the back side of the tree and the other end of the rope back out front to her right ankle.
“Spread your legs apart Jill,” he ordered. Jill wasn’t sure why but she obeyed. “Further apart Jill,” he ordered.
It was very uncomfortable but again she compiled. In order for her to spread her legs further apart it forced her now naked body up tight against the tree and standing on tiptoes. Ranger Thompson now quickly tied the end of the rope to Jill’s other ankle and secured it tightly. Poor Jill was now tied to the tree completely naked, spread eagled and totally helpless.
Ranger Thompson stepped back for a second to admire the beautiful sight before him. The sight of the 23-year-old sexynaked redhead Jill Benson tied spread eagled to the tree and completely helpless was a sight any man would enjoy. He could have looked at her all day admiring her naked body but there was a job to do.
He went and stood by her left side and let his string hand rest on her soft bare back. “You have a very beautiful body Jill,” he volunteered.
“Thank you Sir,” Jill said, her heart beating a mile a moment.
“Although you have a beautiful sexy body you must still be punished. Are you ready?”
“Yes Sir,” Jill said reluctantly, not sure what was coming next.
Ranger Thompson let his strong right hand glide over her bare bottom cheats as his left hand was in the small of her back. Jill’s naked body reacted to his touch both with excitement and a little fear. She could tell by the touch of his hand he was man of strength and power unlike Ronnie, whose touch did very little for her.
Without warning Ranger Thompson lifted his right hand and then brought it down quickly landing with a loud smoke on Jill’s left bare bottom chef. The force of the smoke made her naked body want to leap forward but she was already against the tree and could go no further. Already another smoke of his strong hand was landing on her other bare bottom chef and again her sexy naked body reacted.
Ranger Thompson was quite satisfied with the initial feel of his hand on her nice curved firm bare behind but it was now time to get serious. He began to land crisp hard smacks of his meaty hand all over Jill’s unprotected bare behind. Jill tried to squirm and wiggle some but about all she could do was rubb the front of her naked body against the rough bar of the tree. Ranger Thompson had Jill right where he wanted her and she was about to pay dearly for her crime.
Over and over Ranger Thompson’s hand delivered sting smacks all over her bare behind covering every square inch of it over and over again. Her once creamy flesh bare behind was now turning a deep brightred. There was no doubt in Jill’s man that Ranger Thompson was every bit a man. Jill had not been spanked since she was a young girl of 16. Her daddy had spanked her and even though she did not like to be spanked she still found security in her daddy’s strength. He was a true man and Ranger Thompson appeared to be one as well.
Jill was sobbing outright now as Ranger Thompson’s hand Continued to find her bare behind. Strangely enough Jill was starting to feel conflicting feelings she never had before. Her bare behind felt like it was on fire and causing her real pain. On the other hand the feeling of his other hand on her back holding her in place was a sign of strength, which she found somehow reassuring. Even more difficult to explain was the feeling stirring in her own naked body. As she squirmed and wiggled her breasts and nipples and her love channel rubbed up against the rough tree bark and she somehow found it arousing.
Meanwhile Ranger Thompson had landed over two hundredred smacks to her quivering bare behind and was now ready for stronger measures. He removed the leather belt from his pants and doubled it over. He stood to Jill’s right side who had no idea what was about to happen. Ranger Thompson raised the belt and brought it down quickly landing with a loud thwack on Jill’s bare behind.
Jill thrust her head back and looked up as if asking heaven for help and screamed out, “Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeee owwwwweeeeeee, oh God Owwwwwwweeeeeee.”
Ranger Thompson quickly landed another blow of his belt to her bare behind and again her naked body reacted to the pain as it shot through her helpless sexy nakedness.
Ranger Thompson was delighted at her reaction and now really went to work on her bare behind with the leather belt. Thwack splat, thwack, splat, thwack, splat, and thwack. Over and over the leather belt found its mark against Jill’s poor bare behind. Her sexy naked body squirmed and wiggled as much as she could but the tree held her firmlyin place. The front of her naked body rubbed so hard against the tree it was almost like it was roughly cares her breast and nipples and her love channel.
Ranger Thompson would land over 100 strokes of the belt to Jill’s bare behind before he stopped. Jill was glad to have the pain stop but did not realize her punishment was not over. Ranger Thompson walked over to where there were some young sapling trees. One young will tree was just perfect as it had a tall but thin shoot sticking straight up about three feet. He quickly cut it with his knife and peeled off the few leaves on it. It would make a perfect switch.
Ranger Thompson now returned to where Jill’s sexy naked body was still tied spread eagle and waiting for him unsuspecting of what was to come. He surveyed his handy work so far and let His hand roam over the back of her naked body. Jill although still recovering from the pain was thrilled to feel his strong hand roaming all over her sexy naked body. He coveredher back, her bare behind, and her upper thighs even letting his hand cares her soft inner tights. Jill thrilled to the touch of his strong hands wondered why Ronnie had never touched her like this. What poor Jill did not realize was that ranger Thompson was simply feeling the areas he intended to whip.
Jill was disappointed when he took his hands off her but she was about to get the surprise of her life. Her first scream could be heard a mile away when the first blow from the switch landed leaving a long mark on her bare behind. She was equally unprepared for the next blow of the switch even though she heard it swishing through the air before it landed. Again she screamed aloud and pushed her naked body into the tree but it would do her no good.
Ranger Thompson now began to land quick strokes of the switch all over the backside of her helpless naked sexy body. Because he was using the switch he was not constrained to just her bare behind. Her back and tights were also nowfair game so he could start at the top of her back and work down to her bare behind and then on down to her spread thighs. As poor Jill squirmed and wiggled helpedlessly the switch continued to leave its marks. Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, and swish.
After over 100 strokes of the switch Poor Jill thought she would pass out. She began to beg and plead with Ranger Thompson, “Please no more Sir, pleasesee, I can’t take it anymore, honest. Pleaseseee Sir, pleaseseeee I’m sorry, I won’t ever do it again, please Sir pleaseseeeeee pleaseseeeeee, I’ve learned my lesson.”
Ranger Thompson was not quite moved yet and the switch continued to find its mark. Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, and swish.
Poor Jill was absolutely beside herself as she begged and pleased unashamedly between her screams. “Please no more Sir pleasureeeee, Ill do anything you ask but please stop pleasureseeeeee”.
Ranger Thompson stopped, and asked, “Anything Jill?”
“Yes Sir,” she cried.
“Are you sure Jill,” he asked landing two more quick switches of the will switch.
“Yes Sir anything you say but please don’t whip me anymore.”
Ranger Thompson laid the switch down and untied the ropes on Jill’s ankles and the ones on her hands as well. “Turn around Jill,” he ordered, “With your back against the tree.”
Jill did as she was told and then Ranger Thompson had her put her hands behind the tree and above her head and secured them with the ropes like before. He now made her spread her legs apart and secured her ankles just like he had before. Jill’s sexy naked body was once again spread-eagle and secured but this time the front of her naked body faced Ranger Thompson.
She stood there helpfully as he removed his own clothes, until he was completely naked. Jill couldn’t help but admire his muscular naked body with its fine chiseled features. She especially noticed his manhood which was standing at full attention. Jill could not believe the sensings shewas feeling in her own naked body as she watched the man who had just whipped her approach her
Once he got to where Jill waited he looked into her eyes and then reached down and kissed her firmly. Several times he kissed her in a way that Jill had never been kissed before. He let his tongue explore her lips and Jill opened her mouth and his tongue slipped inside of her mouth and they exchanged the kiss of lovers. Jill could not believe how her naked body was responding to his advances but she could not deny it was
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