Big sister

Never told anyone this before, but here goes. When I was young I was going around the house one day and decided to go out to the roof to find something to play with because I was bored. When I went into the room I heard a noise from the tack room (a small room we had in our room) so I went back there and peeked through the slat walls. My older sister is 7 years than me. Anyway, she was lying on the wooden bench top and my dad was bent over licking her pussy. I guess I must have made a noise cause Narin looked right at me and eeeked and clamped her legs shut. I took off running for the door but abba stepped out of the tack room and hollered, “Come here, right now!” I can still hear him say that he repeated it enough afterwards. Anyway I went back and him and Nasrin talked to me and swore me to Secrecy. The clincher in their argument was that mom would be angry. While I was afraid of my dad because he was so big and strong I was really afraid of my mom because shecould get angle so fast and really hit hard and too much. Anyway, everybody went their own way after that. Nasrin kept a good eye on me for several days after that, suddenly showing up in the room every time I got near mom. I guess she was scared I’d tell anyway. After a few days she decided to calm down a little, so I decided to talk to her about it. So I asked her was dad was doing and she said, “Eating my pussy.” Well this kind of shocked me, so I asked, “You mean biting it?” Nasrin almost died laughing then and told me no, that eating was just an expression. I was confused and told her so and she got this funny look on her face and asked me if I’d like her to show me. Of course I said yes.

We went back out to the tack room. Mom never went into the roof. So we felt safe from her there. Anyway, Nasrin pulled up her dress and took off her panties and hiked her butt up onto the wooden bench so I could see better. She spread her legs and I could see her hair (not much at the time) and vulva. She then spread her lips and I could see the labia and her peehole. [Learned the names of the parts later.] She was wet, but what did I know? Natural curiosity led me to ask her if I could touch it and she said yes and I found it was very slippery. Anyway, one thing led to another and she kept guiding me around, introduced me to her cliporis and jacking her off (with both hands) and finally to licking her and sucking on her cliporis. That was the beginning of a very long and unusual journey, including getting caught by our dad (another time), a pregnancy scare (also another time.) I have very fond feelings about the past and will enjoy reliving this in my mind if you like my story plz write me @ [email protected].


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