Yvette: Session 04

Charlie grunted as he thrust into his wife, Erin, from behind, relishing the sight of her curly blond hair bouncing with each push. She lay with her arms flat on the mattress and her face pressed into a pillow and he loved watching her upturned ass, still pink from its flogging. He loved the sound his hips made as they slapped against the backs of her thighs and of her muffled moans as she groaned into the pillow. He loved the taste of her pussy still in his mouth and the feeling of her soaking wet cunt as he thrust his sharp cock rapidly in and out of her.

“Oh. God. Charlie!” Erin gasped in rhythm to his pounding. “Fuck. Me. Ungh! Yes! Fuck your dirty! Show-off! Slut!”

That did it. Grabbing Erin’s hips with both hands, Charlie gave one final push and with an animal groan emptied his load into her wet, willing pussy.

As Charlie caught his breath and his muscles started to slacken, Erin slowly slip herself off his cock and collapsed easily into the mattress, stretchingHer legs out behind her so she was laying flat on the bed. Charlie rolled beside her and she snuggled into his shoulder, letting out a happy little sight.

“That was fun,” Charlie said softly into Erin’s ear.

“Mmmmmhmm,” she cooled dreamily. “I feel all rubbery.”

Charlie smiled and pulled her closer to him. They lay in silence for a minute, Charlie listening to the sounds of birds outside the window. He thought about the last week with Erin. When she pulled up her skirt and flashed her butt plug at him while they were out for a walk in the park. When they went to the movies, she pushed his hand between her legs until rubbed her clip to a wet, hushed orgasm right in the back row of the theater. It seemed like every day she came up with a new idea to try as she leaned hard into the blossoming of Her sexual imagination. Charlie was just about in heaven.

Erin stretched and hoped off the bed, then pulled on her lacy black panties, which she had retrieved from under the bed.

Charlie propped himself up on one elbow and watched her. “Wait,” he started, “don’t you usually…”

“I want to feel it for a while,” she replied. She turned to face him and struck a pose, shifting her hips to one side and biting her lower lip. “I like when your cum drops down my legs.”

She broke into a giggle. “Besides,” she said, “I want ice cream and walking around with cum in my panties makes me horny. So let’s — oh!”

She looked surprised for a moment then smiled mischievously.

“Mm, it’s coming out… come on, baby, let’s go!”



Two days later, they arrived at the studio for their fourth and final session with Yvette. Though the out-of-the-way street that the studio sat on was usually very quiet, this time the uber had to circle twice before finding a place to drop them off because of all the cars lining the narrow street.

“This is so weird. Do you think there’s something going on at some … like, other place?” Erin wondered aloud.

Charlie looked up and down the block at the unmarked, low-rise buildings that lined the street, looking for all the world like a semi-abandoned industrial park.

“Maybe…” he said. “Not sure where, though.”

Erin shrugged. “Just weird there’s so Many cars here.”

The door to the studio had been unlocked, as usual. But Letitia, the pretty receptionist, was nowhere to be found. In fact, there was nobody in the reception area at all. It sat empty, the only sound or movement a single red flashing light on the desk telephone and the hum of a mini-fridge that sat in the corner.

Erin didn’t seem to notice or care, pushing her way through the door that led into the hall of changing rooms. Charlie took a last look around the empty waiting room and followed her.

A few minutes later he stood contemplating the collection of leather, neither,and metal laid out on the counter before him. There had been no note or instructions this time, which was a little unusual. But after a few sessions, Charlie felt like he understand the routine — leave his street clothes, and come into the studio wearing only what had been left for him in the little wicker basket in the changeroom.

In the basket had been two sets of cuffs, neoprene with leather straps and metal buckles. Exactly like last time.

In spite of himself, Charlie felt a little disappointed.

It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy the cuffs. He just hadn’t expected Yvette to repeat herself.

Perhaps, though, he reasoned, it did not make sense to expect something different every time. He had certainly enjoyed the novelty of each of their previous sessions, but perhaps there was something to be said for doing things more than once, really getting into them over multiple sessions. So he’d seen these straps before — so what? Hadn’t he had a good time last time? Hadn’t he enjoyed being strapped to a chair, “helpless”, while Lexy teased him and Erin had her fun right there in front of him?

Of course he’d enjoyed it.

Charlie quickly striped down to nothing, placed his folded clothes in the locker, and fastened the straps to his wrists and ankles, then stride through the studio door.

He was not prepared for what awaited him.

He found himself in the same familiar studio where they’d spend much of their previous sessions. But today, that familiar studio was dramatically less familiar. The red walls, black cabinets, and black rubber-panelled floors remained. But the queen-sized bed was gone, leaving a large open space in the center of the room.

Around the edges of the room were a dozen or so large, free-standing candelabras were wrong ornately in black, twisting iron, each topped with five thick, white block candles that cast spidery shadows on the walls as they flickered.

A white and black shoji screen stand in one corner of the room. Charlie could see long, wooden four-by-sixes extending above the top of the screen, stained a deep walnut color and with metal rings bolted to them near the ends.

Along the far wall, a thick, black curtain had been hung from the ceiling, blocking Charlie’s view of a third of the room. David stood at one end the curtain, as ruggedly handsome as ever. And although his tight black jeans and black t-shirt had been substituted for a crisp, black collared shirt, black tie, and black trousers, he still looked for all the world like he was merely stopping by on the way to his nighttime show at a dive-y downtown rock club.

And then, of course, there were the four women standing in the center of the room. Erin caught his eye first, being that she was precisely as naked as he was, complete with cuffs at her wrists and ankles Just like his own. The only difference between them was that Erin also had a leather collar on. She caught Charlie’s eye as he admired her and wiggled her eyesbrows at him, pushing her hips out to one side in a sexy pose. He smiled back as she came to stand beside him and took his hand in hers.

With some surprise, Charlie also recognized Letitia, the receptionist. She wore a long, black, strapless dress, its sequenced bodice slip down the middle between her ample breasts, which threatened to spill out over the top. She had cut her hair short since the last time Charlie saw her, and the new style beautifully accentuated the elegant curve of her neck, which was further adorned by a delicate lace chaser.

Lexy was there too. She flashed her familiar, teasing grin at Charlie. As he finally really noticed her, his eyes widened. Lexy was pretty before, but tonight she was beautiful. Her wavy brown hair was arranged elegantly on top of her head with two thick curls framing her pretty face. Her smokey eye shadow and plumped lips were dramatic, but tasteful. She wore a long, shimmering silver dress held up by thin straps and slit up the side so that when she moved, her leg was exposed nearly to her hip, revealing strappy high-heeled shoes that were silver to match the dress. The fabric of the dress clung tantalizingly to her luscious, and very clearly bra-less breasts, which gently bounced and shifted as she moved. She was stunning.

And then there was Yvette. Gone were her tight jeans, black boots, and black camisole. In their place, she wore a black wraparound dress, long-sleeved, with a plunging neckline and a slit as dramatic as Lexy’s. The dress’s neckline and slit were so long that they nearly met. The two sides of the dress were cinched in place by a simple, but elegant, fabric sash. Yvette, too, wore strappy high-heeled shoes in shiny, black patent leather. Her thick, shining black hair was down today and lay across her shoulders, standing out against Her pale skin. Like Lexy, her make-up was much more conspicuous than usual, but no less refined and Charlie found her black eyeliner and wine-colored lipstick particularly struggling.

“Hello, Charlie,” she said when he finally tore his gaze away from her outfit and made eye contact.

“Hello, Mistress,” he replied. “I guess it’s a formal affairs tonight?”

Lexy giggled, Letitia grinned, and even David looked like he might crack a smile. But, as usual, Yvette’s expression did not change.

“Today is Our ultimate session,” she said matter-of-factly. “And we’ve decided to make it something of an event. I’m glad to see the two of you were able to work out your acoutrements with no problems this time.” She punctuated this last thing she said with a pointed look at Erin, who sheepishly pinched her lips together and looked at the floor.

“Now that we are all dressed for the occasion,” she continued, “We ought to get started. I think our assembled guests have been waiting long enough.”

Charlie exchanged a startedled glance with his wife. Guests? He looked over at the black curtain obscuring the far third of the room.

At that, Dominatrix Mistress Yvette came closer to cracking a smile than Charlie had ever seen her before. She nodded to Lexy who pulled open one of the wall-mounted cabinets and retrieved a six-foot leash made of brightly poisoned metal. She handed it to Yvette, who clipped it to Erin’s collar. She then clipped Erin’s and Charlie’s cuffs together so that the two of them were attached at the wrist.

Charlie’s mind raced as he allowed himself to be clipped to his wife. Assembled guests? What assembled guests? Who were they? How many? Would it be like last time? If so, what happened to the bed? And what was the curtain for?

There was a tug on his wrist as Yvette led Erin by the lean to the center of the room and Charlie was pulled gently along behind her.

Yvette Stad them both directly in front of and facing the curtain, then stand next to them. Charlie’s heart pounded as he stared at the opaque curtain. He glanced at Erin, who looked back, wide-eyed andflushed.

“What’s going on?” she mouthed silently. Charlie just shrugged and squeezed her hand.

“David?” Yvette said.

David grabbed the edge of the curtain and crossed the room, pulling it back to reveal the rest of the studio.

Charlie’s breath caught in his throat.

In front of him was an audience of at least two dozen people, all dressed in elegant evening wear and seated on folding chairs. Many wore simple, black masks over their eyes; others were maskless, but all were impeccably well-groomed. This part of the room was also lit with matching iron candelabras and the flickering orange light cast dancing shadows across the guests’ faces as they took in the scene, some with hungry, lustful expressions, others with approving smiles, others nearly as impassive as Yvette. The whole scene had the Feel of some secret, arcane society meeting.

As David pulled the curve away, the assembled guests began to applaud. Charlie almost laughed and felt a little thrill go through his body. He was dimly aware that his cock had gone from semi- to nearly fully-erect. Some small part of him was self-conscious about this, but he was so overwhelmed by the scene that he barely noticed. He snuck a glimpse at Erin who looked as shocked and wide-eyed as he felt. He squeezed her hand and she squeezed back, pulling her mouth into a small, nervous smile before turning back to the audience.

“Good evening, my friends.” Yvette’s voice reverberated through the studio, causing the applause to die quickly away. “Thank you so much for coming, and welcome.”

Charlie was started at Yvette’s complete change in demeanor. Instead of her usual stern scowl, she wore a graceful and welcome smile. It was not the expression she’d had when she had first welcomed them to the studio before their “orientation”, however; it was more like she was a grand host inviting her assembled guests to behold the start of some wonderful spectacle.

Not inviting, Charlie thought. Commanding.

“We are pleased you are able to join us,” she continued, “for a night of fun and pleasure. I believe that you all understand the rules of our games for tonight …”

Games? Charlie thought and stole another look at Erin, who stared out at the audience with wide eyes.

“So all that is left to do is introduce our … ‘props’ for this Evening.”

Yvette tugged on the leash and Erin obediently followed, with Charlie following behind her. Yvette led them to one end of where the audience was seated.

“These,” Yvette said, “are Erin and Charlie.” She started to slowly walk the length of the audience, bringing her two “props” behind her. “We’ve been working together for several weeks now, and I’ve decided they are ready for game night.”

The guests were seated by two and threes and they all watched intently as Erin and Charlie were paraded in front of them, murmuring a polite hello or giving a small wave as the two of them passed by. Charlie’s eyes darted from face to face searching for a safe place to land as each audience member starred intently back at him.

After what felt like ages, the trio had made their way down the length of the audience and Yvette led them back to the center of the room.

“Now,” Yvette said, “you’ll all have a few minutes to take a closer look at our props so that you can make a more … informed prediction. For now, please Stay seated while we set up the preview space.”

“Prediction?” Charlie thought. “What on earth is going on?”

He didn’t have much time to think about it. As Yvette finished speaking, there was a flurry of activity behind them and Charlie cranned his neck around to see what was happening to see Lexy, David, and Letitia disappearing behind the shoji screen.

It took a few minutes, but eventually the three of them had finished setting up what Charlie took to be the “preview space.” In the middle of the studio there now stand two large, x-shaped arrays –the walnut-stained wooden frames that Charlie had noticed earlier. (Charlie thought he’d heard these referred to as “St. Andrew’s crosses”.)

Between the two St. Andrew’s crosses was a small, round, high table with a white, faux-quartz top a narrow, stainless steel pedestal. On the table were arranged various devices — a feather, a riding crop, a vibrator, something that looked like a spiky little pinwheel, and a variety of other implements.

As David and Letitia positioned themselves by the crosses, Lexy glided over to Yvette, who handed her the leash.

Yvette held up her hand and the audience — which had been murmuring with increasing excitement since the St. Andrew’s crosses emerged from behind the screen — fell silent.

“Now,” she said, when she was satisfied she had their attention, “while our props are prepared, let us take a moment to review the rules of the observation session. First, you will be allowed to interact with the props. You may speak withthem, ask them questions, and so forth, to get a better sense of how they might respond to the game. You may touch them. However, you may not touch them anywhere that would be covered by a speedo or a bikini.”

The audience chuckled.

As Yvette spoke, Lexy led Erin and Charlie over to the St. Andrew’s crosses, where she and Letitia disconnected them from each other and guided them each onto one of the apparatuses. They were bound at the wrists and ankles so that Charlie found himself standing spread-eagled with his wrists bound above his head and his legs immobilized at the ankles.

“Second,” Yvette continued, “you may use anything you see on the table to interact with the props; however, you are not allowed to strike them.”

Charlie thought he heard a groan of mock disappointment from Somewhere in the audience.

“But third,” said Yvette, “you may ask either David or Letitia to strike them — gently.

Fourth, you have only ten minutes to make your assessmentments, at which point all predictions must be registered with me if you want them to be counted.”

Charlie suddenly noticed she was now holding an iPad. He hadn’t seen her retrieve it and hadn’t the foggiest idea what kind of “predictions” she was going to be recording on it. Things were getting more and more strange.

“And fifth,” Yvette said, “since time is limited, you are allowed Only one question or interaction per prop — David will be there to help you keep track, should the need arise.”

There were murmurs from the audience.

“Are there any questions?” Yvette asked. She paused and surveyed the room. Nobody moved.

“Very well,” Yvette said, “let us begin.”

There was a scraping of chairs and a rising clatter of voices as the assembled audience got up and began to make their way to the center of the room where Charlie and Erin were bound.

Most stayed a few feet away at first, clustered in twos and threes, studying the “props” from a distanceand conferring together in voices that melded together into a soft, excited hum.

Charlie looked again at Erin, who was biting her lower lip, wide-eyed and breathing heavily. He felt a pang of worry until he noticed that David had positioned himself between the two crosses, but closer to hers. That, and Yvette’s watchful eye eased his concern.

His train of thought was interrupted by a woman’s voice.

“Hello, Charlie.”

He turned towards the voice and found himself making eye contact with a curvy, red-haired woman dressed in a black skirt and a purple and black corset. Standing just behind her was a tall man in black jeans and a black collared shirt.

“Um… hi,” Charlie stammered, suddenly very aware of a slight breeze on his privates.

“We’d like to ask you a question,” the woman said.

“Uh… sure,” he replied, “what, um … what would you like to know?”

“Well,” her companion spoke up, taking a step forward. “I guess we’d like to know whetheryou enjoy being up there?”

Charlie thought for a moment.

“I … yeah, I guess I do.”

“You guess you do?”

Somewhere to his left, Charlie heard David clear his throat. The man smiled.

“Thank you, Charlie,” he said.

The woman in the corset took a step forward. “I think I’d like to see how Charlie responds to that,” she said, pointing to a small wand vibrator on the table. Lexy, who had taken up a position between the table and Charlie’s apparatus, smiled and handed it to the woman in the corset.

It made a low buzzing sound as the woman switched it on and Charlie almost laughed out loud when she held it to his thigh. It ticked slightly, creating a warm, tingly feeling in his leg. A bit like having pins and needs but without any pain.

“That … that kind of tickers,” he said to the woman.

She smiled at him and switched off the vibrator, handing it back to Lexy.

“Good to know,” she replied. “Thanks, Charlie.”

The couple stepped away from Charlie and moved over to join a knot of people who were watching the other St. Andrew’s cross and Charlie took advantage of the momentary lull to see what was happening with Erin.

She was surrounded by a much larger group of people. Charlie couldn’t complain about that, if he was in the audience he too would be most interested in the pretty blond woman bound with her chest pushed out and her legs lewdly spread.

There was a smack, a groan from Erin, and an appreciated murmur as Letitia brought a riding crop to bear on Erin’s bare chest, just above her right breast. The various couples and thruples that were assembled conferred excitedly, apparently processing this new information. A man and a woman immediately went to where Yvette was standing off to the side. As the woman spoke, Charlie could Just make out something along the lines of, “Erin, two-forty-five.” Yvette typed something into the iPad. “Erin,” said the man when she looked up again, “two-fifty.”

His company swatted him in mock outtrage. “What?” he protested. “I’m just being smart. Besides, you got to pick last time.” She smiled and took his arm and they headed back to their seats as Yvette tapped at the iPad.

Charlie turned his attention back to Erin and saw that someone had stepped forward to ask a question.

“Erin,” the audience member said, “are you wet right Now?”

Erin flushed an even deeper shade of red, but didn’t look away from her questioner.

“Yes,” she replied breathily to another approving murmur from the crowd.

“Hi Charlie!”

Charlie turned in the direction of the voice and saw a tall, willowy woman in a long, dark blue dress. “I wonder if I could ask you a question?”


This continued and by the end of ten minutes, Charlie was starting to feel buzzy and overstimulated. He’d answered all manner of increasingly intimate questions as the groupgot bolder and bolder, from “what is your favorite sexual position?” to “have you ever killed a butt plug?” In between questions, he’d been ticked with the feather, poked with the pinwheel, stroked and smoked with the riding crop, and produced several more times with the vibrator. He was beginning to fidget and pull on his restraints, finding it increasingly difficult to hold his position.

Erin seemed to be even More worked up. She’d began bucking at her restraints with each new “assessment” and her answers to questions were more moaned than spoken. She leaned restlessly on her restraints as the last “participants” registered their predictions with Yvette and took their seats.

Yvette finished typing into the iPad and then stood up to address the audience. As she did so, David scooped up the table and disappeared with it behind the shoji screen. Lexy and Letitia began unfastening Erin’s and Charlie’s restraints.

“Very good everyone,” Yvette said, projecting her announcementr’s voice through all four corners of the room. “Now, while David and the girls are setting up for the next phase, let me remind you what that will look like. You’ve all made your predictions and I’m pleased that they are all in fact different this time, so we should have one very clear winner and can avoid a repeat of … last quarter.”

A chuckle rippled through the audience. Charlie and Erin had have been released from their crosses and were standing in the middle of the room again, bound again at the wrists with Lexy holding the leash which was again attached to Erin’s collar. Charlie didn’t dare turn around, but he could hear Letitia and David busy rearrangement furniture — or something — behind them. Charlie squeezed Erin’s hand and she squeezed back.

“How are you doing?” he whispered to her.

“Charlie, I’m so wet I can barely stand it,” she whispered back.

Charlie’s cock twitched.

“What do you think is going to happen now?” Erin asked.

“I have absolutely no idea,” he whispered as Yvette continued to address the crowd.

“So whoever guesses both the correct ‘prop’ and gets closest to the correct time — without going over — gets to make … The Decision.”

The audience applauded as Yvette punctuated her announcement with a dramatic wave of her hand in the direction of Letitia, who had placed the faux-quartz table next to Yvette and had just finished arranging several objects on it. Charlie could see a flogger, a jar filled with clothes pins, a large suction-cup dildo, the little tear-drop-shaped remote vibrator from their previous session, and a thick, red candle.

He heard a noise from behind him and crane his neck around to see David standing on a metal ladder hooking what looked like a bundle of nylon straps to a metal loop that was mounted into a track bolted onto the ceiling. A second bundle already hung loosely next to it.

“Now then,” Yvette went on, “David are we just about ready?”

“Yes, misress,” David replied, stepping off the ladder.

“Very good,” Yvette said, and nodded at Lexy and Letitia, who immediately got to work. They led Charlie and Erin over to the bundles of nylon, unhooked them from each other, and began to loop the nylon straps around their arms, legs, and butts.

Charlie couldn’t totally tell what was happening as Lexy deftly tightened a tangle of straps around His ankles and tights, but his cock stiffened as he caught glimpses of her luscious breasts down her dress whenever she leaned forward. She caught him staring and turned at him coquettishly, then went back to work. Charlie looked over at Erin. From the look she was giving Letitia, she was having just as much fun as he was.

“Lean back,” he heard Lexy says.


“Lean back,” she repeated, holding straps in both hands.

“Um… okay.” Charlie did as he was told and leaned back. At the same time, Lexy pulled on the straps and he suddenly found himself feeling rather weightless, suspended from the ceiling by an elaborate web of nylon. It was an unusual feeling, but, Charlie had to admit, rather comfortable.

He heard Erin excellim and saw that she, too, was now suspended from the ceiling in a seated position with her legs spread out in front of her.

Lexy and Letitia continued to pull this way and that on the straps, looping even more of them around Charlie’s and Erin’s wrists and ankles and moving the two bound “props” closer to each other, which to Charlie felt oddly like floating.

When the two women finally stepped back, Charlie and Erin were suspended from the ceiling with their legs wound and bound around each other, almost like Erin was straddling Charlie, but with both of them reclining and Charlie’s now-hard cock sticking straight up between them. Erin wriggled, testing the restraints, and Charlie gasped as his wife’s soft, warm thighs slide across his own. Although Erin’s experimenting, though, both of them found that they were tighttly bound into the strappy devices and couldn’t move either their legs or arms more than a few inches.

“Excellent,” Yvette called, “good work you two. And now the final touch?”

David had appeared between Lexy and Letitia and handed the former a medium-sized wand vibrator and the latter a roll of black tape. Lexy and Letitia reached between Charlie and Erin and, after a few seconds of fiddling, had secured the head of the vibrator against Erin’s belly with the tape so its head rested against her clip. They had secured the head of Charlie’s penis to the vibrator as well. The two of them were well and truly bound together, now attached at the vibrator.

“Well then,” Yvette proclaimed, as Lexy and Letitia stepped back. “Shall we see who cums first?”

The audience let out a raucous cheer and Yvette tapped at the iPad.

Suddenly, Charlie felt a buzz against his cock and heard Erin gasp and then groan.

The sensing was wild. Charlie felt his heart began to pound as the buzz seemed to travel down his cock into his abdomen. He’d felt a vibrator on his dick before — sort of — but only when using one on Erin while he was inside her. Having one in direct contact with him was entirely different. It felt neither good nor bad, exactly, just … intense. A low hum triggering the nerves in his lower body, making him want to thrust or touch himself or just move. But the restraints held him fast and all he could do was let the steady buzz drive the intensity of the sensings in his crotch higher and higher.

He looked out at the audience. They were on the edges of their seats — some of them quite literally — glued to the scene and whispering to each other. Erin let out a loud moan and the audience voiced their approval, their volume began to escalate along with the sensings between Charlie’s legs.

He felt Erin’s legs press against him and looked over at his wife. She had her head thrown back and was pulling against the restraintswith her arms, which were bound straight up from her shoulders, as though she was riding the swings at a playground.

She was beginning to gasp and moan steadily now as the vibrator worked on her, thrusting her hips as though trying to eke more sensing out of it.

She lifted her head and caught Charlie’s eye. The two of them held each other’s gazes and the look of sheer lust on her face ratcheted up the intensity even further.

“How are you doing, you two?” Yvette called out from the side of the studio.

“Unh…” Charlie struggled to respond. “…good … mistress.”

“And you Erin?” Yvette asked.

Erin’s eyes never left Charlie’s.

“I’m … wonderful, mistresses…unnnhhhhh!”

Someone called from the audience. “Come on Erin!”

Then someone else — “let’s go Charlie!”

And then, as though a dam had broken, the assembled spectators began calling out, cheering and urging on the two props.

“Erin! Erin! Erin!”

“Come on, Charlie!”

Charlie and Erin continued to star into each other’s eyes. Erin’s face was twisting with desperation as she groaned again and again.

“Oh! Ohh! Charlie! Unh! Oh! It’s so … oh Charlie!”

The sensings were building deep in Charlie’s abdomen and hearing his wife call his name only accelerated them.

The audience continued to cheer.

Charlie felt himself bubble up as the vibrator continued to work on them both. The steady simmer between his legs was threatening to become a rolling boil at any minute. He’d never cum from a vibrator before — but as he started to feel the first twines in his muscles, he thought that was exactly what was about to happen. He vaguely wondered who in the audience was going to win the contest and what was going to happen when they did. He felt his body tende as he sped towards the point of no return.

Suddenly, Erin throw her head back and her body stiffened. She cried out, half moaning half screaming as her legs clenchedaround Charlie’s hips. He saw the muscles in her neck and abdomen working and flexing as an orgasm crashed over her.

Barely aware of the great chef erupting from the audience, Charlie felt himself also about to tip over the edge.

And then the victory stopped.

Charlie grunted in surprise, feeling like he’d just lost a sneaker. His cock twitched once or twice and he feel a dribble of thin, clear pre-cum ooze up through it and slide over his cockhead.

But he didn’t cum.

As his focus on his cock relaxed, he became aware that the whole room was applauding, including Yvette who had made her way to the center of the room, clapping and holding the iPad under one arm.

Erin lay limp in the harness. Letitia moved behind her and gently held up Erin’s head with her hands. Erin took advantage of Letitia cradling her head to look around the room and give the audience a weak smile. Lexy carefully removed the vibrator, being particularly cautious removing the tape.

“Now,” Yvette said when the applause died down. “I think we all know who came first.” Chuckles and murmurs from the audience. “So that eliminates a few of you. Now let’s see who our ultimate winner is…” She consulted the iPad. “It looks like our official time was … four minutes and twelve seconds, which means our winner is … Cora!”

More applause. A few Cheers. A few good-natured groans of disappointment. And the scrape of a chair as a woman wearing a red velvet mini-dress with matching bright-red lipstick practically skipped up to the makeshift stage, grinning and clapping her hands in front of her face with excitement. Charlie tried to twist his body so he could see better but just wound up setting he and Erin to twisting in the air.

Lexy steadied them. “Easy there big boy,” she cooed, “don’t get all tangled up. We’re not done yet.”

The woman in red velvet made her way to Yvette and stood next to her, grinning and bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.

“Hello, Cora,” Yvette said.

“Hello, Mistress,” Cora replied.


“Thank you, Mistress,” Cora replied again and curtsied.

“Do you know what you’ll choose?”

“Oh, yes, mistress,” Cora said, her eyes wide and bright.

“Well then, go ahead,” said Yvette.

Cora bounced over to the table and turned to face the audience, raising her eyesbrows and pursing her lips in an exaggerated expression of inquiry. The audience began to shout.

“The dildo!”

“The clothespins! Choose the clothespins!”

Charlie watched the whole thing with increasing appreciation. It was a strange feeling to hear a group of people call out requests for things that were about to happen to him, but over which he had very little control.

Cora passed her hand dramatically over the items on the table, allowing it to hover over each one, building the suspension and whipping up the audience further. Finally, she paused at the dildo and plucked it off the table. The audience cheered as she brought the bouncy silicane cock over to Yvette.

“Very good choice, Cora,” Yvette said as she took the dildo. Cora curtsied again, then took her seat. “David?”

David was already in motion. So were Lexy and Letitia. The former went behind the shoji screen again and retrieved a large, plain white box. The latter got to work rearrangement Charlie and Erin.

When they were done, Charlie found that he had been shifted forward so that his feet were on the floor but he was still bound to the harness by the straps that looped around his thighs and wait. He could sit back if he wanted, but found it more comfortable simply to stand. Erin remained in a semi-reclined position, suspended in mid-air, her legs still spread lasciviously so Charlie could see her puffy, pink pussy, her glistening labia slightly spreading to give just a hint at the inviting opening beyond them.

David set the box down on the floor and stepped back, while LExtreme bent down to reach into it. She pulled out a large, blue dildo with a thick round head. She also retrieved some straps that were lined with silver snaps — these she handed to Letitia.

Before Charlie knew quite what was happening, the two women were in front of him, pulling and prodding at him, looping yet more straps around his waist. There was the sound of snaps and straps tightening and then a sudden pressure against his abdomen and Charlie found himself sporting a bright blue strap-on penis mounted just above his own.

Letitia gently prodded him forward as Lexy pulled Erin closer until Charlie was standing between her legs, his prosthetic cock lined up just inches away from his wife’s cunt. Erin craned her neck to watch, her eyes wide and her lips pursued in anticipation.

“Now then,” Yvette boomed, making Charlie jump. He was so preoccupied with what was in front of him that he hadn’t noticed Yvette makes her way behind him. He also had not seen her replace her iPad with her now-familiar riding crop, which she held imperiously under one arm.

“Cora has chosen the straw-on game as our denouement today. Are you all quite pleased?”

There was a cheer from the audience.

“Would you like to see Charlie penetrate lovely Erin here with his big, blue cock?”

Another cheer and Charlie’s ears burned. In the corner of his eye, he noticed Lexy pull an elegant-looking bottle of lube from the box and apply a liberal handful to the dildo, which pressed into Charlie’s pelvis.

“Very well,” Yvette continued, “the audience has spoken.”

She tapped his butt gently with the crop.

“Charlie — Give the people what they want. But…” She leaned forward and spoke softly into his ear. “Don’t cum, Charlie.”

“Y…yes, mistress,” Charlie barely managed and began to shift his weight forward.

Lexy guided him forward and Letitia held Erin steady as Charlie awkwardly pressed the dildo against Erin’s pussy. Erin let out a groanas the big, round cockhead pressed between her lips.

Charlie pulled back slightly then forward again, then paused to let Erin adjust. The sensing was bizarre. He saw a big, thick, cock between his legs, saw it sliding increasingly slowly into Erin’s cunt, felt the pressure as he oh-so-gently thrust forward. But his own cock, desperate to feel itself squeezed and caressed by soft, warm, wet skin, feel nothing but the cool air of the studio.

Suddenly, the dildo slide forward as Erin stretched enough to accommodate its widest part. She cried out as it pushed into her and Charlie froze.

“How are you doing, Erin?” Yvette called out.

“Ungh!” she replied, “g-good, mistress!”

The audience giggled.

“Are you enjoying it?”

“Unh…” Erin panted for a moment. “Yes, mistress, it’s … it’s so big!”

Murmurs of approval this time.

“Would you like to stop?”

Erin smiled and shook her head. “I want more, mistress.” More murmurs, louder this time.

“What do we think,” Yvette addressed the crowd, “should Charlie give her more?”

Cheers this time from the audience, then someone shouted, “We believe in you, Erin!” Everyone laughed.

Charlie grinned in spite of himself.

“Alright, Erin,” Yvette said as she strolled casually to a spot behind Charlie. “You wanted more. So Charlie is going to give you … more.”

The crowd cheered again.

“BUT…” the crowd fell silent at the sound of her voice and Yvette leaned forward until her mouth was right next to Charlie’s ear.

“Don’t cum, Charlie.”

Yvette stepped away and Charlie took a breath. his skin prickling slightly under the gaze of two dozen pairs of eyes. Charlie looked down at the big blue cock now one-quarter buried in his wife’s pussy. He took hold of the hanging straps that looped around Erin’s thighs and, using them as leverage, began again to slowly push the cock into Erin’s cunt.

Erin throw her head back on Letitia’s shoulder asCharlie began to push forward and a few more million meters disappeared into Erin’s pussy. Charlie gripped Erin’s harness and used it as leverage to push his hips slowly forward. She moaned as Charlie slowly worked the dildo inside her, lube pooling at the edges of her stretched out pussy lips.

When it was about halfway in, Erin gasped and Charlie felt Lexy’s hand on his shoulder.

“Hold on there, big guy,” she said. “Give her a minute.”

Charlie paused, feeling awkward from the way he had to hold his body to keep the dildo from sliding back out. The room had gone silent again as the audience watched, completely absorbed by the scene. The only sound was Erin’s heavy breathing as she lay suspended in air with her head against Letitia’s shoulder.

“How are you doing, Erin?” Yvette called out.

“Ungh,” Erin replied, “g-good, mistress.”

“How does Charlie’s big, thick cock feel right now?”

Charlie felt his heart flutter as Erin looked up at him and gave him a wanton fuck-me smile.

“It feels good mistress, but…”

“But what, Erin?” Yvette said.

“But I want more,” Erin replied. There was a smattering of applause from the crowd.

Charlie continued to gently push forward until the dildo was about three-quarters of the way inside Erin. By now, his own, biological cock was pressing between Erin’s ass cheats, slick and warm from the lube and pussy fluid dripping from Erin’s cunt.

Erin gasped again and Charlie stopped, holding as still as he could.

“It’s … unh … I think that might be…” She was breathing so hard she couldn’t get the words out.

Letitia, still cradling Erin’s head, looked up at Yvette.

“I think that’s as far as it will go, mistress,” she said.

The crowd chuckled.

“Do you want to stop, Erin?” Yvette asked.

“Ungh…” she replied, “n-no way, mistress…”

Yvette smiled. “Excellent,” she said, and nodded at Lexy.

Charlie felt Lexy move closer and lean against him slightly, hands at his waist. His cock twitched as she pressed herself into him, her big, braless breasts squeezed against his arm.

“Okay big guy, nice and easy.”

Charlie allowed her to pull his hips backwards, sliding the dildo gently out of Erin’s pussy a few inches. Erin grossed and pulled on the restraints.

“That’s it,” Lexy coated, “now back in, nice and slow.”

She pushed on Charlie’s hips and he began to push forward again, sliding the dildo back into Erin’s stretched and willing cunt. She moaned in response.

With Lexy’s hands on his hips, Charlie continued to slowly and carefully slide the dildo in and out of Erin’s pussy, each time pulling it out a little further. Each time, he was rewarded with Erin’s moans, which were becoming more enthusiastic with each slow-motion thrust.

His own cock was going crazy. It was bad enough being able to see everything going on without feeling it, but the thrusting motion triggered some deep physicsical memory, causing his dick to expect the feeling of wet, warm pussy. To be denied like that was building a tension in Charlie’s body like he’d never experienced before. He struggled to hold his movements back, desperate though he was to start pounding into Erin’s slick cunt.

“This must be driving you crazy,” Lexy half-whispered in his ear as she gently encouraged his hips back and forth. Her perfume mingled with the smell of sex. “I bet your poor dick is just desperate to feel the inside of her pussy, isn’t it?”

Charlie grunted in response as Erin’s groans became yet louder and steamier.

“That’s it,” Lexy purred. She was pushing harder now and gave him a little slap on the ass for encouragement.

“Give Erin what she wants. Fuck her in front of all these people, stretch out her little pussy until she’s so full of cock she can’t even think about anything else. Show your little size queen what it’s like to have a huge cock stretching her out, make her cum while she takes it all the way inside her.”

That did it.

He began to thrust harder into Erin, which was at once satisfying and maddening. Maddening because his own cock still bounced against her ass, urgently craving the feel of the soft, sweet wetness inside her, but continuously denied. Satisfying because with each thrust, Erin cried out in ecstasy.

Charlie suddenly felt a tingle between his legs and an orgasm starting to build. He heard the echo of Yvette’s voice in his ear — “Don’t cum, Charlie.” She was going to punish him if he came in front of all these people after she told him not to. He wasn’t sure he could do much about it.

“Oh yes,” Erin screamed, “Charlie fill me with cock! Fuck your little cockwhore! Give it to me, Charlie, give it to meeeeeee!!”

She came again.

Her abdomen clnched and her head thrust forward. She gripped the restraints and pulled hard against them as though trying to pull herself up to the ceiling. She screamed loud and long, a beautiful, keening sound, full of overwhelming pleasure.

Charlie held as still as he could, leaning forward to keep the dildo inside the thrashing, spasming woman suspended in front of him. He felt Lexy’s tits press against his back as she reached around him, grabbing hold of Erin’s harness and holding her in place.

Charlie planted his feet and tensed his stomach muscles as Erin bucked against him, spasming over and over, a single long, plaintive cry emanating from between her lips.

He began to relax as her orgasm subsided and felt Lexy pull away from him. He was rare aware of applause or cheering or something coming from his right, but most of his attention was focused on the throbbing in his groin.

Practically gasping for breath, he allowed Lexy to help him shuffle slowly backwards, as she gently Extricated the dildo from Erin’s still twitching pussy. Erin lay slack against the restraints, eyes closed, head again resting on Letitia’s shoulder, as the otHer woman gently brushed the sweat-matted hair from her forehead.

The dildo finally popped out and Charlie felt its weight suddenly fully against his abdomen. He leaned back on the restraints, giving his legs a chance to rest for just a moment. Despite the tension between his legs, he allowed himself to relax a bit and his attention to return to the room.

David and Letitia began gently to exctricate Erin from her harness, and as they did, Charlie scanned the audience. Some were grinning and whispering with their partners; others looked on with expressions of deep lust. Many were sitting or standing with their bodies pressed as close together as they could manage, with more than a few hands stroking their partners’ legs, or arms, or sides.

His attention was suddenly drawn back to his waist, where Lexy was deftly undoing the strap-on. He inhaled sharply as her fingers brushed against his still-straining cock.

“Easy there big guy,” she cooed at him. “You don’t wantto spoil the finale.” She placed the dildo off to the side and then began to fasten the cuffs on his wrists into the harness so that his arms were bound above his head.

“Finale?” He asked, but Lexy simply smiled and finished clapsing his hands to the harness. He heard Yvette’s voice and looked in the direction it was coming from.

She was standing near the middle of the room with her arm around Erin, who was leaning heavily on the much taller woman, her head nestled into Yvette’s shoulder with a dreamy, happy look on her face.

“Now,” Yvette said to the audience, “how did Erin do?”

There was a burst of applause along with a few whistles.

Yvette waited for the noise to die down before continuing.

“I agree,” she said. “However … I think we have one last thing to attend to.”

She turned and looked right at Charlie. Everyone else turned and looked at him too. He felt his cheeses flush.

“Now from the looks of things,” Yvette continued, “Charlieenjoyed himself, but might be a little … frustrated right about now.”

Laughter rippled through the audience. Charlie’s ears burned and his cock throbbed helpedlessly as he suddenly became the center of attention.

“What do we think,” Yvette continued, “should Erin help Charlie out?”

The audience cheered and Charlie again felt a little thrill as he heard shouts of, “good man, Charlie!” and “it’s Charlie’s turn!”

Yvette again waited for the noise to subside.

“Well then,” she said, “what I propose is…”

At this, she leaned over and began to whisper in Erin’s ear. Erin listened intently and a smile began to spread over her face.

Yvette straightened up. “How does that sound?” she asked.

Erin grinned and nodded her head enthusiastically.

“Alright then,” Yvette said and nodded at David and Letitia, who promptly disappeared behind the shoji screen.

They reemerged a moment later with a thick blanket and a sort of box that looked like ablack, cushioned cylinder cut in half the long way. David and Letitia arranged the items directly in front of Charlie while Lexy gently took Erin by the elbow and led her over to the assembled devices.

Erin’s legs wobbled slightly as she let herself be led to the apparatus. David and Letitia stepped away just as she reached it and Charlie could finally see it properly — a black toy mount with yet Another absolutely monstrous dildo mounted to it.

Though not as long as the other one, this new dildo was far thicker. Charlie had guessed the blue one to be almost two inches in diameter, but this one — cast in dramatic red and black silicane — looked to be nearly two-and-a-half, or even more. And instead of a large head with a slightly tapered shake like the other one, this one’s slightly narrowed head flared out to a fat, round column textured with all manner of swirls and ripples that might have been meant to look like veins or something far more exotic.

Erin needed no encouragement and she kneeled so that she was straddling the mount with the dildo thrusting up in front of her between her legs. With the way the apparatus was positioned, she was so close to Charlie that he would have been able to stroke her cheek if his hands had been free.

Wordlessly, David placed a pump-top bottle of lube and a towel on the floor next to Erin’s knee. Erin pumped a generalized dollar of lube into her hand and then slowly stroked her hand over the huge cock between her legs, making intense eye contact with Charlie as she did so and fixing him with a dazzling smile.

When she’d applied a sufficiently thick coat of lube, she raised herself up on her knees and positioned herself over the silicane pole, pausing only briefly to wipe her hands on the towel. Then she slowly began to ease herself onto the shake, gently sliding up and down on it, working it a little deeper with each push. As she impaled herself little by little on the massive cock, her eyes closed and her head lolled back, pushing out her pert breasts with their rosy flush and hard, pink nipples.

Charlie’s breath came in heavy gasps and his hands pulled self-consciously against the restraints, desperate to reach out and touch his wife. She looked like a goddess of lust at this moment, and he desperately wanted to feel her smooth skin and soft hair, to run his palms over her erect nipples and slide his cock into wet, gaping mouth.

The room fell completely silent as Erin continued her achingly slow slide down the huge silicon shake, the only sound her soft moans of effort as she continued to work herself onto it. Millimeter by millionimeter the slick, red-and-black cock disappeared into her glistening folds until finally her butt and tighs came to rest on the cushion. She breathed heavily, her mouth hanging open.

A smattering of applause from the audience made her smile and she made a little “ta-daa” gesture with her hands, eliciting guffaws.

Charlie felt LExy’s hand caressing his back as he took in the scene, heart pounding and cock throbbing.

Erin sat for a moment, letting herself get used to the massive cock inside her. Then she began to roll her hips slightly back and forth, her eyes closed and her head rolled back as she luxurious in the sensings.

“How do you feel, Erin?” Yvette asked.

“Mmmmm, full, mistress,” Erin Replied.

Erin began to slowly lift her body from the cushion, letting the dildo slide out of her a few million meters before sliding back down again.

She repeated the motion a few times, then paused, frowning. She put her hands in front of her on the cushion, then behind her, then one of each, seeming to search for a comfortable position without success.

At a gesture from Yvonne, David and Letitia positioned themselves on either side of Erin and held out their arms. Erin looked up at them and smiled gratefully, then took each of their hands in one of hers.

With David and Letitia providing the leverage, Erin was now able to work her way further up the dildo before sliding back down its length. As the pace of her movements began to increase, so did the intensity of her facial expression, her features contorting more and more into a mask of pleasure as she lost herself more and more in the sensings.

Charlie was captured by the scene, barely aware of his surroundings and forgetting almost entirely about his restraints. His pretty wife slide her petite body up and down the thick, wet shake causing waves of lust through his entire body.

He heard the sound of Lexy’s voice in his ear, soft and smokey and husky.

“Do you like it, Charlie?” she purred, “watching Erin like this?”

“Y-yes,” Charlie stammered in response.

“Mmm, me too,” Lexy cooed, her voice thick with arousal. “Look there — I think they are all enjoying it, too.”

Charlie dragged his gaze away from the spectacle of his wife sliding her cunt up and down the thick, slickpole and glanced in the direction of the audience. He felt his heart skip as he saw their eyes glued to the show in front of them. They were all silent, but he could see shoulders heaving and hands tucked slyly down waistbands and between buttons, barely-hidden bulges moving radically beneath fabric. One particularly bold woman in the front row closed her eyes and leaned back against her partner and stroked herself over her skirt as her partner rubbed her exposed nipples.

She opened her eyes again and Charlie found that she was not looking at Erin, but at him. She saw him watching her and smiled, making eye contact for a moment then sliding her eyes lasciviously over his body as the movements of her hand between her legs began to become more and more urgent.

Trapped in her gaze, Charlie flinched against his restraints. He Felt a deep, intense thrill as the restraints held him in place, leaving his nakedness wide open and on display as the woman continued to pleasure herself.

Charlie heard a moan from his left and turned back to where Erin was still mounted on the dildo and had started pushing herself up and down on it. As her motions picked up speed, her moans became louder.

“I think Erin is beginning to really enjoy herself on that huge, thick cock,” Lexy cooed.

She reached around him and wrapped his cock in her warm, smooth hand. He moaned, an involuntary, urgent sound, as she began to stroke him.

“I bet you are aching to blow your load all over her pretty face. Wouldn’t that be embarrassing in front of all these people? And mistress will be so displeased after what she told you.”

Charlie half-groaned, half-whimpered as Lexy’s words ran up his spine like a chill, making the bottom drop out of his stomach.

Erin was moaning Continuously now, thrusting her body hard against the dildo and its cushioned mount, leaning heavily on David and Letitia, who held impressively steady for her.

Charlie was dimly aware of his own groans as he watched Erin, Lexy still slowly struggling his cock. The tension emanating from its base started to feel like it was filling the whole room, that the room and everything in it was a cord being stretched tight. He felt it humming like someone had plucked it like a string and though it made no sound, the hum felt more and more highly pitched as the tension grew.

The tension started to peak.

Charlie suddenly felt like he was at the top of the first hill of a roller-coaster, his stomach and groin lurching in anticipation of the sharp drop in gravity he knew was about to come. He heard Yvette’s voice in his head again — “don’t cum, Charlie” — and struggled to hold back. He looked up at Yvette, aware that his face was twisted in a pathetic, pleading expression, vulnerable and helpless but completely unable to do anything more.

Yvette was watching him from the side of the room, her own face stern and expressionless. She held his gaze for a moment, then slowly began to walk towards him. Erin’s thrusting sped up while Lexy’s hand on Charlie’s cock slowed its movements, drawing out the sensings as he teetered precariously.

Yvette walked around behind him until Charlie could no longer see her, but he could feel her mouth was next to his ear once more.

Everything suddenly sounded like Charlie was underwater. The audience became a dim presence to his right and Erin a blur of motion in front of him as his eyes unfocused and every one of his senses strained towards Yvette’s presence just behind his shoulder.

Her voice came over him from everywhere and nowhere, filling his ears and his skull and his entire body.

“Cum now, Charlie. I want you to cum now.”

Charlie cried out and suddenly he was falling, Weightless, wake in wave after wave of pleasure more intensity than he had ever felt or even imagined. The pleasure took over his entire body, radiating out from his center to every extreme, his whole body spasmingas the built-up tension peaked and burst.

Thick, wet ropes of hot, white cum erupted from him, splashing against Erin’s chest and neck and belly and causing her own orgasm to suddenly overtake her. She pushed herself to the hilt of the dildo, letting go of David and Letitia’s hands to steady herself against the mount as her body spasmed, screaming ecstatically as she convulsed.

Cries of pleasure arced between them then fused into one loud, long scream of bliss until Charlie couldn’t tell and didn’t care whether he was hearing his own voice or Erin’s, his consciousness suspended with her in one glorious, eternal moment of weightless, viscous, luminous pleasure.

There was a pause.

Then gravity once again claimed Charlie as his orgasm began to subside. As he came down, his arms and legs and stomach felt suddenly exhausted and he realized he’d been scanning against the harness. They embraced him as he collapsed backwards into a suspended seating position. Erin’s body also slackened and she sagged, the hands that had been holding her reaching out again to steady and support her.

Semen oozed down between her breasts and over her nipples, tracing little trails to her crotch and over her labia, pooling slightly on the dildo mount where her clip rested against it. Charlie saw her lazy, dreamy smile at the center of a dark tunnel, saw her gingerly disengage herself from the massive dildo, then turn and curtsy clumsily in the direction of the audience to a sound like roaring applause before he leaned fully back into the restraints and let himself fall gently into the warm, wet darkness.


When Charlie woke up, he found himself lying on a leather couch with a thick, grey blanket over him. He lifted his head slightly and saw that he was in a brightly-lit room with couches lining two walls and various shelves and baskets filled with blankets and pillows scattered about.

“Hi, there.”

He looked towards his feet and saw Erin sitting at the other end of the couch, curly blond hair disheveled and wild. She wore a black robe which lay lazily open between her breasts and Charlie could see her chest was slick and shiny.

“How long was I…” he started.

“No long,” Erin replied. “I haven’t had a chance to shower yet.”

“You were both wonderful, Charlie.” Yvette’s voice almost made him jump. She was sitting in a folding chair in the middle of the room with one leg folded over the other, still in the black wrap-around dress. Now, however, she also wore a soft, black knitted wrap around her shoulders and a warm, warming smile.

“That was… that was really … fun,” Charlie managed.

Yvette smiled more brightly. “It was. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. The rest of the group certainly did.”

“Are they still…” Charlie said.

“Oh yes,” Yvette replied, “Lexy is out there holding court and making sure everyone has a chance to enjoy allthat energy you two released into the room. You can join them, if you like, but you seem …”

“I think I’m done for today,” Charlie laughed. “I can barely move as it is.”

“I thought so,” said Yvette, still smiling.

There was a pause as the three sat in silence for a moment.

“So this was number four,” Erin finally said. “I mean… our four session. So I guess that’s it then?”

“Well,” Yvette said, “yes, that does conclude our original arrangement. However, I’ve certainly enjoyed working with the two of you. And I can say that Lexy, David, and everyone else has as well. We think you’d make a very fine addition to our group, if you’d like to explore further.”

Charlie felt Erin squeeze his leg.

“Mm …” he said, still grggy. “I guess we’ll have to talk about it, but … that sounds like fun.”

Yvette clapped her hands. “Wonderful,” she said. “Well, I must return to the group. Bryan is waiting outside to drive you home, whenever you’re ready– please take your time, there is no rush and nobody else will come into this room today.”

She stood up.

“Good evening, you two — it has been an absolute pleasure.”

Yvette swept out the door to the room and Charlie and Erin were alone.

“Well…” Charlie said after a moment. “What do you think?”

The End.


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