Having read so many stories, I thought I would add my own. I have been married to my beautiful wife. Her name is Dr Navdeep Mittal (Navi). We married young, she was 20 and I was 24. The years have flown by, but Navi still looks stunning. Although having 2 boys, within 2 years of getting married, she has retained her figure, so that she could still pass for a woman in her mid to late 20s. Our boys, Aman and Ankush are both still at school, and only home for the holidays. The story I am about to relate, will be an insight into how Asian middle class families might live in the UK. You see soon after we got married, Navi became pregnant, and within a year after the first Aman, we had a second child Ankush. Our Sex life up to that point had been fairly mundane and boring and for the first few years we stuck to the routine Asian way of sex, normally with the lights off, Navi underneath and my solid humping bringing her to a climax, sometimes. We often talked about other forms of sex, but never when we were fucking. I always felt that Navi, was never really comfortable with chatting about it. My job took me away from home for three months, and upon my return, we had to move from Birmingham to London. We were no longer close to family and we no longer always had guests. The best thing about our new house was not only its size, but also the fact that the boys too now had their own rooms and would be sleep by 9pm. Navi and I suddenly found ourselves, having far more time with each other that ever before. I would often be home from work by 6 and the kids would have gone to bed by nine. Even at the weekends, it was now possible to drop the boys off with their grandparents, (Navi’s mum and dad)
It was now that Navi and I really began our sexual adventure. Having so much time means we talked to each other more and more. We moved on through various stages, including fucking during the day, her dressing up, taking dirty pictures, to making movies of ourselves. Navi was no longer inhibited, in fact when we were out and about, she would get ogled at regularly, and when she was alone, she often got comments or whistles. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall, has 36C tits, a slim waist and has the cutest butt you will ever see. It was around this time that she also started to share some of her fansies. She told me what she thought would turn her on and we tried all those things. Despite what she said, to me it always felt as if there was always something not quite right, and though I did not doubt that she did enjoy what we did, it was somehow not quite enough. She even started to cum more and one of the things about that was that her orgasms were now far more intense than they had ever been. More than that, she actually would talk to me during sex. She didn’t control her tongue anymore. Nearly 8 years after we were married, I came in my wife’s mouth. In the beginning she wouldn’t even let me go anywhere near her mouth with my cock. Now she actually lovedsucking my cock. I would be fingering her pussy and talking to her about all my wild fans. It was at this stage that I again had to go to the USA for three months and when I returned my wife was a completely changed woman. Her hairstyle was suddenly very different, and she was now wearing skirts and blouses, instead of Salwar Kameez most of the time. I returned home from work early one day, and was shocked and Surprised to walk into our room to find her on the bed with a big vibrator stuck in her cunt. I could see that she must have been at it for a while as the dildo was almost all the way into her cunt. At this stage, she wasn’t aware of my being there and I stood there watching for several minutes, as my wife not only fucked herself, but also was talking to herself. She was mostly calling herself things like Kanjari, (Whore) tum kitni haramzadi hoh(What a bastard you are). Itna barha lunn lehtee hoh ( You take such a big cock), then she would reply to herself,
Ha meh lehtee hoon (yes I do take it), aur kya karru,(what else can I do) mujhay bahut lund chiaay (I need lots of cock), meh bahut lund laay saktee hoon(I can take a lot of cock), koi mil jiay, meh sub saay chudaa loo gi ( I can take any cock that I meet) I was both shocked and mermerised. This was my wife, wanking on her own, and taking a big dildo into wet juicy cunt. I was incredibly excited as I stood there watching her wank herself to an explosive orgasm, which made her shudder, shake and scream out in ecstasy. She just lay there for a while whilst she recovered. I watched a little longer and then went back downstairs. I decided that I would not tell her what I had seen. I called out her name and she came down in a dressing gown, saying that she was just going into the shower and would be down in a minute. My mind was racing thinking about what I had witnessed. I realized that my wife really was into sex far more than I had ever believed and what was more obvious was that she was not getting enough from me. The afternoon passed the boys came home from school and when they finally went to bed that night, I took a shower and took Navi into our bedroom. I told her what I had seen ad asked her to tell me honestly what it was all about. She did. She made it clear that she could’t in fact help herself. It had started by her constantly having an itch in her fanny many years before and though she tried to ignore it in the beginning, she progressed to touching, and wanking. I asked her what she thought about when she was doing so and again she told me that she thought about all sorts of things. From me and her together to other men, and even young boys.
When I asked her how young , she said that she saw many school boys walking home and to school and boys who looked as had appealed to her. I asked her if she could ever actually do it and she had replied most definitely yes. That night we made a pact that she could do what ever she wanted, but that she would always tellme about it. We fucked most of that night, as we talked about all the little things she wanted to do. It turned me on like crazy. We moved on to my watching Navi wank, with the dildos and other toys we bought. From that we moved on to trying to find other men for Navi to fuck. This she did with great enthusiasm and vigor. I noticed that the men didn’t matter so much, neither did their cocks, it was more For her the fact that she was actually fucking these men. Often I had watched and few times I actually joined in. The two most memorable times were when I watched Navi, drink and horny take on two brothers. Both were athletes and could really fuck. Navi had a great time with those two and they fucked my wife for most of that night. I got to have a go too, but Navi excellent herself that night. I Remember watching her as they both slid into her cunt, and she just looked at me and smiled. The other thing I remember about that night was the amount of cum Navi actually took. What had reallyturned her on was talking to me throughout the evening in the dirty and filterthiest language. I remember calling her Kanjari, Haramazadi, and telling her tum itni harami hoh, kay apnay khavund kay saath mil kar, thoo lun lehti hoh, and she had relplied, kya karu, khavund aisa millay toh Kanjari baan na hi parhta heh. I remember asking her, kya kar rahee hoh and she had replied, chidhwa rahee huh inn batchoe Saye. It was obvious that my wife had a thing about young boys. By the end of that night I was already planning how I was going to satisfy Navi’a craving for cock. Especially young cock. Now this is where the story really begins. Over the next few weeks, Navi and I explored yet further, but it seemed the same old thing. One day when I was picking my boys up from school, I too noticed that there were some fine
Strapping young lads who went to the same school. That night, I was going to say goodnight to my sons, when I heard them talking. I stood at the door and heard them talking about slut moms. They were talking about the mother of one their school chums and how his mother was famous for initiating schoolboys. Ankush was saying how nice she was and then Aman said something about how he wished their mum was like that. Little did they know. I knew that my wife had a yen for young boys, but making the leap, from Navi fucking young boys, to her fucking our own two sons was Not something that had in fact occurred to me. Hearing them that night it did and to be honest in the beginning, I felt uneasy with such thoughts. I tried to put them in the back of my mind and did not say anything to Navi. The harder I tried the more difficult it became. Every time we had sex, the same things kept coming into my head until eventually I simply couldn’t get it out of my head. I made the decision that I was going get my boys to fuck my wife with me, whether she would know about it or not was a different matter. I began to plan as to how I was going to take this forward. Few nights later, we were in bed and talking about all the stuff that we had tried. Navi was drunk. I thought I would never get a better opportunity, so I asked her. Kya tum apnay batay says chudva saktee hoh? Navi looked at me with an expression that I did not understand at first. Then she said to clearly that she would love to. I told her what I had overheard them say. Navi and I designed a plan whereby we would make it happen. We decided that we would wait for the summer holidays. At this time my boys were and these are the events of last summer. For the first time in our lives we decided to have a three week vacation, with just the boys. Navi and I know what we were going to make happen and as far as I was concerned, the sooner the better. We had rented a holiday cottage and we drove to it.
The drive took up most of the day and when we arrived, we saw the cottage in all its glory. It was a truly scenic and beautiful place, classified by trees, yet within two minutes walk of thebeach. What was more there seemed to be hardly anyone around. We had brought plenty of beer and other things to make the whole three weeks as memorable an experience as possible. That night, after the boys had gone to sleep, Navi and I walked down to the beach, no one was there, and we fucked and talked under the moonlight. I knew Navi was ready. Now it was just a question of persuading my boys. They were my sons, I knew it wouldn’t be difficult. It wasn’t. The next day, it was hot and sunny. Navi had decided to go to the beach with the boys and since hardly anyone was about, Navi wore a bikini I hadn’t seen before. It left little to the imagination. I was sure that if it got wet, Navi’s tits were going to be visible. This was the way we had planned it. The boys should see their mum in all her glory. She ad shacked her cunt two nights before so that it was silent smooth. It allowed her to wear a bikini, which hardly covered her cunt. Navi went with the boys, with a towel wrapped around her. I saw the boys look at her tits once or twice. I followed 20 minutes later and stood sufficiently hidden and far so that the boys wouldn’t see me. Navi was in the water, the boys were playing on the beach. When she knew I would be in place she came out of the water. I could see that her nipples were clearly erect. The crutch of her bikini bottom, was right up the crack of her ass and she made sure the boys got a good eyeful. Then Navi turned her back on the boys and told them not to look as she was about to change. First Navi unid her bra and pulled her t shirt over her head. The boys were looking and they were both looking together, first at
Their mother’s naked back, then at each other and then back at their mother. Next, Navi, pulled down her bottoms, with the result that the boys must have got a faceful of pussy, Navi;s pussy, their own mother’s pussy. They stared at it and Navi made sure that she gave them plenty of time to look. Navi pulled on her shorts and told they could look now. They needed no invitation. The little bastards, were staring at their mother, as if she was some sort of strip show, which I suppose she was. The rest of the afternoon, there were always people about, so Navi didn’t do much. Later the boys went to pay on their own and Navi and I planned that we would deliberately let the boys watch us fucking. That evening Navi began to drink early and a Steady flow of the Martini, means that by 9.00pm she was already tipsy. Her inhibitions seemed to be missing and she said that she was going to change and then she wanted to have a little fun. When she was gone I spoke to the boys and told them that as we were on holiday normal rules didn’t apply. The boys I am sure still did not at this stage have any idea of what I mean. Navi came back dressed in a clear see Through nightdress, which was just below her hips. She had no bra on and a little pair of knickers, which hardly covered anything. The boys were just staring at her. She iMissed them and went straight to the kitchen, where she poured herself another martini. Upon returning to the living room, she announced that she was ready to play and who wanted to join in the fun. When I asked what we were going to play, she announced “dares”. In the beginning the dares were a little silly, but Navi said as we were on holiday, there were no rules, so first interesting dare was to Ankush and Aman from their own mother.
She knew they had never had a drink before, and so made them drink a glass each of Martini. It had the desired effect. A little later, they had another glass each and by this time they were almost drunk. Navi next dared the boys to show their bums first and then on the next round, se got them to expose their willies to her. The game continued and by this time it was obvious that the boys had hardons for Navi. She was after all teasing the little buggers to death. “Boys I want you to remember that this is just a bit of holiday fun nothing more. So tell me what you think about your mom”. Ankush was the first to begin “Dad, if we are going to play games then can we play real dares and can we ask to see mum?” That broke the ice. Navi agreed to do a striptease for me and the boys. She was drunk by now and she disappeared upstairs to get ready. I said to the boys that we should surprise her and they of course agreed. By now the boys too were totally lost in the games of incest that were about to follow. That night it didn’t matter, it was me my boys and their mom. Navi was standing the room totally naked, I said to the boys to come in. As soon as they saw her, their cocks were standing up. Ankush could just stand there and stare, but Aman, to my amazement walked over to his mother and just started to play with her tits. He was rubbing his hands gently on her left tit, looking up at her and she was just smiling at him. Aman must have thought about his mother’s tits on many occasions, tonight, he was actually playing with them. WithHis other hand, he was holding his little willy and rubbing it. This inspired Ankush, and he walked over to her too. He took the other title and started to suck it. Navi’s nipples were always sensitive but today was special, both her sons were on one tit each and Navi just closed her eyes and began to enjoy the moment. By this time my cock was rock hard and I could help playing with myself just standing there, watching Navi, be sucked and licked by our sons. I had seen Navi fuck other
Men, but this was something else, it was unique. Special and oh so arousing. I noticed for the first time that Ankush’s cock was bigger than mine already and it was standing up so hard that it was touching his bellybutton. Navi briefly brought the proceedings to halt and disappeared into the bathroom. When she came out the boys were sitting on the bed. Now Navi felt no inhibitions or reservations. She was ready to fuck her sons, my sons, our sons, Aman and Ankush were ready too, to fuck their mother, my wife, my Navi, and I of course was ready to see what good mother-fuckers I had recovered. Navi came over and kissed me and just said “I am going to enjoy this” She looked at the boys and asked “are you ready boys?” Both could just nod. Aman was still busy rubbing his cock. The tip of Ankush’s cock was now clearly glistening with all that was oozing out of it. Navi got on the bed with the boys, and went straight for Ankush’s cock. He just lay there looking at his mother, as she took his cock and started to suck. With Ankush’s cock in her mouth, she pulled Aman to her tits, and Aman began to suck her titties. In her hand now was Aman’s cock. The smile on my boys’ faces was something I will remember forever. Within seconds, Aman came all over his mother’s tummy. Navi loved it and just started to rub Aman’s cum into her tummy and down towards her cunt. She opened her legs and got a little of Aman’s spunk and started rubbing it on her cunt. The way she was lying, Ihad a clear view of Ankush’s cock in Navi’s mouth and she was loving it. She was trying to swallow it, it seemed. Ankush too wasn’t going to last very long. Within seconds, Ankush filled his mother’s mouth with his youthful spurts. Navi being the expert cock-sucker that she is, didn’t let a tiny drop come out of her mouth. She swallowed it all. Ankush was spent and Navi turned to Aman. “Now, my little one, are you ready to fill mummy up?” Again Aman could just nod. Navi moved over to him, and started to play with Aman’s cock. She was also talking to him. “Oh baby, you have such a cute cock, I want to eat it all.”
Within few strokes, Aman’s cock was rock hard again and this time Navi just began to suck and suck and suck. Aman, might have had the smaller dick, he is months younger, and so Navi took it all, including Ankush’s balls. Navi sucked Aman’s cock in the way that she can and in no time she had another mouthful of cum to swallow. Navi then looked at me and said, “Come ondad, are you not you going to join these little mother-fuckers of yours?” I got up and walked over to the bed. As soon as I got there, Navi began to suck my cock. She was loving the taste of cum in her mouth, her son’s cum too and now it was my turn. I however had other ideas and I wanted to see Navi fuck me and the boys. Ankush having had a little break, while he watched his mother suck his brother off, was Now ready for more. It was also time to give Navi one hell of a fuck. I managed to get my cock out of Navi’s mouth and asked her to lie back on the bed. Navi did as she was asked. Ankush and Aman stood to the right of her bed, I sat on the edge and began to finger Navi’s soaked cunt. We talked, I told her how much I was enjoying this game and she asked what I had in mind next. I asked Aman to go first, somehow it made sense to me that my younger son should have his mother first. Aman was very enthusiastic but also very awkward. He was drunk too so that I found myself actually grabbing his little cock and guiding it into his mother’s cunt. Aman then just lay there. Next I told him to raise his ass and then I pushed it down for him. Once he started humping, the pleasure spread across his face and his tensions seemed to ease. Within no time, he was humping his own mother, while she held my cock and sucked on Ankush’s. Navi loves to suck
Cock and that night, for most of the night, she had at least one of us in her mother most of the time. Aman was reaping the benefits of having cum twice already. For a first fuck and that with your own mother and in front of your dad and brother, Aman did well. By the time he came, Ankush and I were ready for real fun and games. Navi too, was totally lost in all that was now happening. To me the memory is still clear. Ankush knew exactly what to do. Navi’s cunt was well and truly lubricated by Aman, who was totally spent, but still watching what was happening. Ankush, climbed on top of his mother, and just began to grind intoHis mother’s cunt, within two or three thrusts, he was filling up his mother’s cunt, who now had her legs up in the air. Her legs were wide apart and Navi wanted to take all of Ankush’s cock. It was easy for her now. I could see white oozing from her cunt and the more Ankush fucked her, the more wet she was becoming. Ankush to his credit was fucking like a man. He wasn’t rushed, he wanted to enjoy this and he did. Ankush fucked his mother slowly, passwordately, enthusiastically and lovingly. When he eventually came, it was like a flood. What was more he really had Navi moaning and groaning, but she hadn’t cum. When Ankush climbed off Navi, I could see his cum oozing out of her cunt. Now it was my turn and I wanted to show the boys how it was done. Navi assumed the doggie position and I slip into My wife’s totally soaked cunt. For a while I just followed a slow rythem, building up slowly and deliberately. Fucking like this always brought Navi to a peak, when I would speed up and fuck ashard as I could for as long as I could. This had always led to Navi Cumming. This was no different except that this time, Navi’s cunt was well and truly lubricated. Both her sons and now I had fucked her. Yet she still could not get enough, and later that night, we all had Navi again, the boys twice more. Our days and nights were spent largely doing something sexual or another. By the end of the holidays there was nothing we had not tried. Navi was totally shagged out but it was just the beginning of what has been going on since then. Navi was very very sore for a longtime afterwards, She reached all over, but since then we have ventured even further and now Navi is busy coping with the three men in her life. As for me, I love it all and my boys, when they venture further a field, will have had the best sexual education you can imagine. All mothers should be like Navi, all wives should be like Navi and all lovers should be like N My Navi What do ya think??
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