Welcome to the second part of my journey into my reminiscences. After that day I didn’t get any chance to enjoy my mom. But my eyes always followed her. Soon I completed my eight class. I used to hate the summer every year but I loved it because it would relieve us from the school. But that year I hated myself more than the summer. I hated myself than ever. My summer vacation began. I knew that I will not get a chance to enjoy. But I was proved wrong. I did got a chance. One day my father told us that he is going to take us to the village but my mom refused to come. So finally it was decided that my brother and sister will go with him and my mother and myself will stay at home. I was very happy that I got a chance. Now the afternoons and nights will be mine for two months. There were no boundaries for happiness. They left for the village next day. And my fingers began to savor the ecstasy for the same afternoon. But this time I am unable to dare to keep my palms completely.May be complete freedom to the mind also creates fears. Slowly my fear was replaced by the boldness I used to keep my palms entirely. But within ten days I couldn’t satisfy with my palms resting on the waist I want something more. I used to aroom myself by placing my hands on waist and then go to the bathroom to save myself. But soon I want to save myself by simultaneously placing my hands on the waist. And succeeded too one afternoon. Till ten days I never tried her in the night. But on the eleventh day I wanted to try. And I tried. I succeeded. Since it is a very hot summer the life in that small town used to go to sleep by 8 or 9. And that night I was awake till 11o clock. After confirming that my mom totally sleep which I can know by her low snoring, I moved my hand over her bare waist, as she was sleeping turning her back to me. With a little bit of hesitation I kept my hand on her smooth, cold, cream colored wait. It was in heaven for me; although it was my fingers resting on her waist. Within two/three days I got a kind of danger in me. And I used to keep my finger directly without confirming.
I can say that it is a kind of over confidence. And I was happy with my overconfidence. But then I could not know that it is going to cost me. It was twentytieth day I began to feel that I was sleeping with a woman. A woman and a man sleeping together. Soon I lost all my inhibitions and fear. Everything was going fine but one day it happened. It was the first time I hated myself as ever as I hated. And Whenever I remind of it I hate my self. It was abut 11 in the night and I as usually placed my hands on her wait. And suddenly something crept into the mind; the usual insatiable desire of man for having more. And my mind said to me why not more. And without any fear or hesitation I cured my palm around my mom’s wait. I did it so confidently as if I were her husband. I waited for a few seconds. Nothing happened. So I moved a little close towards her. Now making myself comfortable I waited for a few more seconds. Then my pal slowly began to move. I moved it onto her belly and back to the waist. Then I increased the pressure of my palm on her waist and started moving it onto her belly and to the waist. Then I moved my hand to the other side of the waist. Since she was sleeping turning her back to me my hand was not moving freely slowly I managed to creep under her other side of the wait. Now her wait was pressing my hand to the bread. I could feel her breath by the movement of her waist. Now I was very close to her body. But unknownly my hard dick touched her ass. The softness of her ass gave immense pleasure. As usual a chill went through my spine in that hot summer. I got an idea. I slowly unzipped my pant with the other hand and made my dick free. I slowly took hard waving dick towards the soft ass and placed it on her ass. Now my pleasure doubled. I waited for a few second and by Tightening my hold on her waist and my whole lengthof hand touching her belly and bare wait, I slowly moved my hard dick on the ass from above the sari. It was slow at the beginning and then slowly I increased the pressure a little bit so that I could tremors and that I could release t6he semen if I rubbed it. I rubbed my hard dick to the ass till it saved. That gave me the pleasure which I could have got if I really would have fucked her from behind the ass. I thought that if this was the pleasure just by keeping it on the ass then what be the pleasure I would get if keep it in her wet cunt. What would be the pleasure if it moves continuously in the mom’s wet cunt? This thought gave me another bulge. And as the thoughts grew without thinking that she was sleeping I gave her a hard stroke from behind on her ass. And this was the biggest blunder of my life. It was so strong that it went hit exactly in the middle of ass cheats. I knew this because her sari was struck between them where my dick hit. My mom suddenly woke and got up. She gave me a stern look and within a fraction of second she gave the slap of my life. She was yelling at me as if hysterical. I don’t want to repeat the words because they will make every son abhor himself and more over I am not here to preach you some morals. My dick has lost its hardness and it forget pleasure which it has got a few seconds back and it was still outside. After beating me for two minutes she shouted at me to put my dick back and close my zip. I did as she ordered. Then she through me out of that room and asked me to sleep in the other room. From then she never allowed me to sleep with her. She never even trusted me. However I persuaded no that will be wrong I begged her not to tell her to the father. Because of the love she has for me she didn’t told to the father when he came home next week but she never trusted me. She never allowed me to be with her again when she was alone. Although she behaved normally. I began to feel that I am stranger in my own house. She behaved as if I am an outside man. She used to wrap her pallu around herself when she was around me or when she is giving me food. It is for the first time I thought of suicide in my life. The mom who loved me the most now hates me. I am fit for nothing. I understand that I was wrong in my mind somewhere that since she has an illicit affairs with the old man kistappa she would also allow me.
I understand one thing that day, that even a prostitute will not her son to even behave with her sexually .I want to beg her. But could not even dare to speak to her. My days have turned into nightmares. My entire thoughts of having her have tuned to vacuum. Now my eyes stopped exploring her now I started to reveal her. No more hard on and no more relieves. One year passed and nothing happened. Nothing changed. I began to pray the god for a miracle. But the miracle happened but in a bad way. That year my mom had an appendicitis operation. This gave me chance. I served like a son. And I refused my confidence. I believe she forgive me. We became close again. I too never thought of her in sexual way. Even when I touched her waist or sometimes her breast came into my contact I didn’t feel any sexual arousal. May be this is what called a son’s affect for the mother. We were again in the normal mother son relationship. She was back to home. This was the greatest movement of happiness in my life. The moment I felt that she forgive me. Another year passed by it was the summer vacation after my 9th class I went to my village that year and my brother was at home since he sat for the 7th board exams as they will be conducted lately in the may. So I lonely went to my village with my dad. It was after 8 years I went to the village. I was received by my grand mother since she saw me after three years. Every one came to see me. Except my dads younger brother and his wife. Because they were out on the work in The field. A few of the village boys who have played with me came to see me and I was out in the village for a round up of the village. I came back in the evening. I refreshed myself and sat for the dinner. In the villages people take dinner at around 7 or 8 o clock after which they used to sit outside and used to enjoy chatting and children playing the hide and seek. Elders buried in the glorious past. Women discussing about the other women and their precise belongings. When I was about to start I saw a dark silhouette at the door. In those days the current used to be very dim. When it came a little bit near I recognized that it was a woman. She entered the kitchen where I was sitting and she was smiling at me. I hope she is in her early thirties, same of my mom’s age. She is 5’4”. It took me a moment to recognize her. She is my father’s younger brother’s wife. She asked my wellbeing and she gave me the curry which brought for me. After speaking till I ate my dinner. She said she will leave as she has to cook for dinner for her husband. After completing my dinner Icame out to rest under the neem tree. I spread the mat under the tree and made myself comfortable. The cold breeze which was passing past my face took me to the past which I totally forgot. I think it is here the seed to share my dark corner was sown. I got remind of the day first day when we brought the television in our village. We were the first to bring television in our village. That was Sunday, I still remember that day. It was evening we called both my aunts, as my dad has two brothers and our houses are adjacent to each other. Everyone was sitting on the mat and the movie started. I was sitting beside my younger aunt. Everyone was deeply engrossed in the cinema and suddenly my elbow touched something cold and smooth. I liked it and I pushed my hand a little bit harder. It gave me something which I don’t know what it was. But it made me happy. As I increased my pressure, suddenly and slowly my aunt removed my hand. No one knew this as everyone was engrossed in cinema. Later I saw her nude bathing in the hut from the window. It was vague to my mind but I remembered her light black colored body. After that I one day stalen her sari and took it to lone place and hidden it under the tree roots.
Whenever I was free I used to go there and wrap the sari and imagine her beautiful freshy smooth black waist. After a few months we left for the town for my studies. I came into this world with the call of the uncle, my dad’s younger brother. He came to me and asked me if I had dinner. Then we discussed various matters for some time and he left when my dad returned from farm. They discussed for sometimes and left. I think it was about 6 in the morning when a cold breeze of the neem tree gave me a wake up call. I searched for the blanket but there was none. The cold didn’t allow me to sleep. My grand mother has already left for household chores and dad for the farm. I can hear the water splashing and motor running at a distance which was supplying water to the field. Igot up rubbing my eyes. I squited looking around. The moon has reached its abode. I turned to see the fields which were green. I could see a silhouette covering the dawning sun .The green colored rice plantation was looking more beautiful with the red colored sunrays touching it. I felt that it is the most beautiful scenery. But the next moment I saw very beautiful scenery than this. She was a little distant from me but I could see her clearly. The suns very early, first rays light orange in color were reaching her light black waist. The water flowing from the pot, were passing from her shoulder through her waist, due to which it was shining. Due to the weight of the pot on one shoulder she was moving sideways due to which her waist was expanding and contracting creating a fold in the waist. As she was reaching me to pass through me to their house, I could see it more clearly. The only thing which came to my mind then was to get up and go straight to her and drink water which was flowing from her wait by licking it with my mouth and tongue. May be this is due to the movies. As she is coming near to me I changed my eye direction. When she came near to me she smiled at me and asked me why I woke up so early. I gave back a smile and said the sleep was gone. She passed me. Now again saw her. She has bathed so early; the water from her hair is falling like drops were passing through the spine into her sari. My dick was hard on. I thought now I should relieve. But there were no bathrooms. So I turned my thoughts. The days are passing. Every morning I wake up with a feast to my eyes. But day by day I could not resist. I decided to make arrangements to pump off if I need. I made a sitting place in an old well and used to sit there pumping out whenever I need. Days are passing. Without my knowledge I developed another observation i.e. My aunt. This is the first time in my life I saw another woman other than my mother. But to be exactly she is the first woman of my sex life may be who aroused sexual feeling in me even when I was eleven or twelve. My desire to fuck her was never fulfilled but I see her being fucked. That too after my tenth. That was the first time I heard it. It was told secretly by one of my village friend. He told me that he had never told it to anyone. At first I didn’t believe it. My aunt was married to my father’s younger brother. They didn’t have children for many years. But they had children very lately i.e. Before three years. I don’t know what to believe. He asked me to come near and he said something in my year. A smile sprang on my lips. I waited for nearly twenty days to witness the truth. That day my uncle went to city to give rice in the mill. It needs two to three days for him to complete the entire work like giving it in the mill, removing the bran and poisoning it est. I thought that day is my luck. I wake up in the night.
I was watching in the direction where my father was sleeping in distant field where all the rice with plantation is kept as a heap. It was around eleven in the night. I saw a silhouette moving in the darkness across the fields. I can recognize it as of the women by seeing the pallu over her head. I got up slowly and followed her maintaining the distance. Finally she reached my father where he was sleeping on the cot. She went near to him and shook him a bit and then she walked towards the well where there is a high land upon which the rice Straw are tied as bundles and heaped like a pile. She went and removed two bundles and kept them side by side. Within a few min my dad came and slept beside. He kept his hand on her waist and started to smooth it. Slowly he took her lips. They were kissing. The fire between them was increasing. I could see their expression from behind the tree. After a few moments he moved a little bit towards her, pressing her boobs and his hand moved on to her butts smoothing it. His hand then slowly passed on to her boobs through the wait. After a little foreplay he removed her pallu from her boobs. I think they are 34d. They are very tight. I can know this as they are stiff and straight. Now he got up and removed his banian. Adjusting his lungi he again got down to her and took her waist by his palm with his finger adjusting in between the fold in her waist. Now he is showing his strength. He got on top of her pressing her boobs with his chest and started kissing her. He also kissed and pressed her boobs. He played with her for another fifteen minutes. Then he slowly moved her sari and lehenga upwards and removed his lungi. Pulled down his underwear and a hot rod of big stout dick came out. He slowly pushed it inside her pussy and started to move up and down. After a few moments it took pace and I saw real power of his thrusts. I thought that she will die Without saying a word because of those Thrusts but she was very experienced. She just closed her eyes enjoying the thrusts. After few minutes they became calm. They lay still for sometime. After they were ready for another round which they did with nudity. Now everything was clear for my mind. My aunt had no children for many years. Her mother in law threatened her that her son will leave her and make him marry another girl. So she got fucked by my father and got pregnant. Now her son is my brother. I don’t know how she got him (or) he got her into this. But still they are fucking. That was the I envied my father than ever. Because he is fucking the two beautiful woman. I thought why it was not me in his place. I left the place before they found out me. I don’t know when they left but the next morning I woke up with her same beautiful feast. I enjoyed watching the same wait which was crumped between my father fingers. The same fold in which my fathers finger got struck was again expanding and contracting Due to the moments waiting for someone to hold it tight, probably my father. I am now enjoying writing it but then I didn’t have good feeling thinking this. Maybe probably she is the woman I wanted to sleep with. May be probably according to the ISS literature she became my half mother. No previously she was half mother but now she became my 75%mother because the other 25% is my uncles.
That was the last year I went to the village. After that I never went again. Once we met in our cousin’s marriage after two years. But she changed a lot. She put on some body. By then I understand the chemistry of aunties. She aroused me in such a way that after watching her for ten min I went to bathroom and saved myself. But in that marriage I got a chance. It was the day of marriage and every one went to marriage hall. I and aunt were at home taking some important things to take to the marriage hall. A copper pot with sweets was on the shelf. So she put a stool and climbed to bring it down. I held the stool. While was getting it down she lost her balance a bit. So suddenly I supported her by placing my hands on the wait. My one palm was on thebare waist and the other palm was on the other side of the wait covered with the silk sari. It was a tight hold. But it was too heavy so she slide holding it on the head and now her breasts came onto my chest. They were heavily pressed against my chest. My back was being pressed to the wall. She got down and after putting it down she gave a victorious smile. There was no feeling in her face that I hold her waist and her boobs were pressed against me. She normally took it out and put it in the auto rickshaw. But my position was different. I just wanted to save my self. My brain thought fast. When we were about to leave I asked my aunt that I want to go to bathroom for nature call. She gave me the lock of the house asked me to lock the house after completion and left. As soon as she went away I ran into the house and closed the door and locked from inside I went into bed room, took her sari which left on the chair a few minutes ago put around my hot thick rod and started to pump untilrelieved. I was in cloud nine. I touched the women whom I wanted to fuck. I kissed my palm which pressed her waist. I removed my shirt and began to imagine her boobs on my chest. It made me mad. I had pumped my dick for around 8 times in one hour rarely with gaps. Immediately after one release, it got stresser again. By the time I reached the function hall it was too late. I covered it very hardly. It 15 years since then that I never saw her. I some times hear about her from my father. After that I learned that my father also had another one or two affairs. But I don’t know about them authentically. Both my mother and father had affairs with others without each others Knowledge. My mom has only one affairs. But my father I don’t know but pretty sure that he has more Than one Affair other than my aunt. My doubt became clear when I was in the degree.my intermediate was in a corporate residential college. So no girls and no woman for two years. It was in the holidays that the above incidentnt took place. It was after two years that I saw my mom I was totally surprised by her beauty. I was aroused, I was in love…yes this is the first time I feel a feeling other than sexual arousal towards my mom. Not the love of son. In the marriage I stood along with her. Her 35 years beauty was making me mad. Her wait has become more beautiful than ever. Now she is free with me. I know she is treating me as son. But I have not only sexual arousal but also love for her. And now this time I want to protect her feeling. I want to keep it in my mind. And I continued to be normal. It was summer me my brother used to sleep together on the roof. My mom and my dad used to sleep in their bed room. This time I was mature and I know what transpires between them at night. I didn’t and will not get a chance to sleep with my mom. So let me just watch her having sex. It 4 years ago that I watched her having sex with kistappa. Now she is ripe and I want to watch her nude body. Now I have another chance. I know it. Did i got a chance. Read the next part of my life.anyone who wants to share the real life experiences sharp4e with me at [email protected]. Waiting for your experiences
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