Nick and Danny looked at each other, dumbfounded. Did this greasy, grimy man with unkempt gray hair and a dirty green overcoat two sizes too large says he was Nick’s father?
Nick knew the name Frank Hawkins. As a young boy, Nick questioned his mother about his father. This was before Roberta married Robert. After what seemed like years of avoiding the subject, Roberta told Nick the story of her pregnancy and the man that left her to raise Nick on her own. That man was Frank.
“What?” Nick asked in disbelief.
“I know how awkward this must be,” Frank started. “I came back to town a few days ago and I was hoping I’d run into you, Nick. I never imagined it’d be in a place like this, though.”
“Should I leave you two to talk?” Danny asked.
“No. I think this guy can leave. He’s been gone for the last 17 years. Why should I talk to him now?” Nick asked.
“Look, son, you have every right to be angry with me…” Frank said, before Nick cut him off.
“You’re damn right I do. And don’t call me ‘son’. How could you leave mom like that? Only a coward leaves a pregnant woman before she gives birth,” Nick said.
“But you know what? We’re doing great now. I actually have a dad that’s interested in me. Mom got married and the man she’s with is ten times the man you are. You can’t even buy clothes that fit properly. You look like a fucking bum.”
Frank sat back, taking Nick’s verbal abuse. He expected such a reaction from his son. He saw all of the Hollywood screenplays about long-absent parents trying to reconnect with their teenage or adult children and how resentful the children were that the parent was absent for so many years. While he certainly looked desperate based on his appearance, Frank was determined not to reveal the true circumstances of his reappearance too soon.
“You’re right. I do look like a bum right now, but you don’t really know who I am. I’ve lived my own life these past 18 years. A selfish life, yes, but you can’t judge what you don’t know. I probably made a mistake leaving your mom. Hell, I know I made a mistake. That’s part of the reason I wanted to talk to you, to apologize for my mistakes.”
“Well you can take your apologies to hell,” Nick said, turning away from Frank and back to his chicken wings. He heard Danny says some words to Frank before his friend turned to him.
“Look, dude, I’m sure this is weird. But maybe you should talk to him for a few minutes. Did you think you’d ever get the chance to talk to your dad?” Danny asked.
“Of course not but I don’t want to talk to this guy. Lookat him, he’s a bum,” Nick emphasized, looking towards Frank as he spoke.
“C’mon man, chill out. I tell you how much I hate my dad. He’s a total dick. Maybe you get to know this guy and he’s not so bad. I’m gonna head out for a sec and let you two catch up. If shit hits the fan, I’ll be outside,” Danny said.
Before Nick could protest his friend’s departure, Danny left money for his meal and walked out, leaving Nick and Frank alone at the bar.
“So, son, I overheard your good times with some ladies. You know, I used to be quite the ladies man back in the day,” Frank said.
“I don’t give a fuck what you were ‘back in the day’. And I certainly don’t want to talk about my sex life with you, you old geezer,” Nick said.
“Fair enough. But you told your friend about that feeling in your stomach. That feeling that one round of sex can’t satisfy. I know that feeling all too well. In a few years you’ll find that two won’t satisfy it, three won’t, and that feeling will take over.”
“What do you mean?” Nick asked, curious as to what Frank was describing.
“Well, if you want to listen and not just curse at me, I’ll tell you.”
Frank had a particular talent for drawing people in with stories. It’s primarily how he managed to survive these last few years. Although his shady appearance, he was able to reel people in like fish. They begged him to tell more of whatever crazy story he extracted from his head.
Nick thought for a minute. Would it hurt to listen? He could always run out and leave with Danny if things got weird or out of hand. As Nick contemplated the situation, he looked closer at Frank’s features. Frank had the eyes the same shade of blue as Nick and a similarly hooked nose. Nick imagined at some point that Frank looked similar to himself, tall and lanky, with sandy blonde hair. Nick just hoped that he didn’t end up looking like Frank in twenty or thirty years.
“Ok, go ahead,” Nick said.
“Let me tell you a story. Though I don’t know you as well as I should, given that you’re my own flesh and blood, I suspect we have very similar stories. I want to take you back 25 years ago, long before I met your mother. I was 16 years old when this started, just looking to get laid as much as any other boy. That was probably you not long ago, am I right?”
Nick tensed up as Frank asked the question. Vulnerability was not one of his strong suits. He would rather spend time in a confessional with a Catholic priest than admit his sexual feelings to this man that claimed to be his father. Instead, he simply nodded.
“Ok, that’s what I thought. So at 16, I met this girl. Shewas a really pretty girl, blonde, blue eyes, just perfect,” Frank said. “Let me tell you, she had an ass and a half, especially for a fifteen year old.”
He continued, “Anyway, this girl and I had some adventures. We used to play hide and go seek with the other neighborhood kids. Capture the flag was another favorite of ours.”
“So this girl and I were on opposite teams and as I was running to find her team’s flag, and she was running to find ours. Then, boom! We run right into each other. After making sure she was ok, I somehow asked her if she wanted me to kiss her forehead to make it better. She said yes. The next thing you know, we go behind some bushes and she lets me touch her titles. Long story short, that’s the day I lost my virginity.”
“Ok, so what?” Nick asked.
“It’s what happened after that that is the most interesting. See after that first time,sex became all I thought about. Every day, I’d wake up and think to myself, I need to have sex today,” Frank said.
“It’s like the nicotine addict asking themselves when they can have another cigarette. You described it as a feeling in the pit of your stomach. I know what that’s like. I feel it too.”
“So what did you do about it? How did you make it go away?”
“Oh, you can’t do much about it at all. It never truly goes away. Even now, I look at these cute waitresses and think to myself how nice it would be to hook up with them.”
“But if you did it again, did things get better?”
“Yeah, the feeling is dulled after having sex again. But those urges and feelings are still there, in the back of your mind. After the first girl, it seemed like I would do whatever I could to get sex again. In fact, the next day, I went right back to her house and asked if we could do it again. I’m not too fond of that, looking back. But it’s part of my story,” Frank said.
“I see. So how many girls did this happen with?” Nick asked.
“It probably was with twenty or thirty different girls before college. Most of them were fun times. A few were regrettable, like the invalid down the street. Pussy is pussy is what I used to say. I’d try to avoid that path if I were you.”
“Lots of guys sleep with lots of girls. How is this any different from that?”
“Sleeping with lots of girls is entirely different. See when you have that feeling you described, you need to have sex every day to function. Without it, it’s hard to do well at school, hard to stay in shape, hard to achieve anything. I bet you’re a pretty smart kid, aren’t ya?”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. I always make the honor roll,”Nick said.
“See, I knew you were smart. I bet you already know what you want to major in for college?”
“Yeah, I want to be a math major. I’m interested in being an actuary.”
“Ahh, those actuaries make good money.”
“Yeah, I know. My dad Robert is an actuary.”
“Well, then,” Frank said uncomfortable. “Good for him. I knew your mom would pick a good guy.”
“So how did you get over this feeling if it never really goes away?”
Frank thought before he responded, “It’s a work in progress. I’m still getting over it. Believe me, it’s great while you’re at the age you’re at now but you better figure it out by the time you get older or you’ll end up like me. Like I was saying, once you get this feeling, it’s hard to focus on anything else.”
“I hopeyou don’t mind me asking a personal question,” Frank said.
“I don’t know if I’ll answer it but go ahead,” Nick said.
“Have you had sex yet today?”
Nick chuckled at the question. “Why does it matter if I’ve had sex today?”
“So that’s a no. How are you feeling right now? That feeling is there still, isn’t it?”
It was almost like his father knew him better than he did. Was this some sort of genetic thing? Nick’s last sexual release occurred in Lizzy’s vagina yesterday afternoon. He really wanted another tryst with either Lizzy or Stacy after he left the bar.
“Yeah, I feel like I want it again, but I’m sure I’ll be fine if I don’t do it,” Nick said.
“That’ll only work for so long. If you don’t get it today, you’ll work twice as hard to get it tomorrow. Sometimes, desperate times call for desperate measures. Remember that.”
Frank continued, “If you want my advice, which I don’t blow you if you don’t give my absence from your life, find a fuck buddy. Find someone who wants it just as much as you do. It just makes everything easier.”
Frank got up from his barstool and started for the door when Nick called out, “Wait, Frank, what really happened between you and my mom?”
Frank surprised and said, “That’s something I’ll have to tell you later. I’ve really taken to this place since I’ve come to town. If you want to talk again, you know where to find me.”
After Frank left the bar, Danny re-entered and sat next to Nick.
“So, was he a total creep or what?” Danny asked.
“Yeah, he was creepy but he wasn’t so bad,” Nick said.
“What did youTalk about?”
“Oh, just stuff. He says he comes here a lot since he’s been in town. I’ll probably stop by again.”
“Alright, man. Just make sure he doesn’t try to kidnap you or touch your butthole or anything. He seems like one of those weirdos.”
The next day, Stacy Hendricks found herself conflicted with emotions of guilt and adoration over her recent cooperation with Nick. Part of her really enjoyed the experience; Nick’s pussy eating skills were the strongest of the three boys she’s allowed to explore her love tunnel so intimately. However, she’d been in a relationship for a few months with the other boys, whereas with Nick, this was only their second meeting in person.
How could I just give it up so easily? Stacy thought. Nick was a nice boy and she enjoyed their conversations, yet she couldn’t help feeling that he used her for sex. They haven’t spoken ortexted since the encounter and Stacy thought she possibly picked another dud of a guy. Still, she hoped to see Nick again, perhaps to prove to herself that she could be capable of a real relationship.
“Stace, are you going to eat that?” Mary Kaye asked.
Stacy looked down at her lunch tray at her half eaten Sloppy Joe sandwich and cold taxe tots. Her friend Mary Kaye, who had perhaps the largest appetite Stacy fathomed a woman to have, was referring to the chocolate chip cookie that was at the far corner of her tray.
“Sure, you can have it,” Stacy offered.
“Thanks! Momma always said never to waste something as delicious as chocolate chip cookies,” Mary Kaye said.
Mary Kaye immediately started chomping on the cookie. Stacy didn’t think she’d ever see the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street again, but here her friend was giving a live performance, cookie crumbs flying everywhere.
Her friend Tiffany looked at Stacy with concern. Tiffany was of Italian descent and had perfect smooth olive skin. Her hair was naturally brown but currently dyed blonde. She received most of the looks from males passing their lunch table.
“So Stacy, what’s got you down in the dumps right now? Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, Tiffany, everything’s fine. I’m just thinking about some stupid boy I met last week,” Stacy said.
“Oh, a boy? I thought you were done with boys after that jerk Richard,” Tiffany said.
“Yeah, Richard was a real jerk. Good for you for dumping his ass,” Mary Kaye added.
“This boy isn’t like Richard,” Stacy said. “He’s a really nice guy. Tall, cute, funny looking nose but I think it’s gorgeous. We met at this party I went to last Friday. He actually talked to me and could hold a conversation and not just look at my tits.”
“Wow, ok. So have you talked to him since then?” Tiffany asked.
“Yeah, we met up on Monday. We went to Margie’s Ice Cream Shop,” Stacy said.
“Nice first date choice, ice cream is the best,” Mary Kaye said. She appeared to be scouring over the remaining trays looking for something else to eat.
“And? Something else is there or you wouldn’t be so down if the date just ended smoothly and you went your separate ways afterwards,” Tiffany said.
“Well, I took him back to my place,” Stacy said as Tiffany and Mary Kaye’s mouths fell agope. “I know what you’re thinking, not a smart idea, right? I just thought we’d play some Atari for a while before my parents came home.”
“I see where this is going,” Tiffany said. “Instead of handling a video game joy stick, you handled his joy stick.”
“We just started making out and then he started putting his hands under my shirt. I wanted to stop but he just has this charm about him, so I keep going. One thing led to another and we ended up having sex.”
“Oh Stacy, I feel so bad,” Mary Kaye said. “Do we need to threaten to cut his balls off like we did with Richard?”
“Ha ha ha ha. No, Mary Kaye, I don’t think we need to do that,” Stacy said. “Part of me really liked it and wants to see him again. Another part of me just feels like a slut, like I gave it up too easily.”
“Trust me, girl, I’ve been there,” Tiffany said. “We all make mistakes. Has he texted you since then?”
“No. I guess it’s only Wednesday but you think he’d text me by now. Even just to stay something stupid like ‘Thanks for the good time’ or something.”
“Relax, Stace, I’m sure lover boy will come around. If not, there’s plenty of men out there,” Mary Kaye said.
“Yeah, mostly assholes,” Stacy said.
Stacy felt her pants pocket vibrate. She usually didn’t check her phone during school but since it was lunch, she thought she could sneak a glance before the nuns noticed.
Nick: Hey babe. How r u?
Stacy’s heart fluttered as she read Nick’s text. She thought for a brief moment of whether she would play hard to get or just melt into his hands again. She decided her strategy would be the former.
Stacy: I’m pretty good. Just sitting here bored at lunch. Hbu?
Nick: Ha, about the same. Want to meet up 2nite?
Stacy: What did u have in mind?
Probably sex, she thought.
Nick: We could go get coffee and maybe go for a walk. Catch up a bit.
Hmm, interestingsing. He couldn’t hook up with her in a coffee shop or park benchmark. Hard to get though, remember?
Stacy: Well I actually have to help my grandma water her garden so I’m not sure if I can
Nick: Aww, that’s sweet of you. We can skip the coffee. Or the walk. U choose.
Typical boy; he wanted her to make the decision. Stacy decided to put the onus back on Nick if he really wanted to meet up with her.
Stacy: Aren’t u a super decisive man? U pick one and I’ll tell u if I like it.
Nick: Ok, coffee it is. Meet at Coffee Grounds at 3:30?
Stacy: Sure thing.
“Are you sexting with lover boy?” Tiffany asked.
“Totally,” Stacy said. “I’m going to show him who’s really in charge tonight.”
Nick sat at the lunch table, satisfied with the developments of the day. Danny and Mitch had a heart-to-heart conversationsation about their argument the other day. Well, maybe not heart-to-heart, since they were both typical guys who don’t share their emotions very well. But at least they apologized and could sit at the same lunch table again. Both were fairly silent so it was up to Nick, Jake, and Trent to carry most of the conversation.
Now that all seemed well with his friends, Nick was able to focus on his upcoming date with Stacy. He really doesn’t want to pressure her into having sex again but at the same time he hoped she wanted it. That yearning desire for sex ate at every fiber of his being, from his stomach to his near permanent erection.
His father was right, Nick thought. He would need another release soon. After his attempts the previous night to hook up with Lizzy again proved futile, Nick took matters into his own hands by using the Fleshlight a few times to relieve his pent-up sexual frustration. While it certainly felt good, it was nothing comparedto the feeling of sex.
“So, Nick, who’s this Stacy girl I keep hearing about?” Trent asked. “Is she like those horny Catholic school girls who give it up whenever you ask?”
Trent and Jake laughed while Nick rolled his eyes at the question. Typical Trent. He always tried to turn every conversation into one of a sexual nature.
“She’s this girl I met at a party,” Nick said. “Really nice, cute smile, great laugh. She really seems to get me, the complex intelligent soul that I am.”
“Does she have big knockers?” Trent asked.
“Jesus, Trent, keep it in your pants,” Jake said.
“What? It’s just a question,” Trent said.
Nick decided to address it and decided to try and bring Mitch into the conversation.
“Hey, Mitch, I’m meeting Stacy again tonight. If you want, I can ask her if she has any cute friends you might like,” Nick said.
“Hey, where’s my offer, asshole?” Trent asked.
Mitch was silent, possible still uncomfortable with the idea of getting back into the relationship game at this point.
“Nah, man, that’s cool. I think I’m just going to fly solo for a while,” Mitch said.
“Ha, I bet it’s been a while since you’ve had to do that,” Trent joked.
“Dude, shut up. Your jokes are lame,” Danny said.
As the rest of his friends bannered back and forth about various topics, Nick’s mind wandered to his upcoming date with Stacy. What if they didn’t have sex? How would he satisfy his urges? He needed a back-up plan, he thought. And now, he had an idea.
At last, school was over and Nick could leave for his date with Stacy. He didn’t plan to be as forceful this time in his hopes to hook up with Stacy, but he definitely wanted to up his flirting game and see how she responded.
It didn’t take too long for Nick to arrive at the date location, the Coffee Grounds, since it was located halfway between his school and Stacy’s.
Nick entered the coffee shop, his nose filled with the smell of brewing coffee. At least it would be fresh and not hours old like some of the cheaper coffee shops in town. The shop had its own unique vibe, with 70’s music playing in the background, vinyl flooring, and Andy Warhol paintings on the walls. The colors of the tables and chairs varied form neon green to hot pink. Being the gentleman that he was, Nick ordered some water while he waited for Stacy to arrive before they ordered their coffee.
Nick chose a blue two person table in the back corner of the coffee shop. A small book shelf filled with classic tales such as the Catcher in the Rye and The Old Man and the Sea, was directly to Nick’s left as he sat; behind him were the bathrooms. Perhaps he could have chosen a better location than a potential high traffic area.
Fortunately, the place wasn’t very busy. Most adults were still at work and many high schools don’t drink coffee. Nick twiddled his thumbs as he waited for Stacy to show up. His mind raced back to the sex they had two days prior. The feel of her teach, firm stomach against his palm, her strawberry scented lips, and of course, her amazingly tight pussy caused Nick’s pants to tighten. His thoughts quickly centered back to reality as Stacy entered the shop, spotted Nick, and waved over to him.
“Hey Nick, how are you?” Stacy asked.
“I’m pretty good, babe. How are you?”
Stacy nearly snorted. Nick had a feeling it wasn’t safe to call her ‘babe’ yet, seeing as they weren’t actually dating. She was fine with it in the textmessages.
“I just managed to survive another school day. The nuns didn’t slap my wrist too hard today, so I must have done something right” she joked.
“Ha, that’s a good one,” Nick said. “I got you some water but I figured we could go up and get our drinks.”
“Yes, definitely, I’m going to need lots of caffeine for all of that gardening I’m going to do later,” Stacy said.
“You’re so nice helping your grandma out,” Nick said. “But I thought you were miss independent and you’ll do whatever you want.”
“Yes, I still am but my grandma’s the sweetest old lady and I love to show off my inner green thumb.”
The two arrived at the counter. Nick ordered an espresso; he had a late night of calculate problems ahead of him. Stacy ordered a cinnamon flavored iced coffee. The two went back to their table with the drinks.
“How is that thing going to keep you awake?” Nick asked. “It’s pure sugar.”
“Hey, be quiet, you. At least I’ll be able to sleep tonight when I want to,” Stacy said.
The two quietly sipped their drinks for a moment before Stacy’s face shifted from her usual smiling radiance to something resembling stone.
“Can we talk about the other day?” Stacy asked.
Oh no. It was stereotyped in movies and popular television shows often enough; all girls wanted to do after sex is talk about it. Nick thought everything was fine but as she looked back at him, he knew the situation still troubled her.
“Ok,” Nick said, as he swallowed hard on his espresso.
“Nick, I really like you. I do. And don’t get me wrong, I want to keep seeing you. But I just wasn’t comfortable with moving as fast as we did the otHer day,” Stacy said. “You made me feel amazing and you were still a gentleman for the most part but I’d rather slow things down a little more before going that far again.”
After a pause, Nick nodded.
“So what I’m trying to say,” Stacy continued. “Is that I don’t want to have sex for a while. I want to find out more about you, share a little more about me, really get to know each other and trust each other before we escalate things again.”
“I know how hard that might be for you, so if you would rather stop seeing me, I’ll understand. It’s happened plenty of times before,” Stacy said.
“Well, I…” Nick paused to think through the best way to convey his feelings. He really liked Stacy, more than any other girl he thought about dating during the course of his adolescence. But the feeling in the pit of his stomach was still there; the sexual craving that was becoming to be released. If he couldn’t get Stacy to change her mind, he still needed to find another outlet for his release.
At last, he spoke, “I really like you too. It’s weird because we just met and I don’t normally move that fast either. You’re just so beautiful I couldn’t help myself. I’m ok with slowing down for now and just doing stuff like this,” Nick said. “I’ll want to do what we did again sometimes but I’m willing to wait if that’s what it takes.”
The last sentence pained him as he said it aloud. Hopefully Stacy would change her mind sooner than later.
“Nick, I’m glad you said that. It was really hard for me to say that just because my past relationships made me feel like I was being used. The guys were just using me for sex and wanted me to be their little quiet plaything,” Stacy said. “ I want something real. I think you can be that guy that I can talk with for hours on end. Eventually, I’ll get to the point where, you know, things can heat up again, but I’m not there yet.”
“Yeah I get it. You’re a lot more mature than other girls I’ve dated. Why couldn’t I have met you earlier?”
That was the corniest saying ever, Nick thought.
“Aww, that’s sweet,” Stacy said. “Seriously, thanks for understanding. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
The two talked for a few more minutes about trivial topics like how terrible their teachers were and who was causing trouble among their friends groups. Nick asked Stacy if she’d like to come with him to his school’s football game on Friday night, to which she agreed.
“Well, I’ve got to go help my grandma now, but thanks for the coffee and for understanding where I’m coming from,” Stacy said. “I’ll see you Friday night.”
With that, she kissed Nick on the cheek before turning to his lips and kissing him. Nick felt the lust stirring in his loins and he continued the kiss a little longer than what was socially acceptable for a public place.
Breaking the kiss, Stacy laughed. “Silly boy. See you later.”
Stacy walked out of the coffee shop, leaving Nick in the same state he was in upon entering: horny and sexually frustrated.
Thankfully, Nick had a plan to save the situation. One night, when he and his friends were drinking at Danny’s house, Jake joked about an experience he had in calling a hooker one night to save his horniness.
Nick didn’t think much of it until this very day when he casually pulled Jake aside from the lunch table. He told Jake how he needed a fallback option for getting laid in case Stacy didn’t put out. Jake wasn’t the first person amongst his friend group that he confirmed in but he would do anything at this point to have sex.
Jake told him about the hooker he used, a big black woman named cookie.
“She sucked my dick so good, I thought she’d suck it right off,” he said.
“How was the sex? Was she really loose since she’s a hooker?” Nick asked him.
“Ha, not at all. She was actually tighter than my first girlfriend. I got her to cum on my dick like three times, it was amazing,” Jake responded.
Now that was something Nick had to experience. Nick never thought he’d use a hooker but now that he had shed the virgin label, he wasn’t afraid of being stereotyped as the desperate virgin who had to call a prostitute to get laid. He was just horny and now was a good of a time as ever to use one.
He checked his wallet to make sure he had the $200 “service charge” in his pocket. With the two Benjamins in his wallet, he pulled out the number Jake gave him and made the call. He was told the secret code when calling, “The Cookie Monster is hungry”.
Nick felt his nerves kick in as the phone was dialing. Maybe he should just hang up and have another round with the Fleshlight when he got home. But, alas, that wouldn’t be as satisfied as a real female orifice.
Suddenly, a sweet female voice picked up on the other line, “Rochelle’s Bakery. How may I help you?”
Nick swallowed what felt like an entire apple as the woman uttered those words. He couldn’t chicken out now, his need for sex was too great.
“Umm, the Cookie Monster is hungry,” Nick said.
“Ah, I see,” said the woman. “How did you get this number?”
“ friend gave it to me. His name is Jake,” Nick stammered.
“Oh, Jake, I remembermber him,” the woman said. “He was such a nice boy. What can I do for you?”
Nick thought back to his conversation with Jake earlier in the day. “If you want sex, make sure to say you want the big cookie. BJ’s are the little cookie. I don’t know about you, but I’d go for the big cookie,” Jake said.
“Give me the big cookie,” Nick told the woman.
“I see. I think I can do that for you. Where are you located?”
“I’m at the Coffee Grounds coffee shop. I can get a hotel room if I need to.”
“No, that’s fine. I know a nice nook and cranny near there that we can use, if you’re up for an adventure.”
What did this woman have in mind?
“Yeah, that’s great,” Nick said.
“Ok, go two blocks west and wait in the alley. I’ll be there shortly,” the woman said, hanging up.
Well, this was it, Nick was about to fuck a hooker.
A few miles away, friends Danny and Mitch were sitting in Danny’s basement, drinking beer and playing video games. Although Danny’s apology to Mitch that afternoon, there were some tense moments between the two for the rest of the day. Danny suggested an afternoon of playing Super Smash Bros as a good way to lighten up and resume their friend again. Mitch was hesitant initially, but later agreed.
“So your parents don’t care that we’re drinking beer down here?” Mitch asked.
“Don’t be such a nervous Pervis,” Danny said. “My dad probably won’t be home until 6 and if my mom says anything, I’ll just tell her to stop using coke. That’ll get her to shut up.”
“Aren’t you worried about her at all? That’s pretty serious,” Mitch said.
“Yeah I used to be when I was younger. At some point, though, you realize people never change. They can say they want to change but they never make changes,” Danny said.
“Damn, that sucks,” Mitch said. “Hey can I ask you something?”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“I know this sounds ridiculous but I kind of want to talk to Lizzy and see if she wants to work things out again. I know what you said and that she wants to move on but this could just be a phase you know? She thinks she wants one thing but maybe she’ll want a relationship again at some point.”
“Mitch, that’s not gonna happen. Lizzy’s a wild spirit and you kept her contained. But don’t be too hard on yourself, man, you’ve got a lot of things going for you. I’m sure you can find someone else, even though you’re a puzzle head,” Danny joked.
Mitch laughed, then asked “But what if I’m up for this wild sexual stuff that she’s into, like threesomes and anal sex? I wouldn’t do it before but maybe if she sees I’m willing to make sacrifices, then she’ll want to be with me again?”
“No, no, no, dude. That’s not gonna work. We need to get you back out there again and talking to different girls. If you’re up for those things, that’s not going to hurt you, but it’s not gonna happen with Lizzy,” Danny said. “Maybe someday it will work out but trust me, a girl like this wants to be free for a while.”
“Yeah, I guess. So do you have other girls in mind?”
“’Atta boy, Mitch, ‘atta boy.”
Nick waited in the alley for the hooker to show up, fidgeting with his shorts pockets. Many thoughts ran through his mind at that moment.
Would the cops show up? Was the hooker an undercover cop? Did this she have STD’s? (Jake assured him that they were tested) His heart raced as these thoughts continued.
A tall, thick black woman walked towards him from the other side of the alley. From what Nick’s vantage point at that great distance, she had straightened her jet black hair so it flowed down her shoulders rather firmly. She wore a black leather jacket over her bright red t-shirt with matching black jeans and leather boots. Given it was eighty degrees outside and she’d be taking her clothes off, Nick wasn’t sure why she wore such warm layers.
Nick was very curious about what it would be like to have sex with a black woman. The fact that she had more curves than his previous two sexual partners was also intriguing to him.
“Hi, sweetie,” the woman said. “My name’s cookie. You hungry?”
“Yeah, starving,” Nick said.
“Good. This your first time with someone like me?”
“Yeah it is. I heard it’s a good time.”
“Well you tell your friend Jake I’d love to have him back. He has a pretty big dick for a white boy.”
Nick did not respond. He wasn’t sure how to approach this situation. Would he makes the first move or would she? He figured it was best to wait for instruction.
“I’m gonna need the money first, honey,” Cookie said.
The money? Of course, Nick thought. Did he expect her to treat him as a charity case?
Nick pulled out the $200 from his pocket and prayed that this was not some sort of sing operation.
“Thank you,” Cookie said. “Alright, let’s get this show on the road. I’m just gonna ride you. I don’t want no kissin’ or anything else. Just sit back and enjoy. Sit on that step over there and let’s have some fun.”
Cookie pointed to a small concrete step in the back of one of the businesses aligning the alley. Nick sat down on it while he waited for Cookie to make her move. She started with his pants, rubbing the front to get him hard. As sex had been on Nick’s mind all day, it didn’t take too long for his teenage pole to straighten.
Once Nick was completely hard, cookie unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts so she could have easier access to his member.
Caressing his hard length though the front of his black and white checkered boxes, Cookie cooked with delight as Nick continued to grow.
“Mhhmm, you’re a big boy,” she said. “Let’s get these drawers off of you.”
Nick lifted his butt as Cookie slide his shorts and boxes down past his knees. He noticed Cookie’s big brown eyes light up in amazement as she saw his cock for the first time.
“Wow it’s not every day yousee one of those,” Cookie exclaimed. She was referring to Nick’s uncut dick.
Nick was speechless as she grabbed his foreskin and slide it down below the head before bringing it back up over the head in a continuous back and forth motion. Nick never felt close to cumming from any handjobs he had before, but he was already feeling really good as cookie keep stroking him.
“Oh yeah, that’s good,” he said.
Cookie smiled, showing her summer teeth. Some were here and some were there, in other words. Nick noticed plenty of gold and silver fillings and it was nearly enough to turn him completely off and send him home without any relief. Instead, he thought he would get bolder and beg to see something more arousing.
“Show me your tits,” Nick said.
“No demands, just relax,” Cookie said, showing off her missing teeth once more.
Nick wanted to complain and mention thatfor $200 he should be able to see whatever he damn well pleased. Before he could utter a word, he moaned in ecstasy as cookie placed her warm mouth around his penis. He thought she’d put a condom on him before giving him oral but he couldn’t complain.
“Oh my god, yes,” he moaned.
“Ooo, I love my men vocal,” Cookie said. “C’mon baby, moan for me.”
Nick continued to moan as cookie wrapped her entire throat around Nick’s cock, swallowing the entirety of his length. She alternated between deep-throating him and sucking his full balls.
Cookie reached into her sparkly gray handbag and pulled out a condom.
“We need to make this quick, honey. We might get a little traffic around here in a few minutes.”
“Traffic?” Nick asked.
“Yeah, once the bookstore closes some of the employees like to smoke weed back here.”
Great, Nick thought. He wasn’t one to perform well under pressure in normal situations so why would sex with a hooker be any different?
Cookie gave Nick’s sensitive head another lick before rolling the condom down his shaft.
Cookie stood up, unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down past her knees. Nick noticed that similar to his last sexual encounter, his partner was not wearing any underwear this time as well.
Before Nick could even offer to be the gentleman and help moisten Cookie’s pussy, she slammed her big ass down on Nick’s legs, causing him to lose his breath momentarily. He quickly replaced it as she started to ride his cock.
“Hot damn, you’ve gotta nice dick,” Cookie said as she bounced up and down on Nick. At this point, she had taken off her jacket and lifted her shirt over her head, allowing her large DD breasts to bounce up and down her chest.
Nick stared at them like a prospector who just struck gold. He immediately reached out to touch them. Before cookie could object, he started sucking on her nipples and began to motorboat her big titties.
“Damn boy. Suck my big fat milk sacks,” Cookie moaned.
Nick was having lots of fun with Cookie’s tasty breasts but wasn’t feeling much downstairs. Cookie must have used an industrial strength condom because Nick felt nothing. The heat that radiated from Lizzy and Stacy’s pussies during his last sex sessions was nowhere to be found this time.
Maybe if he fucked her doggie style, which was quickly becoming his favorite position, Nick would find the pleasure he needed to get off.
“I wanna do doggie,” Nick said.
“Sure, sure,” was all cookie said.
She switched places with Nick, bending over and placing her hands shoulder-width apart on the concrete slab of a step. Nick quickly lined up his hard teen prick with her pussy and plugged inside.
He grabbed her hips and started thrusting with all his might, determined to feel something through this super thick condom.
“Oh my god, fuck me harder,” Cookie yelled.
Nick fucked her harder and harder but still felt no pleasure. What the hell was wrong with him? He wanted nothing but sex all day long and now that he was having it, this hooker was getting more pleasure out of it than him.
If only he didn’t have to wear a condom. It would be risky pulling out and trying to enter her without it. She would surely notice and end the session right then and there, Nick thought. Plus, there was the STD risk.
To hell with risk, Nick thought. He’d been avoiding risk all of his life. Not asking certain girls out in school because he was too shy. Not trying out for the lead in his elementary school play because he thought the other kids would laughh at him.
Nick’s thirst would not be quenched if he didn’t take this risk. To make the pullout seems more natural, Nick slowed down his fucking slightly and placed his hand right next to his cock so he could quickly pull off the condom without cookie notice.
At last Nick had pulled completely out of her pussy and let out a loud cought as he ripped off the condom, hoping to mask any noise he made. Before cookie could look back to see what happened, Nick plugged back into her pussy, relishing in the newfound pleasure his bare penis felt inside of cookie.
“Damn, have you gotten bigger?” Cookie asked. She must have felt some sort of difference in sensing but was unable to point it out.
Nick had to finish this quickly before she realized he took off the condom. He was pretty surprised she hadn’t noticed already.
In and out, in and out he thrust as cookie started to moan in delight. Nick was afraid the hooker would draw attention to the alley from neighboring streets and businesses, so Nick told her to “shh”.
“You shh, honey, I’m gonna cum all over your big dick,” Cookie said.
As Cookie’s pussy quivered against his dick, Nick started feeling that familiar feeling of impending orgasm build inside his balls. He continued to thrust, unsure in his mind where he would shoot his load.
“Fuck, this feels so good,” Nick said, determined never to wear a condom again in his life.
“Ugh ugh. I’m gonna cum,” Cookie shouted, throwing her head back as she came all over Nick’s cock.
The waves of pleasure coursed throughout his body, starting in his legs. As his lower extremes trembled, Nick pulled out just in time to spray his load all over Cookie’s back.
His first shot fired all the way up to her scalp with a few more hitting herin the neck and the rest setting on her back.
Nick’s head was thrown back in delight as he pumped out the last remnants of his load, finally saved.
“Damn boy can you ever shoot,” Cookie said. “I’ll have to put a lot more conditioner in my hair to get all this cum out.”
Cookie quickly pulled up her pants, put on her shirt, and put on a doo-rag to cover her hair. As Nick fumbled for his boxers, he thought he saw someone else coming down the alley.
“Oh my god, I’ve gotta get the hell out of here,” said Cookie. “Bye boy, I sure had fun.”
Cookie scampered down the other end of the alley before quickly disappearing, her fat ass jiggling through her jeans as she walked. Nick had just pulled up his pants by the time the strange gathered next to him.
“What the hell are you doing, kid?” the man asked.
The only instinct Nickhad at that moment was to run. Run as fast as he could before the cops showed up. That’s exactly what he did as he spun past the man and ran out of the same side of the alley he entered in, back towards his car parked outside of the coffee shop.
Convinced the man wasn’t following him, Nick slowed down to catch his breath as he arrived at his car. One of these days, this sex chasing was going to get him in trouble.
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