She wanted him to tie her up.
I need to feel the biting in my wrists.
I need to feel the pressure.
I need to feel the security.
I need to feel the control, the worry, the weight melt away.
I need to feel the trust I have in you with a physical presence.
I need.
She was bound to the chair.
Each wrist bound to its matching knee.
Each leg bound to a chairs leg.
Her chest and torso bound to the back of the chair.
The blind fold was a surprise.
She was not expecting her sense of sight being taken away.
“Sir, please”
The hand on her throat and his lips sealing against hers made her realize that her plea was for naught.
It became dark. The blind fold was tight. The pressure of the binding was close to the point of making her see stars.
Somehow, he know when to stop.
He knew how far to go.
He knew what she needed.
The gasp she made when the chair lifted off of the floor put a smile on his face. He knew she would not expect being lifted. He knew that she could feel the bite, the security, the pressure in the fullest when she had no control or ability to touch the floor.
She could hear him.
She could smell the musky scent of his body soap and the work of the day.
She could feel him as he walked around and stood in front of her.
Leaning in, he kissed her lips, her cheek, her neck.
He took his tongue and cupping her earlobe, he guided it into his mouth. Gave it a slight suck and nibble. Released it then kissed it.
“You need to know that you are not forgetten.” He whispered in her ear.
“Yes sir.” She moaned.
He stepped away. She could feel his presence pull back. She had no idea if he was still by her or had walked away.
She did Not know how long she had been suspended, levitated, elevated. But just as she began to think she was alone, she heard his voice.
“You are not forgetten.”
He could not havehave three feet away because she felt his hands as he rubbed the inside of her thighs. As he reached her slit and inserted a finger into her wet lips, he kissed her. He gave her a little peck then pulled away. Hungrily she opened her mouth, searching for his. Greedily she tried to open her legs and push her wanting hole towards him. But the ropes held her firmly.
How could he be so quiet. She wondered after the surge of her want abated slightly. She did not know he was standing that close to her the entire time. Maybe he had not been that close. He could have been in another room, or across the room watching her. But, how could he be so quiet? With the blind fold on, she was trying to hear everything. Any little creak of his footstep on the floor, his breathing or a brushing of his hand against a wall. She could hear nothing but the birds outside or an occasional car drive by.
How long did he plan on keeping me like this she began to wonder. She guessed that it was about twEny minutes since the last time she felt his touch. She felt herself moan on the inside. The yearning for his lips on hers, his hand gripping her skin or his fingers entering her with the amount of force he wanted. Using the amount of pressure he knew she needed with each thrust.
She felt her juices wet her tights as she was thinking of his touch. The wooden chair would be glistening with her moist needs. What if that was all he was going to give her she thought. What if he was edged her for a later time. What if she was being punished for telling him what he should do. She could feel the tears began to well in her eyes. She did not want to upset him and make him feel obligated to tie her up. She knew that he would do what she wanted because of his character, but she wanted him to have that desire and want also.
Just as her breathing began to become short gasps and the tears formed, she felt his hands on each side of her face. Holding her with the hands that has given herso much pleasure.
“You are not forgotten.” Was all he said.
Before she could think of how she could not hear or feel him approach her, he began to take her with a savage hunger. His tongue parting her lips as he sealed his lips on hers and began to steal her breath.
Her nipples being pulled, pinched and rubbed so they became hard and peaked mounds of pink flesh.
Her clip feeling the percussive pounding every time his hand pushed his finger deep into her.
She could hear her wet response as her lover took what he wanted. She could feel that she was losing herself in the moment and did not stop the feeling. She could not stop the feeling.
As she reached her climax, she pulled her mouth away from his and let out a deep and long moan. She felt her body shake at the sensing. As she began to relax, she Immediately gasped because she heard a strong buzzing sound then felt the vibrator pressed against her clip.
Instantly she crossed the threshold ofecstasy again. She could feel his teeth on her neck, biting and marking her as his. Tilting her head back he kissed, licked and bit her neck under her chin. The surge hit her again unexpectedly as she felt his hand land with a firm swack on her outer thigh.
“Oh love…oh sir…I can’t” She said then felt the vibrator enter her.
Two more orgasms he took from her. He knew she needed the release, he He picked her up and cradle her as he carried her to the shower.
Her lips grinned as he released the last rope.
Her eyes danced as he removed the blind fold.
He picked her up and cradle her as he carried her to the shower.
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