Hi Readers this Akhil here. I am Male 30 yrs and married to Archana 26 yrs. She is a dominating woman and she humiliates me to the core. We are south Indians.If you had not read my earlier story on wife humiliation please read that as well.Now coming back to the story. Let me tell you we live in a separate bunglow house and no one else stays other than me , wife and service maid valley (18 yrs old).Other maid servants come and go for washing etc and my wife prefers to have only female servants as she will humiliate me in front of them. She likes me bowing down my head in front of all the females at home. It does not matter who it is, be it servants or her friends.This Sunday when I got up in the morning, my wife gave me a cup of coffee and greeted me well. I was quiet happy and sipped and was chatting with her. She told me that today is going to be another day of hard core humiliation as many more ladies are expected. I was worried as who was expected. I was in my lungi with neverything on top. I had my briefs on. The moment i got out of bed my wife ordered me to take of my lungi. I did as I was told otherwise she will get wild. I was moving to the bathroom with only my undies. It was quiet common for me to be that way at home. Valli was also used to see me like that. When i came out of the bathroom my wife said that she was going out to buy some vegetables and that I she had given some instructions for me with Valli, which i have to obey and be ready before she comes back from market. Valli smiled seeing me and i was shocked by what this girl will do. Valli is more teasing and daring than my wife. She is capable of doing anything. As soon as my wife left, Valli locked the door and said came to my bed room. She commanded as why I was sitting inside the bed room and that there was Some work for me. I out of inquisitiveness asked who are the guests expected home.
Valli said that her village mates about 3 girls and an elderly lady are coming to stay here for one day and leave the next day morning. Valli said that Archana had approved the same. I got butterflies in my stomach. I knew how bad i am going to be teased in front of these girls. I was sure that I will have my day.Valli asked me to come out and i was almost dragged out of the bed room to the hall in my undies. When i reached the hall, Valli said that i have to wear only a komanam ( loin clothes) for today and nothing else. I said that I dont know to wear the same. Valli said that she will teach me and asked me to take off my undies. I felt shy and said that I bluffed and i will wear myself the komanam as i know to wear it. She gave me a piece of clothing which was so narrow. Could be only about 4 inches in width and 24 inches long. It was also so thin and cotton material. I asked her if i can get a wider one for which she said “Archana madam wanted to have you naked, but only i suggested this loin clothes other wise the girls will get a bit shocked as they are more conservactive type”. I got the answer that if I demanded a bigger clothes , I will end up being naked. So i took the clothes and asked for a string which she gave. I just turned to walk into my bedroom to change when Valli stopped saying that i have to change here only and that I was not allowed to go inside the bedroom for today. She said that the rule for today is that I have to obey the commands of all the ladies at home including the guests and that i should never enter the bedrooms and the first floor. I should not go into the bathrooms as well. So all i was allowed was the hall, kitchen, back yard and front yard. I asked valli what if I had to use the bathrooms, she said that i have to use the back yard in the open for the toilet purposes. Then what about No.2. She said even that was in the back yard in the open. Oh! I had it! I was getting a bit afraid as what is going to happen as i had never been
Used to such stuff. Valli said that as the guests are from village , i have tobe in village style to treat them. Valli said that they are expected any time and that i have to change fast. So i tied the string around my waist. Then put the clothes on the front and removed my undies partly down to take the clothes between my thighs and between my ass cracks and fixed it on the back. Valli could have managed to a bit of my ass crack in the process. But i know that she had seen my ass crack a couple of times before. The clothes was narrow enough to get into my ass crack totally and in the front covered my crotch exactly and was also hanging up in front like a screen for about 6 inches from my wait. The loose hanging was covering upto my balls. The clothes was exactly to my measurements. Valli asked me to turn in front and i showed her how it looked. She said that i looked stunning in this out fit and that the girls were going to have a crush on me. This means that Archana will not like it and I might be in for further humiliation on account of this. Valli knows well thatHer friends from village will like to see me in this costume. I told Valli that it was very narrow and the back has gone into my ass crack. She said that it is perfect and that is how it is to be. Then she said that in front the hanging length of clothes is longer and that it needs to be cut by an inch to reveal the little clothes that covers up the balls. I pled with her to let it be. She asked me to lift the hanging clothes to see how it looked inside. With a bit of shyness i lifted the hanging clothes to show her. Valli on seeing commented that my public hair has to be removed as Archana may not like me to show my manliness to other women. I said that i can manage a bit by covering up better. I tried but was not possible. Valli brought up a scissors and asked me to get the few hairs sprouting out on the sides to be cut. I did that and returned the scissors.
The bell rang now and Valli said it could be her friends. I asked her can i stay for a while in the bed room for which she said“Remember the rules”. I ran to the back yard and thought of hiding behind some trees. But there were next door houses from where our back yard was visible. But i had no other alternative but to run to the back yard. Valli went and opened the door. I was trembling as what these girls would comment seeing the head of the family in this state. I wanted to act as though it was common for me to be like this and that on a sunday i was doing some gardening work like. I thought of handling the situation like that. But I heard Archana’s voice calling me from inside. Then I knew the door bell was running by her and not the guests. So i went inside to the hall. Archana seeing me in the loin clothes asked Valli “Why is he in such a big loin clothes? Can you not give him a ladies hand kerchief. It deserves only so much.” Archana means that i am small inside and that i deserve a smaller coverage. Valli said that she can reduce the size any time if Archana feels so.I pleaded wit Archana not to reduce it further as it was already very narrow.Archana asked me walk up and down and noticed if the costume was normal and it showed up and humiliated me. She asked me to bend down and hands up and walk on fours etc. That was a normal drill from her. Then Archana asked if I knew the rules for the next 24 hours. She wanted me to say the rules and i told her every point. She said that i am not allowed to use the bathrooms and the wash basin. If at all i wanted water i have to use the well on the back yard to draw water. This means that the drawing will make enough noise and the aunty and girls next door are going to take a look at me in that state. I was worried of how i will manage the situation but later thought I will not go for a shit today.
The door bell rang again and it was sure the guests. I ran to the back yard and was hiding behind a tree to avoid the next door aunty from seeing me as well. I could hear Valli welcome her girls and Archana was also spevicking to them. It was about 3 or 4 mins later when Valli and another 2 girls came to the back yard to relax. I was acting as though i was cleaning the back yard or gardening that area. As soon as the 2 girls saw me they were a bit stunned. They did not open their mouth for a few seconds and then later asked Valli, if i were the gardener. Before Valli could open her mouth, the other girl commented in a slow voice that the gardener in white skin. These girls have seen only dark men in the villages. This is perhaps the first time they are seeing a fairer skinned male in komanam. Valli said that I was Archana madams husband. The girls were a bit shocked. They were eyeing on me while i was acting to be busy cleaning up. Archana called from inside “Akhil, where are you?”. I turned and immediately walked towards the door to get into the hall and the girls were only now seeing what was in front to cover up. They had all eyes on my crotch and they were in a shock, perhaps even for the village standards the komanam was too small to be wound. It looked very flimsy as well.As i went inside the hall Archana introduced me to a lady around 45 yrs and a girl around 19 or 20 that i was her husband. Both of them were stunned as they did not expect me in that attire. Both of them had their eye wandering on my body to survey why I was like that. Archana said to them that on sundays i was made to be in this uniform as she loves having me like this. Archana also added that Akhil is made to treat the guests in a village style and hence this costume for the day. Archana also added “If not for you guests, Akhil would have been naked as a normal sunday”.
That made them all giggle as all of them got into the hall. This also said indirectly that Valli had seen me naked on Sundays. The girls immediately looked at valli with a sense of jealous.I was feeling shy as the girls giggled and even the lady also joined the girls. I was embarased very much with the words used by Archana. She casually remarked as though I was a slave serving her and service valve and now a slave for friends of the service maid. Archana then said that I had some basic rules for today which means that I can stay only in the front yard, hall, kitchen and back yard. Also Archana added up that any help for them they can ask me and that i will do for them. This means that i have to treat the guests as per what Ever they wanted. Saying this Archana asked me to arrange the slippers of the guests in order and also clean them up. I was humiliated in front of all of them. Not only my attire but now the job given to me. I walked slowly towards the slippers left in the front room to the hall. Archana grinned “Donot be lazy”. Then I moved faster and all of them would have watched the way my komanam was tied on the back. The small clothes would disappear into my ass crack almost half way down. I went and was arranging the slippers and using a cleaning clothes. Then Archana went to the bed room saying she wanted to take bath and the guests started talking more freely in Archana’s absence. One girl asked why Madam was treating me like a slave. Why no respect to husband? Valli was answering to them as Madam is a very bold lady and she wants to dominate her husband and humiliate in front of women. Valli added that Madam will go to the extent of making me run naked at home in front her friends. Once she gets furious you never know what this man will have to face,etc etc. Hearing all this the girls were intently watching me sitting
On the floor and cleaning the slippers as well.It would have appeared nude from their position the sideways i sat.The girls said to Valli, there will be more fun if Madam gets angry today on him. They all wanted to watch more of me. I decided I will obey every command of Archana that day to make sure I am not humiliated much more than this. The way the girls eyes were preying on me was different. Valli said that evenIf she gives a complaint to madam that Akhil is not obeying she will take Valli’s words and start humiliating me more and punishment me.After completing the job, i got up and moved towards the hall as i cannot go anywhere else. I went and sat on the hall when the girls and lady were all standing at the other end of the hall. Valli said,”How dare you sit in front of us. You know that you are our service today.Do you want me to complain to madam about you sitting in front of us”. I knew that could create a bad scene and I said “Sorry, Valli”. I got up and was standing in the hall. The girls all got the answer that I was really a slave and that I was afraid of everything and that they can command a grown up man to their wishes. They saw how i obeyed to valve and pleaded a sorry as well. They were all talking among themselves as can they also command me etc. Valli was encouraging them to do so. I was slowly understanding that I will have to serve about 6 masters for the day. This means I will definitely be humiliated to the core.The senior lady took the lead, she asked me if I am used to wear this kind of komanam before. I said yes. She immediately said i was not wearing it properly and that it was too skimpy than normal in the village side. She said that even she and girls have not seen men in this scantily dressed attire and that is the reason for the girls giggling and that i should Not mistaken them. This was more embarasing for me. She said the clothes in front should hang longer than what it is now. She also said the width of the clothes is narrow. She also commented the clothes is very thin. She asked again why this material and size. I said that only Valli had prepared it.
Valli said that she wanted to treat her friends with something different from the village and hence this design she had made for me.All this while Archana was inside taking bath. She called up Valli from inside her bed room. Valli went in and came out in a few mins and said to me that I have to take my bath before Archana comes out. Then I said ok and was about to step into the other bath room from the hall when Valli reminded that I am not supposed to enter any bathrooms. Then I asked where should I take bath. Valli replied on the back yard near the well. I was a bit shy and knew I had to obey. Then I went all the way to the well and just trying to draw some water from the well. The drawing makes noise and the neighbor lady of about 40 yrs plus also came to her back yard and could see me clearly. She asked me from her compound as what i was up to. I said I am going to take bath. She asked why I was taking bath outside. I said it is some God’s worshiping and I have to go by it. She could make out that something was wrong because she saw from her side that Valli and 4 new faces where commenting and giggling seeing me. I drew some 3 buckets of water and started with my bath. Just before I could pour water Valli shouted that my komanam cloth(loin) would get wet. I said “No other alternative”. She said I can go to other side of the well and get naked and finish the bath. But from the other side the 4 women cannot see but neighbor lady can see. She was also standing and giggling hearing Valli’s comments. I said to valli that it does not matter if it got wet and will easily dry off.
Then I started pouring water on my body and i got wet and so did the loin clothes. The big embarasment came when this thin material shrink further and stuck to my skin. It became my second skin and started revealing the shape of my cock. The distance where these girls were standing to me was about 35 feet, where as the neighbor was only 15 feet away. She had a good look at me and started giggling more and even commented “It does not matter if he is wearing or not”. The girls standing at the end started moving closer to the well as though they are just like that talking and going roundthe back yard. But their purpose of coming was to have a closer look. Their eyes were glued to my crotch area. As they nearly they stopped talking and got bolder and commenting directly. One of the girls said “Valli will your madam punishment him for taking bath with the komanam”. Another one said “From the back he is naked, nothing is visible”. The other one said, “Do not say nothing is visible, actually everything is visible from the back”. The other girl said ” Even the front is getting transparent”.Hearing all these comments, my tool was getting harder and that added to the embarasment. They were all stunned and started commenting more. Valli told me that I was definite to be punished for getting the clothes wet. I asked valli to get another clothes so that i can change and prove that it is not wet before Archana could come out. Then Valli brought and gave another piece of clothes. I took that clothes and was waiting for the girls to go away andthe neighbor lady. They did not move away. I requested them to go that side for me to change.
The neighbor said that she is only standing on her compound and that she cannot move away. The girls said that I have to go to the other side of the well to hide. Then i moved away to the other side of the well and still the neighbor lady could see me. I decided to knee down so that the girls could not see and then faced away from the neighbor lady and started undressing the komanam from front. The girls were actually standing on this side of the well from where they cannot definitely see me. Valli was pretending to move towards me. I said to valli do not move. She said”I have seen yours before”. She started moving towards me but before that i fixed up the new clothes on the front side and I was able to carefully fix up the back side. The neighbor lady should have got a view of the back. The neighbor lady said “Wow” when the girls also giggled. Valli was on myside now watching me adjust the komanam. Valli was asking me to wash that clothes and dry it up on the rope itself. I did that.Then I stood up and came back to the hall. The girls and lady followed me to the hall. This new komanam was slightly longer than the earlier one. Archana came then and asked if I had taken the bath. I said yes at the back yard. She appeared to be pleased and asked why the clothes looks longer Now. I said I had adjusted it less on the back side. She asked me to turn around and found it was not the case. She had a doubt and walked to the back yard and noticed the wet komanam clothes. She pounced back at me in the hall, she yelled, how the loin cloth got wet. I said i washed it after bath. She asked me if i wore the loin clothes while bathing. I lied “No”. She had a doubt the guests. They said that I was Wearing the clothes and taking bath. That made Archana furious. She shouted “Have you forget the instruction that you will always have to take bath naked.Never you are allowed to take bath with clothes on”. She was furious. I was getting afraid as what she is going to do for my mistake. The problem started with the longer Komanam now i was wearing which she noticed.
I told her that the girls were looking at me and also the neighbor and hence I wore the clothes and took bath. She asked why I did not go behind the well and bath. I told her the neighbor lady can watch from there also. Archana became furious “If you both about one lady watching you, every one will watch you”.She caught hold of me by my hand and gave one slap on my cheek. She asked me to knee down in Front of her. She slapped me again on both cheeses. Her hand was paining.She called Valli and asked her to slap me hard. Valli slapped me more hard than Archana. It was paining. More over all this in front of the guests. They were all watching me. Valli was asked to slap me on the bums and she did that a couple of times. I was asked to walk on all fours around the hall one round. As I walked my bums were spanked by Valli and Archana. It got red. Archana then asked me to stand and she took hold of my loin clothes that was hanging in front. She caught it tight and pulled meaning i have to move along with her. She was walking towards the well and I followed her. If i slowed down a bit my loin clothes will get removed and go with her hand. That would leave me naked in front of all. So I followed her closely. She took me to the other side of the well and asked why I did not take a bath this side. She asked me to knee down and take off my loin clothes. I knelt. The girls were all watching from that end the back yard. They can all see only my face and upto my stomach. I was a bit reluctant to take off. Archana pulled hard and off came the clothes along with the string. This left me Totally naked. Archana seeing my man hood “It is better not to cover this small one”. “The guests may think you are a lady from that distance”she said. This was humiliating me.She then came back to the hall and throw the string and loin clothes away. All of them knew I was naked kneeing. The neighbor lady also came out and was now seeing me from her side. She could see my back.But I sat on the floor such that my bums got hidden pressing the floor. So she could not see anything. Valli from there said that Madam has asked me to stay like that till the washinger woman come.
The washer woman was expected any time. She had already seen me naked. A few mins was passing like hours as all the guests were only thinking of my nakedness behind the well. The washer woman came and she knew I was naked behind the well and she came straight to me and asked what happened. I covered the crotch with my hand and told her I made a mistake and was punished. Archana from there sent a small towel through valli and I was asked to cover up my breasts and my bottoms like a woman who bathes in the country side. I was to raise and tie the clothes over my nipples and leave it down. Valli was eyeing on my crotch area as she came. But i was covering it up. I got the towel and asked Valli to leave. She left and i tied the clothes like a lady and stood up. Only then i noticed that the clothes was not long enough. It was just covering by balls on the front and the crack at the back. If i bent down a bit then, everything will be shown. Wearing this I moved forward towards the Hall. The guests were all looking at me and giggling among themselves as I looked like a lady.My cock got stiff and was pointing through the towel. It was obvious. One of the girl remarked “He has a gun inside”. I came straight and asked a sorry to Archana. She asked me to knee down. She asked me to take hands up. So i was made to knee like a school boy with hands up and wearing a woman like clothes from over my breasts which is not long enough.The washingerwoman was washing the clothes and she came to ask if there is anything else to wash. Valli said only onetowel wound by me is to be washed. Archana raised her eye browser
Hearing this. Archana instructed valli to get the komanam clothes and give me and take the towel back. So they gave me the komanam clothes and I had to tie in the presence of every one eyeing me and carefully I did with out giving any one a view. Then i took of the top clothes and gave it. I was again wearing a very small piece of fabric which actually could not cover up much.The mother of one of the girls came to Archana and asked, “Is this humiliation and all because your husband has a small instrument?”. Archana nodded her head. Yes it is small. Useless tool. Archana asked “Have you people see it?”. The lady said “Not yet”. Archana immediately called me and asked me to show my tool to the lady. That means almost all the girls in the room are going to see it. Now they all were expecting the long dream. I was growing harder slowly. I was hesitating in front of Archana to take off. She shouted “can you take it off”. I pleased “Please… Please… I feel shy….this elderly lady is ok….but not the girls.. Please..” Archana got annoyed,”You son of a bitch, are u speaking against me..Do you want to run naked on the streets”. Then I had to bow down to her and I was facing Archana and the lady. The girls were on my side. Slowly i took off the back side first and my bum was open to all. Then slowly i pushed the front side material on the side rather than taking it off totally. I pushed to the left of my cock so that it blocked the girls view partially. But still the tip was visible clearly to the girls. The girls were trying to peek. The lady asked is that the maximum size. Archana replied a little more it will get bigger, if i humiliate him some more.Archana understanding the girls were trying to peek and could not she commanded me to take off the komanam in total and give it to valli. That means I have to walk a few steps towards Valli and the girls. That is to show my frontal cock view in clear view to all. I took it off now but covered with my hand my cock. But Archana said, “Take off your hands or….”
. I took away my hands. I walked to valli with my dick erect and pointing upwards and clothes in my hand. The girls were all standing near valli and all of them were eyes locked on my member. That was the first time they are seeing and that too an erect cock. I gave to Valli the clothes and before I could turn back, Archana said “Take off that piece of string on the wait”. I was trying to remove the knot on the string but could not. It was tight and making it longer. The girls were all having a good look with a close up view of 4 feet from them. I took it off atlast and gave it to Valli. Then i walked back to Archana. Archana said “Go and relax or play with Valli and the girls. Valli you can take him and play as and what you like”. Then i went and was standing towards the other end of the hall. Valli and girls went to the back yard and Valli called me from there. Archana with a staring look inspired me to join them. I went all naked. 3girls and Valli all surrounded me. Washer woman from the other end of the back yard was having a look. One of the girls asked “How long is this? Will it be as long as a carrot?” Another girl went to the kitchen and brought a carrot and asked me to hold near my cock to see which is longer. I did and saw the carrot was 1 inch longer than mine. So one of the girls took the carrot and bite it to reduce to the length. Now she gave me to check if it is matching length. It was matching now. One of the girls took the carrot back and said we will play a game. She said what ever they do with the carrot i have to do with my cock. So my cock was under the mercy of 4 girls now. They have a carrot and going to make my cock a puppet. I did not know what they are going to do, but i had to agree.
The girl put her hand around the carrot. I also put my hand around my member. She changed from right to left. I followed suit. They are taming me to get into the habit. Then she held the base, i did it. She held the top and i did it. She changed the directions of the carrot, pointing up and then down and then horizontal.Another girl took hold of the carrot. She touched the tip of the carrot on a nearby wall. I did it. Then she touched the tip on a tree trunk. I did it. Then she touched the tip on the floor. This was difficult to do standing or bending. So i had to go on all fours and touched with the tip the floor. Then she dropped the carrot on the floor. I lied on my front with my cock squeezed between me and the floor. The floor was a muddy area and i was getting dirty with mud stock on my cock and body. Then the carrot was taken back from the floor. Again i stood up. Another girl took the carrot and started shaking it holding one end. I again shook my cock. They laughed and giggled and were making real fun of what was going on. The girl’s mother also had come to the back yard to see what fun was going on. Another girl brought a string and tied around the carrot. They gave me a string as well. I also tied the head of my cock to the string. The string was hanging loose on the carrot and on my cock. One of the girls took hold of the string ( 4 feet long) tied to the carrot at the other end. She pulled the carrot and the Girl holding the carrot was moving along the direction of girl pulling the string. I knew what they were upto. Another girl came and took hold of my string at the end and pulled me tied by my cock. So my cock went in front and I followed the girl. The girl took one full round in the back yard and i did this naked. Luckily the neighbor was not there.The girls took turn in holding the string and pulled my cock as much as they liked and played with it. Sometimes they pulled it hard and when i made a sound of pain they laughed asking “Is it paining? Where is it paining? Why is it paining?”.
Now the concentration on the carrot died. It was all on the tied up cock. They pulled me with my cock. My cock was straining and they like it. They pulled me to the hall where Archana was sitting. Archana saw this and said to the girls “If you want you take him to the streets or front yard and play. Use him as much as possible.”. With all this happening i had a sensing to piss.I wanted to piss badly. I asked the girls to give me a break for 2 mins. I went to Archana’s ears and told her that i wanted to piss and can i use the bathroom for this purpose. She got raged and started shouting “How dare you ask me that u want to use the bathroom. Go use the back yard to piss or shit”. The girls all started laughing and giggling. One of the girls came to me and pulled my the string tied and said “Come dog i will take you to the back yard to piss”. It was humiliating. Then i had to follow her. They all took me by my string to the back yard. They asked me to go on all fours like a dog. Then they pulled me to a tree in the back yard. They asked me to lift one leg and pee on the tree. The washinger woman was laughing from her place of work. The girls were all around me trying to see how the pee comes out of the cock. Then i lifted one leg and pissed on the tree. But the cock did not lift up fully and i most of it went straight to the ground. One of the girls commented “Dog’s penis is better than his penis”. Another one “That is why madam is not bothered about him”. They asked if i wanted to shit. I said no. Another girl said “I want to see how u shit like a dog. Do it now”. I said I do not have the urge. She took a stick and bet me on the buttocks not hard but a little soft. I said sorry I do not have the urge. Valli pulled me inside the hall to Archana. She asked Archana if they can beat me. Archana immediately said ” Youcan beat him or hit him or push him on the
I do not care”. All the girls face brightened up hearing at this and they all took some twigs and sticks from the back yard. They asked me to shit at the back yard again. I said no urge now. She lashed at my buttocks as i was on all fours. The other girl said ok shit like a human being. I said no urge now. Then they decided i have to take my food and only then i will shit. So they brought Some food on the plate and i had to take most of it like a dog on all fours without using my hands. They were laughing seeing me in that condition. Then they made me roll down like a dog rubbing its back on the mud and i became dirty. They wanted to make me a real dog. I was most of the time on fours. The neighbor lady was back and she saw what was going on and laughed. Even she gave some ideas to the girls. With More humiliation and less focus on my organ my organ got shrink and it became small. This they also did not both as their focus fromorgan shifted more to commanding me.After so much of play they took me to the front yard now like a human being on walking but the string still tied to my cock. From the front yard opposite houses can also see me. I am not sure who saw. But there was a beggar lady who came. She saw me and girls playing with me naked. She asked for some money or food. Valli asked me to get some food from inside and give her. I went in and collected some and gave her. In other words i was forced to serve a beggar naked. The beggar commented that my tool was too small in front of all the girls. The girls again started mocking that even a beggar is not interested in this penis. Even she does not care.After so much of humiliation with 4 girls and my wife around with an elderly lady, totally naked and washinger woman, beggar lady and neighbor, imagine how i could have felt. They took me to the back yard and said i have to shit before they leave me. This was more humiliating than anything. The washinger woman, neighbor lady were all watching me. I was on all fours. By now i had some urge to shit. But how can i in front of a watching crowd on open yard. I said I will shit in the bathroom. They now knew i had to urge to shit and hence forced me to shit on the back yard. They asked me to dig a hole and shit on it. I did it and stayed on fours and managed to get the hold between my back legs and sat in an angle like a dog and shit. The girls were laughing and making all fun and comments.
Then i covered by pushing the soil around. I wanted to wash. They asked if a dog will wash. I said no. Then they said that they will wash for me. So i was taken to near the well and and some water was splashed on my buttocks and was cleaned. Being wet, I was asked to get up and walk like a human. Then i did. My cock was soft and small due to the cold water splash. The washinger woman commented that it was no use playing with such a small cock. Better go try some other man. He is just a boy. He is fit to be aslave for madam. Not much fun for girls of your age. This made the girls laugh and giggle. They asked me to make it big. One of the girls came and held my cock and started struggling it. She did it so well that i was erect in the back yard. They pulled me with the erect cock inside the house. They asked my wife if they can play with my cock. Archana said”You can do what you like”. Then one of the girls started playing with my balls. The other with my nipples. Another girl held my penis tip and was circling it. Valli took the shake. By now i was erect and feeling to cum. Imagine.In about 2mins i shot my load on the girls faces. They got angry for shooting so quickly and asked me to lick the cum off their faces. It was on 2 girls face and on another breasts. I liked all and they were also very much turned on by my licking. My cock was small and shrunk. Still they all had their hands on my cock trying to get it bigger. In about 5
Mins it got bigger again. But not as erect as before. Again the sucked and played and made my cum with a few drops.This continued for about 4 or 5 times in the next 1 hour and i was tired and said sorry. But they talked among themselves,”Let us give it some rest, other wise it will come off in our hands”. They giggled.So they gave me some rest. They asked Archana if they can take me out to shopping. Archana said ok. The girls decided to dress me up with only a pant and shirt but no under wear inside. What happened next is later…Girls/woman who wants to see my cock /naked body can always email me on [email protected]
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