Our Daughter Found Our Stash!

My wife and I keep a small box in our closet that has a few things in it that keep our sexual activities playful. We have a few pictures of her naked and some pussy shots. There are a few of me (all dick shots and a couple penetration shots). There are a few small bullet vibrators, some oils and one large dildo vibrator, and a polaroid camera? The box had a lock at one time but we don’t know where the key anymore, so I just popped the lock and we try and be careful with letting our daughter find it.
Our daughter (her name is Cary and shes almost 18) has a bedroom on the same upstairs floor as we have our, so wwmy wife and I have had to be careful to keep our activities quiet. My wife went out of town for her work. She is an administrator for a large aircraft manufacturing company and her job keeps her on he road occasionally. This trip she will be gone over a week, so my daughter and I are holding down the fort.
Cary and I had dinner, clearned the table and were watching a movie. It was nice to have her to myself and we just chatted about nothing as we watched tv. She got herself a pop cycle and I watched her maneuver her tongue up and down the length of it. I was amused at her eagerness and ability to suck into her mouth and go almost all the way down to the stick. I found myself grinning. “if she were not my daughter…” Suddenly, she stood up and said “Dad, why don’t you pause the movie, I wanna go potty and I will be right back.” I replied “o.k.”
In about 10 minutes she came down the stairs and I notice she had changed into her short flannel nighty. We watched the rest of the movie and she got u and said “goodnight, dad. I’m going to bed now…got school tomorrow” she leaned down and kissed me with a quick peck and I noticed red color all around her lips from the pop cycle. I watched her little fanny move up the stairs thinking, “she’s becomeng a lot like her mom”
Most of the times when my wife is out of town, I really enjoy a good jack off time. It just seems nasty to get off when she’s not around sometimes. To do this I take out our stash, strip down to nothing and look at my wife’s pictures and it dosnt take long and besides, I sleep alat better. I opened the box and noticed that the large vibrator was gone and so were all the pictures of me were missing. Suddenly, it occurred to me that my wife must have taken them with her for those nights in the hotel. As I put the box back..I FROZE! There on the shelf lay one red-stained pop cycle stick……still wet! My brain wouldn’t work for a whirling moment. I processed all the info quickly as my heart pounded. Vibrator missing…..dick pics of me gone…ahah! Tube of oil…..all gone! Had Cary took them or did my wife take them? With my heart pounding in my ears, I moved slowly down the hall towards Cary’s room. She had her soft light onand I put my ear to the door..noise..vibrator noise! ​​And I could hear my little girl moaning, no..grunting?! It was then that I looked down and realized I was naked from getting ready to get off in my room….AND CARY WAS MASTERBATING TO MY PICTURES! I suddenly became rock hard and started to jack right there listening to my daughters noises. I started quietly and slowly breathing through my open mouth when I heard the vibrator stop. I panicked. Did she hear me? I quickly went to my room and closed the door and I made it just in time. Cary came out of her room and came down the hall to the bathroom. A few minutes later, she went to her room. I sat on the bed and looked at my hardon bobbing arous…trying to figure out how I went from zero to 80 with sex thoughts of my daughter. I remember thinking “I bet I won’t need Moms pictures to get off now” and that made me smile just knowing I would jack off to my little girl………then I got an idea! Not just a small,Twinkie idea…but a full-blown, magnificent, wonderful idea.( if I had just realized my dick was in charge of this idea and not my brain…no matter!……my thought it was a good one and that’s all that matters right now!)
I put on my bathroom and quietly went to the bathroom. There I struck pure gold in the clothes hamper. My daughter had just left her panties there..the black silky ones, soaking wet! I quietly took my new treasure into my room and got out the Polaroid camera. I laid the panties on the bed and positioned the moist crotch facing up. I started beating my meat and it didn’t take long just thinking about my daughter getting off to my pics. I shot so hard being careful to aim at the crotch of my daughters sweet panties. 4-5 long squirts! Intense! I quickly laid my dick across her panties, grabbed the camera and took a picture of my masterpiece before it soaks into the pussy fabric. I took the panties and camera and put them in the stash box, beingVery careful to set the photo of my sperm all over her panties. Still thinking with my dick, I thought sometimes tomorrow before I get home from work, she would go to put the pictures of me and the vibrator away and find my little surprise. I jacked off one more time and feel sleep.
The next day I had mixed feeling about everything, but proceeded with my plan….yep, my dick was doing all the thinking. I kept thinking that she took my pictures first so she deserves to know that I know! So there!
I called her at home when I figured she would be there after school. She answer the phone and I told her that I wanted to take her out for a nice dinner. She voice was kinda hesitant, but after assuring her that I thought it might be fun to have some father/daughter time. She said she would get ready. When I arrived home I was experienced all kinds of feelings, doubt, regret, excitement. She jumped up and said “I’m ready, daddy”. I told her to give me a half hour to shower, change and be ready to go and started upstairs. Looking back I saw her set down and she seemed nervous.
I couldn’t wait to open the stash bow. Trembling, looked inside. My heart fell. Her panties were still there…wi picked them up looking at the dried stains of my jizz then realized… The picture I had taken was gone!! Cary had taken the picture! She knew that i knew!! She had put everything back in the box. Mos vibrator and the oil. I had an instant hardon! I undressed, took my erection and took a quick bath and dressed with a dry mouth and trembling fingers. As soon as I went downstairs Cary jumped up and with her best smile said “I’m ready, daddy!” Not much was said on the way to the restaurant, I asked about school stuff, she asked me about work. I noticed her starting to relax, and that helped to too.
We had a nice meal, we talked about everything. We were really enjoying each others company and I think we both realizeed we were looking and treating each other differently. I tools het that I really enjoyed my evening with her and she agreed that she had a great time as well. We got to the car and I opened the door for her like I do her mom. I think she felt special. I told her before I started the ar that I had a surprise for her, she just looked puzzled as I reached to the back floor of the car and retrieved a package for her. “Here, I got this at lunch today. It’s for you” she looked confused but opened the card on the package . It simply said “thank you, sweetheart for making my life interesting”. Dad. Cary slowly opened the lid and life just seemed to go into slow motion as her eyes went to me, back to the box as her mouth slowly opened as if to say something, but couldn’t. Before it became awkward it just said the first thing that I thought of…”Cary, I just got these because I wanted to make your life interesting” I must have been the right thing becausee she suddenly giggled and said “it’s the perfect thing, dad. How many other girls can say that third dad bought them a vibrator, bullets, oils and and a garter??” She broke the “iffy” moment and reached over and pecked me on the lips. Her eyes were lit up and sparkled with joy. She was so relieved and comfortable with the evening that I don’t even think she saw my hardon. I was leaking through my trousers. We got home and she hugged me in the living room and said ” dad, I have school tomorrow. The evening was great but I’m taking my present to bed.” We both laughed and I watched her go up the stairs knowing our relationship had definitely changed forever. Under my breath I had to ask…”where was this going?”
The week went by and Cary and I were really enjoying each others company. We talked constantly to each other and enjoyed it. The day before her mother came home Cary called me at work. She said “dad, I’mTaking you to dinner tonight to the hamburger place, and I have a present for you” I said “O.K.”, and couldn’t wait till work was over. We got to the burger place and before we went in she said to me “here dad, is your present. I was wrapped in bright paper and had a pop cycle stick with a ribbon tied onto it. I had to laugh…and said “this is the little thing that got this ball rolling” We both laughed as I opened the small package. My brain froze! Out spilled 12 of the most amazing photos of my daughter using the vibrator I got her. Different positions.. One showed her sucking on the vibrator. Her pussy was stunning, shavled and beautiful! She looked wet and juicy in all the photos, and you could tell she loved showing her pussy to her daddy.I was stunned! I was hard! I just slowly looked at her with my mouth open and stuttered….thanks..hon. She smiled as said “one more thing dad” and she slide forward, raised her skirt, placed herfingers in the wait of her panties and slowly pulled them down and off. She handed them to me and they were soaking wet and I could smell her perfume on them. I couldn’t help but raise them to my face and breath into them. She giggled softly and strictly and leaned into me and whispered “daddy, do you want to eat burgers here or eat at home? Tomorrow, mom will be home and I bought more Polaroid film. I swallowed and started the car.


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