I did as he told me to do. My ultra thin Samsung mobile was put on silent vibrating mode. Then I slipped it in one of the extra thin lubricated ribbed condom and put a knot on the other end. Then I inserted this contraption inside my vagina and pushed it as deep as it could go. Put on my panties and the jeans over them dressed and went to meet him in the Hotel Raj near Central Plaza. He called on my other phone to ask if the contraction was in place. I said yes. Seconds later it was energized. Rhythmic vibrations deep inside me first slowly gradually peak to a crescendo. It stopped me in my tracks. I just could not move. I was in the middle of a crowded street. There was just nothing I could do! How to put off the contraction? There was no place to sit down and this vibrating contraction lodged deep inside my vagina was making me see stars. I slowly walked to a bus stop and sat down to ride over this sensing. My face was flushed my palms wet and skin all goose bamboos. Thenit stopped. Slowly I relaxed but could feel a wetness developing inside. I hailed an auto rick and told him to take me to Central Park. Few minutes later it started again. This time I really saw stars . I crossed my legs and squeezed my thighs firmly. That was better but then the contraction slide deeper in and was pushing against my insides. All my organs seemed to be vibrating. I could feel my clips rubbing against my tight jeans. Oh what a sensing!! . The victory deep inside my vagina was making me lose control of my senses. This age in ecstasy continued for a whole minute then stopped. By this time I was oozing profusely ,my panties were getting soggy . Worse I could feel my muscles relaxing while I was feeling a “high”. Reached Central Park in 20 minutes during which the contraction activated twice. By now I was Actually enjoying it and shamelessly laid back in the rick with my legs spread. I could feel my braless breasts firming up and the nipples brushing against my shirt top.
Paid the rick and was walking towards entrance of Hotel Raj when it occurred again. I almost failed but managed to hold on to the door and steady myself. I was already feeling a “high” by the time I entered the lift. By now I was oozing so probably that I could feel my wetness drip down the sides of my thigh. I was not walking but swaying awkwardly. Thankfully the vibrations did not last long. I Regained my composition and went up to the lift up to the 4th floor. The area was so so familiar that I could know my way blindfolded. Room 4010. I knocked he opened the door. He was wearing a bathing gown over his middle aged nakedness. I ran inside the room not bothering to shout the door. In less than 30 seconds I stripped off my clothes ,pealed off my wet panties and out popped the contraction on the bed. Ravi was smiling knowingly. The raskel …it was all his idea. I was not my usual self. I laid throw myself at Ravi pushing him to the bed. Before he knew what had happenedd I had his cock in my mouth and sucking at it as if life depend on it. My left hand was griping his cock while I lubricated my two fingers in my own juices and thrust them inside his anus. He yelped in pain but could do not much as I pinned hin down whit his cock in my mouth and my fingers in his aqnus. I felt like biting him for the torment he had given me, I massed his anus ring as I liked his cock and sucked at His glands. He was whimpering like a child while I ferociously attacked his manhood. Good for him as he did not last long and climaxed deep inside my mouth shooting his cum against my throat. I gagged but this was nothing new for me. I swallowed all that he had to give in just two gulps and licked his limping cock dry..He was in no condition to do anything now. I used this opportunity to take out my dildo from my bag and lubricated it with K gel. I flipped him on his stomach. Like a obedient dog he lifted his butts up and with His two hands separated the thin butts to expose his anus in full view. Payback time dear I whispered in his ears as I gently eased the dildo inside his gaping anal ring. He neither yelped nor flinched as I glided the whole length of the dildo inside his gaping hole. This was the usual treatment I gave him each time he hired me. The dildo was large and longer than any prick I had seen and believe me for a professional like me I have seen many and of all types. His anus had swallowed all of it. By now he was mourning in pleasure and pain. Begging me to give him some more rough treatment. I scratched his butts twice the sound echoed across the room. He shouted in pain but was obviously enjoying it. I manipulated the dildo in and out and twisted and turned it. I knew he was delicious in pain and pleasure. When I thought he had enough I let the dildo remain inside him while I flipped him on his back the dildo still inside. I started his chest my legs spread wide. He grabbed my butts and brought me close to my mouth.The like always hestarted eating my pussy with great concentration and pleasure. I was getting aroused too. Just when I thought it was time to call off his suffering I climaxed jetting out a stream of my juices all over his mouth and face. By this time my Prince charming was in full ‘mood’. His cock was tight and ready for duel. I knew the routine. Flipped to my stomach lifted my butts and he took he doggy style not in my pussy but in my anus. I yelped in pain but this was just routine as each time I was with him he has only ravished my tight arse. He rammed in me like a mad dog till I could take it no more. Then he climaxed deep inside my anus . I could feel the hot liquid inside my wet insides. Both of us collapsed in on the bed exhausted and satisfied. We must have done off for about an hour when I woke up washed in the toilet put on fresh panties and dressed. He was in deep sleep quietly snoring away. I collected my tings as well as a pad of currency under the pillow. Walked out, took the lift downto the lobby paid the hotel its commission and took a taxi home. He is one of my regular clients. He is middle aged healthy male who loves eat pussy and fuck a lady’s anus. Like wise if the lady can return the compliment it is an added bonus. He plans his move meticulously and the vibrating contraction is his idea. But never in the last three years has he ever fucked my pussy. Men! You never know can be queer.
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