All characters are 18+
There was a knock at the door and I knew it was daddy. I was so excited. I couldn’t wait to finally play with his lollipop again. I was also a little nervous because I’ve been a bit (a lot) of a brat lately and I’ve been sulking and daddy doesn’t like sulking especially when he thinks I’ve just brought it on myself. I don’t know if I’m opening the door to my happy daddy or my annoyed daddy. I tried not to press his buttons all morning but my mouth always gets me in trouble. Maybe he’ll let me use it on his hard lollipop to get myself out of trouble too. I’d rather that than the naughty step again, what does he think I am, 2?
I open the door and daddy looks pleased to see me so I internally scar a breath of relief.
“Come in daddy”
“Thank you little one” I closed the door behind him and he sat down on the sofa and this is where the fucking up began. I took my usual seat across the room. I didn’t even sit with daddy. What a silly mistake,I should have know to at least sit next to him. Now I could pretend I was waiting to be invited but I don’t think that’ll fly. Now he’s giving me the star. I shoot up and sit next to him as fast as I can.
“No baby girl, my lap now.” I might have let out a little sight as I moved over into his lap. Why does he always have to correct me and give me that look as he does it. He’ll say its for my own good and usually I would agree but I suddenly find myself annoyed and no longer in the mood to be a good girl for daddy.
“Do you want to lose the attitude little lady?” He couldn’t just let it go, could he? No he has to bring it up again after just correcting me. If he’s going to treat me like a little kid then I’ll behave like one. I just stare back at him and cross my arms. Then I move off his lap and stomp across the room back to my chair and turn away from him.
“What do you think you’re doing young lady?” I can hear the frustration in his voice but I’m in full blown childsh mode now and he’s just going to have to deal with it. Its his fault for constantly bringing me up on every little mistake, it doesn’t matter that I asked him to do that. Today I don’t like it when I’ve been so excited to see him that he is still pulling me up on it instead of using me like the dirty little slut I am.
I decided not to answer him and turn to the side even more so my back is facing him.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, its basic respect.”
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that! And didn’t you just forget something? Now turn around and look at me”
“You can’t make me DADDY!” I really put emphasis on daddy to make a point that I hadn’t said no daddy on purpose. That was like hitting the big red button. Daddy was Not happy with me.
“Thats it, I’ve had enough of your constant disrespectful attitude. Go sit on the naughty step and calm down now!” I uncrossed my arms and turn to look at him. I started to rise then looked him straightin the eyes as I sat back and said
“Make me.” His eyes flashed but he didn’t say a word. He just got up, closed the gap in 2 easy steps and grabbed both my wrists and pulled me up. He roughly dragged me to the stairs as I struggled and he turned me around and tried to make me sit. I locked my legs and used all my strength.
“You can’t make me sit if I don’t want to. I’m not a child daddy”
“If you behave like one I’ll treat you like one. Sit NOW” I knew he could make my knees buckle if he wanted to and make me sit but he was giving me one last chance to comply. Too bad I was too far gone to take it.
“If you want me to sit daddy you are going to have to make me because I don’t want to and I’m not going to do it myself. But you can’t make me can you? You’re too nice to do that aren’t you daddy?” At this point i do not know what came over me. You never talk down to your daddy, its so utterly out of order and disrespectful. And thats when he slapped me straight acrosss the face and I immediately sat down from the shock. I knew it was coming but it still didn’t make it any less of a shock.
“I have never been so disappointed in you little girl. Now you sit there and think about what you’ve done and why. When I come back I want to know the answer.” With that he walked back into the living room and I burst into tears like a little girl does when they are put on the naughty step. Stupid naughty step. It makes me feel alone and abandoned. I hate it. And its uncomfortable. Daddy always says punishments aren’t meant to be nice otherwise I wont learn and I know he’s right but it still sucks. After a few minutes the tears give way to thinking and I do nothing but think about how stupid and disrespectful I was until daddy comes back.
“Now are you ready to tell me why you behaved like that?”
“Yes daddy. I was so happy to see you that I got mad when you pulled me up on my mistakes and then I started to sulk and I didn’t want to do anything youasked because I was pissed off at you daddy.”
“But you told me to be strict with you little one. You can’t get mad at me for giving you what you asked for.”
“I was more mad at myself and chose to take it out on you. I feel like I’m always forgetting and not being good and that I’m not learning fast enough.”
“Baby girl, it doesn’t matter how long It takes you to learn,the important thing is that you do learn and that you are making progress and that make daddy proud “
“I’m sorry daddy.” And then I gave him a hug and a kiss to show I was sorry, as I usually do after in person time outs.
“Thank you little one. Now come upstairs and I want you over my lap.” Should’ve known there would be more than just a time out after that performance.
“Yes daddy.” I followed him silently up the stairs and waited for him to sit before I positioned myself over him lap, daddy pulled my pants down to my ankles and the hard spanking began. There were no warm up shots eitherr it was painful and unpleasant and not enjoyable. But thats the point of a punishment spanking, I’m not meant to like it or enjoy it.
“Thank you for my spanking daddy.” I told him when he had finished and he had pulled my pants back up signing that was the end.
“You’re welcome slut now on your knees.” He ordered and I obeyed. Finally I get to please daddy. I go to my knees immediately and make quick worse of freeing daddy’s delicious cock and begin sucking without the need for further command. He has my submission, he did all along and now I’ve got the brattiness out I need to show him that. I use my tongue to lick and tease before I bob my head up and down the shake, once I feel daddy’s need to set the pace I relax my throat and take him all in and let him use my mouth as he needs, I’m his to use as he pleases and before long his cum hits the back of my throat.
“Don’t you dare waste a drop my little whore.” Daddy warns and I do as I’m told and swallow it all downand he releases my head and hair as he draws out slowly. He holds his cock to my lips so I can lick that last few drops clean as I do so gratefully.
“That’s my good girl.” Then he takes my hand and leads me to the bed where he cuddles me and strokes my hair and I feel satisfied and complete and I know that I am his good girl, only for daddy.
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