The swinging lean that hung from her hand turned his skin chilly. Arousal seized him even more, astounding him as if he had seen a ghost.
His breaths paused in his chest, his eyes caught up by the view, which saw her stepping towards him.
Deliberate and bold, her steps urged him backward, his mouth getting dry while his heart drummed a lustrous beat.
“Where are you going, kitty? Mommy wants to play with you.” She whispered, and the ground stopped moving. The wall thumbed against his back, and finally, the path to escape ended.
“M-mommy.” He stuttered as his hands glued against the wall, while she found herself an inch away from his eyes.
“If you desperate that cat that much, why don’t you take his place?” She whispered as she inserted her finger in the hook that dangled from the collar around his neck and gave it a quick jolt.
As if the chills were entering him for the first time, he felt his skin buzzing with numbness.
“What do you say?” She added and hooked the lean to the collar while he found himself gulping at the darkness her eyes held.
Her hand advanced from the collar to his cheek like a snake and then slithered to his hair. He was waiting with his breaths on hold in his throat and with his hands clenching on the wall.
“Would you like that, kitty?” She whispered, her lips above his lips, and gently petted his hair like she was petting a cat.
Instead of urgency and panic, venomous tranquility surged into his nerves and his face fell onto her shoulder. He did not say it with words, but he had become her kitty.
“Awww, did my kitty like that?” She questioned, running her fingers from his hair to the spine while he nodded and began licking her neck.
The sticky and wet sensing astounded her and drive a hmm from her lips, which Only urged his tongue and body.
As if her sweet whimpers were not enough, the taste of her skin endangered his serenity as well. The sweet yet salty taste ofHer skin tingling on his tongue pulled a real animal out from inside him and urged him to do things he would not normally do.
He quickly grasped her by her waist and squeezed her close to his body, while his licks took a bigger and hungrier form, his body pushing her to the edge of the bed.
He hummed a greedy tone and slipered onto her cheek.
Witnessing such a sweet cat-astrophy, she could not help but laugh and giggle. But she also put a pause to his greedy mouth in the middle of the bedroom as she yanked the lean to pull his face away.
“Now, now. Calm down.” She whispered upon his palpitating lips, and added, “Kitties don’t walk on two feet.”
The signal sent by her was quickly taken by him and instantly he fell to his knees, his hands on the ground.
“That’s a good kitty.” She continued and slowly reached the bed, sitting on the edge, and raised her palm in the air, hailing to him, “crawl.”
He took a quick gulp as the numbness from ecstasyagain rushed through his nerves, his eyes regarding her patiently waiting for him.
“Come on.” She boosted while he filled himself with strength and began taking small steps towards her.
The hard floor was softly piercing his skin, his sweaty palms slippering on the ground as his perky as wiggled in the air. She waited with her breaths on hold, watching him crawl step by step, just like a cat.
“That’s my good kitty.” She applauded, aroused by the lustrous performance, as he finally reached her and planted his face onto her palm.
He liked the compliment. It was such a sweet gift after the little tantrum he had thrown at her.
“Now tell me, why did my kitty feel jealous?” She questioned while he rubbed his cheek against her palm, his lips forming his side of the statement. “I just–” but he was cut off in the middle. “Kitties don’t talk.”
His eyes widened at her words, his lips in the midway to say something else when she added, “How do you think, kitties communicate?”
Once again, he understand her. She needed no explanation.
And he meowed at her with words full of self-pity. His eyes also changed color and turned brighter.
“Aww. You know I don’t understand the cat language. But I sure can tell what you mean by your expressions.”
He continued to meow and rub his face into her palm, feeling that she understands him when she instantly removed her palm from his cheek.
“You were jealous because I was treating him and not you.” She stood up before his eyes and began removing her shorts in the slowest motion possible.
“You didn’t like, that I was petting and kissing him.” She continued as she also removed her panties and sat back on the bed while he continued peering at her, withholding his growing needs.
“That’s very cute. I would not lie. But can kitties really lock themselves in a room?” His fluttering eyes changed from her milky thighs to her eyes, his mind thinking really hard.
“I don’t think so.” She added a response to her own question and once again gently placed her hand on his cheek. “That was bad behavior from you, my kitty.”
A quick pull of her hand arrived, and he stumbled upon her thighs, his lips touching her smooth skin. “But don’t worry. I will teach you how to be a good kitty.”
“Kiss,” she whispered as she parted her legs wider and he quickly began gently planning his need kisses on her inner thigh.
His lips that touched her with such subtleness drive out a soft whimper from her lips like the tightness in her chest finally came loose.
He ascended further with the same gentleness and caused her body the same reaction. It drive her wetter and warmer while he feel himself growing inside his shorts.
“Good kitty.” She whispered with her eyes closed and softly grazed his hair with her free hand.
“Now let me feel my kitty’s tongue.” She added as she jerked his head back and gazed into his eyes, continuing, “Pull your tongue out.”
His eyes focused on her like a deadly sight, lips breathing the thunder inside, his tongue palpitated and stuck out, waiting.
“You listen so well, but you also act bratty.” She whispered and inclined to spit on his tongue. “That’s good.” She added as she altered her hand from his hair to his lips and rubbed her saliva on his tongue.
“I like cats who can scratch.” She continued and closed his open mouth with his jaw, allowing him to gulp down the spit.
“But only when they scratch on my command.” With a quick yank, she pulled his head into her wetness and added. “You should always do what I tell you to.”
—-Love, author! ❤️
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