The Best Therapy ch. 06

Mary was busy gathering all the cum on her face with her fingers and licking them clean while Brad put his shorts back on. He looked at his mother and he could feel his dick giving signs of getting back to life. He wished he could stay and watch that exciting show, but he had something else to do. He walked out of his room unnoticed by his mom, who was too focused on eating his cum to see him leave. Mary seemed in a world of her own. He knocked on his sister’s room’s door and entered when she let him. Christine initially thought it was their mother at the door and that she was there to give her a lesson on appropriate behaviors.

Obviously, she was surprised to see Brad, but she was glad it was him. He would give her the confidence to face her mother. She knew Brad shouldn’t be here and their mom would get even more upset if she caught him in her room, but it didn’t matter at that moment. She was so freaked out she was about togo nuts. Christine had never been so scared of her life. Brad went to her and hugged her tight. She immediately felt better in the comfort his arms provided.

“How are you doing, Sis?” He asked her.

“I’m scared, Brad. Mom is going to kill us,” she replied with tears in her eyes.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be OK, trust me,” he reassure her.

“I trust you, but I don’t see how it could be okay. I have never seen her so furious,” she cried on his shoulder.

“Listen, Sis. I’ve just had a talk with Mom and I’ve told her you and Nana were helping me learn about the female body. When she talks to you, don’t act scared but pissed. You have to make it look like you didn’t do anything wrong and she just overreacted, okay? Act like all of this is her fault. Got it?” He explained to her.

“Okay, but…” she started before being interrupted.

“We don’t have time for details now. I don’t want Mom to realize I’ve left my room. Remember, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He concluded and left Christine’s room after kissing her forehead tenderly.

Brad returned to his room in silence after grabbing a towel in the bathroom and saw his mother still cleaning her face thoroughly with her fingers. He waited until she was satisfied with her work. She returned to reality when her fingers couldn’t find another trace of cum anymore. She turned her head to see where she was and saw Brad standing next to the bed with a towel in his hands. Silently, he gave her the towel and she sat up. She used the towel to wipe the cum in her hair and the little traces she couldn’t scoop with her fingers. Once she was finished, Brad spoke to his mother.

“Now go talk to Christine and Nana to apologize.”

Mary stood up, put her dress back on and went to the bathroom. She checked her face and she was satisfied not to see any semen on her. She walked to her daughter’s room, knocked on the door and entered when Christine invited her in. Christine was sitting in front of her computer, reading her friend’s latest news on Facebook. It calmed her down to think about something else. She turned to her mother as she entered and the young woman looked serene. She was still a nervous wreck inside, but she managed to not show it.

“Princess, can we talk for a minute?” Mary asked her.

“Are you here to apologize?” her daughter asked her back.

“Yes. I’m sorry about the way I reacted,” the young mother replied, not sure of herself anymore. Her mind was still confused. Minutes ago, she had been ready to bring down hell on her daughter, but her talk with Brad changed that.

“You should be, Mom. Iwas enjoying giving Brad a great blowjob when you forcedly grabbed my hair and throw me out of the living room. I still don’t understand why you were so upset,” the teenage girl lied to her.

“It’s because you were all naked,” she answered.

“So?” Christine inquired.

“So, I found it inappropriate,” Mary explained.

“What? Brad asked us to strip, so we obeyed. What’s inappropriate with that?” her daughter told her without skipping a beat.

“Brad was touching your grandmother’s vagina too. He shouldn’t have,” she informed her.

“Why shouldn’t he shove a finger in her pussy? He has the right to do anything he wants to his sluts,” Christine lied again. Seeing her mother so docile made her want to take things a little bit further. She was tired of being the perfect little girl her mother had always wantedher to be and wished to let her wild side go free. Besides, it was fun to mess with her mother.

“His sluts? Who are you calling his sluts?” her mother questioned her.

“I’m talking about us three of course. Granted, I just got started yesterday, but we suck his cock and drink his cum every day, and not just once but constantly. If that doesn’t qualify us as his sluts, I don’t know in which dimension we are living in.”

“We are doing this only to help him in his time of need,” Mary stated.

“Really, Mom? So you don’t love to have his big fat cock in your mouth? You don’t love it when he pours his delicious cum into your mouth for you to drink? You don’t love to parade in skimpy clothes in front of him? Tell me you don’t love those things and I won’t say you’re a slut,” Christine argued with her.

Mary kept silent because sheloved to do all those things, yet didn’t want to admit it. She could have lied, but it would have been wrong.

Christine smiled, proud with herself. “That’s what I thought. You’re a slut, just like Grandma and me. Sure, we suck Brad’s cock because of his condition, but we don’t have to do it so frequently. Brad practically has a mouth around his cock all day long now but when he was going to school I’m sure he survived with much less ejaculations. We also put sexy outfits to arouse him, not because we have to, but because we love showing our bodies to him,” the young woman commented.

Mary thought about it and realized something.

“You’re right. When he had school he could masturbate maybe three of four times a day tops. But now, if he comes just five times it’s an anomaly. Why didn’t I see it before?” she scolded herself.

“Don’t beat yourself up, Mom. It’s what happens when a woman deals with a real man. She just can’t think straight,” Christine reassure her.

“You can say that again. Nowadays, I feel like my judgment is clouded every time I think about Brad. I just can’t have a coherent thought around him anymore,” her mother confessed.

“Exactly, Mom. We are just powerless before Brad. God created a perfect man and we are so lucky to serve him. All the girls at school talk about blowjobs like they are the worst chore in the world, but sucking Brad’s cock feels so good I could do it all day long even though it’s so much longer and thicker than other guys’ junk. The other girls also say cum is gross and what a huge favorite They do them when they let their boyfriends cum in their mouths. And they never swallow because they say cum makes them sick! But Brad’s cum is so delicious I’d cry if I couldn’t swallow all of it. And most guys would consider ejaculating three times in a single day an impossible task, Brad has an endless supply of cum and gets hard at the drop of a hat. Isn’t he extraordinary?” Christine asked her.

“Yes, he is, but he is my son. All of this has to stop once he can use his hands again,” her mother told, surprising herself at that.

“Unfortunately, but we still can enjoy the time we have left,” the young woman pointed out, even though she didn’t have any intention of stopping anything when he could fully use his hands again.

“We will,” Mary confirmed. “Now I have to call my mother. Can you check on Brad to see how he is doing?” Then she left her daughter room.

Christine couldn’t believe her mother had agreed to her bullshit. She had gone a little too far in her fantasy, but her mom never refused her ludicrous explanations. It would have been too good to be true to haveHer mother accept her status as Brad’s slut, but her silence was enough for Christine. Her mother would ponder about it from now on and, with a little extra opinion, maybe she could be converted. Her silence also gave her the green light to act as Brad’s slut. She thought she wasn’t as beautiful as her mother or grandmother, so she doubted Brad would fall in love with her when he had those two Gorgeous women at his beck and call. Her only option was to show him how eager she would always be to please him. It didn’t both her to have to act like that because she had always imagined herself as Brad’s slut-wife in her fansies. In them, Brad and Christine were just like a normal couple, except Brad could have sex with her anytime, anywhere and anyway he wanted. It turned her on to think About giving him her body to do as he pleased. Of course, when she imagined the non-sexual parts of their romantic relationship, they would be real partners with equal say on everything. But first she had to make him want a relationship so she would unleash her slutty side and show him all the advantages being with her would give him.

After leaving her daughter’s room, Mary went to her own. She had to change clothes as soon as possible. When she entered, she found Brad going through her clothes.

“What are you doing?” she asked, surprised to see him there.

“I’m just sorting your clothes out. I don’t want to see you wearing something as ugly as the brown dress you are wearing now so I’m getting rid of the clothes I don’t like,” Brad explained to his mother.

There was a pile of clothes on the floor and he was adding more and more clothes as she stood watching him quietly. When he was done, her closet only contained the few items she had bought a few days ago. She just stared at him silently as he left her room after picking up her discarded clothes. She didn’t know what he was going to do with them, but she actually didn’t care because, at that moment, she never wanted to wear them again.

Brad looked back at her when he reached the door.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Give me what you are wearing. The dress, panties and bra,” he ordered his mom.

Obediently, Mary took her clothes off. She started with her panties, which she throw on top of the clothes Brad was carrying. Then came off her bra, which she took off under her clothes and tossed it at Brad too. He didn’t understand why she was taking her clothes off in that order until she let her dress slide down her body. She did it slowly and was careful to cover her sex with her left hand as the dress reached her crotch area. Mary gave him the dress but never took her hand off her sex. Brad didn’t say anything at the moment even though he wanted to see her pussy. He had made some good progress that day and didn’twant to push his mother too far too soon. He would see her pussy another day.

Brad left her room and she started to dress again. She chose skin tight jeans and a green top which left her shoulders bare and showed lots of cleavage. She had put a thong under her jeans, but no bra under her top. The saleswoman had advised her to go braless with that top and recommended her to buy a thong. She said she shouldn’t wear her jeans with anything other than a thong or people would see a panty line. Mary wanted to leave quickly so she didn’t argue with the saleswoman, but intended to never wear such an undergarment. Now she was glad she had it because she wanted to be as sexy as possible for her son and a lot of her inhibitions were fading away. Once dressed, she picked up her phone and called her mother.

Eleanor was in a bar, nursed her fourth vodka martini when her cell phone rang. She had dressed just outside her daughter’s house after being thrownaway. Luckily, nobody was in the street to see her doing so. She had gone to her car and driven around town looking for a bar. She had entered the first one she had found. It was a nice and clean bar with lots of light. Wearing her tiny shorts and revealing top, she had been constantly hit on by many men, but one stern glare at them and they all backed off.

At first she was shacking with fear of her daughter and what she might do. She had never intended to go that far with Brad, but with no one stopping her she quickly got very horny and went a little wild. If she was completely honest with herself she would say she had wanted to go wild with Brad for days. Ever since she had taken his cock in her mouth for the first time she had wanted to have it in another orifice of hers. That day had changed her relationship with Brad without her knowing it. At first, when she gave him handjobs, it was to help him. Sure, she loved to drink his cum afterwards, but it was just a little pExplore she allowed herself and not something overly sexual in her mind. It was like dressing sexy to arouse men. It excited them, but it was not sex. Same thing with drinking Brad’s cum. She did it to tease him and not as part of any sexual play.

It all changed once she took his cock in her mouth. Before, he had been her handsome grandson with a huge cock she was helping, but after that he became a potential sex partner. Unbeknownst to herself, she had started to treat him differently. Eleanor was a strong and independent woman when she was alone but, when she was in a relationship, she always became submissive. She loved it when a man took charge. She found it comforting and Reassuring to have someone to rely on even though she was capable of handling things quite well on her own. She didn’t just obey like a mindless drone, but she definitely was a follower, not a leader. Her husband Bill had been the man of the house during their marriage and she liked it that way. She was a typical housewife who took care of her husband and children. She had been happy that way.

Her relationship with Charles didn’t work because he was just like her, a follower. With nobody leading the relationship, she hadn’t been able to resist when Rick came into her life and seduced her. He was a real ‘take charge’ kind of guy, or so she thought. It had been great at first because he introduced her to things she didn’t know but, after a while, he couldn’t handle her anymore. He had awoken her Adventurous sexual side, which had been in a deep slumber since Bill had died and, in the end, she became so demanding he couldn’t keep up with her.

That’s why she had let Brad get his way with her since that first blowjob. Besides, as time passed, he revealed himself as the kind of man she was attracted to. His confidence was awe-inspiring and the crazy things he did turned her on something fierce. The kidwas a sexual dynamo and she was sure he would have no trouble to keep up with her and then some. She wanted him and made sure to let him know. Her clothes became more revealing than what she used to wear around Mary and she didn’t care what her daughter thought about it. She thought she was just having fun with her grandson and didn’t realize she was trying to seduce him. Even after what had happened earlier and the fact she had been ready to fuck her own grandson, she still saw what they did together as harmless fun. So what if she had some meaningless sex with her grandson? She just didn’t understand it was impossible to have meaningless sex with someone you care about and love.

Her first vodka martini had calmed her down and by the end of her second drink she had gotten over her fear of her daughter. She had been in the middle of her third one when the anger rose. Mary had been given her shit since she hit puzzle, always judging and disapproving her.Eleanor was sick of it. She wasn’t as close to Brad and Christine as she was with her other grandkids because of Mary. Just because the bitch was so narrow-minded she might lose Brad.

And what a hypocrite she was. Who was sucking her own son’s cock like a two-bit whore? Mary. Who was dressing like a slut to arouse her son? Mary again. Who would welcome her son’s might cock in her cunt in a few days? Probably Mary if things keep going on like this. So who did she think she was to judge people? She was in no position to judge anyone, Eleanor thought.

When she learned Eleanor had sucked Brad’s cock, Mary got really mad, but the next day she was also sucking his cock. She had got mad when they went out together and her mother was dressing provocatively, but it didn’t stop her to go and buy some slutty clothes herself. Oh no, she showed up the next day with a sexy dress like it was normal. Eleanor was sure Mary would be naked in front of Brad the next day too. Mary was just jealous of her because she had got to Brad first. But Eleanor was forced to do it. If Mary had been the first one to suck Brad’s cock, he would have never given his grandmother a second thought.

Eleanor knew she still looked good and could easily compete with women twenty years younger, but Mary’s body was just out of this world. Her tits were enormous, yet she was still thin. Her legs were long and shapedly. Any leg man would go crazy for those. Her ass was round and tight and the only person with an ass which could live hers was Christine. Even her face was flawless. Plastic surgeons were paid thousands of dollars to give Mary’s cute little nose and sensitive lips to many other women. Her beautiful hazel eyes made you think of a nice fall day and showed her innocent so men would easily fall in love with her if she didn’t actively avoid them. Mary’s only flaw was she didn’t know how to use her body to tease and seduce men, but with some time she could overcome that and be unstoppable.

Eleanor’s anger against her daughter was more furious than ever when her phone rang. She saw the caller ID and answered. She was ready to tell Mary home truths but she just couldn’t. Mary readily apologized before asking her to come home before hanging up. She had been very nice and it surprised her mother. Eleanor was thrown by the call, but two minutes later her cell phone rang again. This time it was Brad.

“Brad, are you ok?” she asked as she accepted the call.

“Yes, I’m fine. Has mom called you yet?” he wanted to know.

“She just did. It was weird because she was so nice. I expected some yelling and threats but not this,” she informed him.

“I know. You won’t believe it but when she came to see me she was apologetic and asked if I was ok. Like being sucked by two beancient women was some kind of horrific experience,” Brad chuckled.

Then he told her about his encounter with his mother. Eleanor was only half surprised. The story just confirmed what she already suspected. Mary was in love with Brad. A normal, sane woman wouldn’t act like that.

“So just come home, Nana. Mom won’t be a problem anymore,” Brad finished.

“I’m on my way,” she told him before hanging up.

Eleanor called a cab because she was too tipsy to drive. She was not very drunk, but she was responsible and never drive her car when she had consumed alcohol. As she waited for the cab to arrive she thought about what Brad had told her. He was delusional if he thought Mary wouldn’t be a problem anymore. He had just resolved this crisis but there would be future ones. In spine of that certainty, she was still impressed with him. However, he was just a man and didn’t really understand women. It was no wonder. After all no man fully understand women.

She was in the cab when Christine called and told her about her encounter with her mother.

“Do you really want to be your brother’s slut? I thought you were in love with him,” Eleanor asked her granddaughter.

“I just said that to mess with mom, but I have thought about it and it could be fun and practical to be his slut. If I want him to fall in love with me he has to see me as a woman and not just as his sister. To do that, I have to compete with Mom and you and showing him how eager I am to please him is the way to do it,” Christine explained to her.

Christine didn’t tell Eleanor she expected her to be gone and her mother to revert back to normal once Brad had completely healed. Then, he would only have her to take care of his sexual needs, and it means she would be able to continue what they were doing now without the other two getting involved. It was fun to act like a slut in bed with Brad, so she didn’t see why she shouldn’t continue to act like that after, as long as it was just in the bedroom. It would be ideal if they could spend the rest of their lives together as a couple, but Christine was realistic. They would probably have to marry other people, hopefully a frigid woman and a man with no sex drive to keep up appearances in front of others. Although that, she hoped they could still see each other on the side. And being his obedient slut would prevent him to be faithful to his wife or get involved with other women who wouldn’t deserve him.

After the call ended, Eleanor thought about what she would say to her daughter. She was sick and tired of walking on eggshell around her. She came up with a plan and just hoped Mary wouldn’t call her bluff.

When she arrived at Mary’s, Eleanor barged in without asking for permission and went directly up to herroom. She let the door wide open and took out her bags. She started to make her luck, but was careful not to be too quick. She didn’t want to finish her task before her daughter noticed. Brad heard Nana coming home and went to see her. He was surprised to see her packing since their earlier discussion went well.

“Nana?” he said astonished.

Eleanor looked back to him and winked.

“Go fetch your mother and act like you are pissed because I’m leaving,” she whispered.

He understands all of this was a strategy to further manipulate his mother. He went to his mother’s room but she wasn’t there. There was noise in her bathroom so he called her.

“Mom, you’re in the bathroom?”

“Yes, I am. Wait a second, I’ll be right there,” Mary responded.

Two minutes later, she exited her bathroom.

“What is it, Honey?” she inquired.

“Nana is in her room, packing. She is leaving because of you,” her son sternly informed her.

“But I apologized,” she exceled, contrite.

“Well, you didn’t do a very good job at it. You know, Mom, I’m greatly disappointed in you,” he criticalized and left. He had done his part so he just went to his sister’s room and informed her to let their mother and grandmother talk undisturbed for a little while.

Mary felt sad and ashamed for having let her son down. She ran to her mother’s room and saw her in the middle of packing.

“What are you doing?” she asked her mother.

“I’m leaving, Mary. I know when I’m not welcome and I don’t want to impose,” Eleanor calmly explained.

“Don’t leave, Mom. I’m sorry about earlier. I just overreacted. You are more than welcome toStay here,” her daughter apologized.

Eleanor stopped packing and stood up to face her daughter.

“I’m tired of being judged by you, Mary. Ever since you were a teenager you have been constantly critical about me and the way I live. I used to think one day you wouldn’t be so stubborn anymore but now I realize it will never happen. You are just a narrow-minded hypocrite and I can’t stand it any more,” the older woman confessed.

“I’m not a narrow-minded hypocrite. I’m very tolerant,” Mary tried to defend herself.

“Really?” her mother exclaimed, surprised, “You never accepted the way I think about sex. Just because I love sex and you were repulsed by it, you condemned me. You saw me as the source of all evil and if I weren’t your mother you wouldn’t be talking to me. I don’t call that tolerance.”

Mary didn’t know what toSay because it was all true. She could have told her mother she was just trying to show her the errors of her ways but it would only make her mother madder, and she was there to convince her to stay.

“You treat me like I’m the biggest slut in the world and you are too blind to see that I’m not. I have never cheated on anyone and I have never done any disgusting sex act. I had a wonderful sex life with your father. We made love regularly and we never did anything normal people could call weird. When he died, I waited four years before I got involved with someone else. I loved your father so Much it took me three years to accept his death and move on with my life. And where were you during the darkest time of my life? It was your brother who took me in and his family helped me go through my depression. Your sister visited me every time she could and called me every day she couldn’t. You, one the other hand, only came for the funeral and the holidays just the year after you father passed away. You called once a week for the first three months but, after that, it was just the mandatory call per month. Every time you have needed me, I’ve always helped you. But you, the good Christian, were never here for me!”

Eleanor had not intended to say all this. She had never realized just how much she resented her daughter until that moment. Their relationship had always been a one way street so she had built up a lot of anger towards her daughter.

Mary also realized how much she had let her mother down when she was needed the most. She had been very sad when her father died. Her brother had volunteered to take their mother in so she dropped the responsibility of cheering their mother up on him. It just felt normal because she was living far away, but now she believed she should have done much more.

“It took me another year to find someone worthy enough to replace your dad or so I thought.Charles was a wonderful man and I thought I could fall in love with him, but I never did and never would. He just couldn’t take your father’s place in my heart, not even just a little. I could have stayed with him, but it wouldn’t have been fair to any of us. He didn’t deserve to be with someone who didn’t love him. That’s why I left him for Rick. I didn’t fall in love with him but he Ike my sexual desires up. It was a fun relationship which fulfilled my physical side. Nobody could fulfill my emotional part, so it was the next best thing. But even though I did a lot of crazy things with him, I never had sex with anyone but him. So, frankly, I don’t see why you judged me so harshly while I was with him. Your brother and sister understand it was not a serious relationship and supported me. Why couldn’t you?”

Both Eleanor and her daughter were in tears by now. On Eleanor’s part, she criticized because she was finally letting the truth come out. On Mary’s part, she criticized because after all she had experienced in the last three weeks, she finally understood her mother’s sexual side.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” she said and then hugged her mother, “I never understand why you acted the way you did, but now I do. I feel so beautiful with my new clothes that it’s been depressing to wear my old ones today. When Brad told me he found my underwear ugly, I felt ugly myself too.”

“Brad saw you in your underwear?” Eleanor asked, acting surprised even though she knew the truth. “How did that happened?”

Mary was embarrassed to have her mother know what she did. She had got so angry with her and ten minutes later she had been in the very same position.

“After you left, I went to his room to check on him and one thing led to another I ended up standing in front of him with just my panties on,” Mary confessed ashamed, not by what she did with her son, but by the way she reacted when she had discovered her son, daughter and mother fooling around naked in the living room. She wasn’t so much better than the two women.

Eleanor broke the hug and took a few steps back.

“You see, Mary. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. You are a hypocrite. You yelled at Christine and me because we were naked and two minutes later you are doing the same thing. Brad told me how you reacted when he confessed to you that I had sucked his cock. You were outtraged and ready to kill me, but a few hours later you were bobbing your head up and down over his cock Just like me. Don’t you see what a hypocrite you are?” she accused her daughter.

“I’m sorry. I just didn’t understand,” she apologized again.

“I get it, you know. Being a slut is new to you but try to understand what is going on before acting crazy. I know what you are going through right now is confusing, but you can just talk to us when you have a problem instead of yelling to everyone. What you saw in the living room was Christine and I being good sluts for Brad. We were just following his orders like the obedient sluts we are. If you want to continue serving Brad, you’ll have to become a better slut and learn to follow orders too. You don’t want to be left behind, do you?” Eleanor explained to her daughter.

It was the fabrication Christine and Brad had made up and she thought it was a good idea. If they transformed Mary into Brad’s slut she wouldn’t be criticalizing, but joining them instead. The older woman just didn’t comprehend what she had said wasn’t a total lie at all. She had willingly become Brad’s slut, but he wasn’t treating them that way just yet.

“No, I don’t. However, things would run a lot smootherIf you explained me things before you acted. How do you expect me to react when I catch my son fingering his own grandmother?” Mary argued.

“You’re right,” her mother agreed. She had to be prepared to anything they wanted to do or they would have to face another fiasco. “I’ll talk to Brad and see what we can do.”

“So, are you staying?” Mary asked.

“Yes,” Eleanor simply said.

With the air cleared, Mary left to prepare dinner while Eleanor stayed behind to put her clothes back into the closet. It didn’t take long because she hadn’t actually put much stuff in her suitcases. She had been packing just for show. After her clothes were properly put away, she went to Brad’s room. He wasn’t there so she went to Christine’s to see if she knew where her brother was. She found the two of them talking in the young woman’s room. They stopped theirDiscussion and their grandmother related what she and Mary talked about. It gave Brad a lot to think about so he took his pants off and asked his sister to blow him.

“Nana, go help Mom with dinner. You two have so much to talk about and you shouldn’t wait too long to do so. You have finally connected, so go and strengthen the link. With what you said to her, I have the feeling you have missed being close to her for years, so here is your chance. I have a lot of thinking to do anyway so I want to be left alone,” he commanded his grandma in a kindly manner. />

“So why would you ask Christine to suck your cock?” she jealously commented as she watched Christine swallowing her brother’s huge cock without questioning him.

“I don’t want to interrupt my thinking in thirty minutes because I’m too horny to think. Christine will just give me a quick blowjob to empty my balls,” he explained as if hasving his sister takes his penis into her mouth was the most natural thing in the world.

Eleanor still felt slightly jealous, but she had been sucking his cock for the past two and a half weeks while Christine had just started the day before. She would sound like a selfish bitch if she continued with her complains. She left them and walked down to the kitchen. She helped her daughter with the cooking and they talked about everything except sex. They soon realized they didn’t know each other as well as they Thought or should. For example, Eleanor didn’t know her daughter had gone to Paris for two weeks with her family ten years ago and Mary didn’t know her mother was a Harlan Coben fan. There was still so much to talk about, yet they already felt much closer than before. A bond which had been missing all their lives was being built, but there still was a long way to go to fully make amends.

Dinner was a very pleasant event that evening. For once, eVerybody took part in the conversation. They talked about movies they liked, books they had read and crazy things they had done but never had the courage to share. It was the first time the family had had an honest conversation. They left sex topics aside because the women were waiting for Brad to open that kind of discussion and he didn’t seem to want to do it over dinner. After they finished eating and washing the dishes, they retired to the living room.

Brad went to the basement to get back an old white board he used to play with when he was a little kid. The pens were dry so he took one from his father’s office. When he came back with the board, the three women were sitting on the couch waiting for him. He placed the board in front of the TV and started the meeting.

“Because of what’s happened today, I think we need to make some ground rules if we don’t want a repeat of it. I’ve thought about some and if anyone wishesto add others, feel free to suggest them. Once a rule has been approved, there will be a punishment to anyone who breaks it. The punishment will be decided by the three of us who had not broken the rule. After each suggestion, we will vote and if the four of us agree, it will become a rule. If three of us agree, we’ll try to convince the other one for 15 minutes and vote again. If the person disagrees again, we’ll drop the rule. If only one or two of us is in favor, then we’ll also drop the rule without voting again. Is that clear?” Brad explained the procedure.

“Yes,” the woman said at the same time.

“First order of business. Anytime I want one of you to take care of me and my cock, she’ll have to drop what she is doing and comply. Raise your hand if you agree,” the young man started. Three hands rose in the air. None of them had any problem with playing with his cock whenever he wanted.
He wrote therule on the board and smiled because he had made the rule vague on purpose. It didn’t eliminate fucking.

“Ok, next. When one of you is taking care of my cock, she has to be completely naked except for high heels and stocking if I request it. Raise your hand if you agree,” he told them. This time, only Christine and Eleanor rose their hands. Mary seemed to have a problem with that rule.

“What is your problem, Mom?” Brad asked her.

“I think is inappropriate for you to see us completely naked. I think we should at least keep our panties on. It’s not right for you to see our vaginas and it’s useless for taking care of your cock anyway,” she explained.

“I understand what you are saying Mom, and I disagree. It’s not useless because it excites me to see your pussies and it’ll accelerate my ejaculation. And I find it unfair because you girls see me naked every day. It’s common courtesy to also be naked. Nana, Christine, do you wish to add anything,” he commented.

Eleanor shared a look with her granddaughter, meaning ‘I’ll take care of this’.

“Yes, I do. Mary, as Brad’s sluts it’s our duty to please him so I find it offending to refuse this simple request. Our bodies are meant to arouse him and seeing our pussies would be very arousing for him. But I’ll respect your decision, no matter what it is. Besides, there is nothing forbidding Christine and I to be completely naked when we suck his cock, so it won’t change anything for us. I just think Brad won’t ask for you to suck his cock much if you refuse him this simple pleasure,” Eleanor argued.

“Christine?” Brad asked but she shook her head to show she didn’t have anything to add. She thought her grandmother had nailed her argument.

Mary panicked when she realizedWhat saying ‘no’ would mean. Nothing had convinced her until her mother told her she wouldn’t be playing with her son cock very much if she decided to refuse the rule. She raised her hand during the second voting and Brad wrote the new rule it on the board.

His next rules passed easily because everybody wanted them or didn’t see any harm in them, plus all of them wanted to please Brad. So he wrote ‘Wear slutty clothes all the time except for Mass or special permission from Brad’, ‘Always wear at least five inch heels except for playing sports or special permission from Brad’ and ‘Eleanor, Mary and Christine aren’t allowed to have any sexual contact with any male other than Brad’.

Since Brad had only seen Eleanor and Christine’s pussies he didn’t think of another important rule. He thought every woman shacked her pubic hair, but Mary didn’t. Luckily for him, Eleanor thought aboutof it. When Brad asked them for more rules, she proposed it.

“I think we women should shake every hair of our bodies except that on our heads, our eyesbrows and eyelashes.” And she pointed at Mary to Brad with her finger without her daughter noticing. Brad understand the signal.

“You’re right. There is nothing more disgusting than pubes on a woman’s pussy. I know all women shake, but it’s best to put it in a rule,” he stated for his mother’s sake. After hearing how disgusting her son found it, Mary didn’t object to the rule and it was also adopted.

“Anything else?” Brad asked.

“I have one more suggestion,” Christine said as she raised her hand. “I think we should ban the words ‘penis’ and ‘vagina’ from our vocabulary, especially when we are playing with your cock. Only kids use words like those and it’s not sexy at all. Weshould also support the use of dirty talk when we are pleasure you. I know you like it Bro and I’m not sure everyone does it.”

“I don’t think we should encourage that behavior, Princess. Taking care of your brother doesn’t mean we shouldn’t remain civilized people. I’m putting my foot down on this one,” Mary protected.

“I think Christine has a point. After all, we all are Brad’s sluts now and using dirty words is our duty,” Eleanor supported her granddaughter.

“We shouldn’t call ourselves sluts either. I think it’s degrading,” Mary commented.

“That’s not what you said earlier, Mom. You agreed we were Brad’s slut when we had that conversation earlier today,” Christine exaggerated on purpose.

“Well, I’ve had time to think about it since then and I’ve changed my mind,” Mary argued.

“But I thought you loved to suck my cock, Mom,” Brad reminded her.

“I do, but…” she answered before being interrupted.

“And you love parading yourself half naked in front of me, don’t you?” he asked Mary as he knelt before her. He took her hands in his to comfort her.

“Yes, but…” his mother started to say, yet he interrupted her again.

“And don’t you love doing everything you can to please me?” he asked her too.

“You know I do, but…” she responded, but Brad didn’t let her finish.

“Then you are a slut, Mom. You dress like a slut, you suck my cock like a slut and you want to please me by any means like a slut. So, unless you do the same thing for other men, that makes you my personal slut, Mom. And it’s not a bad thing as you’d be a good slut because you’ll remain exclusivesively mine” Brad explained to his mother.

“Couldn’t we just use another term other than slut? It’s so demeaning,” she confessed embarrassed.

“No, it’s not. I’d love to have you as my slut, Mom. And it won’t stop me from loving and respecting you. In fact, I’ll love you even more,” he reassure her.

“Alright,” she whispered, her face red as a tomato.

“So, you’ll be my slut, Mom?” he asked her gently.

“Yes, I’ll be your…argh…slut,” she agreed even though she avoided his star. It was an embarrassing confession she had just made. She couldn’t refuse anything when he was so sweet to her.

“Thanks, Mom. That means you’ll have to learn to talk like a slut too. I don’t want to hear you use the words ‘penis’ or ‘vagina’ ever again. Ok?” Brad asked her as he caressed her hair.

“I…I guess,” she finally conceded.

“Thank you, Mom,” he said before kissing her lovingly on the lips. “I love you.” Mary beamed with joy at his last statement.

He stood up and resumed the meeting.

“So, if nobody has any objection we’ll make those two new rules official,” he announced and nobody protected. There was no more voting to do so he ended the meeting at that point.

“I’ll put all of this on paper and make all of us sign it. Every time someone wants to add a new rule, we’ll have a meeting to discuss it and vote. This meeting is over, Thank you everyone,” he concluded before realizing he still had a little trouble writing so he asked his sister to do it.

“Nana, come to my room. You promised me a title-fuck earlier and I intend to collect,” Brad ordered his grandma.

After they left, Mary went to her daughter.

“Princess, how do I shake my pubic hair?” she asked very embarrassed. She had never shaken down there and only trimmed it when it became too noticeable. She shacked her legs but maybe for a sensitive area like her crotch there would be some precautions to follow.

“You never did it?” Christine asked her mother in amazement, who shook her head in return. “It’s simple. You trim your hair very short or else you’ll destroy your razor and it will take forever. After that you should take a warm bath because it’ll soften your skin and relax your hair follicle. I recommend it because it’s your first time. You should also dab some shaving oil before the cream. It’ll prevent razor burn. After you put the cream, you take the razor and shake like you do for your legs. When you are finished, you clean the area with a towel and apply some lotion where you shavled. Nothing too complicated.”

So while Mary went to her bathroom to shake her public hair, Eleanor was striping in front of her grandson. The meeting they had just finished when Brad had set the sexual rules had made her very horny and playful. She asked him to put some sexy music on his computer and when the first note of Joe Cocker’s “You can leave your hat on” resonated in the room, Eleanor smiled because the song was famous for stripes. Brad remained on his desk chair as she shook her hips in synch with the music and started to dance on it. When she sensitively lifted her tank top over her head, Brad’s erection became harder than a rock. Seeing her shorts slowly slide down her long and toned legs made his cock even harder than steel. The show Eleanor was performing in front of him was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. Even though she was an astonishing beautiful woman, Eleanor’s beauty paled in comparison of Mary’s. However, the way she moved her body at that moment made Eleanor sexier than her daughter in her grandson’s mind and Brad just wanted to grab her, throw her onto the bed and fuck the shit out of her.

The moment her bra was unhooked, Eleanor turned her back to the excited teenager. She throw it at him and turned to face him with her hands hiding her tits. She continued to wave her body and started to cares her boobs sensitively. Brad was ready to shoot his load in his shorts and his grandma’s teasing wasn’t helping. Finally, she lifted her hands up her head and stroked her hair. The song was practically over when Eleanor moved her panties aside to show him her pussy and shoved two fingers into it. Brad was doing all he could to not cream his shorts, but seeing the gorgeous Eleanor pumping her fingers into her cunt made the task extremely difficult. It became the hardest thing he had ever done when she took her fingers out of her pussy. He could see how wet they were before she put them in her mouth. She sucked her own pussy juice from her fingers and her face looked like it was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted.

It wasn’t, but she wanted to aroom Brad as much as she could. She was actually indifferent to her own pussy juice. It wasn’t bad, but not really good either. The final notes of the song echoed in the room and Eleanor slide her panties down her legs with her back to her grandson, so he had a perfect view of her pussy and ass. She just had enough time to step out of her panties and face Brad before the song ended.

“Fuck, Nana. It was amazing. It was just the sexiest thing I have ever seen,” he confessed.

“Thank you. And for the nice compliment, I’m going to take your cock between my boobs and jerk you off with them,” she purred.

Brad hastily took his shorts off and Eleanor placed the cushion in front of his chair. She spit on her breasts andsmeared her saliva all over her cleavage. Brad’s cock was shining with pre-cum so it didn’t need any additional luxury. She knelt on the cushion and wrapped her huge breasts around Brad’s dick. A few strokes later, Brad was ready to cum. The dance had been too excited for him and a little manipulation of his cock was enough to make him go over the edge.

“I’m cummiiiiiiiiing,” he shouted.

The first spurt of semen hit Eleanor right on her chin. She closed her eyes because his dick moved upward and she was afraid to receive cum in her eyes. Her forecast was correct because the next wad of cum landed right on her left eye, and then on her right one. He literally painted her face white and even her hair had a lot of cum in it. When she felt her whole face was covered by cum, she backed off a little and aimed his cock towards her tits. Brad didn’t have much cum left but he was still able to leave a nice line of cum on his grandmother’s breasts.

She used her fingers to wipe the cum off her eyes so she could open them again. When she did, she looked at him in the eyes and spoke to him.

“I guess you have made it official now. You have just marked me as your personal slut”


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