Thinking about what jo said about the new crew member, lueller decided to call her leave off and go into work the next week. As soon as she got to her desk and jo saw her, she came over with a smile on her face. “You took my advice then and came back.” “ Only cause I was bored at home.” “How can you be bored at home, I could find loads to do and it wouldn’t be housework I can tell you.” So where is this new male you speak about, I don’t see him on the floor.” “I got a confession there isn’t one, I just wanted you back at work.” ” So when you played with my breasts, was that false as well.” ” No it wasn’t iv always like them, but when you brought me off that was something else.” ” Shush someone might hear you.” ” So what if they do, you must have enjoyed it as well.” “Oh I did trust me, iv never saw anyone climax so much.” Jo looked about the office, before moving closer to lueller then eased her short skirt up.
Seeing jo wore no knickerswas a shock, but after taking in the sight of her bold pussy lueller looked up at her. “ Think you could do it again now.” Before lueller could reply to her, jo placed one foot on her desk and started to rub her pussy. After a few rubs her head shot backwards, a slight moan escaped her lips and that’s when lueller stopped her. “ Not here jo, lets go somewhere quieter.” Now holding jo`s fingers from her pussy, she found her own fingers were coated in jo`s juices and tasted them. “ Your getting good at tasting my juices, but why stop me I was so close.” Pushing her skirt down, lueller got up and faced her. “If this is what you want then lets go somewhere else, my desk isn’t the place.” making the small walk down the hall, lueller stopped and pushed open the makeup room door then both went inside. Right away jo sat on the counter top, and easy her skirt to her wait started to rubb her pussy letting one finger slip inside her. Little moans escaped her lips, but when she saw lueller looking she spread her legs wider. “ Oh god come closer, I carnt last much longer.” Sitting in the seat infront of jo, she took her coat off then pushed down her black bra cups and felt her own breasts.
Milk was starting to drip from her nipples, so she pressed her nipple to her pussy and rubbed up and down.
Jo still had her finger moving in and out, but not for much longer as lueller removed it and placed her own inside. After forcing her finger in and out a few times, she could tell jo was close to climaxing as she was bucking against her hand. So when she let out a moan and throw her head backwards, lueller slipped closer and sank her tongue into her pussy. This was new to lueller she had never done this before, but as she licked jo out more juices flooded out her pussy into her mouth. When jo feel her tongue enter her pussy, she grabbed her head and pulled her closer then started to thrust up and down. The sensing of her best friend licking her out, made jo sohorny that she could’t hold out any longer and climaxed. But when lueller felt the flood of cum, she stopped licking and pushed her breast to her pussy and let her juices coat her tit then sat back.
As soon as jo saw her mouth coated in juices, she slipped from the counter top and kissed her on the lips. But while kissing and forcing her tongue inside, she slipped a hand down and gave lueller `s breasts a feel pinching the nipples. Letting her hand roam all over them, they were soon brought back to earth by the door knocking. “ We are busy in here.” “ im looking for lueller bailey I have a package for her.” Pulling there clothes Together, lueller got to her feet and opened the door. Standing there was the floors mail man. “ You have to sign for it miss.” Signing for the package she returned back to jo.
“ Another admirer sending me gifts.” On opening the box, lueller was supported to see it was a vibrator. “ My god, look what someone sent me jo.” “ Well IThought it might come in handy, you know for when your home alone at nights.” Lueller couldn’t beleve jo had sent her this, but she knew she would be using it as soon as she got home later on. “Now lets get back to work.”
From that meaningful day when lueller turned up for work, the first thing they did was make out in the make-up room then get down to some work. But the know toy lueller had, always came in handy for jo`s pussy.
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