With the noise of the station around me I didn’t hear him come up from behind, until I could feel his breath on the back of my neck and his voice in my ear,
“Hello, Little One. Are you ready?”
I shivered as I felt his warm breath of the back of my neck and the feeling of his strong hand snaking around my waist to pull me closer to him. Such a simple phrase, but it held so much promise. He didn’t need to tell me for what, I knew already. It was, was I ready for him? And I was. I had been ready for days, and I was finally going to have him all to myself.
I just nodded as he took my hand and turned me around placing the softest kiss on my lips and pulling back to see the smile on my face as he gave me that look he always did after kissing me. Something like of awe almost, as he touched the side of my face and told me how beautiful I am. I don’t think I will ever get used to hearing it from him, or the feeling it gives me whenever I hear him sayit. I blush and feel my cheeks turn a bright pink as I cast my eyes to the floor trying to hide my embarrassment. He just laughs softly and tilts his head as he leads me towards his truck and as always opens the door for me as I he helps me climb in. While he shuts my door I lean over and pop his for him, and smile to myself wondering how I got to lucky to have found him when I did. Sweet, kind and caring were all words I could use to describe him, but there were other words that came to mind that means far more to me. Driven, intellectual, distributed and dominant were far more appropriate to use when describing my Professor and just as sexy as I found him to be.
As he climbed in next to me I turned to smile at him; at a loss for words I bit my lower lip in anticipation of the coming evening I was getting to spend with him. Not a few priceless moments; but completely his, for an entire night. I couldn’t put into words for him, or even myself, how excited and flustered I was really was. All I knew is that I couldn’t wait to turn myself over to him. I watched him intently as he put on his seat belt and turned to face me for a moment before turning his body to face me and grabbing my face and pulling me in for a brain rattling kiss. His hand slid into my hair and gripped it gently holding my head in place as he explored my mouth as only he could make me weak in the knees and unable to think, as Always. Whimpering I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him as close to me as the space allowed, and kicking the overnight bag at my feet to get a little closer to him. When he feel my nails dig into the back of his neck he chuckled and pulled away.
“Soon enough little girl, patience.”
I reluctantly sat back and pouted, making him laugh at me again as he started the vehicle.
I listened to him talk, as I always did with a smile on my face, and eager to hear whatever he had to say, often laughing because he made it so easy to do with him. It didn’tTake long before he was pulling into his parking space and walking around the car to open my door again and help me out. Such a gentleman, his mother would be proud. I still didn’t know how to deal with that part of him, and how he treated me so well. Just wasn’t something I was accustomed to, but I was learning because he made the lessons so easy to learn. However I know that tonight; my lessons were going to be far harder and far more demanding.
Surprising myself, I was quiet as he took my hand again and led me towards his building. He seemed not to notice, or didn’t let on that he did, and just continued to talk about his family and work as we made it inside. With my bag and pursuit slung over my shoulder I held firm to his hand like a life line as we stepped into the elevator. When the doors closed behind us, he pushed me into the corner and attacked my mouth with a mind rendering kiss causing me to drop my things and fall into him as if I was seeking my next breath from him. Gone was the control and in its place was the primary beast I knew he hid within, shackled by his restraint and sheer power of will when he was with me normally. Kissing my neck he grew softly, running his hand over my face and down my chest, grabbing and pinching my hard nipple through my clothes making me cry out in pleasure-pain.
“Mine. All mine.” He repeated over and over in my ear as he continued with His assault of my senses until I was nearly wrapped around him and clawing at his clothes to get them off of him. When the car stopped he had to pry my hands from around his neck and gently place me back down on two feet before kissing my forehead sweetly and leading the way. Remembering to grab my things from the floor, my chest heaved and my heart raced, making it hard to think clearly but I knew I didn’t need to. He was in charge now. He would take the lead, and I would follow, as I meant to follow him.
Each step closer seemed to heighten every sense I had. I could hear the sound of blood rushing in my ears and the constant and ever growing thumb in my chest as I watched him unlock his door and shoot me a quick smile before waving his hand for me to enter first. I stepped inside and stayed close to the door waiting for him to step inside and join me. Once the door was shut he grabbed me swiftly, pressing me tight to the door pinning me in place with his strong hand on my throat with lightest of pressure and staring deeply into my half closed eyes.
“Do you know how long I have wanted you here? Here and mine Little One?”
His eyes searched my face as he spoke and I made the funile attempt to shake my head in response. My hands spayed flat against the cold metal of the front door he took my things from my arm and placed them on the floor gently off to the side.
“You won’t need anything in there for a long time, my little pet.”
A million butterflies danced in my stomach to hear him call me that and know that it was exactly what Iwanted to hear. With his hand still wrapped around my neck he reached down and started to hike up my skirt I was wearing; making me shift in my tall boots as I felt the soft fabric slide up over my knees and get bunched up until he could slide his hand up my thigh and settle at the apex of my thighs, letting out a deep primitive growth when he feel the soft lace of my panties baring his access from the place he wanted to claim. I gave a sly smile knowing that I had considered skipping the panties all together but knew what the response to me wearing them would get.
“What did I tell you?” He grew, his eyes growing darker by the second as he studied my response.
“You would tear them off, Sir.” I said breathlessly, as his strong fingers stroked the cream of sex. I knew he must be able to feel the way my body reacted to him, as it Always did. Whimpering I felt his hand fist the delicate lace of the tiny panties and with a swift and deep growl he pulled with a great yank, until the fabric gave way and I watched as they fell to the ground at our feet. Pink lace dragged over the toe of my boot and I felt warm fluid run down the inside of my thigh as I cried out from the sheer power of the act.
“Come here, little girl.” He took my hand again and led me over to his recliner and stood me in front of it and stopped me.
“Spread your feet apart and bend over, placing your hands on the arms.” His voice was low and deep. I gave him a small glance and saw the fire in his eyes that I had become addicted to and did as I was told. Spreading my feet shoulder width apart I planted them firmly and bent over laying my hands flat on either arm of the chair and raised my ass in the air for him. I hung my head down and waited to see what he planned for me in this position. I didn’t have to wait long before he stood behind me and started to raise the hem of my skirt again, this time exposing my ass to the room and folding my skirt up over my hips to keep it there.
“So beautiful and pale. We need to fix that don’t we?” He whispered.
With a flat hand he traced the curve of my hip and ass, caressed the soft skin and dipping his hand between my legs, teasing the wet lips of my sex.
“Mm, so ready for me already.” I could hear the soft wet sounds of his fingers dipping inside me making me squirm with want. I tried to press back into his hand to feel more of him, but he laughed and stepped back pulling his hand away and ending my torque. A plaintive sight escaped my lips as the loss of his touch, but I knew it wouldn’t be for long. Soon I would feel much more of him, and for far longer. He was prolonging my age now, but I knew it wouldn’t be forever. I would just have to be patient a little while longer.
“Soon, very soon my pet. You will have my fingers and so much more filling that sweet little cunt of yours. For now though, I have a lesson to give. My little girl has been a very bad girl as of late, hasn’t she? I think it istime she learned a lesson in discipline.”
Coming to stand next to me I felt a thrill of excitement flow through me knowing what was coming and how badly I wanted it.
“First, your assignment was late this week. When I give you homework you will do it in the time that I have given you, do you understand, little girl?” His tone had changed, and the stern voice of my Professor came forth. I nodded, still with my head hanging between my shoulders, just waiting for the lesson to follow.
Swiftly I feel his hand back in my hair and with a quick and powerful jerk of my hair he tugged my head back to look at him.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you. Do you understand me?”
His mouth was inches from my ear as the deep rumble lacened his voice frying what little brain cells I had left to even attempt to form a sentence.
“Yes, Sir.” I panted. “Yes, Sir. I understand.”
“Good girl.” He let go of my hair and my head fall back down and I let out a long deep breath.My legs were stained by the position I was in but I didn’t dare move to adjust them, I just stood like the good girl I was to be and waited for my Professor to begin his first lesson.
Walking back behind me I felt his hand run down my back and stop at the small of my back, just gently placing his hand flat as the other ran small soft circles over the round curve of my ass giving me goose bumps in the process.
“I am going to give you a spanking my pet. Each time I smack you I want you to thank me. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir.” I said without missing a beat. When his hand left me I closed my eyes and took a deep breath waiting for the first strike.
The first was hard but not too hard, enough to leave a sing in its wake, but not enough to cause more than a small grunt in response.
“Thank you, Professor.” I winced. He followed the smack with a gentle care to soothe the pain, and I heard a pleased little sound come from him just before he raised hishand again.
“Thank you, Professor!”
This time a little yelp rang from mouth at the snap of his hand on my tender flesh, followed by another sweet brush of his hand over the raised hand print he left.
“Such a good girl.” He crooned.
“Are you ready for something a little harder, little one?” his hand stroked the small of my back as my breathing calmed a little.
“Yes, Sir. I can take a little harder.”
I knew that he was being gentle, though his heavy hand didn’t feel gentle the second time, and I knew the next would be even harder. I braced myself, taking in a long slow breath when I felt his hand lift again and the grip of his hand on my back tightened a little steadying me as he help my skirt up over my hips.
I yelped loudly and was brought forward a little making me losing my footing for only a second as I recovered from the sting of the third smack to my bare ass. This time his hand struck a little lower, catching thesensitive flesh of my pussy with the tips of his fingers.
“Thank you, Sir” I said slowly while swallowing hard through the words.
My eyes stung with unshed tears as the next three cracks came down in quick succession bringing me up on my toes with the last one.
I could feel the hard sting of the feel of his lasting hand prints on the soft globes of my ass cheeses, and smiled softly to myself thinking how nice it would be to have the reminder each time I sat down for the next little while.
Professor ran small circles on the small of my back hushing me as my breathing continued to be shallow and quick.
“You’re being such a good girl today, my pet. Let’s take off those boots so that you don’t fall over on me, ok?” I nodded my response, and he didn’t correct me. I think he Know that I was in my own little sub space for the moment, relishing the care he was giving me along with my punishment. Taking a place behind me he kneeed down and I felt him unzip one bootAfter the other slipping my feet out of them leaving me in my stocking feet, still bent over hanging on to the chair. Once I was flat on the floor the strain in my legs eased a bit making it easier to come back to reality and back to him.
When he stood back up he grabbed both my hips with his hands and pressed his growing erection into the curve of my ass, teasing me with what he knew I wanted. It was his turn now to let out a little moan as I felt him press into my ass, feeling the heat of my reddened bum through his pants.
“Are you ready to finish your lesson, little one?”
“Yes, Sir. I am ready.”
Returning his hand to the small of my back he walked back to where he had been before, still caressing every inch of me, every now and then sliding a finger inside of my dripping pussy that ached for him to fill with his hard cock that I now knew he had. When he traced the outer lips of me and felt how wet I was he let out a low groan and muttered something I didn’tcatch, but I didn’t think was for me to hear anyway.
The sound of the primary sound that he made when he touched me and found me wanting him did crazy things to me and my body. Knowing that he wanted this as much as I did made me feel like I was the queen in his court.
“I am going to give you five more, pet. You don’t have to thank me, I just want you to lean down and breathe Through them and just feel. Understand? And when I am done you are going to suck my cock, would you like that?”
My heard leaped at the thought of sliding his hard cock into my mouth and hearing him moan for me as I pleasured him, and thanked him for my lesson. I mewled and frantically nodded my head, almost forgetting to use my words.
“Yes, Sir.” I snapped out quickly as I felt his hand leave my back.
“Yes please.”
“Good girl.” He whispered petting my head and struggling my hair back from my face.
Tears ran down my cheeks still, as he swept one aside with the pad of his thumb.I gave him a weak smile as I tilted my head to look at him and saw the fire blazing behind his eyes, for me. Just for me.
“Head down, and take a deep breath and I will begin.”
I did as I was told and let my head fall between my outstretched arms and waited for the rest of my lesson. When I felt his hand raise once more I dug my toes into the floor and braced myself for the on slot that I Know was coming.
With a heavy hand I felt the first of the next five paddles on my behind, and I cried out with a yelp. My legs shook and my breathing quickened with each connection of his hand to my already screaming flesh as he moved from one side to the next, with the final blow coming down on my aching cunt, causing me to cry out loudly with some real pain. I was glad it was over because I was close to safe wording out of my punishment, and I so wanted to show him I could handle it.
When he finished he dropped to knees behind me and kissed and licked every finger mark and pink hand print he had left on my skin. Crooning away how beautiful it looked and what a good girl I had been for him. Nothing made me happier then to hear him call me that, and mean it. When he was finished and I was able to stop the tears from falling he helped me stand up. Just the brush of the fabric of my skirt falling over the sore flesh of my ass caused me to wince and a smile to cross his beautiful face. Wiping my tears away and my running make up off my cheats; he leaned over and kissed me softly.
He pulled me in closer deepening our kiss and wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me into his body, pressing his hard cock into my belly reminding me what my next task was to be. Pulling back from him a smiled sweetly and he took my hand and helped me down to my knees before him. I couldn’t have been happier.
I had dreamed of being here, just like this for this man for countless days and nights. Kneeling before him and serving him as his good little girl. His little pet. Looking up at him through my lashes he smiled down at me and reached for his belt and button to his jeans. I nodded when he hesitated for only a second, waiting to for me to object. I wasn’t going to. As much as I wanted and, needed my punishment; I needed this. Needed to have him in my mouth showing him how grateful I was to be his.
As he took his throbbing cock out of his pants my mouth began to water at the anticipation of tasting him on my tongue.
“Hands behind your back, mouth only baby.” I nodded and placed my hands behind my back and gripped my elbows with both hands. He took his cock in hand and I opened my mouth to take him in, sticking my tongue out first; flat for him to slide his cock along as he entered my mouth. A long deep sight escaped his lips the moment I felt him on my tongue. I smiled sweetly up as him and closed my mouth around the length of him and giving a slow linger suck causing a shutter to run up and down his body. Eagerly I took him deeper as his hands left his cock and let me take over with my mouth. His hands fisted my hair on either side of my head and he began to thrust forward a little with each decent of his cock into my mouth. I moaned gently around him, squirming where I knelt knowing that it turned me on desperately to have him in my mouth finally. The salty taste of him coated my tongue quickly, telling me my punishment had been as good for him as it was for me. With measured stroked in and out of my mouth he got more and more eager and soon was fucking my mouth with abandon. Growling and praising me his voice and breathing was shallow. I loved knowing I did this to him, made him feel this way. Loved hearing the beast he carried fight to be set free. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he came for me, for the first time. Stepping up my effort to bring him to completion, I sucked harder and rolled my tongue around the tip of his swollen head until he pulled back abruptly, taking him from my mouth. With a loud pop I released him from my mouth with a pout. A small whimper fell from my lips looking up at him, disappointed he was going to deny both of us from him Cumming in my mouth.
“Ah, little one. Come with me.”
With an out stretched, he brought me to my feet once more and gave me a different smile before turning and leading me towards his bedroom.
My heart skipped a beat, knowing that in Just a few short minutes I would finally be wrapped in the arms of the man I have given so much to. The nights and days dreaming of just this over whelmed my memory making the room seem smaller and so much more intimate that it already was. Stopping me at the foot of his bed he turned back to me and gave me that smile again.
That smile he gave when he kissed me. The look of a man enamoured with the woman before him. I lived and died for that look. Making me feel whole again when I saw it, making it easy to believe that he wanted me; only me.
Reaching out to touch my face again withHis hand, I leaned my face into his gentle touch and closed my eyes to reveal in the feel of it. The small smile that grew on my face was unstoppable. When I opened them again a single tear fall from the corner of my eye.
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