I am a average looking female aged 30 yrs. Though I never thought that I could get into a relationship, I used to fantasise about it when I used to see certain movies. Any ways, I am happily married with 1 kid. After the delivery of the child, I gained weight and thought of joining a gym or aerobics classes for getting back into shape. I ultimately joined a Gym. I chose the timings of morning 5 am so that I am back by 6 30 to start waking up my husband for office and one of the kid for school. The gym is located about a 5 kms from my house. So I take my car to reach the Gym. There are many people who come for exercises in the gym and there is no separate timings for males. Also, in the morning there is no female instructor. Initially, he recommended me normal warm up exercises so that I gain stamina for doing heavier exercises. It was now a month since I was doing the same exercises. I then asked the instructor to teach me the heavier ones so that I can now reduce my tummy. He agreed and started instructions for one. In that, he used about a 3 kgs weight on each side of the rode and asked me to lay down on the benchmark. He asked me to lift it up and down till my chest. He kept holding the rod so that if I loose control on rod it does not get fall on me. Well, I was not carrying the rod properly at right edges,, so he placed my hands at proper points of the rod and placed his own hands on my hands and stated lifting it up and down. Now, when he was bringing the rod down, it was touching and pressing my boobs with both hands.. I started feeling sensings in my body… and lifted my chest part more upwards so that I can feel more sensing of his hands. He got my intentions and cooperated.. Now he asked me to stand up for the next exercises.. Till that time,, I got red and hot up.. For the second exercise he handed over me one dumble and asked me to sit on the benchmark and keep the hand on the benchmark and lift the dumble.. he sat behind me to hold my hand. He came exactly behind my anus hole and his hard rock penis was touching the doors of my anus. Each time when he takes me towards lifting dumble, his penis was struggling me.. He did that 20 times… It was probably enough for me to loose control… I looked at him.. He understood my intentions and asked me to stop exercise and told me to change clothes… I went to changing room and as expected,, he followed me… Since it was winter season,, it was still dark outside at 5:30 am… He switched off the lights of the room and held me.. He removed his sports wear and mine…and we were ON.. He started stroke me from behind holding my boobs.. and kissing me on my neck… I was in no mood to resist… I forgot everything and asked him to come from front.. He obeyed and we made love for another 30 mins…. After that day,,I never went again to that gym… But my fantasy was proved true.
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