The first time I saw my sister naked, I remember my knees trembling and my throat becoming suddenly dry. Pictures of naked women around on my password-protected computer, of course, but to this point in my life I had not seen a real naked woman. Maybe when we were both younger, we had inadvertently seen each other but it was certainly not anything either of us remembered. Our normal childhood was Just like any other. But even at a young age I do remember being aware that my sister, who I was not supposed to notice sexually, was quite a stunning creativity.She was a very natural blond, with beautiful skin that was just becoming to be tasted. Her neck especially looked delicious, when she tilted her head to one side, revealing that sensitive and vulnerable part that I could sink my teeth into. I loved the way her long strands of hair fall to one side when she did that, cascading over her shoulder. How I long to touch her… But it wasn’t allowed. I knew that, even ata young age.Now that I was old enough to act on my inclinations with any female I wanted, it seemed that the only one I wanted could not be had. The thought of other men, or boys really in our teenage social circles, staring at her and desiring her as I did, feeling the same urges as I had for years, drive me to insanity.
I was the one who desired her, and yet they all had their opportunities to be with her while I never did. I learned to accept this finally, and moved on. It had not been easy, but an entire society of stigmas would eventually ward off my desires and stood them away where I no longer paid any attention to them. That is, until I saw her naked. To be fair, it was not in any way her fault. I had come home unexpected, and in our bedrooms upstairs the front door could not be heard. I knew she was home, but did not realize that she had slept in late and waited until now to take her morning shower. I had been up earlier, and our parents were long gone for the day. I hadn’t bothered to call out to her when I realized the bathroom door was wide open. I simply hoped up the stairs and went for my room, which was past the bathroom and her bedroom. I was going to change out of my shorts and into some nicer clothes, when I caught sight of her as I passed.She was bent over, already having dried off with the towel that she was now using on her dripping hair. Thinking that she was alone in the house, she had not bothered to close the door, likely so that the mirror wouldn’t steam over. I did the same thing when I was home alone. Roughly tousling the towel through her hair, she could not hear my quiet steps. My body stopped instinctively, and my gaze went right to her legs and rear end, both splendidly on display as she bent at the waist. I knew it was wrong to look, and the guilt kept growing the longer I stared. But I couldn’t look away. Her legs were lovely, for sure. But they only led my eyes upwards to the wonderful spectacle of her ass.A single drop of moisture began to roll down the luscious curve of her buttocks, stopping at that sweet inward angle where her cheeks met her tights. I wanted to dive forward and catch that drop on my tongue, but I restrained myself understandably. Still, despite what I know to be right and wrong, I feel an uncontrollable erection strain my shorts. I had to get out of there, now. Any second she would stand up and see me, and my obvious arousal, and it would be hell. She would think me sick and perverted, and she would be right.In seemingly slow motion, it happened. She straightened, shook the hair from her face, and turned while still holding the towel in her hand. She pivoted around to face the mirror, but saw someone in the doorway. Without covering herself, she glanced up to see me frozen in both terror and lust.
I expected her to scream. Or to begin yelling loudly while frantically attempting to conceal her nakedness from her sibling. I could tell by her eyes that she was shocked, perhaps a bit scared. But neither of us did anything. She was frozen as I was, watching me stare at her body. My eyes did not dart up and down, but rather I seemed to star at her entirely in one single unflinching gaze.God, she was beautiful… Her hips were cocked up on one side just a bit, giving her that wonderful feminine pose that drive men crazy. I noticed how tight and firm her body Was, though I already knew she was very active. When I dared took special notice of her breasts, I remember observing how they were not especially large, certainly not like the women on my computer. But I had never been more inclined to reach out and suck on them, griping them in my hands and feeling their softness. They were lovely, most assuredly the best pair I’d ever seen. Finally, she dared to move. I felt defending suddenly, ready to defend my actions and run like hell before she said anything. But my body would not move until I heard her speak at least one word. I couldn’t help but notice, however, that she had not yet attempted to conceal herself. Perhaps she was trying to maintain some kind of dignity, otherwise the embarrassment would grow even more between us.”I’m sorry,” I blurted.She refused a glance down at my shorts. It was much too late to try to hide my erection from her. She had seen plenty of it by now. Maybe I could show my own dignity as she was doing. Calm, quiet, unmoving. No movement at all. If I dared adjust my composition, I would surely lose my dignity and run far away to hide.”Oh, no… I didn’t…” she stuttered.She began to wrap the towel around herself.
She tried to keep it around her chest, but it was too small to wrap around her upper body. It was no use at this point to pretend she needed to cover what I had already seen. So she lowered the towel and did her best to fasten it around her waist. Of course the towel was still too small to do this properly, so it hung lower aboveher hip and her right tigh was still in my plain sight.”I didn’t know you were home,” she said, her breasts bare and open for my viewing.I tried not to stare, but she wouldn’t have noticed anyway. Her eyes were fixed on my crotch. I turned my body slightly, but the angle only showed her more detail.”It’s okay,” she said calmly. “Too late anyway. The only way I could possibly see More was if you took your shorts off.” Was that her way of breaking the ice? I laughed nervously, trying to play it off I guess. I really didn’t know what to do at this point. My sister was still mostly naked before me, the towel around her waist almost enhancing her sensitivity like a mini skirt with a slit up the entire right side. Before I could make a move, we both heard the front door. The faint sounds of voices told us our parents were home.To my surprise, my sister ran towards me and grabbed my shirt with one hand and the doorknob with the other.Pulling me sharply into the bathroom, she quickly shut the door. To be honest, I was surprised she didn’t just slam it closed with me still on the other side of it. Why had she wanted me in here with her?A voice called from downstairs, our parents alerting us that they were home. But the chatter of conversation trailed off as they went into another room, not bothering to wait for a response.”What are you doing?” I asked, as if protesting her actions. My past infatuated self would have kicked me.”You want them to see you staring at your naked sister?” she asked, giving me an amused look.”I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”She shook her head. “It’s fine. I can tell what you were thinking with.”My hands went to my crotch, confirming the tent that remained there. She smiled.
“You better not let them catch you leaving the bathroom with me still in here,” she warned, but I sensed that she was playing with me.” Well what am I supposed to do?” She shrugged, causing me to once again take notice of her breasts. “Sit down and wait.” For some strange reason I compiled. Maybe I was thinking with my dick.My sister did not seem bothered by my presence, and began combining her hair. I sat on the edge of the bathtub in silence, pretending to wait but really admiring her. I could see her naked front quite easily in the mirror. She knew I was staring, but prepared not to notice. She blow-dried her hair, brushed her teeth, and spread lotion on her skin all while I watched in secret arousal. Why was she letting me do this? Had she always known about my fansies about her? Perhaps I had been careless, too obvious with my stars, or maybe she knew about the times I used to look through her underwear drawer.”Um,” she started, pausing as if contemplating something. “I have to shake now.” It seemed to me that she would have shaken her legs in the shower, but either way why would she tell me like that?”Okay…” I said uncertain.”You can watch if you want.”With that she undid the towel around her waist and set it on top of the toilet lid. I caught sight of the treasure between her legs, and immediately knew what she was referring to. Her patch of dark blond public hair was suddenly very evidence to me, as I had not taken much notice of it before. There was an obvious design that had been carefully trimmed just above her vagina, which I could not see especially well this far away. But I saw small hairs beginning to surface all around the small strip of density hair that was like a jagged flame seated just above her clip. I was surprised to learn that she kept herself so neatly groomed. I thought that was only something porn stars did. She grabbed the shaving cream from under the sink and sprayed a glob onto her palm. With a slightly devilish smile, she glanced at me before reaching downward to perform what would be the most erotic act I had ever seen up anyone would like to share their thought Pls. Write me at [email protected]
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