
I wonder if they still use that expression, ‘high maintenance’ to describe women like her? I know she was of course. People who lunch at the ‘—–‘ expect to pay at least a hundred dollars for their repast.

The firm, of course, would pick up Karen and my tab because this was a working lunch. Karen, you see, is the companies Director of Engineering, I’m Vice President For Inter Departmental Co-ordination. A fancy title for referee/baby sitter between big IQs and bigger egos.

So lunch was to soften Karen to Marketing’s idea to split R and D’s new product into two units to maximize profit. Then Yvonne passed by our table.

“Karen, dear, what a surprise!”

“Yvonne! I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you were still in Italy. I talked to Aunt Francine last week and she didn’t mention you were back.”

“Greece dear, and I just got back Tuesday.”

Beautiful women don’t intimidate me. I intimidate them. Not to brag, but I’m one of the city’s hottest catch. I’m the one to decide who I favor with a date. I’m fifty seven, and six foot tall. My (and let’s not entertain false modesty) rugged chiseled good looks, styled salt and pepper hair, manicured nails and custom made suits make the ladies swoon. There isn’t a waitress who doesn’t blush when I smile at her and thank her for whatever.

But Yvonne flummoxed me. I’ve never seen such perfection. Ever! I knew right then I must have her. I rose from my chair to give her the advantage of seeing me at my magnificent best. I gave her my “You want to be with me” smile. It never fails.

She was the most picture perfect lady I’d ever seen. Five foot six or so in her heels. Slender ankles. Shapely legs. Her knee length sandy beige elbow length sleepe wool knit dress accentuated her shapedly physique. Her sunshine blond hair was styled in a short elegant do, without a hair out of place, it looked soft and natural. Her makeup was subtle, as if her porcelain skin was untouched. Her blue eyes, framed in long lashes were irresistible. Her warm smile lit up the room.

“Yvonne, this is Rex, one of my associates. Rex, this is my cousin Yvonne.”

“Pleased to meet you Rex.” She shifted the white fur she was carrying from her right elbow to her left and held out her beautifully manicured right hand. It seemed natural to bend down and kiss it.

“The pleasure is mine, Yvonne.” My God she is perfect!

“Rex and I just finished the business part of our meeting,” Karen lied. Thank you Karen! “Why don’t you join us?”

“Why thank you. As long as I’m not intruding.”

I signed a waiter to bring another place setting.

By the end of lunch we’d made a date for Friday night. It was no surprise when she told me she lived in a neighborhood of very high end condos.

I was half way to the building before my driver was around to open the car door. Yvonne was waiting in the lobby. She glanced at her elegant diamond watch, then gave me a warm smile.

She was a vision. Dainty mauve spike heels. Smooths shapedly legs. A purple satin jacket with a suntuous purple fur collar that flowed down to it’s belt, and purple fur cuffs. Makeup and hair of course picture perfect. A little purple clutch purchase.

Dinner and dancing. Sparkling conversation as we got to know each other. Yvonne was divided once, and recently widowed. Forty two, fine arts degree, no longer works. Multi lingual. Travels to Europe to shop.

Yes, very high maintenance. But so am I.

We shared a warm kiss in the lobby and made a date for the following Friday.

“Yvonne said she enjoyed her date.”

“So did I. Fascinating lady. She’s a widow?”

“Yes. Year and a half ago. Sad. He was quite a bit older. Heart attack. So tragic, it happened as they were making love.”



“We’re going out Friday night. I’m taking her to the club.”

“That’s sweet. Now you are gentle. Remember, she’s just getting over it. And if you hurther, you’ll have me to answer to.” Karen laughed. I don’t think she was actually joking though.

Casual Fridays at the country club mean white jackets and black bow ties, until October the first. Only the right people, sponsored by the right people, were invited to join.

Yvonne wore the white fur she’d been carrying when we first met, over a pink cowl neck cashmere sweater and an ankle length dove grey pleated skirt. Her earrings were quarter size multi diamond broaches, her necklace a chain of diamonds and on each wrist a diamond bracelet.

At the end of the evening we kissed while she waited for the elevator. She invited me to come for dinner Sunday evening.

When the door opened it was only my strong will that prevented me from jumping back.

The statusesque beautiful balance black woman who answered the door was a few inches taller than me. Her shoulders were wide. her arms well muscled. She wore a black satin and white lace maid’s dress and black spike heels. Miles of smooth black shapely legs were displayed. Her smile was warm, and her eyes twinkled. No doubt this wasn’t the first time someone was surprised when she opened the door.

“Welcome, sir. May I take your coat?”

“Rex, this is Tracy, my domestic. Tracy makes the best martinis. Would you like one? I’ve already started. I expected you at eight.”

I chuckled. “Traffic, mam.” It was eight ten.

At eight forty five exactly Tracy announced dinner. I remember, because Yvonne couldn’t help giving a quick glance at the ornate, Louis the something, mantel clock.

We just finished dessert and coffee when Tracy said. “May I get you anything else?”

“yes dear, call down to have Rex’s car brought around.”

Soon we were dating exclusively. It took a while to bed Yvonne, but wow! What a wild gal between the sheets. The only odd thing is she wouldn’t allow me to stay the night, and she wouldn’t spend the night at my place.

On Valentine’s day I proposed.

She accepted conditional on a ‘pre nupt’. No worries as we were both, shall we say, comfortable. Mostly the usual legalese saying “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours.” The only odd thing was the clause she insisted on which basically said she had intimate needs and I would do everything to satisfy them. Interesting. What could possibly go wrong?

Since it was Yvonne’s third and my second marriage we had a simple civil ceremony, then, nothing fancy, an intimate party at the club with forty of our closest friends an associates. No speeches, dinner and dancing.

The next day we flew to her lodge in the Laurentians in Northern Quebec.

I was kind of surprised she’d keep it after her husband died. She wasn’t the outdoors type. But the lodge was no shade in the woods. All varnished wood inside, the latest energy efficient windows, a roaring fire that was a hologram that gave off heat and smelled like a wood fire.

The second surprise was Tracy beat us thee! I guess I should have known Yvonne wouldn’t go anywhere without her servant.

The first night there was a slow, romantic easy night since we were both a bit hurt out from the party and the long trip. I gave Yvonne a short licking to get her flowing, than a missionary poke, then we cuddled to sleep.

In the morning we went for a hike along the lake. I joked about all this fresh air being bad for city ​​boy.

After lunch I was sitting reading by the fire.

“How do you like this, darling?”

WOW! Ms. elegant and sophisticated was dressed like a John crawl whore. Knee high shiny purple leather spike heel boots. A very mini snug purple leather skirt. A mauve angora bolero sweater, and a purple silk kerchief tied around her throat with it’s bow off her left shoulder. Her nails, lip gloss and eye shadow were purple. Dangling casually from her right hand was a purple ball gag.

“Oh my!”

“Time to play, darling. I have needs.”


“Take offYour sweater.”

“OK.” I pulled my imported dark blue Norwegian cable knit wool turtleneck over my head and lay it on the arm of the couch I was sitting on.

Yvonne sat beside me. She kissed my lips. She stroked my solid chest. At times like this the expense of a personal trainer is all worth it, seeing the look of lust in my love’s eyes.

“Darling, I expect you to call me ‘Princess’ when we are alone. Just you, myself, and Tracy. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Princess.” Sounds like a fun game.

“Open up.” She pusheds the purple ball into my mouth and adjusts the elaborate strap. An inverted ‘Y’ goes up past either side of my nose then over the top of my head. Another goes around just below my ears and she buckles it all together behind. A little trickle of drool immediately starts dribbling down my chin, I wipe it away with the back on my hand.

She undoes the bow of her kerchief. She flicks it and holds it out flat. She flicks it again, like a magician warming the audience up. She crumples it and rubs her front, up, belly to tits. Her soft mauve sweater pushed aside. Those beautiful, perfect pale mounds captivate me. She is so perfect. “I love the feel of real silk. The best synthetics just don’t quite match this. “

Yvonne stood and went behind the couch. “Now darling, you will learn to trust your Princess.” She blindfolded me with the purple silk.

“Stand slave.”

Oo, princess and sex slave! I like.

“Take off your pants and underwear.”

Yes Mam!

I feel a single finger stroke along the bottom of my erection. “Good slave. Stands it at attention for his Princess.”

“Ghh!” The slap on my hanging balls was more of a shock than anything.

“Be a good slave and wait here a moment.” I heard the click of her heels as she left the carpet and headed across the wide plank floor. Then her return.

I was enfolded in that special softness.

“Don’t you love the feeling of fur against your bare skin?” She took my elbow and guided me across the floor. I felt the cold as the door opened, and we were out on the wooden deck. She took my left wrist and guided it down ’till my hand was on the rail. She wrapped something around my wrist. Another pair of strong hands gripped my right wrist. Tracy! That wrist was bound too. I tried to stand straight, but my bindings held me slightly stopped to the railing.

Princess Yvonne took off my purple blindfold. I looked over my shoulder. Tracy was standing beside her with a fur pill box hat on her head and wrapped in a three quarter length coat of the same sable fur. Princess was in a knee length silver fox.

Tracy handed her a four foot long, three inch wide, leather strap. One end was forked, the other molded into a handle.

Yvonne held out her right hand. Tracy bent down and kissed it. “Mistress.”

“Go inside and stay warm Sweetheart.”

“Thank you Mistress. I love you Mistress.”

Yvonne gently stroked the back of her silkgloved hand along Tracy’s smooth dark chocolate cheese. “I love you too dear.”

Yvonne slide the strap under my palm. “Hold this, dear.” She wrapped her fur clad arms around my bare body. Her silk gloves stroked my chest. “Did that shock you dear? Tracy and I are very close. She’s going to assist in your training.”

A hand slide down and gripped my balls just enough to really hurt. “GMH!”

“Now to business. Your ability to tell time is very inadequate. Remember our first date? You were three minute late. Remember the first time I invited you for dinner? Remember how you laughed at me when I pointed out your tardiness?

“Your Princess will not wait. Your Princess will not be laughed at.”

“Mngh!” If only She’d take out my gag and I could apologize. I could explain that I wasn’t laughing at her. That I just didn’t realize.

“Be quiet darling. There will be lots of time for you to beg after we’re finished.

“So many times you keep me waiting. So many times.But you know, I saw your potential in spine of that. And I fell in love with you. But darling, just because I love you don’t mean I will accept your fallings. So. Lets begin your training, shall we?”

Her first blow was a smack from below with the straw onto my balls.


“Such a beautiful scream. I love to hear a beautiful scream. Up here we don’t need the gag. Tomorrow we’ll train you without it. Won’t that be loved?”

Then the pumping of blows on my shoulders. My back. My butt. My legs. I ended up on my knees, a whimpering mess, suspended from the rail by my bound wrists.

I don’t know how long I shivered and cried on the cold hard deck. More than ten minutes, maybe less than half an hour?

The beautiful black Amazon released my bindings from the rail. She’s even stronger than she looks, and she looks very strong. She worked less scooped me up in her arms. Her fur felt so warm and soft.

Yvonne opened the door. All she wore were her spike heels and skirt.. Tracy carried me through to the bedroom. The red fox blanket was off the bed, tossed over a chair. The satin top sheet was off the foot of the bed. Short chains with snap shackles lay on either side of the mattress.

I screamed as she flopped me down on my back. Every mark from Yvonne’s weapon burned. One on each side the ladies pulled my arms out and shackled my wrist cuffs to the chains. They moved to the foot of the bed. Tracy picked a meter long bar from the floor. My ankles were strapped to the cuffs at either end of the bar.

Tracy stepped onto the bed and stood straddling my hips. She took off her fur hat and tossed it. She unwrapped her sable from her body, slowly, sensitively. She dropped it. the soft fur lay partly over my left leg.

What a sight her magnificent naked body is! Those muscle legs. Those generous hips. Her thick black bush. That six pack abdomen. Her big firm breasts with their dark AA battery size nipples centered on big areolae. Her wide shoulders. Her beautiful full lips. Her sparkling black eyes. One of the rare women who can look gorgeous with a shaken head. Her lip gloss, nails and eye shadow were metalflake gold.

With her index fingers she spread her pussy lips to expose some wet pink.

“Little man, I’m going to train you to eat pussy. You think you know, but you don’t. When you graduate from Ms. Tracy’s Lickity Split College you’ll be able to satisfy Ms. Yvonne without even touching her with that little white wienie.”

She sank down and lifted my still gagged face to her crotch. “First lesson little man, breath deep and submerge yourself in the scent of a beautiful pussy. In. Out. In. Out. Nice deep breaths. That’s it baby. That’s the smell of love. The smell you’ll crave.”

One hand supported my head, Her other stroked my hair back so gently.

I felt Yvonne’s hand gently grip my cock.

“He’s responding nicely Dear. Standing right at attention.”

“Good little man. You’ve passes the first lesson.”

Tracy dropped my head and climbed off. Yvonne kissed my knob then stood. They sat on the bed, one on either side of my hips.

‘Ebony And Ivory’ played in my head. Tiny beautiful Yvonne and magnificent statusesque Tracy. So close but untouchable in my restraints. So close but untouchable.

“Beautiful man.” Yvonne stroked my chest. “Would you like your gag removed dear?”

I nodded.


She removed it.

“Thank you dear. Will you join us for drinks at four?”

“Thank you Mistress. Four in the big room then.” Tracy kissed Yvonne’s hand, picked up her coat and hat and sauntered out.

Yvonne stroked my cock until it was hard, then sat back.

“Uh, Dear, don’t stop. Untie me. Please!”

“What did you call me?”

“Princess, please.” I guess then game isn’t over.


“Because I don’t want to just yet.”

“But, but Yvonne.”

“Do I need to gag you again?”


“Good.” She moved up the bed, then lay on my chest and began kissing hungrily. God I was hard. I wanted to wrap her in my arms. I wanted to screw her to the best orgasm she’s ever had.

“Baby.” Kiss. ​​”I love you so much.” Kiss. ​​”My big handsome strong sexy man.” Kiss.

Yvonne got up and knelt straddling my hips. Her pussy inches from my erection. Oh yes! Here she comes.

She reached down and stroked herself. She stroked and rubbed herself to an orgasm, never touching my aching member. I was frantic. “Please Princess!”

“That was so good darling. Don’t spoil it .” She lay beside me , an arm over my chest, her head under my chin. I lay there restrained and frustrated as she napped.

Tracy, in a very sexy royal blue satin maid’s outfit came in and said it was almost four.

“Thank you dear, we’ll be right there.”

As I pulled on pants and a sweater and Yvonne sarong style dress she said, “Isn’t Tracy a dear? Aren’t we lucky to have sucha loyal servant?”

“Yes dear, she’s a wonder.”

“What did you call me?


“That’s better.”

Drinks, then supper. Early to bed.

We made love in every imagineable way. I even surprised myself that I could still keep going that long.


It’s now almost a year and a half later. My beautiful high maintenance Princess is the center of my world. Her discipline is a regular part of our love life that I now look forward to. I can’t explain why. Last night she and Tracy gang banged me after my discipline.

What a way to start a January Sunday. Waking up as the filling in a Goddess sandwich.


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