Zoie D: Training Day

(If you haven’t read this first part of this story, you might want to check out “Zoie Doulos.”) And thanks to all my fans for your support! And, as always, this is for Master…


jade… she chose her name well, I thought to myself as I watched her. her Master was lounging on the couch with one leg stretched out along the length of it and the other foot on the floor while He leaned against the armrest to allow her access to His cock. she was on her side turned in to Him with her head resting on His bent leg suckling Him while He stroked her hair with the same hand He’d been wielding the whip with only a half hour ago. The whipping had not been for punishment of any kind. Jade rarely gave her Master cause to punish her anymore. No, He’d whipped her because He liked it and she’d received the lashes like a true painslut.

I have always been amazed by the whippings. I have yet to truly understand what takes place between them during the times when Jared whips His treasure, but I am anxious to learn. He granted me a time of questions and answers while jade took back a little of what she had just given Him in the form of a noble suckling.

Over the weekend I had confessed my desire to share their world more intimately. Eventally even admitting that my feelings for them had grown to something I hadn’t previously imagined. I was amazed by the fact that, not Only did they welcome my affections but also my timing desire to enter into their lifestyle. I was giddy with excitement that the admission was received with an invitation.

“Why don’t you ask Me some questions about the parts of our life that you are unsure of, Zoie? As you do I will establish some rules and guidelines for you… I’ll have some questions for you, as well, and if and when you Feel you are ready to begin your training you can go to your place and gather some things for an extended stay with Us. That is, if you still believe that a submissive life is for you.Should you choose to begin training as a submissive, I believe you will need at least two weeks to begin to properly receive Domination, so for those two weeks, minimum, I will require you to stay here full time.”

“Good. you may begin.”

“I don’t think I will ever receive the whip the way that jade does.”

“That was not a question. I thought you wanted to conduct an interview of sorts. That is what you said, I believe.”

“Yes, Sir…”

“Then you should begin your interview with a question.”

“Yes, Sir. Will I have to be whipped to serve You?”

“I require obedience. If it is not forthcoming I will install punishment. I chose jade as my submissive mate because I learned quickly that she needs the whip… In the beginning she needed it for punishment but she rarely requires discipline anymore so the whippings are to sit our mutual desires for S&m… and the whip… well, it brings Me pleasure. I will learn what you need as well and you will receive it. The whip may or may not prove to be the most effective form of punishment for you.” He smiled slowly and I flushed. “No matter how I choose to discuss you, it will only be as effective as your trust in Me to do what is right by you. If you do not trust Me, there will be no way to make this work. I am already leery of training a sub that is not to remain Mine so if You are having doubts at any point before I begin, you should tell me immediately.”

“You mean I can tell You if I don’t want to be whipped…?”

“No, My meaning is I will do nothing at all to begin your training until you tell Me that you trust Me and are willing to offer yourself to my Dominance. This is not a “pick and choose what you want to do” game that We play. Once you have agreed to training, you will submit to anything I want, including the whip if I say so.”

“Yes, Sir…”

I wasn’t sure I could ask another question. Having Jared speak so frankly to me was alreadyy causing my clip to thumb.

“Is there something else you need to ask?”

jade sent softly in her sleep and continued to suckle.

“Will I be given an opportunity to do better before I am whipped?”

“There are varying degrees and types of punishment that will only be administratored if you willfully disobey or fail to try.”

Thump! Thump! Just talking to Him While He held me captive with His authoritative star had me squirming restlessly.

“However, as I mentioned before the whip isn’t solely for discipline. Pick up the whip from the floor and bring it to me.”

“Yes Sir.” my heart was racing. Why did open my big mouth? There was no reason for Him to whip me until I opened my mouth like a titlebaby, whining about the whip.


I did as He said without speaking.

“Offer the whip to Me.”

I held the whip across my upturned palms and lifted it to Him as I had seen jade do so many times. My heart was pounding inside my chest. Whatwas I doing? I don’t want to be whipped yet here I sit on my knees offering the opportunity for Him to do what I don’t want!

“Show me your cunt, Zoie.”

Each time He uses that vulgar word I flinched the tiniest bit but I was relatively sure it was something of which only I was aware. I put the whip at His feet and immediately I opened my legs wide and lifted the hem of my dress, then I moved my panties to the side so that Jared could see my… cunt.

“Now, is there any part of you that didn’t want to do as I commanded?”

“No Sir. I wanted to in spine of my fear.”

” Good girl,” He said as He continued to stroke the dark hair of His suckling slave. “I believe that your heart is truly submissive and I will take you under my tutelage because I have become quite fond of you, as jade has, and I don’t want you seeking out a stranger to show you the ways of the lifestyle.” He spoke to me as though the whip was not there offering Him the opportunity to do that which Ifear most about my new venture. “you have seen me in action for some time now, Zoie, and I have seen you sucking in the essence of what We are. Do you want to be dominated?”

“Y..yes Sir…” I barely hear my reply, myself.

“Speak up.”

“Yes, S..sir.”

“You see Zoie, I already know and believe this to be true because in spine of your obvious fear of the whip your cunt is wet. I’ve just told you that I will whip you if I feel it is necessary and even though you are afraid, your cunt has revealed your true desires even as you are faced with that which you fear.”

I bowed my head without bothering to deny that His words were true.

“Do you have any more questions for Me?”

I made to retrieve my pad but He stopped me. “Don’t move. When you have confessed your desire to enter into service with Me, I will restrict your writing for a short time so you may as well get used to openly expressing yourself now. What questions do you still need answered, Zoie?”

” I… I…”

“I am a patient man Zoie but I am ready to begin your training. What other questions do you need answered?”

I couldn’t think of anything to ask though I had a thousand unsure thoughts in my head, so I gathered my courage and gave Him the responsibility of knowing what I need… just as He’d said He would. “Sir, I’m nervous and my thoughts are scrambled… would You please help me and tell me what You think I will need to know before we begin?”

He smiled… and having that slow upward turn of His mouth directed at me while He stared into my eyes made me quiver with anticipation.

“Do you wish to serve Me submissively… to be a slave to My desires… a bottom to My

Top…? There are many ways of phrasing what this journey will be but ultimately, you will pleasure Me in whatever I may desire and you will do it because you want and need to in order to be happy yourself. All of the uncertainties in your mind right now will cease to exist oneby one after We have begun IF this is what you truly want. While you are learning I will always grant you the grace to ask, with proper respect, questions that you feel are important to your needs. So, tell me Zoie, are you willing to trust and submit to Me?”

“Yes, Jared. Yes.” My heart was leaping around inside of me and I had no idea if it was good or bad but I didn’t really care.

“Good girl. You may put the whip on the table and sit back in the chair.”

Elated, as I moved back to the chair, I could hear jade sight again in her sleep and her mouth go back to working her Master’s cock like a pacifier.

“I said jade would take you to get something but as I have thought about it more, unless you need to do something to secure your house for your time away, I can’t see why you would need anything. You will be naked for the majority of the next two weeks and I can think of nothing that you might need. I’ll go by and get your mail when I come home every day, but if tHere is something that you don’t have that you feel you’ll need you may tell me and I will consider it.”

He paused for my answer but I always turn everything off and lock up my house as though I may be gone for several days just in case it happens to turn out that way. It comes with trying to live a relatively green life. I don’t hug trees or anything but I recycle what I can and never leave unnecessary electronics running. Since He’d just told me my wardrobe would be eliminated I could think of nothing. I’ve had a toothbrush in their guest bath along with the other personal hygiene items that I preferred for some time now.

“I’m ready, Sir.”

He smiled at me, “Good girl. I want to start immediately with something I know you need help with. I am not ready to wake My sweet jade and this requires no hands on for My part.” He sat for a moment saying nothing else and I waited.

“I suppose this is going to take some getting used to for both of Us.” Another smile, that melted my heart and made me quiver, formed slowly on His face. It occurred to me then that He was waiting for something and I gasped but still made no response because I still couldn’t imagine what that something was.

“Are you aware that I want something, Zoie?”

“Yes, Sir…”

“But you don’t know what it is that I want, correct?”

I dropped my eyes to the floor, embarrassed, “Yes, Sir.”

“It’s okay, eyes up. You aren’t supposed to know because I have yet to tell you, however, because you are aware that there is something that I require of you, you should knee before Me and ask how you may serve Me.”

Crap! I scrambled to the floor cursing myself inside for not immediately knowing this procedure considering how many times I’d seen it play out over the past few years. I knelt before Him with my hands in my lap and sitting up straight I cleared my throat and asked, “How may I serve You, Sir?”

“Let’s start with how you will address me from now on. I’mfinding that I’m not really fond of Sir. It isn’t intimate enough considering We were friends before this, and Master belongs only to My jade… so… I think I would prefer you use My name in most things. I have no problem with an occasional Sir and may even like JaredSir, but for now Let’s just have Jared. Remember, there is as much in your tone to reveal your respect as in the words.”

“Yes, Jared.”

“Good. Now, take off the clothes.”

“Yes, Jared,” I said as I slowly pulled the dress over my head and put it on the floor next to me then slipped my panties down and off and put them with the dress.

“Lay on your back with your feet towards Me. That’s good… now bend your knees and spread your legs wide, I want to look at you. Wider, Zoie.”

I felt my face flush a deep red at the same time a new rush of juices formed between my folds and I did exactly the humiliating thing He had instructed me to do.

He stared between my legs for a long time before speakingng, “There is an almost imperceptible flinch from you each time the word cunt is spoken. Tell me why.”

“Jared, I… I have… never been comfortable with the vulgarity of that word.”

“Would you say that what you are doing now, spreading your legs wide for Me to look at you is vulgar?”

“Um… yes… yes, I suppose so.”

“If you suppose so, then the answer is, yes, Jared.”

“Yes, Jared…”

“Yet you did it without question and certainly without flinching.” What He’d said was not a question and I was relieved not to have to answer. “Tell Me, Zoie, what am I looking at between your legs? Before you answer, you should know that I prefer the word cunt. And… I want to hear My name.” He never took His eyes off the pulsing, wet place between my legs.

“You…I mean… Jared, you are looking a..at my… c..cunt.” I was humiliated and amazed at how ready I was to explode into orgasm at the same time.

“Take your right hand and swirl circles around theclip with your two middle fingers.”

I did as instructed and my breathing grow rapid and shallower.

“Good. If you are wet enough I want you to put your two middle fingers inside and move them in and out slowly.”

If? He had to be joking! I was dripping!

“That is very good. Now tell Me what you are doing,” He smiled confidently, “and be very specific.”

“I’m.. Jared, I’m f..fucking my c..c..cunt with my fingers!”

“Good. Now just say the word.”

“C..cunt…” The place in question was now milking my fingers.





jade stirred and started to wake but Jared put His semi-hard cock back in her mouth and cooed her back to sleep.

“That’s good, Zoiegirl, you may stop now and get back on your knees.”

I was loathe to stop the masturbation, I couldn’t believe how horny I was from my first task as a willing submissive but if it continued this way, I might have to have a new name too! (Maybe there is something that means I’ll fuck anything for You if you tell me to in another language that starts with the letter Z?) I managed to remove my trembling fingers from my starving pussy and do as I was told while He continued speaking to me in that strong but soft way.

“Tonight you may rest in the guest room. It’s been a long few days for Us all. There will be no clothes, no pubic hair, no touching yourself and absolutely no orgasms. If you fail in this, I expect complete honesty. If I find that you have touched or cum and did not tell Me, your punishment will be much more severe than had you told Me to begin with. No silly genital words… that is a cunt and that is how you will refer to it from this day on. You will bathe when you are told to and that will be under jade’s supervision. You may go to bed now; jade will have your instructions in the morning. It will be a long day so try to rest.”

“Yes, Jared.”

I didn’t believe that I would be able to sleep withmy clip engorged and my… cunt throbbing from the very brief finger-fuck. However, I put my clothes in a pile in the corner of the bedroom and giggled just a bit when I thought about the fact that I would not wear clothes again at all for at least two weeks. Then my exhausted naked body was between the cool clean sheets and as soon as my head was on the pillow my eyes were fluttering closed.

I awoke Sometimes in the very early morning hours to jade’s soft moans and as I lay there listening to the sounds of Jared using His jade hard and fast, my fingers found their way to my cunt. I tried telling myself to stop but myself did not obey. I pushed the thoughts of disobedience from my lust hated mind and I masturbated to the sounds of their loving just as I had done so many times without their knowledge and I came When I heard jade cum. Then my eyes were so heavy that I didn’t even both covering back up. I drifted off with the knowledge that I would have to confess my sin in the morning and that made me shiver.


jade woke me at eight the next morning and together we stumbled to the shower with our eyes only half open. In the shower, she bathed herself first and instructed me to knee on the floor until she could get to me. Everything she told me to do was in the same polite way that she had always spoken to me but now I know the words were her Master’s and that through her, He was commanding my service. I watched her wash herself thoroughly with the soapy rag until her skin was red from the hot water and the rough scrubbing and I started to ache between my legs while I watched the trails of thin suds run down her beautiful body.

“Master says to scrub until we tingle,” she told me with a slowly waking grin. “You can stand up now… and… you should try to think about something else? It helps if you don’t focus too fully on the rag.”

Don’t focus on the rag? What on earth was she talking about? I was still fully aroused from the night before and from watching her go through the everyday motions of bathing. The rag was definitely not my focus… until the moment she touched my skin with it. When the rough fabric made a path across my flesh, it suddenly became very clear. I gasped. I don’t know how, but it was uncomfortable to say the least, and highly erotic at the same time!

“i know…” jade whispered sympathetically. “Jared is Particularly fond of these rags because they are not very soft. i’ll try to go quickly but i have to be through. When i get to your cunt you should really try to talk about something… it should distract you enough to keep you from cumming.”

Crap! The memories of secretly sharing her orgasm in the night came crashing in around me and my whole body went red before she even had a chance to wash it. I groaned an anguished cry in my throat.

“i’m sorry, Zoie! Try talking about stupid drivers? That always gets you riled up and maybe you won’t get too horny.”

“It isn’t the washing,” I said, a little too soon because just then she rubbed the clothes over my puffy lips and up the crack of my ass. My legs shook so bad I thought I would slip down. “oh god…”

“It sure seems that way to me,” she giggled and I feel her big soapy nipples on my back.

“I need to tell you something.”

“Oh… No. Don’t tell me. Wait until we get downstairs and tell Master.”

“You don’t even know what I’m going to say.”

“Well it’s already sounding like a confession and that is something best left for JaredMaster.” she turned off the water and then dried me with a soft fluffy towel. we towel dried our hair then combined it out but left it damp and tousled and went downstairs to Jared.


He is so beautiful, I thought to myself as I looked at Him sitting at the table with a towel around His waist and His long legs stretched out while He read the paper. I watched jade who knelt beside Him. i took my lead from her and we both waited for Jared to acknowledge us. He finished the article then set the paper aside.

“Good morning, girls! I hope you both slept well.” He smiled at us and I felt a sudden rush of pride at being addressed as one of His girls, then intense guilt at having failed Him already. He looked at jade and patted the table in front of Him and she smiled brightly as she scrambled up on the hard smooth surface to give Him His first breakfast. I dropped my gaze to the floor.

“Is something wrong, Z? You aren’t looking very happy this morning. Have you changed your mind about us already?”

I looked up quickly. He was moving jade to the edge of the table and spreading her legs wide. “Oh no, JaredSir, not at all! I want it more than ever…”

“Um hmm…,” He said, already distracted by jade’s luscious cunt, He swirled His fingers in the honey that collected there.

“Sir.. Um Jared?”

He turned to me and held me with His intensity star, giving me His undivided attention.

When I started to speakk, the words came out like a crashing wave. My mouth was working to explain and my mind was screaming, please don’t whip me! “I failed Jared, I failed! I woke last night to jade’s moaning and.. and I was so sleepy but so needy and I couldn’t help myself, I just… couldn’t stop my fingers in my pussy, I mean cunt! My cunt! I couldn’t stop, Jared, I came! I came when jade came! I’m so sorry, Jared. I’m sorr..”

Jared held up His hand and I stopped immediately. “Thank you for your honesty, Zoie. You will, of course, be punished but right now I’m going to enjoy My morning jadehoney and not think about this. Go upstairs and wait for Me. Take a kitchen chair to your room and sit in it with your legs open until I am ready to deal with you.”

“Yes, Jared..”

I went upstairs and sat in the hard wooden chair, waiting for Jared with my legs wide open and wondering how I went from Zoie, observer/writer, to zoie, disobedient slut. It was slightly chilly in my room so my nipplestightened up and stayed that way. What was surely only minutes felt like hours while I waited… and it gave me time to reflect on the fact that I never once thought of NOT doing as He’d instructed this morning. I wanted this. I wanted His guidance and instruction and yes… His discipline. Because I knew with all of that, came His fierce protection and maybe someday… His love.

Jared came into the room still wearing His towel but now it was tented in front. I felt miserable for causing Him to have to punish me after His jadecunt breakfast.

“Get on your knees, Zoie.”

“Yes, Jared!” I went to the floor and put my forehead down in one motion.

Jared sat down in the chair and I started to tremble, not knowing what was in store.

“Your true master may not require you to knee in His presence, you know.” He spoke calmly… even softly. “There are only certain times that I require it of jade… to greet Me when I come home and… before punishment. The rest she does of her own free will. You’ll learn these things and many more from Me and from your true Master as you proceed in your new life.”

“Yes, Jared…”

“One thing, you must learn from the very beginning though, is that the body your submissive soul is in, no longer belongs to you. Every part of you belongs to the One you choose to give it to. And if memory serves me correctly, last night you gave it to Me. Even if this is only to be temporary, you are Mine now. your body, including your cunt, and your orgasms are no longer yours. I am aware that you have not yet fully succumbed to your submissive desires but it will happen. When it does, you will be amazed how easily it all falls into place. If it doesn’t then… your submission to Dominance is not what you are seeking.”

“Yes, Jared… I’m sorry I failed You.”

“I know you are, but there will still be punishment. I briefly considered a warning but you’ve been with us too long to need coddling. Most of this should already be inculined in you if only by observation. Stand up.”

I moved slowly, standing on my trembling legs and clapping my hands in front of me, feeling very shy of His sea green eyes, but not failing to notice the intensity thumb in my clip.

“Put your arms by your sides. That is a beautiful body and you should never hide it from Me. Now come and lay across my lap.”

This was ridiculous! He was going to spank me like a child. I found the thought humiliating and infuriating and yet… I did as He told me, all the while trying to deny that the throbbing between my legs meant I wanted to have my ass spanked.

“I won’t ask you to count this time but in the future it will be expected of you, because it helps you to focus on something besides your own pleasure. This might not feel like it at the moment, but very soon you will understand how serious I am about My possessions.”

The erection that He’d entered the room with was still there and very prominent under my left rib cage, which made the throbbing inside me even worse.


Holy crap! Instantly my ass flamed hot from the sting of His hand and there was no denying how serious He was. And I was furious that He could think I would ever be able to cum, even involuntarily while He hurt me!


The tears were there in an instant and I even heard the yelping that escaped me from where I hid in my fog of shame and pain.

Jared softly stroked my fiery ass, “Relax… clenching doesn’t do anything but hurt My hand and if I’m going to hurt, I may as well make it worth the pain.”

The threat of greater punishment along with the gentle stroke of His fingers on my flame ass made it easier for me to unclench.


I cried out Now and I didn’t care that I was loud.


“Oh god, Jared! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”



I couldn’t stand it! I was moving my hands to cover myself when He paused and spoke.

“Fifteen seemed fitting but if you try to stop me I will make it thirty.”

I jerked my hands away and used them to cover my face for the last blow.


The last one was as hard as the first, as were each one in the middle. I was sobbing now but somewhere deep inside, though I wasn’t ready to admit it yet, I knew it had not been unbearable. There would be no marks because there was no true harm done to me. And… the tears were as much if not more from the humiliation of it all as from the spanking itself.

Jared let me stay there while He softly stroked my bottom. Every place He touched seems to light up again but… not in a painful way. Then something amazing happened… He slide His finger down my warm slit until He reached my clip. He circled it once and then He slipped it inside me. I was shocked at how easily it slide inside and how incredibly slick it felt coming out.

“That was very good, Zoiegirl. I am pleased that you didn’t fight Me. I sincerely hope that punishments to follow, and there will be more punishments, rest assured, will not be because you have failed to learn that this is Mine.” As if to punctuate, His finger plunged inside me again. “Orgasms are now gifts from Me to you. If you take one that isn’t given, is it still a gift?”

“N-no, Jared.”

Jared fucked me slowly with His fingers and new tears formed in my eyes as I realized I was truly wet for Him, even after what He’d just done to me. Or… was it because of what He did?

“What do you call someone who takes something that doesn’t belong to her?”

“Ahhh.. a thief, J… Jared…”

“Do you think thieves should be punished, zoie?”

My mind was a fog of delightful pleasure and mass confusion and insult as Jared worked His fingers in and out of my sopping cunt alternately with swirling them around my clip.

“Yes, Jared! Oh yes!”

“Good. I’m glad We understand each other.”

With that,Jared pushed me off His knees to knee again… completely aroused and completely unsatisfied!

I stared at Him, my eyes wide and my anguished and luxurious breaths coming in gasps.

“you belong to Me, zoie, and so does the arousal that is making that sweet cunt quiver, and I don’t want you to cum for the time being. This is as much a part of your punishment as the spanking you just received. Orgasm denial will be part of your training when I see fit but it will also be punishment when necessary. Get back in the chair. you will stay in it for one hour. During which time, you will think about how your ass feels on that hard chair as opposed to the way your clip is throbbing now. I want to know how you intend to avoid this type of failure in the days to come… and what the pain combined with the pleasure makes you feel when We eat supper tonight. Do you understand?”

While He had spoken Jared was busy binding my knees wide open to the sides of the chair and my hands behind me in a reverse “prayer” position.

“Yes, Jared… I understand…”

“I imagine that your tender ass will continue to ache… The sensing will make you want to wiggle about. That, along with the exposure of that hungry cunt might tempt you to wiggle in a way that will relieve your quivering need. I advise against it.”

With those omino words Jared left me bound and helpless in the chair.

Argh! How could He be so sure? I was pouting. I was pissed off. And I was horny as hell.

jade came in only a few minutes later carrying a baby monitor.

“This used to be mine. JaredMaster used it during my training year. He says you are not to speak unless it is an emergency… He also says disappoint other than needing to use the bathroom is not an emergency,” she gave me a sympathetic smile and then she went back downstairs to her Jared.

He was right, of course. My tender flesh was starting to burn in a whole new way. It wasn’t like the initial searing sting of the slap, but more a smoldering coal. The chair feel like a raw splintered board on my tender cheats and to my awe and wonder, my cunt loved it. The more I thought about being over Jared’s knee, completely vulnerable and exposed to Him… how utterly humiliating it was… The more I also reflected on my willingness to do it. I was not bound. I did not resist. I freely gave Him my ass to hurt. I wanted it. I… needed it. And I knew with complete certainty, that I wanted more. I wanted everything He wanted and I wanted Him to be proud. I wasn’t deceiving myself… oh no… I was still scared as hell of the whip! But I also knew that I would struggle to avoid it by doing everything I was told. The ultimate cause for punishment was willful disobedience or failure to try. That, I would not, could not, do again.

My cunt throbbed harder and grow wetter as I sat there thinking about the pain of the whipping. The pain that wasn’t truly harmonious… and the humiliating position of being spanked like a child. I blushed and I felt my hips start to wiggle… I had to think about something else. How long had it been? This hour would seem like an eternity. I could hear Jared and jade talking and I tried to concentrate on their voices coming through the monitor instead of the heat that was coming as much from my need as from my ass.

The monitor, it appeared, was a two way version. Jared was talking to jade about what He expected her to do while He was gone. I made some mental notes on the things she would be expected to do with, for, and to me and then I held my breath when I heard Him say,

“Come here, baby.”

“Yes, Master!”

There was a slight pause then,

“Could you hear us?”

“Yes, Sir..”

I could tell that her breathing had quickened.

“Did it makes my little jade wet? Oh, yes! That sweet little cunny is soaking My fingers… I think My jade got quite hungry didn’t she?”

“Yes! Yes, JaredMaster!”

“Does my pain hungry slut want a spanking of her own?”

“If it pleases my Master?”

“Oh, it definitely pleases Me. Get on the floor. I want you on all fours.”

Another pause… and I heard a kitchen drawer slide open and utesils being moved around…

“I think we’ll use a wooden spoon, zoie!”

Ohmygod! Ohmygod! He was talking to me because He knew I could hear them!

“jade isn’t particularly fond of it, but by the time I’m done? she’ll be hot as a little pistol and ready to blow!”


jade made a little yelp and so did I! I swear I was feeling my spanking all over again!

“One! Thank You, Master!”


“Four, JaredMaster! Thank You You!”


“Six! OhMasteryes! ThankY..”


“Nine! Thank You Jared! Oh p-please i…”

“That’s my sweet jadegirl! you so are beautiful when you submit!” “zoie, you are not to cum. Do you understand?”

My whole body shook as I struggled withthe desire to succumb to my bliss but I knew if I failed again I too might suffer the spoon!

“Yes, J-Jared.. I under… stand…”

I could barely breathe.


“Master! Eleven! ThankYou! Please!”

“Please what, My sweet possession?”


“Please Master! Oh! Fifteen! Please may i pleasure You now?”

” Yes. Yes, you may. Kneel up… hands behind you… good girl. Now open your mouth, baby… oh! Oh yes… my jade has the sweetest little mouth, zoie… Mmm…”

Oh. My. God. I clenched my eyes shut and my teeth together. I tried to block the sounds from my ears and the sight of jade getting mouthful after mouthful of Jared’s beautiful cock from my mind but… my imagination was running wild. My writer’s imagination revealed everything to me in exhaust detail. His right hand fisted in her hair… His left hand under her chin to hold it in precisely the position that suited Him best… The tears that weren’t from crying but from restraining her urge to gag rolling down her cheats… The way His entire cock disappeared into her mouth and throat and the way His pubic curls hid her nose when His balls were pressed to her chin… I was throbbing. My ass felt like it was getting hotter rather than cooling off and my clip was throbbing hard like a runner’s heart after a hard workout. I breathed heavily through clenched teeth as the image of Him pulling out to stroke Himself in front of her with the slick coating of saliva that comes from deep in her throat burned itself into my eyes. Then I chanted. It came to me as though I’d been doing it forever…

“This is not mine. Not my pleasure… This is not mine! This is not my pleasure! Forbidden… Forbidden… Forbidden…

It was amazing. I took myself into a place where even though I heard the moaning and the slurping sounds… even though I could feel the throbbing between my lips… it was all wrapped in a cloud. A thick white cloud that kept everything soft and just out of reach. I know that isn’t exactly clear but that’s the point. My chanting clouded the rest of the world and kept me away from the edge of bliss.

I must have passed the entire hour in my cloud because the next thing I was aware of was the water running in the shower in my room. I drifted out of the soft white cloud and found Jared squatting in front of me fully dressed and untying my knees.

“I am pleased with how you restrained yourself, Zoie. It took jade some time to learn how to resist her urges. I suppose you’ve learned a lot, watching her for the past… four years, is it? Five?” Jared smiled at me and I nodded while I whispered an exhausted, “Yes, Jared.”

“I want you to shower again. You worked up quite a sweat. You may wash yourself but Jade will need to watch you. I don’t want you to have gone through all of this just to succumb to your soapy hands in the shower.” He finished with a wink then pressed His lips tomine in a soft sweet kiss. “I’m going to work now but jade has instructions for the two of you today. You did good, Zoie.” He stroked my hair once then left to kiss jade goodbye, while I lifted myself off the chair and walked slowly to the shower with my swollen clip still thumbing.

I didn’t use the rag and was grateful that I wasn’t required to. I mostly just rubbed my ass with my soapy hands while jade stood in the door of the shower telling me about the rest of our day to come.

“The list is really for the week. We can choose different things to work on and try at our discretion. Master thought… well he suggested that during the day while it’s just the two of us, you might be willing to tell me the things that most interesting you , or concern you, or make you most horny? Like… is There something that really scares you and you just aren’t sure of or… something you definitely want to try? You should take advantage of this freedom we have during the day to test some ofYour limits. Don’t misunderstand, though, eventually we have to do everything on the list and there may be a day that He specifies what we will work on, but today because you did so well during your punishment, He wants you to choose something.”

I considered what she said while I dried off and she brushed through her dark hair.

“Well… I guess I should want to start with something easy but… I really have no idea what that would be. Why don’t we just close our eyes and point at the paper? We’ll do the two things we touch first.”

Giggling, jade said, “That could be interesting!” then she went to the bed and picked up the legal pad she’d taken Jared’s notes down on and brought it into the bathroom and placed it on the counter. She held up one finger and I mirrored the action as we stood in the bathroom nipple to nipple and let our peripheral vision guide our fingers to rest on the pad. Eyebrows up in anticipation we both turned towards the pad to see what the day had in store for us.

jade was touching the word training in the sentence that read… Begin training for anal use.

“So… whatever else we do today, will have to be done while you wear a plug, okay?”

My eyes were wide but I knew that this was one of the things I would do. “Okay, yeah… sure.”

We looked at the pad again and found my finger on the word pain. Crap.

“It says, Try out some of the different pain toys to get an idea where Zoie’s threshold may be. DO NOT push her but let her tell you when to stop. Well? Is there something that comes to your mind that you might want to start with, Zoie?”

“No. I don’t want to choose. You pick.”

“Okay, there is a new plug in my room for you to use just come in there when you are ready and we can start. Are you still okay with all of this?” jade looked at me as if she were trying to see inside my soul.

“I have no idea how long my subconscious has desired this? But I know beyond doubt that I am more thanJust okay with this. I want very much to find the place inside me that seeks Domination and fill it completely. Even if my desire turns out to be a small cup, I want my cup to runneth over! Yes, jade. I’m okay and I can’t tell you how long it has been since I’ve truly felt… okay. Thank you for this. Thank you for everything.”

“You are very welcome! i am so happy this is happening! If I had only known sooner we would have you begging to be cropped by now!”

I swallowed hard and jade laughed and left me alone while she went to prepare things. I looked at myself standing naked in front of the mirror. Not just at my reflection but really looked at this new woman with the pale hard nipples staring back at me. I couldn’t recall when I had looked at myself like this. A mirror is for hair and makeup, right? I lifted my hands and cupped my heavy breasts lifting them slightly and turning the nipples in between my fingers and thumbs. Then I slid my hands down my sides and along my hips. I liked the way they flared out and made my wait look small. Then very carefully I cupped my hand over my mons and used my first two fingers to open my swollen lips. Barely concealed by the puffy lips was an equally swollen and protruding clip. I smiled at the thought that if I looked closely enough I would probably be able to see the thumb thumb that was pounding away inside it even now. I liked what I was seeing. The changes were subtle, but smiling at my naked body would only be subtle to those who didn’t know my naked soul.

On the bed in jade’s room were two plugs. One still in the package and a black one to the side, three different lubes, some different types of nipple clamps, a spiny wheel thing that frankly scared the hell out of me, some candles, a small crop, a whip with tiny rubber strings, a thin stiff leather paddle, and some other things that I couldn’t quite absorbb. Wow.

“we’ll put the plugs in first and then just see what happens with the rest of this stuff,” jade said as she grinned at me with her hands palm up in a ‘let’s just wing it!’ gesture.

“Plugs? As in, I have to wear two?” This was getting a little nervous wrapping.

she laughed out loud and nearly snorted, “No silly! The other one is for me! we are in this together. i do what you do. Maybe, if you can see me do these things, you know, one on one… it will make it easier for you to do them too?”

I smiled, “That would be really nice.”

Stepping closer to me, jade pushed my hair out of my eyes and took my hand to pull me onto the bed that was covered with paraphernalia. We kissed softly and touched lightly just to ease into what might otherwise have felt awkward.

jade kissed lightly down my body and was careful not to get me too aroused. she spoke softly between kisses and had me relaxed and ready in no time.

“i’m going to lube you first and i’ll be putting my fingers in, okay?”

I nodded.

she put some lube in her hand and rubbed it on the fingers of her right hand then she rubbed the palm of her left hand down the crack of my ass then back up letting the lube do its job. The feel of her soft hand made my legs open and lift like a whore and I blushed deeply but I couldn’t have stopped to save my life. Then she moved her hand behind her and rubbed up and down her own crack.

“On the days that JaredMaster has me prepare for anal service i’ve found it easiest to insert it in the missionary position but if you prefer you can roll to your side or stomach.”

“Let’s try it this way?” I asked.

“Okay, do you want to do it yourself or would you like me to?”

“I… I have never had anything in my ass before. Well… one finger from time to time when I masturbate but that’s it. I don’t know how I want to do it.”

“i’ll start and if you want to take over just tell me, okay?”


jade opened the new blue plug and got up to wash it. For a moment I lost myself in the way her soft bodyy moved when she walked. They gentle swway of her hips made my cunt wet. Then she was back and kneeling between my legs. she lubed her fingers again having just washed off the excess while she washed the plug. she slip her fingers up and down the crack of my ass softly rubbing in the lube like a massage but being careful to avoid my pu… cunt. Then she stopped at my tight little hole and slowly… slowly pushed the tip of her finger inside me. It feel good. It feel real good… then the finger went further and further inside and the real good went away. When she added the second finger I whimpered. But jade cooled and shushed me like a crying baby and before long she was pushing the two fingers in and out like a small cock. she prayed me the way Jared does her with good girl compliments and when I stopped whimpering she pulled out her fingers and reached for the plug. she positioned the tip of the plug, warmed by its bath, at the opening of my ass. Slowly, she pressed and I felt it forcing my ass open again. It had graduated sections each a bit larger than the one before it and I currently had only the first section inside me. I took note that even the largest section didn’t seem to have the same girl as Jared and was only slightly comfortable by that knowledge. Each section opened and stretched me a bit more and so far I found no pleasure in it whatsoever. Except… possibly… the look on jade’s face Each time she was able to get another bulbous section inside me. I would say it was a look of pride and pure lust. I moaned loudly when the last section went in and jade slide up my body and kissed me deep and hard.

“You did it, Zoie! You did so good,” she whispered in my ear and her ragged breathing told me she was aroused by what she had just done to me. “Do you want to put mine in or shall i do it?”

“Do you want me to do it? I mean… I think I’d like to watch you this time. I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

“i’ll do it and you watch me. Then next time you can do it for me.” she smiled and I smiled back wanting to kiss her again.

jade’s plug was different from mine. It was black and it looked more like a torpedo. It was tapered at the tip and got thicker in the middle, easily the size of Jared’s cock then it tapered again at the base with a suction cup on the bottom. jade lubed her fingers again and stroked the plug like she was masturbating a cock then she ran her fingers up and down her ass before slipping one and then two inside to coat her inner wall with lube. she was on her back with her legs spread and I was watching the way her small hole slowly stretched as she worked the plug in and out in a fucking motion taking a bit more of it with each stroke. It fascinated me to see the mixture of pain and pleasure lust on her face while she stared into my eyes and slowly fucked the plug into her own ass. I realized as she moaned through a bit more of the big plug that mine didn’t hurt anymore. In fact, I caught myself clenching it. Gripping it with my muscles to keep it snugly in place and the thumbing in my clip had intensified.

jade shuddered as she finally sated the plug fully in its place and I watched her steady her breathing. she was fully aroused and her big dark nipples hard and tight. With her legs spread lewdly apart I could see the inner walls of her cunt opening and closing like tiny contractions.

“jade! you didn’t cum did you?”

“No, but having you watch me made it a close call!”

“That’s my good girl!” Jared’s voice started me so bad it shook me to my core!

jade scrambled off the bed and knelt before Him and I quickly followed suit though, a bit more awkwardly with the invader of my ass still stuffed in place.

“i’m sorry, Master! i had no idea it was so late! i let the time get away and Your lunch isn’t ready!”

Jared chuckled, “Relax, Darling, it isn’t lunchtime yet. I simply forget some files with all the new goings on around here. It’s only ten my sweetgirl.”

“Oh. That… That’s good.”

Jared laughed again, “Is my sweet jade struggle with her arousal today?”

“Yes, Master! It is very difficult to restrain.”

“Well you did a very good job with your plug and I know you’ll manage today.”

“Yes, Sir…”

“And what about zoiegirl? How are you doing with your orgasm restrictions?”

“Jared, Sir, my ass was virginal and I am feeling the pain more than pleasure… for now.”

“Ah. For now meaning… you already believe that you will eventually know pleasure from anal service?”

“Yes, Jared.” I smiled because I was truly proud of this revelation.

Jared squatted down in front of me and pressed my knees apart. Then He slipped two of His long fingers inside me. “I would say that is quite right, zoiegirl! Oh yes! Quite right.”

I was wiggling on His fingers while He felt deep inside my slick hole.

“What is this?”

“My cunt, Sir.”

“Almost… but not quite.”

“What is ths?”

I was confused and now in real danger of cumming in spine of the pain in my ass.

“M…my c..cunt, Jared?”

“No zoiegirl. This cunt is Mine.”

“Yes, Jared! Your cunt! Your cunt! Your CUNT!

“Good girl…”

He moved to jade and pulled her head back by her hair and buried His face in her neck where He sucked and nipped while He fingered her cunt the same way He had mine.

“What is this, jadeslut?”

“Your cunt, Master!”

“Ahhh… yes it is. I believe I’d like to be sucked before I return to work.”

“Yes, Master!” jade said as her hands flew up to His zipper and soon she was slurping on His hard cock while He pumped in and out of her mouth. Jared stopped and asked why I was still sitting there on my plug When He’d expressed the desire to be sucked. I worked my way quickly to jade’s side realizing I was going to need to get used to the idea of ​​participating rather than just watching.

He swapped to my mouth and I heard Him ask jade about allof His things out on the bed while I tried to force Him beyond the bend in my throat.

“we choose two things to work on today… anal service training and pain threshold. we haven’t yet started on the pain, though after the anal training zoie might disagree.”

“Bring me the rubber whip.”

“Yes Master!”

jade brought the whip and Jared switched to her mouth as He took the whip from her hand. I wanted His cock back in my mouth but when He swung the whip and landed the blow on jade’s back, I started to question that desire. Maybe He should just stay where He was!

“We haven’t used this one in a while, have we, jade?”

“No, Sir!” she said with a gasp when He pulled out of her mouth.

“Tell Our zoiegirl how it feels.” He punctuated with Another lash on her back while she bobbed her head up and down on His cock again.

jade came up for air and to obey His command. “It stings! Like tiny rubber band snaps!”

Jared stabbed her mouth with His cock again but looked at me, “Are you ready for your turn?”

My mouth hung open and my mind was screaming no, No! But my heart and my body said, “Yes, Jared.”

He turned to me and I leaned in to take Him into my mouth. Immediately I lost myself in the beauty of His long hard dick sliding in and out of my mouth. He pulled out slowly and I let my lips cling to Him as long as possible, then SWICK!

It was a perfect description. It felt like a hundred tiny rubber band pops on my back at one time. It stung fiercely but… It was worth it if I could have that gorgeous cock in my mouth again. SWICK! More singing and I was gritting my teeth but I didn’t fail to notice that my mouth watered for Him and the throbbing in my clip was more intense than ever. I got to suck some More and I saved it. That long lovely shake slide in my mouth and I revealed in the veiny surface and the heat radiating off it.

Jared turned back to jade and I saw heavily with pleasure and closed my eyes toKeep the image of His rippled abdomen in my mind.

He tossed the whip on the floor and tucked Himself awkwardly back in His pants. “You can move on to another whip if you’d like. I’d say this one is an acceptable choice.”

I heard Him laugh and I slowly opened my eyes. My mouth was still open and I was running my tongue along my lips.

He bent to kiss jade and run His fingers inside her. “Are you close, baby?”

“Oh yes! Yes Master!”

“So is Zoie. Be careful today. Not too much at once.”

“Yes, JaredMaster.”

He turned to me and kissed me softly. Remember how you restrained yourself this morning? Use it whenever you believe you are close to cumming. It will not only ease you but also let jade know when she should be cautious.”

“Yes, Jared.” I managed a breathy reply.

Then He turned and went back to work. Calling back to jade that He would work through lunch since He’d taken this time and she needn’t worry about preparing anything for Him.


The nipple clamps seemed to be a fairly safe choice to add to the morning training. I had no idea. Clover clamps, she’d told me, when she settled them onto my nipples. The pain was, at first, not entirely unpleasant. That is, until we began to move around doing our morning chores. Making beds, sweeping or vacuuming, dusting… all simple tasks until I realized that each movement of My title that took pressure off the chain was quickly answered with a slight tightening, like taking the slack out of a rope tie down. OUCH! But still… worth finding out what my reward would be if I completed the day without failure.

I cried hard when jade took the clamps off. All that blood rushing back into my nipples caused a stallbing pain that I was not prepared for, but she sucked them and kissed them gently and stroked my clip very softly with her delicate fingers. In a very short time, I was moaning with need and the sharp pains had received to dull ache that… amazingly to me…felt… good.

After lunch we tried some other things, The Marauder’s Wheel, was the name for the scary spiny thing, which as it turns out didn’t hurt as much as I expected, but there was no pleasure in it either. jade and I agreed that clinical trials versus use in an erotic way would probably produce different results, but she also admitted that she rarely received anything from it except the pleasure of Jared’s enjoyment from using it on her.

“Would you like to know a secret?” she whispered conspiratorially to me.

“Of course!”

“i dream sometimes that the wheel draws blood and that I take great pleasure from it. i have no idea why… i mean… there are lots of dreams and fans that are erotic to me… but that doesn’t mean i want them all to come true.”

“I know exactly what you mean. It happens to me too! Although, some of them have actually happened since Friday night.” We giggled and moved on to another of the items on the bed.

The day passedquickly and I made it through all of the items on the bed without stopping jade because it hurt too much and without cumming. We removed our plugs and tidied ourselves up, fixing hair and putting on make-up then went downstairs to fix supper for Jared. A couple of times during the day I’d marveled at how easy and even natural it felt to be completely naked with jade all day. I was aroused, of course, by certain brushes of skin or the sight of her nipples hardening with each task, but even when we’d sat down to lunch together… being naked just felt good. More than once I reminded myself that Jared was expecting something of me at dinner but the day had been so full, I’d had little time to reflect on it. So, while jade prepared the fish, I sat at the table making a salad and tried to form in my mind the response that He’d requested.

Everything was finished when Jared’s car pulled into the driveway so jade and I took our places in the foyer. I wasn’t told to do so, but it felt right for me to be just slightly further back than jade when we knelt, so as we knelt I shifted back to keep jade in the forefront.

“Ah… what a beautiful sight!” Jared’s voice was soft and had hint of intensity in it. I tried to imagine what it might feel like to be Him. What He was seeing when He walked through His front door must surely be an ultimate MAN fantasy but… He was looking at the real thing.

“Stand up girls; I want to look at you.”

We both got to our feet and Jared looked at us as though searching our faces for something, then He gave a broad smile.

“I don’t see any sad faces or disappointment so let’s eat and you two can tell me all about your day!”

At the table, jade and I told Jared all that we had done during the day. I was humbled by the way jade bragged on me but I was also proud. Even I was confident about what I had endured and how I’d managed to control myself and my orgasmic urges.

“I’m very proud of you zoie. Did you think about what I asked of you this morning?

“Yes, Jared.” I cleared my throat and tried to recite all that had gone through my head in regards to my answer. “I admit that I have no idea how I will avoid failing You in the future… but I do know that the more I please You? The more I want to please You, and I believe that the more I see You look at me the way You have this evening, the more I will struggle to please You and not fail. And the mixture of pain with pleasure is something I very much want to explore further… I like the way it feels.”

When I finished, I looked directly at this man I had so willingly given myself up to and I knew without a doubt that my words were true.

“That pleases Me very much.” Jared reached out and took my hand before adding, “We are looking forward seeing you bloom, zoiegirl.”


It wasn’t long after we’d finished eating that Jared took a hand from each of us in His and led us upstairs. He made us sit side by side on the foot ofthe bed and when He had our undivided attention He spoke.

“Anal training is very important to Me as I truly enjoy fucking every hole My girl has to offer. Consequently, it has been on My mind since I left you two for the second time this morning. I will be using your ass tonight zoiegirl and while I do, you’ll be helping Me with something I’ve been working on with jade. I’m going to get out of these clothes, while I do I want the two of you to enjoy a little pleasure in each other. Just remember jade, she is not to cum.”

“Yes, Master”

When He turned and left the room jade reached for me and we fell into each other’s arms. We’d played and kissed an touched a bit all day but we hadn’t fully indulged in the pleasure of each other. When I feel her soft lips pressed to mine some sort of switch went off inside me. I was so hungry for affect that I submersed myself in the wonder of it. There had been more of this in the past few days than I’d had in the past few years but I hadn’t let myself believe in the reality of it until that moment. I’d been so afraid that this whole thing might blow up in my face that I was never really letting myself believe in it. Now… pulling jade into my arms while she kissed me hard and deep, I dared not only to believe that everything I’d been wanting was falling into place but that I had truly found the rest of my life in the love of my two friends.

We were wrapped completely in each other… arms, legs and lips when Jared returned and He moaned low and guttural at the sight on His bed. He put His hands gently on my hips and pulled me down to knee on the floor at the foot of the bed then set to work binding His jade by the wrists and ankles to each of the four bed posts, spreading her wide.

He looked down at me after He added the ball gag to His sweet submissive and speak in that soft but commanding voice.

“Did you have any problems with being bound to the chair this morning zoiegirl?”

“No, Jared.”

“Good. I know you are more than willing to enjoy licking cunt so I’d like you on your knees between jade’s legs. Position yourself so that you can reach her with your mouth when told to.”

“Yes, Jared!”

I climbed on the bed and assumed the position that He’d instructed for me. Then He placed me in wrist cuffs and ran rope through the loops and pulled my hands under jade’s tights before tying the ends off at the head posts.

“I’m not going to tie your legs apart unless you can’t manage to keep yourself open and in position for Me. Do you want to taste her zoie? Does her wet cunt call to you?”

“Oh! Oh yes, Jared!”

“Good. But you should know that you are not indulge your desires. You have not been given permission to taste because jade’s cunt is Mine. So unless or until I say you can, there will be no cunt for you.”

I was breathing hard and my mouth watered for jade’s sweet taste, and I was amazed at how strong the desire to lick and suck her hard little clipty pulled at my gut. This was something I never dreamed I’d truly want to do… before.

“Y.. yes Jared…”

“Good girl! My jade has expressed a deep need to protect you from the things you fear. I intend to show her that she needs not fear for you by keeping her helpless while I use you tonight. Now, I know she would never try to stop Me because she knows that I will never truly harm either of you, but this is an exercise in the truth of that matter.”

I was starting to tremble all over. Just what was He going to do? My answer came when He laid the crop on the bed within sight. Oh. God. At least it wasn’t a whip, I told myself, right before He put a short whip next to the crop. Fuck!

“I’m going to give you a reward for doing so well today zoie. You may cum if you feel the need, but I will be using your ass and while I do, I will be using the crop and the whip.”

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I was shaking all over now and I heard jade whimper when shefelt my trembling. Something cold on my soon to be violent bud, jerked me out of my stupor. He was lubing me for His cock! I felt His finger prodding at hole and I jerked just a bit which earned me a sound swat!


“If you wiggle about too much I will tie your knees apart.”

“Yes… S..sir.”

“Good girl!”

His finger pressed against me and I felt it slide slowly in. Then he pulled it out and I felt His other hand come from underneath to lightly stroke my swollen needy clip. I moaned loudly at the feathery touch and He inserted the digit into my ass again. Slowly… slowly He fucked me with His long finger while His other hand barely strucked at my eager clip. I didn’t know whether I was nearing bliss or plunging into pain but the more He worked His finger into me the more I relaxed into it. When He added another one I tensed again and He increased the pressure on my clip. I wanted to cry and at the same time I wanted to cum! The conflicting sensings hadmy mind spinning! When I feel the third finger being added to my tight hole I cried out and jade pulled at her restraints. I looked up at her and knew that she wanted to touch me… to soothe me…

Get a grip Zoie! I speak harshly to myself. Is He truly hurting you? Is it a bad pain? No. No… in fact it was the kind of pain that you expected to be worse than it really was. I want this! I want to enjoy being fucked this way and I know in time it will truly feel good. I will myself to relax and the effects were immediately. The moment my muscles stopped fighting His fingers I knew that I would eventually welcome this kind of use. The pressure was intense and I shivered but this time it was with pleasure. Jared felt my acceptance too because He removed His fingers and placed the blunt head of His hard cock at my entrance.

“you are doing very well sweet zoie. I am very pleased with your submission. Aren’t you proud of her, jade?”

I looked up into jade’s eyes and sawher nod her approval and I managed a weak smile. Jared stroked my swollen clip in earnest then and I explored without warning! I moaned long and loud and hunted into Jared’s big strong hand!

“Thank you, Jared!”

“You are very welcome, zoiegirl!”

Before he’d finished speaking Jared began pushing into me. It felt big and hard and… good.. when he stretched me more than I had been all day. I gasped and cried out but it stuck in my throat and hung there silently as He pushed without stopping all the way inside!

“OH! OH God!” I’d finally found my voice and with it, another mind blowing orgasm!

“That’s my good girl!”

Jared let me ride my bliss while He pulled out and pushed back in harder and faster. It wasn’t long before I was arching my back and welcome His long thick cock! I wasn’t ready to move in time with Him but I cast off my fears and submitted to the Master of my body!

“Oh yes! Oh! So good!” I moaned as I stared into the open weeping cunt just a tongue’s length away… I wanted to plumge into it… to suck and lick and devour it! I would have too, I know it but just as I was about to fail my Master’s instructions, I felt my fire on my ass. The crop landed and the set fire to me before I’d even registered the cracking sound.


“you weren’t about to lick my jade were you zoie?”

“N..no J..J”


“Oh my god! Yes! Yes, Jared I was! I wanted to so bad! I want to make her cum while I suck her dry!”

Jared dropped the crop on the bed, “Honesty is always the best choice, sweet zoie,” he panted out while He continued to ride my ass. “Let’s try out the whip, shall we?” He asked as He scooped it off the bed.

I started to tense and the pain came back into my pounded hole.

“Relax, sweet girl, you are about to realize how unfounded your fears truly are. Are you not enjoying my cock in your ass?”

“Yes, Jared! Yes!”

There was a swish in the air before the things of thewhip bit into my back. I flinched and tightened on the batterying ram inside but I realized even as it happened that the whip wasn’t as ferocious as crop had been. I looked up at zoie whose breathing was as rapid and shallow as my own and I found inside me the will to speak.


“Ahhh! Yes, zoiegirl!” I barely recognized the growl behind me as coming from Jared! He slowed only to drip a little more lube around the edges of my stretched hole and then the pace picked up again.

When the whip landed the second time I laid my cheek on the wedding pulsing cunt in front of me came again!

“Two!” I gasped out when I could.

He fucked me hard for four more lashes while I counted and on the sixth one He tensed and held Himself as deep in my well fucked ass as He could grind and released His hot cum. When he’d softened a bit inside me He pulled me up by my hair and licked jade’s sweet honey off my cheek.

“Mmmm that’s the sweetest taste in the world…” He murmured into my ear. “Would you like to try it? You’ve been a very good girl tonight, zoie. Would you like some of that sweet cunt?”

“Please, Jared, yes!”

“Enjoy…” He let me go and dove into jade’s cunt, devouring it just as I’d imagined doing while He’d used my virgin ass.

Jared untied me and let me use my hands to touch jade’s trembling body while I desperately tried to lick her dry. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear just before she tensed and flooded my mouth with her sweet negative. Permission… I thought as silently left us alone for few minutes.

When Jared returned His body was damp and smelled slightly of soap when He lay down next to jade and kissed her all around her ball gag as she quietly came in my mouth again. My hunger was finally waning as the fatigue set in and jade was relaxing under my soft licks and moans.

Jared set about releasing jade from her restraints as spoke to us, the soft timber back in His voice…

“I’m veryPleased with my sweet girls. You both did so well tonight. I know, zoie, that you are exhausted and I’m not yet finished with jade so why don’t you try to get some rest. If you think you can bathe without touching my cunt you may want to enjoy a nice hot soak before you sleep. Give us a kiss before you go, though. We’ll miss your warm body.” He smiled at me and I crawled up the bed and kissed Him softly on the lips, “Thank You, Jared…” Then I bent and kissed jade several times in various places on her face around the gag that Jared had not yet removed. “Thank you, jade… thank you. This has been the best day of my life… so far.” I could see the smile in her eyes as I lifted my aching bones and turned to leave, a hot bath already waiting for me in my mind.


I turned back to the sound of His voice, “Yes, Jared?”

“If you wake in the night and don’t want to be alone? you can always come to Us.”

I smiled and thanked Him and walked to my room with joy overflowing.

The following is what happened after I left, as told to me the next day by jade…

“I know you want it off but I love the way your sweet lips look stretched around it. It makes My cock hard any time I see you struggle with something big in your luscious mouth. No, it’s true! Here… feel what the sight of you is doing to Me. Ahh… your hands are so soft baby…Mmmm…. You looked absolutely delicious tonight, all stretched out and spread wide under our zoie. I hope she didn’t get all you have to offer tonight because I don’t think I can leave you alone even if you are exhausted. That’s my good girl. I’ll tell you what, since you’ve been my perfectly sweet submissive tonight, you may choose how I use my pretty little cunt.”

jade didn’t need to stop and think about it. She knew exactly what she wanted so she let go of His throbbing cock and pressed Him to His back as she throw her legover Him and lifted herself to up to straddle Him. Taking His rock hard length in her hand she stroked it hard but slow as she hovered her cunt over the thick head. Jared groaned low in His chest and jade shivered as she felt it in her soul. Slowly she lowered her sopping cunt on to His hard cock and sent deeply around the gag. He let her do all of this without taking over… until… paused with His pulsing dick pressing the limit of her womb, she took His hand and slide it out over the mattress until it stopped on the discarded crop.

“Oh! My sweet little jade… just when I think you couldn’t possibly serve Me any better…

jade keep the rest to herself, but if you’ve been following us, I’m sure you can imagine, as I can, just how deliciously wicked it must have been…


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