Yvette: Session 03

The change that Charlie had seen in Erin since they started their sessions with Yvette was rapid and, to him, a little bit astonishing. He had always loved their time together in the bedroom, where Erin was generally game for dirty talk and for exchanging fansies and for light experimentation. Outside the bedroom, however, she was what Charlie might call reserved.

That seemed to be changing.

For as long as Charlie had known her, Erin carried herself with stylish understatement, beautiful if you happened to look, but rarely doing much to draw attention to herself. This was still the norm when going about her daily business, as she still wore her cashmere turtlenecks, her elegant cards, and her tightly coiffed hairstyles. It was the same when they spent time with friends.

When they went out just the Two of them, however, it was an entirely different story. Erin’s necklines were getting lower, her hems higher, and her lack of underwear more frequent and more obvious.

On Wednesday night, for example, they had gone for a walk and stopped for lattes on the way. Erin wore a flowery sundress, much like the one that Yvette had dressed her in when they went to the Cattail and she wore it without a bra so that her breasts jiggled slightly as she walked.

At the cafe, she had hemmed and hawed over her order, leaning forward on the counter to read the menu on the chalkboard Against the back wall, which Charlie knew was an act. They went to that cafe all the time and Erin eventually ordered the same thing she always did. But her little routine did furnish the barista behind the counter with a clear view down her dress and Charlie chuckled internally as the young tried Valiantly — and rather unsuccessfully — to keep his gaze politely north of Erin’s chest.

“Did you see him checking out my tits?” Erin asked with a mischievous smile as they walked down the street with their drinks.

“I did,” Charlie replied. “You didn’t give him much of a choice.”

“I don’t think he minded,” Erin said. She scrunched her nose and grinned. “I can’t believe I did that! Can you believe I did that? Were you jealous?”

Charlie smiled at his wife.

“I thought it was pretty hot, actually,” he told her.

When they got back to the house, they had barely made it inside before Charlie grabbed his wife and kissed her hard, pressing her against the wall. They left a trail of clothing up the stairs as they tumbled into the bedroom.

They fucked each other fast and hard, moaning and teasing each other with their filtered talk.

“Ungh — yes, baby, fuck me, fuck me like David did,” Erin moaned. “You liked watching that, didn’t you?”

“Fuck, it was so hot,” Charlie panted as he thrust in and out of Erin’s pussy. “Did you like watching Lexy ride me?”

Erin desperately affirmed that, yes, she had indeed gotten off watching the busty brunette fuck her husband.

They came together moments later, and Charlie loverved the feeling of Erin squeezing him as he poured his cum into her. Afterwards, they cuddled lazily, oblivious to the dampness of the sheets. Erin drifted off to sleep quickly, but Charlie lay awake for several minutes thinking about the last couple of weeks. He wasn’t sure what it was that Yvette had managed to awaken in his wife — or himself for that matter — but he sure wasn’t complaining.

He could hardly wait for their next session.


It came a few days later and Charlie found himself again in the changeroom at the studio staring at a handwritten note from Yvette and trying to figure out what he was supposed to do.

The instructions were simple enough:

“When you are ready, come into the studio dressed only in what you find in the basket. -Y”

However, there was nothing in the wicker basket but four padded leather cuffs. He put them on his wrists and ankles and then stood for a minute, feeling strangely more naked with the cuffs on than when he was wearing nothing at all.

He noticed that there was a cotton robe hanging on the wall by the door and began to put it on. But as he started to pull his arm through its sleep, Charlie paused. It was the same sort of robe that he had forgotten in their first session. These seemed to be fairly standard-issue for the studio — Charlie had seen a pile of them in a laundry hamper in the hall as he came into the changeroom. The soft, deep black material of the robe fit the vibe of the place, in any case.

But it wasn’t in the basket.

Charlie had learned that Yvette demanded precision adherence to her instructions and her note had said to wear only what was in the basket. Was it an oversight? A bit of imprecise language on Yvette’s part? That seemed unlikely.

Charlie shrugged to himself and left the robe hanging by the door. It wasn’t as though he had anything left to hide from Yvette and besides, he got a bitof a thrill from walking around with no clothes on. He took a breath and went through the door.

Yvette was waiting for him on the other side, along with Lexy, Erin, and David. Yvette was back in her tight black jeans, knee-high boots, and body-hugging cami. David wore similarly tight black jeans, black boots, and a black tank-top that showed off his trim, muscle arms and shoulders. Lexy Lounged on the bed, wearing nothing but black bikini-style panties, bare feet, and a tiny white t-shirt that stopped well above her belly-button. From the way her impressive tits jiggled everytime she moved, it was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. Her long, wavy brown hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail, leaving her soft, elegant neck exposed. She looked Charlie in the eye and smiled as she ran her tongue over her top lip; Charlie realized he’d been staring and looked quickly away.

Erin, for her part, was wearing four padded leather cuffs, exactly like Charlie’s. She was also wearing a robe similar to the one that had been hanging in Charlie’s changeroom.

He suddenly felt even more naked.

“Oh, um…” he stammered … “I guess I should…”

“Stay right there, Charlie,” Yvette commanded, then, more gently, “thank you for joining us.”

“Oh, um, yes mistress,” Charlie managed to reply. “Hello.”

He took a quick look around the room. The dramatic red-and-black color scheme, cabinets, and rubbery flooring were all still in place and the queen-sized bed with its cozy pile of pillows still dominated one side of the room.

But there were some new features, as well. For one thing, there was a cushioned, wooden-armed chair near the foot of the bed, with a small stool sitting next to it. Charlie noticed there were shiny metal rings bolted on to the arms and legs of the chair, right where someone’s wrists and ankles would be.

A few feet away from the chair was some kind of padded bench or railing standing freely in the middleof the floor and seemingly bolted down where a panel of flooring had been removed. Attached to the floor on one side of the benchmark were two short lengths of metal chain.

Charlie’s thoughts were interrupted by Yvette’s most stern, take-charge voice.

“Today is all about discipline,” she announced. “It was clear to me that this was lacking during our last session.”

She paused.

“Yes, mistress,” Charlie and Erin replied in unison after a brief moment. Yvette frowned.

“So we are going to work on installing some of that missing discipline in the two of you. After your performance at the Cattail you should be grateful that Lexy and David agreed to help today — I suppose Charlie and Erin’s apology was sufficient, yes?”

“Yes, mistress,” David and Lexy replied immediately, David’s impassive expression contrasting with Lexy’s wild and mischievous grin.

“Though David did have to help a little after Charlie left poor Lexy a little high and dry.”

Lexysmiled at this, her tongue poking out the side of her mouth.

“I didn’t mind, mistress,” said David.

“No, I’m sure not,” Yvette said. She slowly made her way over to where David was standing. She patted his cheek twice, then gently slapped it. “But that’s not the point, is it?”

David’s face betrayed the faintest glimmer of a smile.

“No, mistress,” he said.

Yvette turned back to face Erin and Charlie. She took a long look at Erin and then let out a short sight.

“David, would you please finish setting up the benchmark?” Yvette said.

“Yes, Mistress,” David replied and stride over to the cabinets and began rummaging through its contents.

“Lexy, would you please get Charlie situationed?

“Yes, Mistress,” Lexy said and slide off the bed. She sauntered over to Charlie, making direct eye contact with him the whole time and putting an exaggerated sweep in her nearly-naked hips. The swing caused her tits to bounce with each step and Charlie had a hardtime deciding where to look.

“Come along,” Lexy said as she took Charlie’s arm and led him to the chair, where he obediently sat down. Lexy smiled at him and knelt down in front of him, her head tantalizingly close to his bare and stiffening cock, then secured the cuffs around his ankles to the loops at the base of the chair. She stood up and immediately sat herself down in his lap, causing him to grunt. She fastened the cuffs at his wrists to the chair as well, then stood up and looked down at him, grinning.

“All set, mistress,” Lexy said.

“Thank you, Lexy.”

Lexy skipped back to where the other two women were standing. Yvette turned to face Erin, who had been watching the scene with her hands folded awkwardly in front of her. She stared down at Erin who returned her gaze with a meek expression.

“Now Erin,” Yvette said. “I believe you had instructions waiting for you when you arrived in the changeroom, did you not?”

“Yes, mistress,” Erin immediatelyreplied.

“And what were those instructions?”

“To only wear what was provided… uh, mistress,” Erin said.

Lexy, now standing next to Yvette, tsked confidently.

“I believe,” Yvette said, “they said only to wear what was in the basket, is that correct?”

Erin pondered this for just a moment, then her shoulders slumped.

“Yes, mistress,” she replied.

“And was the robe in the basket?”

“No, mistress,” Erin said quietly.

“No,” Yvette confirmed. “So I see you are still having some trouble following instructions, is that right?”

“Yes, mistress,” Erin said.

“Well we are going to have to deal with this. Lexy, would you please help Erin get properly arranged?”

“Yes, mistress,” Lexy said brightly. Lexy moved to stand in front of Erin, positioning herself so close that they were practically touching. Lexy was only slightly taller than Erin, but enough so that Erin had to look up at her to make eye contact at that distance. Charlie noticed Erin’s eyes had gone wide and she was chewing her lower lip.

Lexy reached between them and untied Erin’s robe. Slowly, she eased the robe off of Erin’s shoulders and let it fall to the floor, running her palms over Erin’s skin as she did so. Even sitting several feet away, Charlie couldn’t help but notice that Erin was flushed and that her nipples were at full attention.

When Erin was finally dressed only in the cuffs, Lexy took her hand and led her to the padded bench, positioning Erin so that her hips were leaning against it. She then bent down and clipped the cuffs to two metal rings that were attached to the floor.

While all this was happening, David had retrieved two lengths of rope from one of the cabinets and looped them over a length of dowling that was suspended from the ceiling by chains at each end. One end of each rope hung down just past the bench on the other side from where Erin was standing. As Lexy clipped Erin’s ankles to the floor, David tied the ends of the rope to the cuffs on Erin’s wrists. He then pulled the other ends of the ropes, yanking Erin’s arms above her head, which pulled her weight forward so that her hips pressed against the benchmark. Charlie watched all this with fascination from his spot bound to the chair.

As David held Erin’s hands above her head with the ropes, Yvette calmly walked over and stood in front of her. Lexy sauntered back to where Charlie was sitting and sat on the stool next to his chair.

“Your wife’s skin is really soft,” she whispered huskily in his ear, before setting on to the stool with her left arm around his shoulders and her right resting on his forearm.

Yvette studied Erin who returned her gaze with wide eyes, like a rabbit in an open field that’s suddenly been spotted. Forced by the bonds, Erin stood at an awkward angle, weight forward and arms above her head, which caused her breasts and buttocks to stick out at tantalizing angles.

“I think I know the problem here,” Yvette finally said. She began to walk slowly over to one of the cabinets. If Charlie remembered correctly, it was the one with all the paddles and whips.

“I think the problem here is simply a lack of discipline due to an inability to concentrate. The ability to concentrate is very important in life, don’t you agree Erin?”

“Yes, mistress,” Erin answered immediately.

“I think, therefore, that you would benefit from some development in this area.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Erin replied, her voice quivering slightly.

Yvette pulled open the cabinet and selected a medium-sized, leather-covered paddle with brass rivets around the edges.Then she walked back over to Erin, contemplating the paddle as she went.

“So you would probably be grateful if I were to help you improve your powers of concentration, yes?”

She punctuated this last word with a swift smack to Erin’s ass, causing Erin to yelp.

“Ungh! Y-yes mistress!”

“Yes what?” Anothersmack.

“Ungh! I would um… I would be grateful! …mistress!”

“Grateful for what?”


“Urgh. Grateful if you would help me … with discipline! I mean, with concentration!”

Erin was panting now and Charlie could see the pink starting to bloom on her backside. He was also cutely aware that Lexy had started gently struggling his arm and that each stroke was bringing her fingers closer to his shoulder.

“Very well, then,” Yvette said, her voice even. “I am willing to help you develop concentration. And discipline.”

She paused dramatically.

“To achieve these, it is first important to set an intention. Wouldn’t you agree?”


“Ungh,” Erin groaned. Her body jerked forward with each blow from Yvette’s paddle.

“Yes, mistress!”

“Good,” Yvette said. “Now, what do you intend?”

There was a pause as Erin appeared to be thinking about the question, squirming against her restraints.


“Your intention?” Yvette asked, more sharply this time.

“Um … to develop discipline, mistress!” Erin blurted out.

“Discipline,” Yvette said impatiently. “Yes, we know that one. But for what purpose?”

“Um …” Erin hesitated again, still squirming.


“For what purpose?” Yvette asked again.

“Uh …” Erin stammered desperately. “Uh … I guess …”


“For what purpose?” Yvette said, her voice growing more intensity.


“I don’t know!” Erin cried.

Yvette walked around so that she was standing in front of the other woman and gently took Erin’s face in her hand.

“It’s so that you can follow my instructions properly, isn’t that what you want?” she said.

Erin stopped squirming and looked Yvette directly in the eyes.

“Yes, mistress.”

“Yes what?

“Yes, I want to follow your instructions.”

“Good!” said Yvette.

Charlie watched the scene in rapt fascination, his cock well on its way to its fullhardness. Lexy’s hand had made its way to his chest and had started working down his belly toward his rapidly developing erection. He jumped as the backs of her fingers brushed against his nearly fully-engorged cock.

“Oooh, would you look at that” she purred in his ear, pressing her breasts against his shoulder. “I think you like watching your wife tied up and distributed, is that right?”

“Urm … yes…” he grunted as her hand fluttered over and past his cock and began to rub his inner thigh.

“Mmmm, me too,” she breathed before sucking his earlierobe into her mouth, then turning back to the scene in front of him. Her hand continued to stroke his leg, barely brushing against his balls before sliding back towards his knee.

“Now,” Yvette continued, “we have set an intention. The next step is to reflect on our past missteps.”

There was a pause, followed by another loud smack.

“Unh! Yes mistress!” Erin said.

“Good,” Yvette continued. “Now, at the Cattail, you were given a strict instruction, were you not?”

“Yes, mistress,” Erin replied.

“And what was that instruction?”

“It was … uh …” Erin’s face, already flushed, reddened further. She jumped as Yvette smoked her ass.

“I wasn’t supposed to … I mean … I wasn’t supposed to … get there.”

“Get there?” Yvette asked. “What does that mean? Speak up!”


“Ungh! I wasn’t supposed to … orgasm,” Erin said meekly.

“You what?”


“Cum!” Erin cried out. “I wasn’t supposed to cum, mistress!”

Charlie was aware of Lexy’s hands now struggling his tests. His breathing began to get shallower and heavier.

“That’s right,” Yvette said. “And yet what did you do in front of the whole restaurant?”

“Um,” Erin said quietly, “I had an orgasm. Mistress.”


“You what?”

“I came, mistress!”

Smack! “You what?!”

“I came!” Erin practically scReamed. “I came, I came, I came in front of the whole restaurant!”

“Yes, you did,” Yvette said in measured tones. “And did you enjoy failing to follow my instructions?”

“No! I mean … I … yes … no, Mistress!”


“I think you should be honest. I think you enjoyed cumming in front of Lexy and David and all the others, is that right?”

“Yes,” Erin replied.


“Yes!” Erin cried.

“Yes what?”

“Yes, I enjoyed cumming in front of all those people!”


“Because you are a filthy exhibitionist slut?” Yvette scolded.

“Yes,” Erin said quietly.


“Yes!” she cried again, “I’m an exhibitionist slut!” She panted and squirmed and pulled against the restraints, which held her fast.

Charlie was also beginning to pant. Lexy’s hand had settled onto his cock and was gently struggling it back and forth in slow increasing motions as she watched, apparently almost as mesmerized by Erin’s scene as he was.

“Excellent,” Yvette said. “Now what about afterwards?”

“Mistress?” Erin asked.

“Afterwards. Your little interlude in the studio. Did you enjoy fucking David in front of all of us? In front of your husband?”

“Um …” Erin looked at Charlie who met her eyes, still breathing heavily. He felt his cock twitch at the memory of David’s muscled, tattooed body pounding his wife to a powerful orgasm. He looked over at David who simply held on to the ropes, watching the scene impassively.

Charlie was started by the sound of leather on flesh as Yvette’s paddle again found Erin’s ass. Erin yelped again.

“Yes, mistress!” Erin moaned.

“Yes what?”

“Yes, I enjoyed fucking David!”

“Next to your husband?”

“Yes, mistress!”

“And did you cum?”

“Yes, mistress!”


“Yes, mistress, I came! I came because I’m a dirty slut and it feel good, mistress, it feel good!”

“Good,” Yvette said calmly. “I am now convinced that yOur reflection has led you to a place where you can be honest with yourself. This is essential to developing discipline.”

She tucked the paddle under one arm.

“There is just one element left to work on,” Yvette continued. “And that’s the actual practice of concentration. Focusing the mind. Being … present.”

She paused and let the last word sink in.

“Now, Yvette Continued, “I have a very important instruction for you, Erin. Were you serious about wanting to follow my instructions?”

“Yes, mistress,” Erin quickly replied.

“Good,” Yvette continued. “Then your instruction is that, no matter what happens next, you are not to cum without permission. Do you understand?”

“Yes, mistress,” Erin said, more hesitantly This time.

“Good,” Yvette said. She walked quickly to the door of the studio and opened it with a single motion. In walked five men, all very good-looking and all very naked. Charlie heard Lexy gasp softly to herself and felt her grip on his cock tighten. He stood a moan.

The men walked together past Yvette and stood in a row in front of Erin. Erin looked up and down the row. Her eyes were wide and she had stopped squirming, her weight shifting nervously backwards against her restraints. Charlie noticed she was also chewing her lower lip again.

The men were all varying heights — Charlie would have guessed the tallest to be about 6’2″ and the shortest around 5’7″. They were all fit in their various ways, some with the more-heavily muscled frame of a boxer while others had the lithe, slim look of a swimmer or runner. Some had tattoos; some had bears; all were dark-haired and very handsome and all were sporting impressive cocks of various lengths, widths, and degrees of hardness.

Yvette went to one of the cabinets along the wall and pulled out a large wand vibrator. Returning to the bench, she then knelt down, switched on the vibrator and began to gently stroke Erin’s legs and buttocks with it.

“Now,” Yvette said as she slowly moved the wand around Erin’s body. “These five men have agreed to help you work on your concentration. Isn’t that nice of them?”

“Oh …” Erin moaned softly as Yvette ran the head of the vibrator up her inner thigh. “Yes, mistress.”

“Yes, it is. Good evening, gentlemen,” Yvette said.

“Good Evening, mistress,” They replied in unison.

“Thank you so much for your help. This is Erin.”

Five voices speak over each other as all five men said hello to Erin.

“Erin needs to work on her concentration and I have a few things that we can do together to help her with that. Does that sound good to you?”

“Yes, mistress,” the men said in unison.

“Good,” Yvette replied. “We will begin with something simple. First, I would like each of you to introduce yourselves to her. Dante, I would like you to start.”

“Yes, mistress,” said the man at the end of the row and stepped forward. Dante had a medium height and medium build. His hair was styled carefully, long and curly on top and short at the sides, complementing the sharp, clean lines of his neatly-trimmed bear. Dark tattoos covered his fortunes, though Charlie couldn’t make out what they were. As Dante stepped forward, Yvette pressed the head of the vibrator against Erin’s pussy, causing her to jump and moan and momentarily close her eyes.

“Pay attention now Erin,” Yvette scolded. “Go ahead, Dante.”

Dante smiled at Erin. “Hi Erin,” he said, “I’m Dante. I’m originally from Brooklyn, but I moved here about five years ago. I’m a finance analyze during the day, but I also enjoy swimming and playing volleyball with a few of my friends from college. Oh, and, uh … I’m a scorpio.”

Dante stepped back into line. Erin was clearly trying to focus on him, but Charle could tell that the vibrator between her legs was making it difficult. Yvette wasn’t helping any as she pressed the wand against Erin’s clip, moving it in slow, firm circles.

The second man stepped forward and smiled. “Hi Erin, I’m Jian,” he began.

The scene continued in this way for several minutes. One-by-one, the five handsome men stepped forward and told Erin their names and a couple of interesting, first-date-appropriate facts about themselves.

It all seemed so casual and so ordinary, except for the fact that everyone was naked and Erin was tied up with a powerful vibrator rumbling against her clip and Charlie was tied to a chair. He almost felt like laughing except that Lexy had strengthened her grip on his cock and was continuing to pump it back and forth. He started to feel a tingle in his groin.

When all of the men had introduced themselves, Yvette stood up.

“Thank you, gentlemen,” she said. “Now David, would you get Erin in position?”

“Yes, mistress,” said David and he moved quickly to Erin’s side. Letting go of the ropes, he untied them from her wrists. Before she could straighten up, however, he took her hands and gently, but firmly, pulled them towards the floor, fasting them to the lengths of chain at the bottom of the padded bench. Erin was now folded over the bench, her ass still in the air and her head now at cock-height with the five men standing in front of her.

Charlie began to groan as he felt an orgasm beginning to boil up between his legs as he stared at the scene, his pretty wife tied helplessly in position in front of five Other men, all of whom appeared now to be just as aroused as he was. It was too much for him and he moaned as he felt the muscles in his pelvis beginning to tension.

Just then, Lexy suddenly stopped stroking him and took her hand away sitting up so she was no longer touching him. He grunted in frustration and his hips thrashed against the chair.

“Ah ah,” Lexy teased. “Mistress told me you’re not supposed to cum either.”

Charlie just moaned in response. Lexy giggled.

In the meantime, Yvette had handed the vibrator off to David, who had taken her place behind Erin. Erin was whimpering softly as she fidgeted uncomfortable in her new position.

“Now,” Yvette said, hefting her paddle again. “The boys have all introduced themselves. I want you to show them that you were concentrated enough to hear what they said.”

“Ungh …” Erin grossed as David pressed the vibrator against her cunt. “Y-yes mistress.”

“Good,” Yvette said. She gestured to one of the men standing in front of Erin and he stepped forward. He was one of the tallest in the group, and well-built. Both his face and head were clean-shaven. His cock stood straight out in front of him, thick and full.

Lexy had started stroking Charlie’s cock again and he shifted restlessly in the chair as the tension began building anew.

“Now,” Yvette said, “Erin, what was this man’s name?”

Erin moaned as the vibrator did its work against her clip. “Ungh… La … LaRob?”

“Very good,” Yvette said approvingly. “And where is LaRobfrom?”

“Um… ungh… Brooklyn?”

LaRob shook his head and there was a loud smack! As Yvette brought her paddle down on Erin’s ass.

“LaRob is from Aurora, is that right?” Yvette asked.

“Yes, mistress,” LaRob replied.

“Now, Erin,” Yvette said, with an edge to her voice. “You were clearly not exercising enough concentration if you can’t remember a simple detail like that.”

She grabbed a handful of Erin’s curly blond hair and forced her head up so that her face was just inches away from LaRob’s throbbing erection.

“So,” Yvette continued, “you are going to open your mouth and show LaRob you’re committed to doing better next time.”

Erin looked awkwardly up at LaRob, then obediently opened her mouth as wide as she could.

Charlie groaned and his cock throbbed, partly from Lexy’s steady struggling, but also from seeing LaRob slide his cock into his wife’s mouth. LaRob was very gentle, pushing only the tip between Erin’s stretched out lips, but Erin struggled to wrap her mouth around its girl all the same. She squirmed as David continued to work her pussy with the vibrator and Yvette ever-so-subtly pushed forward on her head for encouragement. Erin began sliding her mouth back and forth over LaRob’s cockhead, and he groaned, gently replacing Yvette’s hand on Erin’s head with his own.

Charlie couldn’t believe he was watching his wife sucking off a strange man, nor could he believe how utterly turned on he was by it.

“Do you like watching your wife suck on another man’s cock?” Lexy’s voice was sultry in Charlie’s ear as she kept struggling him.

“Ungh …yes,” he managed.

“Mmmm,” Lexy purred, “I bet LaRob feels really good right now. Erin seems like she’d have a talent for sucking cock.”

Charlie merely groaned his agreement.

“I bet your cock tastes really good. Do you like it when Erin sucks it?” Lexy asked.

“Ungh … yes,” Charlie replied, his mind barely able to manage the three stimuli it was now trying to juggle — Lexy’s voice in his ear, her hand on his cock, and the sight of Erin now actively falling LaRob.

He snapped back to reality as Lexy abruptly stood up. Without a word, she pulled her tiny t-shirt up over her head, allowing her big, firm tits to bounce free. She kneeled between Charlie’s legs and before he knew it, she’d taken his cock in her mouth and was sliding down the length of it. He cried out at the intense sensing. The four men standing in line all turned towards him, appearing to be aware of him for the first time. They all smiled as they saw what was happening and Jian nodded with appreciation before turning back to the scene before them.

After a few more seconds of Erin bobbing her head on his cock with increasing enthusiasm, LaRob groaned and then suddenly stepped back, pulling his cock from Erin’s mouth with a soft popping sound and making her gasp. Yvette nodded her approval.

“You see, Erin? That is what is called discipline. Very good LaRob.”

“Thank you, mistress,” LaRob said as he stepped back into line, his penis still hard and at attention.

“Very good then, next please. Now Erin, what is his name?”

Erin was panting hard. David had given her a break from the vibrator but was still rubbing his hands up and down her legs, roughly massaging her tights and ass.

“Uh … Michael?” Erin gasped.


The man (actually named Marlon) stepped forward and presented his cock to Erin who obediently took it into her mouth and began to suck on it.

The sequence continued up and down the line of men. At Yvette’s prompting, each would step forward to have Erin recite back their basic biographical details. And Erin, increasingly flustered by the paddle slapping against her ass, distracted by the vibrator in David’s hand, and eager about the cocks sliding into her mouth, invariably got the details wrong.

Dante from Brooklyn who played volleyball, LaRob from Aurora, who followed French league soccer, Marlon from Oak Park who had a pilot’s license, Jian from Seattle who was training to be a sommelier, and Ben from Arizona who practiced jiu jitsu in his spare time — one by one each man stepped forward and took his turn sliding his cock into the mouth of increasingly restive and lustful woman bound helpfully in front of them.

Charlie, meanwhile, was nearly losing His mind. He couldn’t believe how hot it was watching Erin understand and squirm and gasp as she took cock after cock into her mouth.

As if that wasn’t enough, Lexy was making it very clear that she knew how to give a blow job and that she really, really enjoyed it. Every time her head slid down into Charlie’s lap, his cock felt like it was going to exploit. But just as he was about to go over the edge, Lexy would unerringly pop up and sit back on her heels, giving Charlie a mischievous smile and leaving his toes to curl and him feeling like he’d just lost a sneakeze. Charlie didn’t know if he’d ever been edged like this for so long and it was absolutely driving him around the bend.

After she pulled off of his cock for what felt like the hundredth time, something suddenly caught Lexy’s attention and she looked over her shoulder at the scene going on behind her. Despite the throbbing in his groin, Charlie stopped tugging on his restraints momentarily and followed Lexy’s gaze. He saw immediately what had drawn her focus.

Erin had been grunting and whimpering for several minutes as her scene escalated. But now she was moaning continuously and with great intensity and had started thrusting back against the vibrator in David’s hand.

Jian was standing in front of her, and he took a step back, pulling his cock out of Erin’s mouth and looking to Yvette for instructions.

Yvette’s already stern expression became even harder.

“You aren’t thinking of cumming without permission, are you Erin?”

“Please,” Erin pleaded as she struggled against the restraints, “I need to!”

“You need to what?”

“I need to … cummmm, mistress I need to cum!”

“You haven’t yet completed your concentration task, Erin.”

“I’m sorry … I can’t … I’m going to … please, I need to!”

“You want to cum in front of all these men and you can’t even tell me their names or a single thing about them?”

Erin could only moan in response.

“Well what do the five of you think?” she asked the men.

All five agreed that they would not in fact mind if Erin came in front of them.

Yvette surprised. “Very well,” she said, “but there will be a penalty. Do you accept this?”

“God yes,” Erin pleased, “anything! Just please mistress I need to cummmm!”

“As you wish,” Yvette said. “You may cum. David?”

“Yes, mistress,” David replied and pressed the vibrator hard against Erin’s clip. As he did so, he slid two fingers from his other hand into her dripping cunt and began to thrust them in and out. Erin moaned andBegan to visible tense up, her fingers and toes spreading and spasming. The five men all stroked themselves while they watched.

Lexy didn’t wait for Erin to finish before once again engulfing Charlie’s cock in her mouth, taking it all the way to the hilt. As she did so, she slipped a finger between his cheeks and found his asshole, rubbing the pad of her finger across its sensitive skin, which was slick with sweat.

Charlie yelped as Lexy held his cock in her throat and her finger against his ass. He jumped at the sudden intensity pleasure and was surprised to find himself shifting his hips to give Lexy a better angle. She smiled and purred her approval around his cock and continued to apply gentle but firm pressure to his rear button. Nobody had ever touched Charlie there and he couldn’t believe the sensing.

He didn’t have much time to consider it, though, because across the room Erin practically exploded. Her body jerked and rocked as she came, thrashing hard against the benchmark and screaming, pulling comfortablely against the chains at her wrists. David pounded her cunt with his fingers, pushing her far, far over the edge, prolonging her climax as long as he could.

After what seemed like a full minute of high, unyielding ecstasy, Erin began to come back to earth. As her orgasm subsided, she slumped against the benchmark, a dazed look on her face. Yvette gestured to the group of men and two of them — Charlie was far too distracted to remember their names at this point — quickly stepped forward to remove her restraints, unclipping her from the loops in the floor and removing the cuffs entirely. They gently lifted her off the benchmark and, one on each side of her, half-escorted, half-carried her to the bed, laying her gently down on it as all five gathered and stood around the edge.

Lexy slowed her movements and removed her hand from beneath Charlie’s bum, allowing him a moment to breathe. He watchd the scene at the bed with fascination, his sex-dazed wife laid out surrounded by beautiful, horny, naked men.

Yvette joined the men at the bedside and gave Erin a stern look. They all stood for a moment catching their breaths, Erin propped up slightly against the stack of pillows on the bed.

“You’ve done well, Erin,” Yvette began.

“Thank you, mistress,” Erin panted.

“But because you didn’t complete your task, there is one last thing you need to do. Or rather … six things.”

Erin looked puzzled for a moment, then looked around at the five men surrounding her, then over at David who was putting the vibrator away in one of the cabinets. Her eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen.

Seeing Erin’s expression, Yvette raised an eyebrow in her direction. She then nodded at the men and stepped back.

Charlie couldn’t believe it. He’d watched more than a few gangbang videos on the internet, but couldn’t believe he was about to see one in real-life — to say nothing of the fact that it was his adoring wife at the center of it all. His cock pulsed and throbbed and his breath grew heavy.

The group of men immediately descended on Erin. But to Charlie’s surprise, they were far from the pack of ravenous, aggressive beasts that he was used to see, at least in the videos on the internet. On the contrary, they were exceptionally gentle with her, starting slow, taking care not to overwhelm her too quickly. In fact, at first they simply stroked her arms and legs and hair, occasionally straying to her belly and breasts but always softly and gently, giving her time to adjust to the new scene.

Erin began to obviously relax and lay back against the pillows, allowing herself to be explored. As she became more immersed in the scene, she seemed to luxury in the sensings, eyes closed, smiling and singing. She began to let her own hands roam, seeking to touch and feel the arms and hands that were touching her.

It wasn’t long before one of the men — Charlie thought Marlon — moved between Erin’s legs and buried his face between them. Erin moaned and wound her fingers in Marlon’s hair as two more of the men began to lick and suck on her nipples and the others continued to stroke her arms, shoulders, legs, and belly.

As he watched, Charlie’s attention was momentarily interrupted by David’s sudden appearance next to his chair. Without a word, David reached down and handed Lexy a clear plastic bottle with a pump top and an elegantly-designed label. It took Charlie only a moment to realize it was lube.

“Thank you, David,” Lexy said seductively as she took the bottle from him. David smiled at her then turned at Charlie before striding calmly over to the bed and placing a second bottle of lube on the small table next to it. He quickly undressed and joined the other five men as they continued to care and massage and lick and suck Erin’s naked body.

Lexy replaced Charlie’s attention with a smile and then slide her hand underneath him again, slipping a finger between his asscheeks.

“Do you like this?” she cooed.

“Ungh…” Charlie stammered, “Y-yes.”

“I like that you like it,” Lexy replied. “I bet you’d like more, wouldn’t you?”

“O-okay,” Charlie managed.

“Okay?” Lexy said.

“Y-yeah. Yes. More. I want more. Please.”

Lexy’s smile broadened and she reached over to the bottle of lube that she’d placed on the floor beside her, pumping a generalized bowl onto her middle finger and spreading it around with her thumb.

She again slipped her hand underneath Charlie and quickly found his asshole. She pressed and rubbed on it like before, but the lube made the sensing much smoother and more pleasurable.

Charlie gasped as Lexy pressed against his sphincter and slide her finger into his ass to the first knuckle. Still watching him, she grinned as she began to move it back and forth, working it deeper into him millioneter. Charlie groaned and tried to shift his hips forward again to give Lexy better access. She pushed again and her lubed-up fingerprinter slide in past the ring of muscle. He groaned, unable to believe how much he was enjoying the feeling of having Lexy’s fingerprinter inside him.

Slowly, gently, Lexy began moving her fingerprinter in a “come hire” motion. Charlie gasped as he suddenly felt an intense tingling sensing begin to radiate from his pelvis.

“Oh,” Lexy said in a sing-song voice, “looks like I found it!”

She kept stroking. After a short time, Charlie got just used enough to the sensing that he could focus his attention on the bed for a moment. What he saw made his cock jump.

Erin was on all fours with LaRob in her mouth and David fucking her slowly from behind. David had his hand between his body and Erin’s and was rubbing his thumb between her cheeks.

“Oh,” Lexy said, following Charlie’s gaze, “looks like everyone’s getting into it today.”

As Lexy cotinued her struggling motion, the action on the bed kept escalating. David was now thrusting into Erin with long, slow strokes and appeared to have his thumb buried in her ass. Erin, clearly over whatever nerves she may have been experiencing, had begun pushing back and forth between the two men, sliding her mouth as far down LaRob’s cock as she could then pushing back to take David’s deeper in her pussy. Yvette looked on, occasionally touching one of the other four men on the shoulder or whispering softly in their ears, eliciting nods and smiles.

She touched LaRob’s shoulder and he nodded before quickly disengaging from Erin’s mouth and got off the bed. Ben took his place, but instead of offering Erin his cock, laid down in front of her, moving the pillows out of the way. Seeing what Ben was doing, David slide his thumb out of Erin’s ass and pulled his cock out of her pussy, causing her to groan. He took her hips in his hands and guided her over Ben’s cock, which Ben was holding straight up. Erin smiled dreamily as David positioned her over Ben’s cock, then slowly slip down its length. She began rocking her hips back and forth and leaned her head back, giving herself over to the sensing. Jian and Dante took the opportunity to begin stroking and caressing her breasts.

David got off the bed and pumped nearly a full handful of lube into his palm. He moved back to the bed where Erin was now bouncing up and down on Ben, who was holding her hips to keep her in place.

David positioned himself behind Erin and, with his non-lubed hand, pushed on her back so she lay down on top of Ben, exposing her ass. David smeared lube on his rigid cock and then worked the rest around Erin’s ass, pushing two fingers inside her as he did so. Erin gasped and her eyes went wide.

David placed the tip of his cock at Erin’s rear entrance and Ben helped her hold herself steady as David began to push into her ass.

He was patient and slow, pushing forward then stoping to let Erin adjust, then repeating. It took several minutes of this, but eventually he bottomed out. Erin groaned as she settled back onto the two cocks that were now double-penetrating her. The three of them held the position for a minute, catching their collective breath, before David began to slowly move his hips back and forth, staying fully buried in Erin’s backside, but creating friction and sensing for all three of them. Ben, too, began to gently rock his hips up and down, eventually finding a complete rhythm to David’s.

Things were starting to blur together for everyone. Charlie kept his eyes on his wife, who had begun to take the lead on the bed, thrusting back against David and Ben as they filled her to the brim with their cocks and making low, animal groaning noises deep in her throat.

The men not actively fucking Erin continued to watch, stroking their cocks with increasingly desperate and lustful looks on their faces.

Lexy continued to play her edging game with Charlie, sucking him deep into her mouth while she stroked his insides with her finger, bringing him to the precipice of orgasm before backing off. Each time, Charlie moaned and struggled against the restraints holding his arms, but they held. He couldn’t tell if time felt like it was speeding up or standing still. Maybe both at once.

Erin’s moans began to quicken and she started to push back more Aggressively against the cocks in her ass and pussy. Suddenly, she throw her head back and screamed, then her back arched as her orgasm took her. Her whole body shook as the muscles in her legs, back, and abdomen contracted hard and she let out a long, ageed, ecstatic groan.

Just as Erin began to slump forward, David let out a loud groan of his own and thrust hard into her ass. He came hard and deep inside her, pouring his cum into her bowels. This triggered Ben, and he thrust up into Erin, flooding her pussy with an impressive load of his own.

Everythingseemed to float suspended for a moment as the three of them came down from their orgasms. But it was only for a moment, then the action started right back up again.

David and Ben gently but quickly disengaged from Erin. Charlie groaned as he saw the cum gush from her now-well-fucked pussy and asshole and as Lexy bobbed her head up and down on his cock and stroked his ass with her finger.

No sooner had the men laid Erin on her back than Dante had positioned himself between her legs and thrust his cock into her sopping wet cunt, pounding furiously into her.

One by one, the remaining men took their turn with her, taking their pleasure in her sopping wet cunt until they came hard inside her. Exhausted and in a semi-conscious state of bliss, Erin simply lay on her back and let herself be fucked into space, a wide-eyed look of overwhelming pleasure on her face.

LaRob was last to go and he pounded into Erin’s cunt with abandon. With a roar, he came deep inside her pussy and when he withdraw his retreating cock was followed by a thick stream of cum. He climbed off the bed, leaving Erin played out with her head hanging to one side, eyes half-closed.

As the action on the bed coasted to an end, Lexy removed Charlie’s cock from her mouth causing him to twitch and groan in frustration. It took a moment for him to realize that everyone was looking at him as silence fell over the room. Yvette in particular fixed him with a purposeful, penetrating gaze.

As Yvette strode over to the chair, Lexy removed her finger, causing him to suck in a breath. At a subtle nod from Yvette, Lexy stand up, curtsied, and then moved to stand in the middle of the line of men, wrapping her arms around the two that stand on either side of her.

Charlie stared up at Yvette as she loomed over him. He was breathing heavy and felt like his whole body was an elastic band stretched nearly to the point of snapping.

Without a word, Yvette unclasped the cuffs from Charlie’s wrists and ankles, leaving them dangling from the chair. She took his hand and helped him up, then led him over to the bed where Erin was still laying in her over-sexed haze.

Yvette and Charlie stood over Erin as the others watched.

“Now Charlie,” Yvette said gently, “Erin has done an excellent job of developing discipline today. And I see that Lexy has been helping you work on your concentration as well.”

Charlie looked at Lexy who smiled at him and blew him a kiss.

“Yes, mistress,” he said.

“But I still need you to demonstrate discipline for me.”

“Yes, mistress,” Charlie replied, the phrase coming almost robotically.

“And the way I need you to do that,” Yvette continued, “is to fuck your wife. Right now.”

Charlie felt like he was floating. Or like he was on autopilot. He was barely aware of the seven people watching him from across the bed. Heck, he was barely aware of Yvette standing right next to him. But he was aware of the well-fucked woman laying on the bed in front of him. And he was aware he desperately wanted to fuck her too.

“Yes, mistress,” he replied automatically and took a step forward.

“But Charlie,” Yvette stopped him with a hand on his chest. “Do. Not. Come.”

Charlie looked at her and then back at Erin.

“Yes, mistress,” he said and stepped forward to the bed.

Charlie drank in the sight of his wife as she lay sprayed on the bed. There were curls of blonde hair matted to her forehead and a deep flush on her face and chest. She lay with her arms above her head and her legs spread obscenely apart and Charlie could see the redness and puffiness of her labia, the thick wetness that coated her legs and pussy and the tiny drizzle of semen still oozing out from her. He climbed between her legs and positioned himself at her entrance.

“Oh, Charlie,” she said dreamily through half-lidded eyes. “Did you see me? I had sex with all those boys.”

Charlie smiled, overwhelmed with affection and the dawning realization that he had apparently married a wanton, wonderful, sex goddess.

“I saw,” he said gently. “You looked amazing.”

“Mmmm,” Erin surprised, “it felt amazing. I’m so tired.”

“I’ll bet,” Charlie laughed softly.

“Will you have sex with me now?” Erin asked in a far-away voice.

“I would love that,” Charlie replied.

“Me too—ohh!”

Erin groaned as Charlie slid his cock into her. She was warm and slick and wet. Her pussy offered no resistance but she felt amazing. Charlie’s heart beat faster as he thought about the fact that it was because five men had just pumped their loads into her cunt.

It immediately made his cock twitch and, remembering Yvette’s instruction he pulled out again, eliciting a disappointed little groan from Erin.

He felt a gentle smack on his backside and turned to see Yvette with her palm against his buttcheek.

“Charlie,” she said softly, “I told you to fuck your wife. Now do it, please. But don’t cum, Charlie.”

“Yes, mistress,” he grunted and slid back into Erin’s soft, slick pussy.

He couldn’t help it. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back. It was all too much — the bondage game, the cocksucking, Lexy’s blowjob, her finger in his ass, the gang bang. Charlie’s orgasm wasn’t so much a climax as a blessed release, a day’s worth of pent-up tension flowing out of his cock into the body of his darling wife. The feeling was immense. As he thrust and jerked into Erin, he felt like he was releasing more cum into her than he had in his entire life. He rode the wave of euphoria then as he felt it settle and reception, collapsed against Erin’s neck, the two of them making a wet, sweaty pile, and Charlie was dimly aware of murmurs of appreciation and what he Thought might have been soft, geneuine applause.

Yvette tsked.

“Well, Charlie, I guess we will have to continue our efforts.” Her voice was milkly scolding, but as she spoke she laid a soft, heavy blanket over Charlie and Erin. She turned to the others.

“If you boys still have the energy, would you please take Lexy into the other room? She’s been quite selfless today and I would like to see that she has a good experience as well.”

“Yes, mistress,” came the unified, enthusiastic response.

“If she would like, of course,” Yvette quickly added.

Lexy made a noise that could only be described as a “squee” and grabbed the hands of the two men standing next to her, practically dragging them through the door into the other room, her tits bouncing all the way. The rest followed them out.

Unlike after previous sessions, Yvette stayed with Erin and Charlie a long time. As soon as they were alone, her manner changed from stern disciplinarian to the warm, easy-going, instant-friend they had met on their first day. Yvette made no mention of discipline or of following directions, but rather simply told them how much she and the others had enjoyd the session and how wonderful the two of them had been. She stroked their hair, paying particular attention to Erin, asking her gentle questions and listening carefully for her answers.

Charlie didn’t know how long they stayed there, but he knew by the end he was remarkably relaxed, given the intensity of the session. After a while, Yvette finally said goodbye, told them to take their time as usual, and left the room.

Later, Charlie sat in the reception area waiting for Erin who, unsurprisingly, was taking a longer-than-usual time to shower and dress. Letitia, the pretty receptionist, smiled at him, but left him to sit quietly with his thoughts.

Those thoughts turned to his and Erin’s next session. They had only one left. And Charlie had no idea how they were going to top this one.


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