My name is Kannan. I am living in Chennai. I am studying in Final year B.A. in Presidential College. I was going to College by bus. My College was fairly distance from my house which is Avadi. My journey takes at least 1½ hours. I always was going to college with my friends. During our journey we have doing something special with college girls like songs, dancing, Foot boarding. Importantly why we should like to traveling in bus were college girls. I am very eager to pressing boobs and butts of the college girls in a crowded bus. At that time I was not wearing inner wears. I narrowrate here one good fucking incident in crowded bus.One day, I am come back from college to my house in 7.00 p.m. Because of my examination. Also I like to travel in 27h because this bus was jam packed in Evening times because of office goers and evening college girls and other beach return .I am travel in the bus with small no. Of passengers. The bus came on Ethiraj college bus, suddenly lotof college girls and other passengers were entered into the bus. Immediately the bus was jam packed with Number of passengers. In front of mine a 19 – 20 year girl was standing with lot of tension.
Because there was much more crowd. Now, I tried my luck with this girl. Slowly I touch her back with my thighs. (First we tested the girls with soft touching in our legs, any reaction she replied we have don’t further move, otherwise she standing un replied manner we move further with boldly). She did not react. So I go with confidently and boldly. At the same time I was I figuring out her body structure. She had good boobs with good stiffness and her round ass is so big for her age. And her tights had good shape. That day she was wearing a short Churridhar which is light yellow color. This is exactly same color for her skin. Both are matching very v exactly. Slowly I tried to put my hand in her rounded ass. And she had no reaction. So I go further move.At the same time I see my co-passengers with caution. Interestingly they are doing what I had doing with this girl. I am pretty relaxed and slowly I pressed her buttocks. This is like soft cotton. I further pressed her buttocks and entered my hand to below of churridhar. I was so exited to touch them. This time she realized what was happened. She trying to see my face, but unable to see me because of over crowd. And also we are standing under the fused bulb. So our place was so dark than other side of the bus.
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