…I’m Jason. I was only half listing to my girlfriend Trina talk about her big crush on the schools male drama teacher, Mr. Miller. I was more interested in feeling her nice tits as I had my hand under her T-shirt and feeling them. I was getting her hot and the hotter she got, the more she talked about her big crush.
I decided to mess with her.
……“Have you ever thought about what his cock feels like?…what it would be like if he made a move on you?…kissing you and feeling you up?” She giggled all embarrassed and said: “Well…I guess I have…. a little. “ I said: “ You can fantasize all you want, so dream on Trina.” She giggled and we began laying down on her bed. After getting her pants down, we started in fucking. I said: “Just imagine I’m Mr. Miller and I’m madly in love with you and have to have sex with you…” She closed her eyes and moaned softly…. “Ok…take me Mr. Miller…I know how bad you want me…fuck me now.”
….. She had a big climax as we peaked our fucking. Later I said: “You naughty girl, you were fantasizing that I was Mr. Miller and he was having hot sex with you, you can’t fuck a teacher!” We both laughed, but I kept laughing for a long time because she knew nothing about what was happening to me…..at this very point in time.
(Trina thought…) We’ll see about that ‘Can’t fuck a teacher’ stuff. Next year I’ll be out of high school and he won’t be a teacher to me anymore. No rules say he can’t have sex with an ‘ex’ student. Right now nobody knows it but we’ve already kissed and he feel me up real good after class one time. I want to have sex with him. He’s the most handsome sexy man I’ve ever met. I’m going to fuck an ‘ex’ teacherof mine, you just wait….
….Mrs. Lamar, my Art teacher, hung the sign ‘Detention’ on her classroom outside door. She closed and ‘locked’ the door. Her nice full tits began to rise up and down as she began to get excited. I was in detention again with her. She turned around and gasp, as I stood there smiling right in front of her. I bent down and started running my hand up under her skirt, slowly up her leg and felt her slick silk panties. She didn’t move and closed her eyes. She began ‘as usual’ to whisper to me: (“…Jason, we can’t do this, I’ve told you before. Now please take your seat and study.”) I didn’t stop, ‘as usual’.
….I let my fingers trace her panties all around her legs and wait. She shivered, as usual. She started in, saying (as usual)…in a whisper: (“…you know the rules, you can’t toucha female teacher, you’ll get kicked out school and into big trouble. We’ve been over and over this. Please remove your hand from under my skirt and I will forget it ever happened. This will be the last time I do this for you. Please take your seat and ‘try’ not to do this again. I know you don’t want to get in trouble..”) I inched her panties down below her pussy. I feel her damp pubic hair. (“…please don’t do that Jason, ‘try’ real hard to control yourself. I know your parents wouldn’t want you to do this. You have to try harder not to feel my body like this….are you listening to me?”) I leaned in and rubbed my cheek on hers. She didn’t move, but just gasp for more air. (“…Jason…don’t do that please…I…a….I know how you…. feel and It just can’t be. Are you trying at all Jason?….we can’t….continue this… you haveto ….control yourself…..(gasp)…oh don’t Jason…y just making it harder…please stop kissing my neck….I’m going to get mad Jason!….oh!….(gasp)….don’t put your finger in me please….your making it so hard to control yourself….this will have to be the last time we do this…..oooooo…careful Jason….my vagina is very sensitive right now and your not helping…
…..5 minutes Jason..5 minutes is all…, and then we stop…ok? I’m a married woman, and you can’t do this….no more kissing today. I’m getting all sweaty. Oh Jason…don’t put my hand on your erection, it just makes it bigger. You don’t want to leave here with a big erection do you!…no more kissing I told you…I..mmmm oh Jason…stop please….you know I can’t take..mmmmm…I can’t breath Jason! Wehave to work on stopping this. I want you to go home and masturbate and think about some other woman, not me…ok?…we’ll try that and see how it works…ok..? Jason. .open your eyes and listen to me! Now take your finger out of me and go sit down!…stop rubbing me there…you know I can’t take that. Oh…Jason…you know I orgasm easy with you, and this is the last time we do it….oooooo…you better hold me so I don’t fall down Jason….damn you…oooooo…oh my god Jason…not again…oooooo…hold me tight Jason, you know my legs always get weak….Yes!…hold me tight like that.”
(I shot cum in my pants…lots of cum.)
“Ok, ok, that’s enough…now go sit down… ”)
…..Finger fucking a teacher to orgasm was the most thrilling thing I had ever done. The risk, …and getting her to let me do it was the best.
….This was the same routine when Mrs. Lamar would put me in detention after class. All teachers were allowed to keep students after class to discipline them. She was ‘helping’ me with my ‘personal problem’ of getting sexually excited over her. She was a dedicated teacher, all business, and was sure she could ‘cure’ me…
….I thought about how we got to this point in time. Mrs. Lamar was my art teacher. All the guys in school knew the hard rules of ’You make a move on a female teacher, and you get in big trouble.’ We saw others get kicked out and even the cops called on one guy, for molesting a female teacher.
…..Mrs. Lamar had a different approach from those rules. She wanted to try and ‘help me’ control my lust for her.
….It started slow as I eyeballed her killer hot body, day after day. She dressed down and covered her tits up as per school rules… but no way could she hide those nice full tits and hot legs…
….I saw her playing golf with her husband one Saturday. She had on white shorts, and a white blouse that let those tits stick out nice. Her long brown hair which was always tucked behind her head at school, was now in a long wavy pony tail, down to her waist…wow. Her husband was off talking somewhere and I approached her. “Hi Mrs. Lamar.” I said. She turned around looking puzzled, then smiled big, and walked close to me. I had on swimming trunks and no shirt.
…..Her smiling eyes were checking me out but good. “Hi Jason, do you work here?” I said yes, part time grounds and pool keeper is all. We talked a little about school stuff. She checked all around to see if anyone was looking. She held out her hand and said: “It was nice seeing you Jason.” I shook her hand as she held on to it. “You’re a natural artist Jason. I envy you. I wished I had your talent. I’ve thought about some ’special projects’ for you, we’ll have to talk after class about them…OK?” I tried not to look down her cleavage at those wonderful full tits. She caught me. She smiled and whispered: (“…Jason… are you listening to me?”) She fiddled with the top button of her blouse and smiled bigger.
…..I don’t know what made me say it, but I whispered: (“..I’m sorry Mrs. Lamar, your so beautiful I….it’s….hard to pay attention.”) She blinked and swallowed, not expecting my answer. She said quietly..(“…we have to talk about this Jason, you can’t be ….I mean you have a future in art…and …I …want …oh god, I don’t know what I mean. We have to have a talk After class about your problem.”)
…. I didn’t realize she had given me a semi-hard on. She looked right at it wide eyed and then slowly spun around and walked away with that cute little ass and those killer hot legs.
Jenny, (Mrs. Lamar) thought and talked to herself…
….. Jenny, you know better than to get sexually excited for a student! Nothing but trouble will come of it. No one knows you aren’t really married. Jerry Lamar is your brother and you just pose as a married couple. This school prefers ‘married’ women teachers, so it makes them happy to think…y married. They think this discourages young males from getting those ‘ideas’ in their heads. It’s ‘suppose’ to keep female teachers from getting involved with young male students since they have a man at home to keep the sexually happy. You’ve got to try harder not to think about this Jason as anything but a student. Damn, why did I have to see him today. He had his damn shirtoff and looked so sexy…THEN…I see his big lump in his swimming trunks. I hate it when my pussy tingles like that when I don’t want it to. I just have to cool myself off and him too, and… THAT…will be the end of it…damn he has a good build and tan…oh stop it Jenny!…you keep thinking about him over and over. I wish I had never met him…kind of… Damn him, now I’m getting wet again. Go take a nap and forget him…
…..Well…that didn’t work, I just had another dream about him….shit! How can I turn him ’off’ to me….but yet stay friendly and nice like he is….let’s face it….you love to think about him….that first day in class…his beautiful blue eyes got me. Shit!…go watch T.V…or something!
…..damn he’s cute…
…..I was in my room thinking about…who else…Mrs. Lamar. My mom came in and said: “I just got a call from a Mrs. Lamar.” I got a jolt in my dick. Oh shit…I’m in trouble now. “She’ll be coming over tonight to talk to dad and I about your art and your future.” she said.
“Oh cool, she thinks I’m a good artist and thinks I have a future in art.” I said.
…..I heard the doorbell and mom and Mrs. Lamar talking. I went in the living room and there she was. She was dressed all prim and proper like a teacher should. We all talked as I eyeballed her and felt the usual tingles in my dick. I always got them from looking at her. “Jason, show Mrs. Lamar the pictures you have done in your room.” mom said. Oh shit…her in my room will be a hard on maker if I don’t watch it. I had on a T-shirt and tight jeans. I stood up and led her to my room. I had a few pictures of hot babes, but mainly some pictures I haddrawn, tacked on the walls.
….Mrs. Lamar came in and studied the pictures. I noticed her breathing was kind of heavy. Mom said: “Jenny… I’ll let you two talk art while I get us something cool to drink.”….and left the room. Don’t get hard now dick…not now, I thought. Jenny stopped in front of a picture of a girl I just drew. The girl in the picture had on white shorts, a white blouse and golfing hat with a long wavy pony tail….she knew it was her.
….. “I like this one real well Jason, who is it?” She turned and smiled at me. I smiled back and said: “A beautiful woman I met.” I said.
….“I couldn’t get her out of my mind…so I just had to draw her….now I’m ’in love’ with the picture….”
…..She turned and looked at me with her beautiful smiling eyes. She stepped real close to my face. Her big tits rose up and down taking in more air. My dick had no choice but to bulge tight in my jeans. She whispered: (“…Jason dear…‘we’ have a problem. ‘We’ can’t let this happen. I will help you get over it. You can’t fall for me and you know it. I have the same problem, and together we can work it out so that….”) She stopped mid sentence. (“..Jason…don’t look at me that way please. I’m having a hard enough time keeping you off my mind… Jason, please don’t….”) I slowly leaned forward and our lips touched softly. She just stood there with her eyes closed. I took her hand and let her feel my hard on. She gasp and trembled hard…and then stopped and gave out a big sight…..She took her hand away and quickly walked around me and out of the room. Jenny, mom and dad all talked as I waited for my rock hard on to go down. I finally came in the living room. She wouldn’t look at me, but just keep nervously jabbering about art. Soon she stood up to leave and I walked her to her car.
….. It was dark out and she smelled wonderful. I leaned in her window and she whispered: (“…Jason!…don’t even think about trying to kiss…”)… I kissed her again… only deeper and longer this time. She moaned and sucked a big breath…” I should slap your face Jason…but…I just can’t….” She returned my kiss and our tongues now met. She moaned a long moan and started the car and started backing out…separating Our kiss. Her eyes smiled wide as she left…..
(Jenny thought on the way home…)…
…..that was a big mistake, letting him get you all hot like that. Now you won’t be able to sleep tonight. Brother Jerry has a girlfriend, so he doesn’t get frustrated like I do. I want my own man. Having sex withYour brother all these years is great, but now he’s got a girlfriend and I want a boyfriend of my own. Why do I have to get hot over a student, I know better and it just can’t be. I’ve got to find a way to stop wanting him so bad…Damn!
…..Jason will graduate in June and be gone….then things will change…I…but I don’t want him gone, I want him to desire me like I desire him…shit! What’s it going to be…dump him or have sex with him….there has got to be a way…
….There has got to be a way…little did I know then that she was thinking the same thing. Time passed. No detention. She announced in class that there was going to be a ‘field trip’ to our local museum. The class all met there and walked around looking at the art. She dismissed the class and everyone left…. but her and I. The museum closed at 4pm, and it was almost 4. The oldlady who ran it came and told Mrs. Lamar to let her self out at the self-locking door, she said goodnight, and left. She closed the only door to the place, checked to make sure it locked, and walked away. “Jason, come with me please.” Jenny said. We walked around the corner to the big row of double no back seats. She sat me down and got in her purse. She handed me some legal looking papers.
….. They said the she was now going to run the museum, and teach a class for advance students in the back. It was an extension of the school system. “Jason, I have to hire security and grounds keeper, do you want the job?”. No more serious looks as she smiled at me. I of course grinned and reached for her. “Now Jason, I’ll be your boss and you’ll have to do as I say. We’ll have to keep working on your problem.” She was smiling and began to unbuttoning my shirt. “We can’t fool around, we’ll have to try real hard to control ourselves.” I started undressing her. I reached up and took the big clip holding her hair. I watched it fall down into my hands…all soft and so sexy.
… “I’m going to try real hard to control myself Jenny. We’ll have a job to do and it will be strictly business.” Off went her suit jacket and blouse. She undid my belt and pants. We traded little kisses and kept talking. “I’ll make sure your protected from any lust filled male students who would dare make a sexual move on you.” Off came her bra and my pants. I laid her down on the seats and lifted up her skirt, and pulled off her panties. I laid on top of her. Time seems to stop as for the first time we got to feel our bodies. We kissed more as she talked some….”Jason, I’ll still be a teacher…but you won’t be a student anymore. Can I trust you to not to try and lose control and try and make a sexual move on me?”
“No you cannot.” I said. “I have this ’problem’…will you help me with it?” Her legs wrapped around my back. “Jason!…control your self!…you know good and well you can’t have sex with a teacher.” She stroked my hard cock and slipped it in her warm wet pussy. She whispered: (“…Jason…your losing control again….oh god,…now you’ve made me loose control too…see what you’ve done….mmmmmmmm….oh oh oh oh help me Jason, your going to make me cum so good…”
…..I watched a male student put his hand around the waist of Mrs. Lamar. I went in the door and took him by the arm and led him out into the hall. “You know the rules mister. You can’t touch a teacher or make a sexual move on her. That will get you a fast trip to jail, do I make myself clear?” “Yes sir” he said. He went back in the room looking all dejected and took a seat. Mrs. Lamar winded at me as I backed out of the room. I smiled, winded back, and left.
…..That night I sat with my new girlfriend in my new apartment. We talked about “Mrs. Lamar” having sex with her fake husband, who was really her brother. How my old girlfriend Trina wanted to have sex with the drama teacher, Mr. Miller. Trina told me later that they did have sex while she was a student….but almost got caught in the boys bathroom at school. She said it was so exciting and risky. They still fuck today all the time.
…..We were in our robes on the couch. Jenny snuggled up to me and said: “Jason sweetie…mmmm…tell me how you felt that first time we had sex.” I smiled and turned her to lay across my lap. I felt her wonderful full tits and played with her pussy…
…”Well Jenny, First of all …I was still a student and you were a Teacherr….so it never happened. Second, you forced me to have sex with you!” “Jason!…you’ve got a real problem telling bullshit story’s. I’m going to have to keep you after class and we can work on ’your’ problem. Now come on, tell me how it was, I get tingles when I think about it…. We giggled and kissed.
….“Mrs. Lamar….I suffered.”
“Oh really Jason, tell me how you suffered so I can suffer with you.” she said.
…”I was so excited…I couldn’t cum. We must have fucked for a half hour and I couldn’t get enough of you. For the first time I got to feel your hot body and kiss you all over. My cock wouldn’t cum. To excited!….so I dropped down to finally lick your sweet pussy. I had dreamed of doing this so many times. You moaned so sweet as I licked you over and over. I loved the way you raised your pussy up to me and ran your fingers thru my hair. You keep squirming, jumping and moaning.”
“You made me orgasm over and over, no wonder!” she said.
….“I think I kissed every spot on your body at least 10 times that night. Smooth and sweet. I sucked your nipples until they were rock hard. You moaned more and twitched with pleasure. You pulled me up and started sucking and kissing on my cock. The sounds you made were awesome. I think my cock was getting ready to cum now…I started to get dizzy and I felt my balls start to react. You must have sensed it, because you started deep throating me and mouth jacking me real fast. I remember seeing bright lights go off in my head as a bolt of cum shot out of my cock, followed by mega shots that seem to never stop “…
“Ooooo I’ll never forget your hot cum filling my throat and mouth. I had dreamed of this day.” she said.
“I lost it…I’d never had anything like that in my life. I had to put my cock now in your sweet wet pussy. You didn’t want to let go of it, but finally you did. In it slid. You and I moaned as it felt like it was on fire with the heat. I’d never heard that kind of loud slapping noise from two bodies before.….we fuck so hard and fast….then… here came the second burst of cum shots….oooooo….we shook together and moaned as your pussy stroked my cock till it was numb.”
“That was the most excited I had been in my whole life Jason!” she said out of breath.
….“You remember we fucked all night, over and over. My cock and your pussy were sore, but we didn’t care and just kept fucking….
….I remember waking up still moving my cock back and forth in you and you squeeze it with your pussy…then I went out cold “….
….Jenny lay there, all hot with hereyes closed. She smiled and took a deep breath….
….”Jason…. sweetie….”
“Yes, Jenny….”
“You’ve got…. a problem”…
“What now, my love…”
“You have a big lump….. sticking me in my side, I think…. we’d better go in the bedroom, (pause for breath) and work on ‘your’…problem.”
…I looked at her, all turned on and out of breath…I said:
“Well…you have a problem too, my dear. Your panties are so wet, they are making a big spot on our new couch….”
….I picked her up and carried her into our bedroom. I kicked the door shut.
The neighbors heard:
….. “Now Jason… sweetie, I’ll get on top…oooooooo…oh.. there…so we can play…’Ride’m Cowgirl’…I just love our little game….now you…
Oh Jezzzzz!!…Ja…aaa…son!…are… you…. Lis…ten…ing… to…. me?…..oh… oh… oh… ba..by…mm…mm…mm.”
…*we solved both our problems…
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