Dear friends, here’s Ass man again. I wrote “Ass man” under couple coz don’t know where else it suits. If there was an Anal section, I would. Though the article reading hit rate was fairly poor, but I am delighted to see all your ques. Seems I cud ring sum bell and interest on this issue. Too many question came, i felt rather than posting my own incidents, i should reply to clarify some concern n Confusion on Anal sex u have, both for men n women. I am no sexologist, but seeing your question, i feel like replying fm my experience. If m wrong, pls pardon me, and do correct me.I believe every man is bi curious and they want to fuck ass or be fucked. Problem is on getting fucked. They often dun try for fear, very much understandable. Fear of AIDS, fear that it will hurt and fear that if other ppl gets to know. 1st one is very right, limit sex with selected partner or monogamy or rubber. 2nd, well it wont hurt if done correctly. But take notice of your accomodity and the size u r taking. Of course 3rd one is more dangerous, if u enjoy, do discreetly with trust one, don’t share the topic, coz Indian constitution does not allow sodomy, its capital punishment offence. When u read in Bible, Gospel of Ejekiel or Jihiskel, two cities were destroyed coz men were only on men! Cities were Sodom and Gumrah. Need i explain more? Now time for reply. I tried reply most, if sum r missing, pls ask again on same mail ID. Why am I promoting Anal, i should write, roll and should in my ass. I am not promoting anal, i m trying to gv u sum ideas, thoughts and message. Hardcore porno movies and ISS, these are sexually stimously, watch n read, but don’t start believe or practice. For a porno how many pre cunt they take, u dun see that, u see final print. Likewise don’t do anything stupid just coz someone wrote in ISS, so u also do i prepare for first tm.. Thought call. Be absolutely sure u r mentally n physically ready.
A bit test before would help. I am replying later. Can my ass take any ck? Yes n no. Don’t u ever had thick stool? If that can come out easy, so can a thick ck go. Bt for stool u get a thick human lube fm inside, for ck apply lube. What’s special on anal, straight sex is good enough. Im not gay, i m bi, and a top on bi. I love to feel both types. And anal is no necessity, it gives pleasure to bottom more. Our external nerves end at anus, and internal ends at rectum. That’s why is special and sensitive too. Dun boast by bleeding a poor ass. If done right way, it won’t bleed. Finger myself gave me pleasure, does it to all.Mostly. As a part of reading, try this. Lube your anus with vaseline for sometimes, slowly insert a knuckle of index and msg. Keep inserting whole finger, it wont pain. Now lube and insert middle finger.Be patient and do slow, if pains, hold n wait, till spinchter adjusts. Once does, press your anus like letting finger out, it helps go in. If goes in without pain, stay to adjust. Then slowly rotate inside. After few minutes, withdraw. If no blood cum out n no irritation, congrats, your ass is ready.why i don’t talk on rubber..missed out. Practice safe sex. Mentally n physically relaxed, lube and rubber… That u need. U can discard rubber if both u n your male/female partner r loyal to other and not fucking others how long i m and do i get pleasure by push all in… I am just a bit bigger than average. Its 6.75″, worldwide average is 6.4″, however Kinsey said its 6.19″. No i don’t push all the way. Asshole is nothing like a pussy, its dry, need patience, the out ring till prostate is 2.5 to 3″. Beyond its no tight tunnel! So i insert less than half, that win .Ass gets what it wants, ck gets the hold and poop dun spoil. Feel poop, how long ago to poor better to poop ahead. I do in noon or afternoon, coz had this dirty shit when fucking in late night or early sure anal is safe?Nope. Sometimes pussy is also not safe! Ass is not for fucking, but pleasure is coz rubbing nerve ends. If i were not Assman, i would stick to cunt. That early age made me psychologically hostile and later added…if want to try, what the best position.
I believe, spoon position gives less irritation, lay on sides facing same direction n insert fm back. Bt u can try sit on top so can control how long to take or question withdraw if pains.ass to mouth or ass to pussy, is it clean to practice absolutely nt. Ass his sum embedded bacteria due to every day poop, we dun clean inside, right? What u see in porno is not false, they do it. Bt that requires homework. They take a poop before, use something like anemia to pump in water and take out. That cleans. Other option u have, fuck with rubber, and remove that before use in other holes.* what about double penetration, is it great? I don’t know. Never had a 3 sum. Bt it sure feels gr8, an easy test, fuck a gal on pussy and insert 1 or 2 fingers in ass, the feel is gr8 as both the holes are separalated by thin membrane, u can feel both. I often do that as a part of preparing the ass be4 fucking what r other positions? U can try upside down. Like make her lie on shoulder in carpet, lift ass on 90 degree support on sofa side, now fuck on standing with ck down. Is it possible to take 10″ in pussy and ass first off how many people have 10″? We r indian race, not black africans. I dont believe story with 8″ to 10″ in ISS. Of course exceptions r there but not usually. Read Kamasutra, pussy has size too, all can accommodate same depth. Usual is 7″ for to fill up, u cant insert a 10″. Bt in ass, ya possible. Why the idea of writing on Anal came to me coz reading no. Of stories it seemed that fuck an ass is a piece of cake. Its not. Is Anal widely done in India for male, not sure as i am not an Indian. But curiosity always leads to some extent. For women, as per Cosmo survey, 22% hv done it. 14% regular, 8% gave done once and give up coz don’t like. Read Kamasutra, Batsayan said in South India anal was practiced can i get big O fm anal sex well guys get it coz it stimulates prostate glasses. For gals, i dun know. I am keen to bring thru finger inside on G spot or outside on clip. Physically for gals not possible as G spot located on frontal side inside pussy. That all for now, any other question, feel free to ask. Remember, its always better to have safe sex. To me, safe sex is two consenting adults enjoy a fun time without hurting physically and mentally, that safe sex.
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