It had been a week since Charlie and Erin’s “orientation” session with Yvette. The days in between had passed in a bit of a haze, as Charlie and Erin found themselves constantly replaying the scene that Yvette had taken them through. A day had not gone by that Charlie had arrived home from work and, before he’d even loosened his tie, his pretty wife was practically begging him to bend her over and spank her while he fucked her from behind. Charlie was only too happy to oblige.
Wednesday, a discretely-labeled box had arrived in the mail from a reputable online sex store containing handcuffs and a leather-tipped riding crop, both of which were put to immediately good use.
More than once in the afterglow the two had speculated about what Yvette might have in store for them for session two, prompting a second round of wet, sweaty sex.
It had been wonderful. And Charlie could hardly keep his imagination in check in the days leading up to the session.
However, he wasn’t sure what to make of the set of instructions now sitting on the table in front of him.
He was in the changeroom at Yvette’s studio. She had not been there to meet them, but a smiling receptionist had ushered them into the hall towards the changesrooms. Inside, Charlie had found a pile of clothing and a note written in Yvette’s now-familiar script:
Welcome to session two. We are going to take a little field trip today. Please follow the instructions below to the letter. I will see you soon. -Y
-Change into the clothes provided and only the clothes provided. Leave everything you came with behind, including socks, shoes, and underwear.
-When you are dressed, go outside and find the car and driver that will be waiting for you in front of the building. If you have any trouble finding it, Leticia at reception will be happy to help.
-Keep your phone with you — and visible — at all times. Review all text messages from me as soon as you get them. Follow all instructions received via text message without hesitation. No exceptions.
Charlie was puzzled. But he saw no reason to hesitate now, after what he had experienced last time. He put the note down and started to pull his polo over his head.
A few minutes later, Charlie stood examining himself in front of the floor-length mirror. The outfit Yvette had left for him included a white, crew-neck t-shirt and a dark blue button-up shirt, which Charlie had left open (which seemed to be the style, if and when he happened to look through the websites where Erin sometimes bought clothes for him). His pants were a nicely complete brown color and made of loose, thin material that was extremely comfortable and rather flattering on him. He felt strange not wearing his usual boxer-briefs underneath them, but those had been the instructions. He wore no socks, but had on a pair of similarly comfortable black loafers that he had found under the pile of clothesing. All in all, he thought he looked fairly stylish. He looked forward to showing Erin.
Charlie tucked his own clothes into a locker, made sure he had his phone, and headed out to find the car.
It had been easy to find the car. For one, it was the only black town car in front of the studio. For another, there was a tall, smiling man wearing a black shirt and black tie holding the door open for him when he walked out the door.
“Hello, Charlie,” the driver said. “I’m Bryan. Hop on in and we’ll be on our way.”
“Uh …” Charlie stammered. “Thanks. Bryan.”
Erin was already in the car and as he climbed in beside her, Charlie was stopped mid-motion by the sight of her. Yvette had apparently provided an outfit for her too. It included a tiny sundress in a blue floral pattern that completed Erin’s golden blonde curls. It was cut very low, leaving much of her shoulders and chest exposed and her pale skin contrasted strikingly with the blue fabric. Its thin straps made it clear that Erin wasn’t wearing a bra and as she moved, her perky breasts jiggled slightly but tantalizingly underneath. She was looking at Charlie while biting her lower lip and the slight flush in her cheeks made Charlie’s cock stir.
“Well hi there,” he said, as he sat down on the black leather seats and took her hand. “You look great.”
“So do you,” Erin replied. Her eyes flitted to Charlie’s crotch and he looked down, realizing to his embarrassment that the loose-fitting pants he was wearing did absolutely nothing to hide his growing erection.
“Oh, um … yeah, well … you know,” he mumbled and crossed his legs.
Erin just laughed and squeezed his hand. At that moment, Bryan climbed into the driver’s seat and started the ignition.
“Make yourselves comfortable, folks,” he said over his shoulder. “We’ll only be a couple of minutes.”
As the car pulled away, Charlie remembered his phone and pulledit out of his pocket.
“I’m supposed to keep this out, I guess,” he said to Erin. “What were your instructions?”
Erin blushed a deep red.
“I’m not supposed to tell you,” she said quietly.
“Really? They must be good!”
Erin smiled and glanced at Bryan, who didn’t seem to be paying them any attention at all. “Can’t tell you,” she said and turned to look out the window. “I wonder where we’re going?”
The rest of the short drive passed mostly quietly. After about 15 minutes, they arrived at a tiny restaurant on the corner of two small side streets about a hundred yards from the elevated train that looped around the downtown.
“Hey wait a minute,” said Charlie, aren’t we near… yeah, that’s that place we used to go to right over there.” He pointed to a stylish-looking sushi restaurant a few doors down. “I don’t remember this place, though.” Erin just shrugged, then smiled at Bryan as he opened her car door.
“This is the place,” he said, gesturingtowards the restaurant. “Enjoy yourselves, folks. I’ll be here to take you back when you’re done.” He smiled at this last phrase and closed the door behind Erin as she stepped out. Charlie was right behind her.
The sign on the door said “The Cattail,” but they couldn’t see inside through the white curtains that hung inside the windows as they stepped up to the front door. He shot a questioning look at Erin, who shrugged again. “I don’t know,” she said. “But if this is where we’re supposed to be, I guess we should go in?”
Charlie raised his eyesbrows and looked up at the sign, which was a stylited image of nine cattails painted in black on a white background.
Erin didn’t wait for his reply before pulling open the door and going inside.
They found themselves in front of a vacant host stand. Just beyond was an adorable bistro with a distinctly new-american feel to it. It was a single room, narrow, with high ceilings that gave it an airy, open feel despite its smallsize. Along one side of the room were no more than half-a-dozen high-top tables with a smattering of diners sitting around them in twos and threes. Along the length of the other wall was a marble bar with an impressive array of spirits neatly arranged on wooden shelves and wine racks stretching all the way to the ceiling. A few patrons sat at the bar, chatting and sipping from highballs and glasses of wine. Right in the middle — sitting alone, reading a book — was a tall woman with a black turtleneck, long black hair, and knee-length black boots.
She did not look up as Charlie and Erin entered, nor did she give any indication she knew them or had even seen them. She just sat and read her book, occasionally sipping from the glass of red wine in front of her or fidgeting with the phone that was laying on the bar in front of her.
For a moment, Charlie wondered if he should say hello, but his wondering was interrupted by a high, chipper voice.
“Hi you two.Table?”
The voice was coming from a pretty brunette wearing the white blouse and black skirt-and-apron combination that Charlie had seen on dozens of pretty midwestern girls in restaurants in their city. This particular pretty midwestern girl — Lexy, according to her nametag — wore a bright smile and subtle, but expertly-applied make-up that accented her big, brown eyes and soft lips. Her brown hair was long and hung loosely around her shoulders in soft waves. Charlie couldn’t help but notice that Lexy’s figure had a bit of curve to it — particularly when he noticed that her collared blouse was open at the second or third button, showing just a hint of cleavage between ample breasts.
“Um … well, I guess…” Charlie stammered. The instructions had said nothing about this.
“Yes, a table please,” Erin chimed in. “It will just be the-“
She stopped short and grabbed on to Charlie’s arm. There was a long pause as Erin stood staring ahead of her with her mouth slseldom open. After a moment she recovered.
“Oh. Sorry about that. Um, yes. Just the two of us please. A table.”
If Lexy had noticed the interruption, she didn’t notice. She just flashed a welcome smile and gestured for the couple to follow her.
“Absolutely, right this way.”
Lexy led Charlie and Erin to an empty table. Charlie tried not to notice how her skirt framed the plump curves of her ass. He felt his cock stir again and did his best to think about something else entirely.
“Here we are,” said Lexy cheerfully. She laid two menus on the table as Charlie and Erin sat down in the high, but comfortable, chairs.
“So, everything’s right there on the menu, but if you need any recommendations, please don’t hesitate to ask, I’ve tried everything on it and it’s all fantastic. Lots of people come for the mussels, we get fresh ones in from PEI every day.”
As she spoke, Lexy leaned across the table to gather the extra silverware settings. In doing so,she gave Charlie a clear view down her blouse at her white lace bra and the big, soft tits that it seemed barely to contain. Charlie pretended to read the menu.
“And I have to apologize, we had a couple of servers call in sick today. Food service should be fine, but when you’re ready for drinks, I’d actually just recommend heading on up to the bar, is that okay?”
“Hm? Oh,” Charlie said. “Sure, yeah. That’s no problem.”
“Oh good,” said Lexy as she straightened up. “And you know what, it’s probably better that anyway. David can make anything. You just tell him what you like and he can even just make something up on the spot for you.”
Charlie looked over at the bartender who was standing behind the bar polishing a wine glass with a bar towel. David was a younger man, thin and ruggedly handsome. He had curly black hair and a precisely trimmed bear that outlined a sharp jawline. Thick eyesbrows gave him an intense, birding look and Charlie wouldn’t have been surprisedsed if he was just tending bar until his rock band had finally finished writing enough songs to go on tour again. He saw the group looking at him and smiled, giving a little salute with two fingers. Charlie turned back to the menu and couldn’t help but notice Erin staring at David. She caught his eye and gave a sheepish little smile, then looked back at the menu. Charlie shrugged internally and chuckled. He Couldn’t really blow her.
“Well then,” Lexy said, “I’ll give you two a few minutes to look at the menu. Let me know if you have any questions!”
“Well,” Erin said after the hostess had left. “Lexy seems … nice.” She gave Charlie a wry smile. “Don’t you think?”
Charlie laughed. “She does,” he replied. “So does David, at least from here.”
Erin blushed and looked back at the menu. “Oh look at this,” she said, with an exaggeratedly casual tone, “they have sweet potato fries.”
Charlie laughed again. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I don’t mind you looking.”
Erin met his eyes. “Well good,” she said. “Me neither.”
Charlie felt a little thrill in his stomach and turned his attention back to the menu.
“Actually,” he said, “I could use a drink.”
As soon as he had said this, Charlie’s phone chirped. There was a message from Yvette.
“Have Erin go to the bar and get drinks.”
Charlie stole a quick glance to where Yvette was sitting at the bar. She continued to read her book, still showing no indication that she knew them or knew they were there.
“Um …” Charlie began, “would you … uh … get drinks for us?”
Erin looked up, surprised. She frowned for a moment, then looked at the phone, then at Yvette, and a look of realization crossed her face.
“Oh. Oh! Yeah, sure,” she said and started to get up.
“Thanks,” said Charlie. He was usually the one to do stuff like this, but orders were orders. “Could I have a Manhattan?”
“Sure,” said Erin as she made her way to where David was still polishing glasses behind the bar.
Charlie watched her approach the bar where David was waiting for her. He couldn’t hear her over the background noise in the bar but could see her lips move and David’s head nod as she began to recite their order. She looked like she was about half-way through when her body suddenly jerked slightly and she gripped the edge of the bar. She seemed to stop speaking for a moment and her eyes widened as she seemed somehow … stuck.
Charlie watched her, confused. He looked over at Yvette. She was still absorbed in her book, but had one hand on her phone, with her finger swirling absolutely across the touchscreen in a slow circular motion.
Charlie looked back to Erin, who seemed to have recovered. She was still holding tightly to the bar, but had straightened up and was completing the order. If David had noticed anything, he didn’t show it, just set to work putting the drinks together. Erin stood patiently waiting for him, but still seemed to be in some kind of distress. She bit her lower lip and shifted her weight subtly back and forth from one leg to the other. Her knuckles were turning white on the bar.
Charlie watched with great interest. He looked back at Yvette who was still swirling her finger lazily on her phone while reading her book.
As soon as David placed the two drinks on the bar, Erin’s grip relaxed. David said something to her and winked and she laughed, picking up the two glasses and walking quickly back to the table. Charlie saw that Yvette had stopped playing with her phone and was taking a sip from her wine glass.
When Erin sat down, Charlie could see she was deeply flushed with sweat standing out on her forehead.
“What on earth was that?” he asked her.
Erin shrunk in her chair slightly and seemed to blush Even more deeply, which Charlie wouldn’t have thought possible.
“I can’t tell you,” she said.
Charlie leaned across the table. “Does Yvette have something on her phonethat’s … like … doing something to you?”
Erin sat with her hands in her lap for a moment with her shoulders hunted. She stole a quick look at Yvette and then leaned across the table herself.
“Oh god, Charlie, I don’t know how much more I can take!”
Charlie was alarmed. “Do you want me to text her the safeword?”
“No!” Erin hissed. “I mean … it’s good. It’s so, so good. But I’m so wet Charlie. I wasn’t allowed to wear panties and I can feel it down my legs. If I stand up again there’s going to be a spot on my dress.”
Already swelling, Charlie’s cock was suddenly rock-hard. “It’s … like a vibrator? She controls with her phone?”
Erin bit her lower lip and nodded. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you,” she said. “And I’m not supposed to … you know, to cum. But I don’t know if I –“
She was cut off by Lexy appearing at the side of their table with a water pitcher in her hand. “I see you’ve been to the bar,” she said. “Great! Are you ready to order?”
As she finished speaking, Charlie noticed that Erin was biting her lip again and was starting to breathe harder, a pleading look on her face. Charlie presumed that Yvette had activated the vibrator again. He was rock-hard now, thinking of his wife being driven nearer and nearer to orgasm as he sat at eye-level with Lexy’s huge, gorgeous tits.
He paused and stammered for a moment before summoning enough concentration to order the special for both of them. Erin said nothing, struggling to stay composed by beringing a napkin under the table.
“Great!” said Lexy. Those should be out pretty quick. Here, I’ll just freshen you up a bit–“
As Lexy poured water into their glasses, she sloshed some onto the table and into Charlie’s lap, causing him to jump.
“Oh my gosh, I am so, so sorry,” Lexy fumbled as she frantically put the water pitcher onto the table — sloshing more out in the process — and grabbed a napkin from a neary empty table. Before Charlie knewWhat was happening she had reached into his lap to dab at the spilled water and had grabbed a handful of his raging erection.
“I’m really sorry, I can’t believe I — oh!”
“It’s fine, really” Charlie said quickly, pushing her hand away. “The napkin got most of it. It’s really not a big deal.” He tried to pull his chair back under the table and cock — throbbing and obviously tenting the loose fabric of his pants — under the table clothes.
“I’ll uh … I’ll get that order in and um … get you another napkin?”
“That would be great,” Charlie surprised, feeling his face burning.
Lexy hurried away and as soon as she was gone Yvette appeared to release her grip on Erin. Charlie stole another glance at the bar. Yvette was still reading her book and making no sign of seeing or recognizing them.
Erin was sitting with her elbows on the table and her face in her hands. Charlie felt a pang of concern until he saw that she was shaking with laughter. She peeked out between her fingers.
“Ah, god, Charlie, what are we going to do? This is so embarrassing,” she moaned and laughed some more. Charlie just smiled, shook his head, and raised his manhattan in her direction before taking a sip.
The process repeated itself several times. First, when Lexy brought their meals and a fresh napkin for Charlie — still looking slightly embarrassed, though Charlie couldn’t tell whether it was from spilling the water or from going him. Then several more times when Lexy came to check on them and once when David brought them a second round — courtesy of a “friend at the bar,” he very cryptically explained. Each time, Yvette would activate the vibrator and Erin would stiffen and turn red and grip the napkin in her lap for dear life as Charlie did all the talking and tried to position himself so his hard-on wasn’t so obvious.
“Charlie,” Erin hissed after Lexy had refreshed their water for a third time. “Charlie, I was so close that time. I’m not supposed to, but she’s going to make me … get there, in front of all these people.”
Charlie nodded, not sure what else to say. “It’s okay, baby, maybe nobody will notice? It’s pretty busy in here–“
Charlie’s thought was interrupted by his phone buzzing. It was a text from Yvette.
“The check is paid. Wait for your customer copy. Then go immediately outside and get in the car.”
Charlie stared at it for a moment, suddenly very aware of the tent pole in his pants.
‘Well, folks,” Lexy said, appearing at the table. David was next to her, holding a small to-go box. “It’s your lucky day — someone took care of the bill for you, so you’re all set.”
Erin’s hands gripped the table and her mouth hung open as the vibrator did its work.
“And we Just wanted to apologize again for the little mess, so these are on the house.” He opened the to-go box to reveal two fresh-looking cannot, then flipped it shut and placed it on the table.
“Oh!” Said Charlie,”That’s so nice, they look delicious.”
Erin screwed her eyes shut as her shoulders began to bunch up to her ears.
“Well we hope you enjoy them,” said Lexy. “You two have a great evening, and we hope to see you –“
The table rattled as Erin began to buck helpfully in her chair, her orgasm overtaking her. Charlie, Lexy, and David could Only watch as her body clenched over and over. Erin held her hand tightly over her mouth but couldn’t stop the little squeaks of pleasure, barely audible to the three others but audible nonetheless.
Her spasms subsided and she sat completely still, eyes still screwed shut and one hand over her mouth.
“–again,” Lexy finished. Charlie looked at Lexy without moving his head. Her face was flushed and her lips were parted slightly as she stared at Erin, one hand fidgeting with the top button of her blouse. She absently moistened her lips with her tongue before regaining her composition.
“Well,” she said, re-affixing her best customer-service smile. “You folks have a nice evening.” Then she turned quickly on her heel and headed back to the kitchen.
David had just been standing casually at the side of the table with a smile on his face. “You folks have a good night,” he said simply, then returned to the bar.
After a pause, Erin opened one eye. “Oh god,” she said. “I can’t believe that happened.”
Before Charlie could answer, his phone buzzed again.
“Leave. Now.”
Charlie looked down at his throbbing erection then over at Yvette, who was looking directly at him for the first time all night. She looked him dead in the eye and raised an eyebrow.
“Um …” he said to Erin. “We are supposed to go.”
“Now?” Erin moaned.
“Believe me, it’s a little awkward for me too,” Charlie replied. “But … yeah.”
Erin took a deep breath and stood up, stumbling slightly on unsteady legs before smoothing her dress self-consciously in the back.
Charlie also stood up. In his incredibly aroused state and flimsy trousers, his erection was unmistakable to anyone in the restaurant. Charlie wasn’t sure if it was in spite of this fact or because of it, but he was dimly aware of becoming even more aroused. He grabbed the cannelloni from the table and considered trying to use it to hide himself before deciding simply to make a break for the exit. Erin was already a few steps ahead of him.
On the way out, they had to pass Lexy, who had relocated back to the host stand. She smiled at them as they approached, but her smile quickly disappeared when her eyes drifted down to Charlie’s very noticeable and very distracting erection. Lexy sucked in a breath and bit her lower lip, her hand going immediately to her top button again.
Charlie just smiled sheepishly and followed his wife out to the car.
The car ride back to the studio had been wet and breathless. Charlie and Erin had tried to stay composed with Bryan sitting just inches away in the front seat. But their hands couldn’t help but wander as they sat snuggled together in the back seat, Charlie’s to his wife’s slick thighs and hers straying periodically to Charlie’s throbbing cock before darting shyly away. Bryan drove them in silence and, if he noticed, made no sign of it, aside perhaps from a barely noticeable smile as he let them out of the car and bid them goodnight.
The couple was now standing in the dungeon studio, shrinking under Yvette’s stern glare. Yvette was still dressed as she had been at the Cattail, but had retrieved her riding crop and was holding it under her arm.
She stared at them for a long moment, saying nothing.
“Both of you, get undressed and go lay on the bed,” she finally said, as Though scolding two misbehaving teenagers.
Already embarrassed and tingling from head to toe, both Charlie and Erin obeyed immediately. Charlie’s cock throbbed as his wife pulled the sundress over her head and stood naked before them. He noticed a small, bright pink thing sticking out from between her legs. It looked for all the world like a tiny antenna. The vibrator, he sumised.
Charlie and Erin made their way over to the bed. As they climbed in on opposite sides, their eyes met and they started to giggle. Erin yelped as Yvette’s riding crop found the soft skin of her ass.
“Lie down,” Yvette ordered.
“Yes, mistress,” they said in unison and did as instructed.
“Now,” Yvette said, as she walked slowly around the bed. “Both of you had some very specific instructions.” As she reached the corner near Charlie’s head, she reached beneath the mattress and pulled out a leather cuff that was attached to the bed frame. Charlie obediently allowed her to fasten it to his wrist, binding him to the bed.
“We had fairly mixed results in terms of your adherence to those instructions.”
“Yes, mistress,” they both said, again in unison. Yvette continued her slow circuit around the bed, stopping at each corner to fasten one of either Charlie’s or Erin’s limbs to the frame via a leather cuff.
“Charlie, your performance was… mostly adequate,” she said. “But the hesitation you showed on your way out is unacceptable.”
“Yes, mistress,” Charlie replied, his face flushing.
“And Erin — not only were you told not to reveal the device to Charlie, you were told very specifically not to orgasm while at the restaurant.”
Erin giggled, then yelped when Yvette smacked her hip with the riding crop. “I mean, yes mistress,” she said.
Yvette had finished her circuit around the bed. Charlie and Erin each had one wrist and one ankle secured to the bed frame. Their other limbs were fastened each to each other so that they lay spread-eagled on the bed next to each other, bound to each other at the wrist and ankle and to the bedframe.
“As a result of your disobedience,” Yvette continued, “you made quite a scene. And you caused poor Lexy and David an unacceptable degree of embarrassment.”
Charlie shrank a little bit, feeling some geneine embarrassment at having caused two strangers discomfort. He also felt a distinct thrill thinking back on the fact that two strangers had watched his wife cum in public.
“Because of this,” Yvette went on, “I believe it is only fair that you two make it up to Lexy and David.”
Charlie and Erin exchanged confused looks, then both craneted their necks as the door to the studio opened. Lexy and David entered, both wearing black robes. They stood beside Yvette and both gave her respectful nods.
“Hello, mistress,” Lexy cooed. Her voice had shed the bright midwestern earnestness from the restaurant, replacing it with a lustful silkiness.
“Mistress,” David nodded and his own voice was darker than before, practically a growl.
“Hello you two,” said Yvette. “These two would like to make amends for their little … performance in the restaurant. As you can see, they are yours to do with as you wish for the moment.”
“Yes, mistress,” Lexy and David said in unison.
“David, why don’t you start?”
“Gladly, mistress,” David said and began to take off his robe.
Charlie couldn’t help but stare. As handsome as he was with his clothes on, David was even better-looking with them off. Trim, but not skinny; muscle, but not bulging. He had tattoos across his back and at his hips, the latter of which drew even more attention to the already attractive v-shape cut by his obliques. These, in turn, drew attention to his impressive, semi-hard cock.
Charlie felt a pang of jealousy and looked over at Erin. His wife was staring openly at David, her mouth hanging lustfully open. To his surprise, Charlie felt a rush of excitement winding around the jealousy.
As David began to climb onto the bed between Erin’s legs, she suddenly threw her head back. Both David and Charlie lookedat Yvette, who had her phone in her hand. She looked up from the screen, then turned it towards the bed revealing a pink, pulsing line dancing across it — presumably, Charlie thought, mirroring the rhythm of the vibrator now stimulating his wife.
“I think this is appropriate,” Yvette said.
“Yes, mistress,” David replied, then turned back to Erin.
Now kneeing on the bed between Erin’s spread legs, David leaned forward, supporting his weight on his hands so he hovered over Erin’s body, which had begun to understand and squirm from the viruses in her pussy. He smiled at her.
“Hi, Erin. I’m David,” he said.
“Mmmm,” she moaned, “hi David.”
“How do you feel about this, Erin?”
“Ungh,” Erin moaned. “So good.”
Charlie looked over at Yvette who was manipulating her phone with her thumb.
“Good,” David said, and shifted so that his head was over her breasts. She gasped as he took a swollen nipple into his mouth.
Charlie watched in rapt attention, amazing at the effect this was having on him. Their dirty talk had involved threesomes before — including with other men — but Charlie couldn’t believe he was about to watch another man fuck his wife. More surprising was how utterly aroused he was by it.
After thoroughly attending to Erin’s breasts, David began to work his way down her body, kissing his way Along her belly down to her buzzing, humming slit.
Erin turned her head and looked Charlie in the eye, squeeze his hand. It was electrifying. Charlie squeezed back, breathing more and more heavily as his heart pounded in his chest.
“Oh god, baby,” Erin groaned, “it feels so good.”
Charlie just moaned in response as Erin gasped — David had reached her pussy and was Now diving in with abandon.
Charlie looked over to where Yvette and Lexy were still standing. Yvette watched impassively, thumb moving over her phone, but otherwise showing barely any reaction to the sceneBefore her. Lexy, on the other hand, was watching intently, biting her lower lip. Her robe was falling open slightly and Charlie could see the tops over her breasts, pushed up even higher as Lexy hugged herself with one arm.
Charlie’s attention was drawn by movement next to him as David sat up on the bed. His cock was at full attention now and Charlie felt just a twinge of inadequacy looking at its length and girl. This didn’t stop his own cock from standing at full attention as he watched the scene next to him on the bed. It dimly registered to him that he was about to watch another man fuck his wife and the thought made his heart beat even faster.
David reached between Erin’s legs and gently tugged on the pink antenna, sliding the teardrop-shaped vibrator out with a soft, wet pop. Erin moaned desperately and arched her hips towards David, as if begging him to fill her pussy.
He shifted forward and lined himself up, then thrust slowly but firmly into Erin’s emrithing cunt. She groaned and arched her back, pulling against the restraints as David began to slide his length in and out of her. Charlie squeezed his wife’s hand and watched, desperately wanting to take hold of his own cock. But the restraints held him.
“Lexy.” Charlie’s attention was interrupted by Yvette’s voice.
“Yes, mistress,” Lexy breathed, then undid the tie to her robe, letting it fall to the floor.
Charlie blatantly stared. Like David, Lexy was pretty with her clothes on, but stunning with them off. Her body was a classic hourglass, with a trim, soft belly and flared hips that tapered to long, muscle legs. Her breasts were truly things to behold. Large and round, they swayed and jiggled as Lexy moved, with round, pink nipples that sat high on luscious frames of pale, round girlflesh.
Lexy swayed her way to the bed and climbed onto it, throwing her leg over Charlie so that she was sitting straddling him just above his cock, which twitched as it nestled between her soft, smooth ass cheeks. Lexy leaned forward until her mouth was at Charlie’s ear. He felt her hard nipples pressing into his chest as her breasts squeezed between their bodies.
“I wasn’t really embarrassed,” she whispered in his ear, as David began pumping harder into Erin on the bed next to them. “I was just thinking about whether that wonderful cock of yours would feel as good in my pussy as it did in my hand.”
Lexy squealed and sat bold upright, causing her tits to jiggle and Charlie to grunt as she shifted her weight.
“Lexy…” Yvette scolded.
“Sorry, mistress,” Lexy pouted. Charlie could feel her wetness against his skin and it was beginning to drive him crazy.
“Now, Lexy,” Yvette instructed.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“And Charlie –” Yvetted leaned closer to him. “Don’t cum.”
“Ungh, y-yes mistres-uuuuughhh.” As Charlie tried to respond, Lexy lifted her hips and impaled herself on his cock, taking him to the hilt in one smooth motion. She gave an appreciated groan as she settled onto him and began slowly to roll her hips around. Charlie felt the pressure growing between his legs and tried desperately to calm himself down.
David was now thrusting into Erin with long, hard strokes and she moaned with each one.
“Oh, Charlie,” she groaned and her cries were punctuated by the sounds of flesh against flesh as David pounded her with his thick, hard cock. “Oh Charlie, baby, it feels so good. He’s fucking me so good.”
Charlie felt him squeeze his hand and, Lexy’s ministerings notwithstanding, wriggled closer to his wife until their faces were almost touching. Erin did the same and pressed her mouth into Charlie’s, and he pushed his tongue frantically between her lips.
David’s rhythm picked up and he began to make short, deep, grunting sounds, rocking Erin’s body back and forth as he fucked her. Lexy was beginning to bounce up and down on Charlie’s cock and he looked away from Erinfor a moment to watch her, feeling a pang of longing to reach up and squeeze her bouncing, jiggling tits. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could last.
His wife’s voice brought his attention back to her side of the bed.
“Oh god, baby, oh Charlie, I can feel it, he’s going to … oh, Charlie he’s cumming, oh baby he’s cumming in me!!”
Charlie pressed his face against Erin’s cheek and squeezed her hand as David roared and thrust hard into her, emptying his load into her wanton, willing pussy. Erin bucked hard, her own orgasm triggered by the feeling of the handsome almost-stranger filling her cunt.
It was all too much for Charlie. His hips bucked up against the busty brunette and he exploded, pouring cum into her wet, hot, pussy. She stopped bouncing and rode him out, Keeping them connected as Charlie thrashed underneath her.
As their orgasms subsided, David sat up, breathing heavily. He gently disengaged from Erin, got off the bed, and stood next to Yvette,who placed an approving hand on her shoulder. Lexy, still with Charlie’s slowly softening cock inside her, shifted restlessly on top of him.
“Mistress, I think he came,” Lexy said sweetly.
“Yes,” Yvette replied, frowning slightly. “Against my instructions. Lexy, please go with David into the other room.”
“But Mistress,” Lexy while, “I didn’t get to.” She squirmed on Charlie’s sensitive cock, causing him to gasp.
“David, could you …?” Yvette said, gently taking his semi-flaccid cock in her hand and slowly struggling it.
“Yes, mistress,” he said and picked up the robes off the floor and turned to the door, pausing to wait for Lexy.
“Lexy, go with David,” Yvette said. It was not a request.
“Yes Mistress!” Lexy said brightly and removed herself from Charlie’s cock, squealing as a gush of cum dripped out of her. David put his arm around her shoulders and they disappeared through the door.
Yvette quickly and efficiently made her way around the bed, removing the cuffs that bound Charlie and Erin to the bedframe and to each other. Though she worked quickly, she made sure to gently stroke and cares both Charlie and Erin, who snuggled together in the center of the bed.
Again, Yvette pulled a soft blanket over the two of them and stroked their heads for a minute as they held each other, both exhausted and hazy.
“That was wonderful, you Two,” Yvette said. “Stay as long as you want. Let Letitia know if you need anything. And I’ll see you next time.”
She left through the same door as Lexy and David.
Charlie and Erin cuddled for a while before retirement to their separate changesrooms and showing. They were both blissfully wear, like they’d just taken a long sauna.
In spin of that, it was barely 10 minutes after they arrived home that they fell into bed again, passwordately reclaiming each other, starting with long, slow love-making before devolving into sweaty, frantic fucking.
Afterwards, theycuddled again, this time in the familiar comfort of their own bed.
“I liked watching her on top of you,” Erin shyly admitted. Charlie smiled. “I liked watching you, too,” he replied. And though he still found it strange to admit out loud, he didn’t doubt for a second it was true.
Erin revealed contentedly, then they both drifted off to sleep wondering what could possibly be in store for session three.
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