Yes, Sir.

Ceaselessly, my heel taps frenetically- i’m all nerves. i can’t tell if it’s the coffee or the lack of release, but i can’t sit still. my senses are heightened and everything is painted with a surprising tinge. Every part of me is hyper sensitive to the mystery waiting for me up on the twelfth floor- i have the room number, i have the instructions instructions in my memory. i was nearly shaking with the need to come as he fed them to me last night over the phone.

i had been looking forward to our conversation, certain he was going to reward me; i had been recklessly obedient, being to the best of my ability, and hoping that the orgasm I had been denied for what felt like years (most likely a month) would be allotted. i had tried to hide my disappointment each time he prolonged this waiting game, and i was beginning to wonder whether he was testing me, or expecting me to disobey for some hazy, omino retribution. W/we spoke of increasingly mundane details that night- how my run that morning went, how i felt i had done on a paper i had turned in. . .

“And how has Your vibrator been?”

Caught off-guard, i stumbled over my words for a moment before I managed,

“Lonely, i expect.” i showed, unable to stop myself from pouting.


“Sorry, Sir. I’ve missed it terribly, Sir”

“Oh? And what do you miss, then? you miss it stretching your needy, wet, pussy?”

i was all but in a daze as i let a soft scar stand in for my response.

“What was that?” i feel the threat of His tone and it sends a thrill through me.

“i miss it stretching my. . .”, unconsciously, my voice lowered, embarrassed, “my needy wet pussy, Sir.”

“What else do you miss about it?”

A low, quiet moan reached his ear before i could summon the inflamed and lascivious words, “i miss hearing You tell me how to fuck myself for You, Sir, i miss pumping it in and out of my needy cunt, i miss you denying me orgasm time and time again just because You can . . .” the words spilled out, my crooning punctuated by sights of need, enflamed with this tease as my hands ran dangerously over the contour of my body, carefully avoiding any forbidden touch.

“I thought you might.” He seems pleased with my answer, “and You’ve been an obedient little sub, despite all that wanting and carrying on?”

“Oh, yes, Sir.”

“I want you to get your belt for me.”

With a few moments of fumbling around, a breathy response:

“Yes, Sir.”

“10 strokes for being so impatient. I want you to count them out, and no delay between them.”

i whimper, and nod, knowing He cannot see me.

i check the time, knowing i don’t have much longer before i need to get up and make my way to the room. my pulse is out of control and i can’t help but think i can always leave right now, like none of this ever happened- none of the ageing nights steering in need, fueling endless filter fantasies with this familiar stranger i want to giveEverything to. All of my growth and setbacks and needs confessed to this Man that leaves me effectively breathless, this whole interaction an agoning burlesque dance with sly glances and slow reveal- this heady dance that leaves me uncertain, but want, always want more of Him. The very thought is torturous and i realize, all of this, all of this want and all of the secret is about to be absolved. He is waiting and all of this wanting has a direction- and it’s up that elevator.

“Ten,” i whimpered, hoping he could hear over speakerphone. Set aflame, i was dripping, the lust threading itself to my very core.

“Do you need to come?”

Nodding fervently, i gasped, “Very much, Sir. Please, Sir- Please?”

“Why is that?”

“It’s been so long, Sir, i want it very badly, i-“i am all but shaking, far beyond the shadow of asking permission. i think i would offer Him anything if only i could come.

“Your orgasms belong to Me, don’t they?” Below the stern tone i can hear a tinge of amusement.

“Yes, Sir.” i mewl.

“And you know you have to earn them, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.” Total age.

“Put your belt away; there will be no release tonight. You will earn it tomorrow, though, i expect.”

i complain on the bed, sulking away from the mouth piece instead of answering, dangerously close to protesting, though i knew it’d do me no good.

“Yes, Sir.”

“you’ve pleased Me lately, and for that I think a reward is in order, don’t you?”

(No arguments here.)

“Tomorrow i want you to take the train to 5 points and meet me in the Ellis Hotel. Bring a change of clothes in an overnight bag. I expect to see You there at 9 o’ clock sharp. Do you understand?”

At first i honestly didn’t. Totally took aback, still squirming in my silent tantrum of dissatisfaction, i sat up, looking at the phone as though He had just spoken in some foreign tongue.

“i understanding, Sir.” i whispered, wondering if He could hear the tremor in my voice.

“Rest well, then. I expect you’ll be needing it.”

Less than 4 minutes. Leaving my stomach on the first floor, a rushing stream of constant thought and appreciation flowed me; every muscle tension and loose and demanding the touch of my Dom. i think of all the implications meeting Him will unfold. This is real, i am a submissive, His submissive and He’s waiting for me. Do i even want this? This could be the mistake of a lifetime. For Christ’s sake he could be a serial killer. It could also be the most gratifying experience of a lifetime, the culmination of all of the guessing around what I really am as a sexual being. What if he’s a total sadist and an amazing actor? What if it IS the most gratifying experience and the constant tease of not being around Him Afterwards will be all the more potential? Isn’t this, this moment, what we are supposed to amount to? The number emblazoned on the door stared me down, I hazard aweak knock. . . .

Standing abreast to Him, i look up into his cool demeanor and my breath is caught in my throat. Suddenly, it’s as though my body realizes what its capricious mind has gotten it into and my knees nearly give out. Totally overcome with this ripened password, the moment hits me with full force, and i’m praying i don’t look as much of a deer in the headlights as i feel.

“Hello, Sir.”

That confident smile is all at once familiar, and seeing the man behind the strict orders make me realize just how much i want this. A sort of warmth washes over me, and i want badly to prove myself with an urgency that takes me by surprise.

“I see you made it on time. It’s nice to meet you.”

Moving back into the dim room, He leads me in to answer my weak smile. i step cautiously, aware of the swish of sheer black stockings against my short, fitted black dress. It’s strapless and clings to my form in a strictly understood way. i feel the room go out of focus, and i can’t recall any one specific detail about the room- all of my attention is centered on the appraising look cast over me by my Dom.

Struck suddenly by a remembrand of something i must’ve read dozens of times, i did the only thing that came to mind- i sank to my knees and my hands slipped behind my head in a tenative presentation.

“Good girl.”

Something struck in me, maybe the feeling of carpet beneath me, being the center of his attention, or the way my dress crept up my thighs and I couldn’t adjust it, but a flash of ravenousness hit me at all once. Closing my eyes to relieve some of the tension, i think I let out a small moan.

“Stand for Me.” The soft words hold that unwavering confidence that melts me and i move slowly to my feet, without moving my hands, for fear that i’d reach out and touch Him- i want nothing more than his mouth pressed to mine, demanding my password in a firey exchange of tongue and tease. He reaches out and traces my jaw, and I turn up towards him, eager- i’m relieved that W/we are functioning in a burning silence, as i am utterly tongue-tied.

His touch enflames me with its sureness as his hands wander from my arms to my waist, pulling me closer to Him, and i’m intoxicated with the closeness. All but tasting his cologne, i whimper, my lips parted, breathing him in- his eyes are fixed on mine and i can do nothing but stare all of the shadow and uncertainty, the pleasure and friction that Dominance had always been defined as for me. He embodied this great and inexorable presence i needed, this exchange- potential for completion; and i know my body, my being, Oh, God, it belonged to Him.

From there the movements were fluid, yet calculated. i feel something rich and vulnerable blooming within me as i felt his kiss devour me, there was a certain strength Behind the tenderness, as though He was trying not to intimidate me too thoroughly, and reform his ownership of my body. This pressing mutuality of needs inspires a force behind my kiss that surprises Him, i can tell in the way He seems to hold me tighter, as if to re-establish his Dominance.

“Before W/we continue, there is a matter we must attend to.” W/we are still in close proximity, and i have to hold myself back from kissing Him again. i bite my lip in uncertainty.


“Dispite Your overall obedience in denying Yourself orgasm, it hasn’t come without a general bratty attitude, would you agree?”

Looking down, guilty, “Yes, Sir.”

He moved away from me to sit on the edge of the bed- my gaze followed.

“Lain out on the dresser, i have displayed an array of instruments- do You see?”

i turn and am confronted with a large mirror capturing the scene, double the rainbow of implements- some i recognize and some i can’t name. A chill rings through me- i’m taken out of the moment and see a young sub, wide-eyed looking back at me with her waiting Dom nearby.

“Yes, that’s it. I want you tobring the paddle to me.”

i clear the few paces to where the objects lie and heft it nervously in my hand as I give the worried sub a parting glance. Thinking better of it, i sink to my hands and knees, the paddle between my teeth, and crawl to Him, hoping it might absolve me of some of my sins.

Taking the leather paddle from my lips, he pats his lap, “‘A bit over the top, but you’re demonstrating your desire to please- good.”

Draped over his lap, a firey need engulfs me, and i almost worry He’ll be too lenient- of course, his only method of punishment thus far had been a denial of play, and i wasn’t expecting it to materialize in any other form than denial, but once in position i felt His built up impatience for my impertinence.

“you can’t be too loud, W/we have neighbors.” He warns, and i’m nearly shaking at the thought.

“Sir, i-“

“If you can’t control yourself. . .” a moment’s pause hangs in the air, and a ball gag materials between his fingers.

“Ohh. . . yes, Sir.” i quietly agree.

Feeling the fabric of my dress being pulled up over my hips to rest on the small of my back, His fingers grazed over the fabric of my black, lace thong and the garter belt holding my stockings in place. i can’t seem to relax as His grip on the thin fabric further exposes me.

“I know W/we haven’t had much practice- or any practice with this, but before the night is over, you’ll learn to take bigger. . .”

Thoroughly confused, i’m enlightened with the feel something cold and wet pressing against my asshole and i can’t help but jolt, stiffening.

“Relax. . .” the warning tone does nothing to alleviate the muted protests, “Relax! Do I need to remind you? I will take what is mine- this is for My pleasure, not yours.” A singing blow comes from the paddle as if to add gravity to the statement and i try to remain still in pouting acquisitions, refocusing from my comfort to his desire, and the very words send a thrill through me.

Slowly the pressure expands as He urges me to loosen up in a soothing- if it can be soothing in that context- tone. Once the invading plastic was lodged inside me, i tried not to squirm too much. Uncomfortable to say the least, i was so completely unused to the pressure- and the pressure was constant i couldn’t shake the feeling of disappointment and dirtiness from the situation, and yet. . the sheer fact that i was meant to take it solely to please my Dom filled me with this filter satisfaction, it felt so wrong pressing inside of me, something i would never agree to on my own according, and yet I barely could put up a fight with his firm command.

“I know you dislike counting out strokes, and since you’re already so uncomfortable, I’ll count them out for you.”

“Thank You, Sir.” i sight in relief, trying to position myself more comfortable on his lap and failing to.

Never having heard the sound of leather slapping against skin before, the pain barely registered as the thwack echoed in the small room. “One.” The tone comes wrapped in reprimand, and i know to bite my tongue. “Two, Three . . .” i flinch uselessly, as the blows come in slow succession, relentless, “Four, Five.” Without pausing, he hits the plug and i whimper uselessly as he continues this slow punishment. “Six, seven, eight . . .”

The torrent of blows on my tender flesh seems to peel back new layers of soreness, it doesn’t seem to have an end, as the ripe pain seems to build and sear through me. Conversely, the feel of his hardness poking into me and the reminder of his ownership displayed prominently for him right on his lap was painfully arousing. There’s another dimension to the pain, though, a pleasure that i’m almost too ashamed of to reveal in- a slow mounting need growing with each strike.

As he reaches “Twenty,” i’ve generally abandoned the idea of ​​lying still and am whimpering, trying to clnch my buttocks against the intrusion and whining in general humiliation. i want to crawl under the bed and hide, and he’s struggling the reddened flesh of my backside as i jerk involuntarily, hyper sensitive to touch. Slowly moving downward, i can’t help but gasp as i feel his thick fingers enter me. Squirming in pleasure, I try to control myself from seeking out more of his touch.

“For all of the protesting and whining, you certainly seem to have enjoyed yourself,” He scolds as he pushes the digits into my mouth. Surprised, i accept it, eager to placate, ashamed of my inability to take my punishment more gracefully.

“Now look.” He tilts my head towards the reflection he had had access to the

whole time and i swear i could’ve come right then and there. Such a lewd display sent chills though me- my reddened ass upturned and displayed for his pleasure, my frame bent over his lap was such an erotic sight to me i had to look away, as though it were too lascivious, and i was all innocent.

Allowing me to move onto my kneeson the floor before him, he looks down at me and in a scolding tone, “Now that we have that out of the way, you seem to have aroused another problem . . . “

An expected silence glazes over U/us as i squirm uncomfortable on the floor. Looking up at Him, shifting from knee to knee, my position strikes me. i’m hesitant to ask, but know what is expected of me.

“Sir, may i please suck Your cock?” i can feel myself flush from the words alone- they seem so foreign in my inexperienced mouth.

“Yes you may.”

The look cast down at me give me a chill of need as He stands before me. It feels some ceremonious as He slips out his thick cock and resumes His position on the bed.

Moving between His thighs, i can’t help but feel shy, wanting to please Him badly, and unsure if i’ll be able to. As my fingers move to wrap around His hard member, i feel a singing swat land on the plug.


“Did I say you were allowed to touch it?” He warns, and ipout in disappoint.

“No, Sir,” i move to thread my fingers behind my head and lower my mouth when i feel another blow from the paddle, “Hmmmmph.”

“What did you say? I expect complete sentences in your apologies.” a threat lines His tone and i feel foolish for forgetting so quickly.

“No, You didn’t say i was allowed, Sir. i’m sorry, Sir,” my gaze is lowered and i try to avoid openly staring at the Cock i want inside me so badly.

“For that translation, you’ll be pumping the plug inside of you as you service Me.”

For a heated moment refusal and contentiousness fills me and i think of a few despairing evidences i could replace with my reluctant, “Yes, Sir.”

Crawling forward slightly, i look up at Him briefly before extending my tongue, teasing the head of his swollen member. Before i can elicit a warning slap to my already sore bottom, i reach behind me and while at its unforgiving girl as i gingerly move it. The obscenity of the moment makesme moan around the head of His cock, and i wrap my lips tightly around His thickness. The taste of His dick on my eager tongue sets me aflame- i want nothing more than to feel Him filling my mouth with His hot cum, to be the reason for His ecstasy- i want to crack the coolness of His dominance over me and see Him at His most animalistic- i want His need and fury and everything else taking me over.

Determined to please Without the need for further direction, i take more of His cock into my mouth, my lips tight around him with a little difficulty at adjusting to His size. The hot, wet suction of my mouth around Him pulls out a low growth- the encouragement has an incredible effect on me and i have a spark of cheesekiness as i change the pace, sliding my needy mouth often slow up and down the length of Him, totally engrossed.

Slap! i let out a cry around His thickness.

“Are You forgetting?” His voice comes out slightly strained as my yelp resulted in the release of the tightness of my lips around the base of His dick, “Do not make Me remind you to move your friend back there again.”

Overwhelmed, i have a sudden urge to pull my mouth away and beg Him to fuck me instead. **

Eyes screwed shut against the pain of the intruding plastic, i define myself thoroughly for Him, fueling the need to have Him moving in my mouth. A hand reaching down to tangle in my hair, pushing my head down onto his thickness. Gagging momentarily, i adjust, feeling the concupiscence of the scene wash over me- a butt plug stretching me and making me squirm under my own ministries of renewed gusto and the force of my Dom’s will. His need to force more of Himself into me, to gain more purchase into my willing mouth brings into focus how badly i want release. Tongue running serpentine down the length of him, my lips stretched obscenely, i feel a sudden tug, pulling me off.

Wide-eyed and a little breathless, i look up, confused at the respite.

“Sir? Did i do something wrong?”

“No, but you haven’t earned the privilege of My cum in your mouth,

have you?”

i try to sit back on my heels comfortable and receive another swat.

“I warned you, not to stop moving the plug, did I not?”

Unsure of how i thought He wouldn’t notice, i look down, ashamed, “Yes, Sir,

You did, i’m sorry, Sir, it’s so uncomfortable. . . and i. . . i’m not used-“

“I’m aware that you’re not used to anything stretching your virgin ass, that is why i brought that toy along. I suppose you’d like something else to help you get used to it?”

Dispite the fear of whatever he has planned for me, i agree. i want him so badly and i’m afraid with how poorly i’ve performed thus far, he won’t let me come- or worse, he won’t sit my roiling need for his dick stretching me, making me while in disappoint and moan in pleasure. i don’t know what he has in mind, but whatever it is, i know I want it.

“You seem to keep forgetting thatYou’re not here for Your pleasure, girl, and that disappoint is only a fraction of what you can be feeling. Do W/we need a reminder of this?”

Oh God. “i’m sorry, Sir, i’ll be good, i promise.” i panic slightly, unsure of His intentions

“I think W/we’re past the point of promising to be good, with your constant refusal to obey.”


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