Yuri’s Tales 02: First Date

Author’s Note: Yuri’s stories are designed so they can be read independently if you so wish, although some small details may be best appreciated by reading them in order. The POV character herself is also left intentionally without description so the reader can imagine her as they so wish. If you want a canon description, ‘Yuri’s Tales 0: Prelude’ contains/will contain such a description.

Content tags: First Person, FF, Public, Exhibition, D/S, Daddy kink, Lesbian whiskey service, Edging, Orgasm control, Praise & Degradation, Discussion of squirting/piss


“Give me your panties.”

A thrill shot up my spine as I stared wide-eyed at Mary’s deviant smile. I glanced around the quiet restaurant, valuable seconds ticking past as our waitress went to get our desserts.

“Now? Here?”

She sent with manufactured examination, cocking one eyebrow at me as though to say ‘figure it out.’

“Should I- um,can I…” I whimpered softly and squeezed my thighs together as though I could keep my panties from getting any wetter than they already were. “May I go to the bathroom, please?”

“I’m not stopping you, sweetheart.” Her tone implied that I was going to regret this choice one way or another.

I stood up slowly, hesitating for just a moment before smoothing the skirt of my deep blue dress and slowly crossing the floor of the upscale restaurant. The quiet murmur of private conversations soothed my nerves, while the slick feeling between my legs heightened them in turn. I shortly arrived at the bathroom and was met with my own flushed reflection looking back at me with wide, excited eyes.

No fucking wonder Mary liked teasing me, I was hot.

I slipped into a stall and quickly slide the damp fabric from between my legs, taking a moment to mourn the loss of the glorious reveal of my favorite set of sexy black lace before balling them up in my hand and rushing backto the table.

When I got there, our waitress was just leaving. A beautiful slice of berry tart was gleaming tantalizingly in the middle of our table, but it was outshone by the glee in Mary’s eyes as I returned. I immediately went to sit, but she stopped me with a raised hand. Then, that same hand turned over and indicated that she was expecting something, so I pressed the damp fabric from my hand into hers.

Again I moved to sit, and again she stopped me. She made me wait while she slowly lifted my panties to her nose and took a long sniff. I nearly failed from the intense rush of blood to my face as I watched her casually sniffing my damp, warm panties in the middle of a classy restaurant, while I waited for permission to sit like an obedient pet.

“Delightful.” She finally spoke, the evil little smile burning right through me. “But you realize I’m not going to let you get away with playing it safe, right?”

“Um… Yes?”

“Do you want to be a good little slut for me, or would you rather sit down and get on with dessert?”

“I, uh, I want…” I shivered, “I want to be good for you.”

“That’s a good girl. Show me.”

“Show you… what?” My voice was small, and the tension in my gut was very close to leaking down my leg. I already knew what she wanted, but I had to hear her say it.

“Show me where They came from. I want to be sure these are yours.”

Another shiver down my spine. I nodded, then looked at the window we had been sitting beside to examine the reflection of the people around us. There was plenty of space, and no clear sight lines, but I still felt too exposed to just lift my skirt right there. Instead, I stepped next to the table and used my foot to tug my pursuit out from under my seat. Then, turning away from Mary, I bent at the waist and prepared to look for something. I feel my skirt lift, and a slight cool breeze across the damp message at the meeting of my legs.

After giving her a moment to look,I straightened and shoved my bag back under my seat before all but leaping into my chair. “Was that… good?”

“You’re such a clever little slut, Yuri.” Mary slid a dessert fork across the table to me. ” A very wet, clever slut.”

I picked up the fork with an embarrassed nod.

“Of course, after seeing that…” Mary paused to lick a dollar of whipped cream of her finger slowly. “I’m starting to feel a little damp myself.”

The thought made me smile with unbridled glee. I was still appalled that it had taken me a full day to realize after our first meeting that I had been on the receiving end of all the pleasure. I was determined that I would not repeat that error. “As hot as you are in slacks and a dress shirt, I’m sad I can’t see how much pouting it would take to get you to return the favor.”

Mary cought softly, trying not to inhale the strawberry on her fork. “Return… what?”

I giggled, fluttering my eyesashes as I slowly finished my bite ofcusstard and blueberries. “I’m just saying it would be nice if I got to sniff your panties for once. I bet you would pair wonderfully with some cream.”

Mary turned a truly delightful shade of red, and for a long moment I thought I might have overloaded her brain. While she processed, I focused on eating a strawberry in the sexiest way I know how. Maximum eye contact. When she finally blinked again I could see her smile slowly reappear on her face, and I knew that a different idea was forming behind those gorgeous hazel eyes. “Would you like that, Yur’? You wanna see how good I taste with some whipped cream?”

I could only guess at what she might be planning, but she gave me no hints to follow, so I just nodded slowly. “Yes. Please.”

“Well, I suppose that can be arranged… but you have to be very good for me.” Again, I nodded, so she leaned forward. “Alright then. You first.”

I cocked my head slightly, truly not sure what she was implyingThis time. She leaned forward, so I matched her posture to let her whisper to me.

“Lift up the pretty little skirt, shove your fingers into your drooling slut-hole, then let me taste you.”

I blinked at her, mouth hanging open slightly at the sheer audacity of this beautiful bitch. Then, silently, I sat up and slid my hand under my skirt. I moaned softly, my left hand covering my mouth to muffle the noise as I buried two fingers in myself completely. When my hand reappeared over the table, my middle and ring fingers were clearly shiny with my fluids, making Mary’s eyes light up. Without hesitation she took me by the wrist and pulled my hand to her mouth, eyes locked to mine as she slowly licked my fingers clean.

A less restrained woman might have cum on the spot. She was good. Her tongue seemed unnaturally long and flexible, and the mere concept of what it could do between my legs made me go weak at the knees. When she was satisfied that there was nothing left for her to taste, she licked her lips and leaned back in her seat. “I was right. You’re delicious. I can’t wait to try more.”

I whimpered, squirming in my seat. She just watched me, silently laughing. Daring me to speak. I was not about to refuse her. “Is it… my turn? Please Mary, haven’t I been good?” It came out somewhere between a plea and a whine, and I swear I saw her pupils dilate.

“Can’t.” She looked down, drawing my eyes to our empty dessert plate. “No cream left, sorry.”

I divided at her for a moment, truly surprised at the betrayal. When my astonishment did nothing to move her, I switched to my best pout. “I don’t want the cream, Mary. I just want you.

“Isn’t that sweet.

I refused to let her crack my facade with a bad pun, leaning forward to while in a soft voice. “Won’t you please let me taste your pussy, Mary? I swear I’ll be good for you.”

“Oh, Yuri, I’m sure you will. You’ll get your chance soon.”

“But I thought you were gonna let me taste you now.”

“Now?” Mary made a show of looking around and blinking at me with mock surprise. “Yuri, do you think I’m the kind of perverted slut who fingers herself in public?”

I could only stutter helplessly before whimpering much more loudly than I had intended, flushed right down to my nipples. Mary watched with amusement, which only made me more embarrassed, squirming in my seat in a vain attempt to prevent my leaking pussy from soaking right through my dress. It was a good thing I wore a dark color.

Suddenly, Mary stood and offered me her arm. “Well, it looks like I can’t keep you waiting any longer. Unless I want everyone here to get a delicious whiff of your pretty little pussy.”

I covered my face reflexively, freshly glancing around from between my fingers.

“I’m kidding, Yur’. I’m the only one who’s gonna get a deep whiff of that wonderful perfume.”

Unsurprisingly, her teasing didn’t make it any easier for me to stand up, my legs weak and shaking.

“Come on, I already paid.” She grabbed my arm and practically dragged me to my feet, pulling me into her chest so she could whisper in my ear, “The sooner we get back to my place, the sooner you’ll get your wish.”

I took a moment to just lean against her, taking a deep breath and enjoying the way she still smelled like oil paint and graphite under the scent of soap and hairspray. Feeling her arms around my wait made me feel steady, and soon I nodded into the crook of her neck before pulling away to bend and grab my purse, giving her another quick flash of the mess she had made before taking her offered arm and letting her lead me from the restaurant.


Other than an intensity make out session while we were waiting for the train to take us back to the college district, the trip home consistent mostly of little glances. Flashed smiles that lead to hot blushing, little skirtflourishes that lead to hungry eyes, and wandering hands where we hoped no one could see.

That night was the first time I had been in Mary’s home. It was on the top floor of a building that looked like it had seen better days, and more than one half-finished renovation. We took an elevator up four floors, then another up three more, then a set of stairs down to her front door. Before I could get too distracted by the absurd floor plan, I was pulled into a cozy little living area and extremely shoved onto a couch.

“You can have a tour later, right now…” Mary all but ripped off her vest and tossed it aside, her shirt quickly following. Then she was on top of me, her lean frame trapping me against the plus couch. “Where were we?”

I squirmed under her, positioning myself so one of her knees was between my legs. Then I leaned my head back and turned aside so she could see the half-formed hickey on the nape of my neck. “Right about… here.” I pressed my desperatepussy into her leg, refreshing the wet spot I started in the train station.

“Mmmmmmm…” Mary hummed approvedly and leaned in to nip at the tender spot she’d left, drawing a gasp from my lips and making me grind harder against her. This time at least I could return the favor, running my hands up her from her hips to her chest, then sliding around her to unclasp her cute black bra.

It took me a few tries to get it off, Because every time I thought I had it she’d suck a little harder or nip at my neck to make me lose my focus. The wet spot on her slacks quickly grow, giving me a soft growth of approval and a shift of her weight that pressed her leg more firmly against me.

The pressure on my needy clip went straight to my head, leaving my mind fuzzy with pleasant warmth. I wasn’t so distracted by my own pleasure as to forget my mission though, finally sliding my hands onto Mary’s small breasts. I gave them a tenative squeeze and was rewarded with a small gasp, then alouder moan when I took one nipple gently between my fingers.

“Mmmmmm, you’re more sensitive than I expected.” I pursued happily, giving the nipple a careful twist and taking delight in her attempts to muffle her desperate voice. I pulled her closer to me using my new handhold and whispered in her ear as she moaned into my neck, “Please let me make you cum.”

Mary’s breath caught in her throat and I felt her body tension. She carefully pulled away from me until she could look into my eyes. “Yuri, that is the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.”

A bubble of heat rose from my pelvis, leaving me flushed and giddy. “Is that a yes?”

Her response was to pull further away from me and flip me over to hastily unzip my dress. She peeled it off of me, then tossed both it and my bra across the room. Before I could roll myself back over, she leaned back down to press herself against my back, her nipples stiff points of contact amid the warmth and softness. “Alright then, my wonderful little sex toy. Show me how useful you can be.”

As soon as she gave me space to turn, I faced her and gently pushed her away from me. “Get off me and sit somewhere comfy.” She raised an eyebrow at me impatiently, and I whimpered before rephrasing myself. “Mary, could you please get off me? You should sit somewhere comfy so I can properly service you.”

My new choice of words earned me a smile and compliance. When I was free from her entrapping presence, I slowly rose and took a deep breath to steady myself for what I was about to do. When I felt ready, I found Mary had reseated herself on a cozy-looking recliner in the corner of the room. From our talks, I recognized it as her reading nose.

The dim light leaking in from the high windows had its mysterious appeal, but When I approached Mary to knee gracefully at her feet, I asked in a small voice, “Would you like to turn on the light, love?”

She did so, reaching over her shoulder to flick on a lamp thatbathed her in warm light. I had to suppress the urge to star at her, the light highlighting her gentle curves and muscle tone. I failed, my eyes lingering on the shadows just below her navel. Fortunately, she was as busy staring as I was.

“Do you like what you see?” I asked gently, fluttering my eyes.

“I do. But it could be better.” She pointed at her lap. “I thought You were going to do something about this?”

“I will. Soon. But first I want you to feel… powerful.” I slide forward between her parted legs and touched her tighs with my fingertips, sliding them from her knees to her hips, then up further until my hands rested on her shoulders and I was looking up at her from only inches away. “Please let me do this for you. Just relax and enjoy, OK?”

She nodded. I smiled, then I kissed her softly.

“Thank you, Mary. Do you want me to call you something special?” She thought about it for only a second, but hesitated. So I kissed her again before she could speak. “Think about it for a minute, I’m going to get you something.”


“Mhmm.” I didn’t elaborate, rising to my feet in one slow movement before turning and walking to the kitchen. Her living room and kitchen area were all one big space, with a ladder leading up to a loft above where her bed was under a big skylight on the dropped roof. It made for a cozy home, crammed with art supplies and books.

I fetched a glass out of her cabinet, making sure to walk slowly and swway my hips as much as was reasonable to ensure she had a show. I opened her freezer and put a couple of ice cubes into the glass, then returned to the front door to fetch my pursuit.

When I came back to Mary, she had an adorable mix of arousal and confusion painted across her face. I just kept my pleasant smile before kneeing again, beside her seat this time. I set the glass next on top of the short bookshelf that seemed to double as a side table, then opened my pursuit to retrieve a small black box tied shut with red ribbon. “Won’t you please let me make this fantasy come true, Mary?”

She blinked slowly at the box, then turned a raised eyebrow to me, choosing to trust my little plan. “Alright Yuri. I want you to call me… Daddy.”

I could tell that she was pushing herself, admitting to a fantasy that was tied to fear and shame. I presented her with the little box. “Of course, Daddy. Thank you for trusting me.”

Mary shivered noticeably as she took the box from my hands, murmuring absolutely as she pulled off the ribbon. “Good girl.”

It was my turn to shiver with anticipation, watching her pull out the carved crystal whiskey tumbler. Her eyes widened slightly, looking at the way its facets split the light as I returned the empty box to my pursuit and retrieved a small bottle. I pulled her hand down you my level and leveled the glass before pouring her a general double of the scotch I’d bought her. “Would you like ice, or will you try it warm first?”

Mary brought the glass to her nose and gave it a sniff. “This smells amazing, Yur’.” She caught my expected look and paused before sipping from the glass, making a pensive noise instead. “What do you recommend?”

My heart pounded in my chest, thrilled that she had given me my chance. I sat up and gently pulled the glass to my lips, taking a mouthful of the amber liquid. Then I pressed my body Against hers, careful to remain lower so I was looking up at her when we kissed. She tasted the pool of burning liquor in my mouth, and at her soft moan of approval I lifted myself to let it drain into hers.

When I pulled away she swallowed auditory, then licked her lips. She looked pensive, leaving me to knee patiently at her feet while she came to a verdict. After a moment’s consideration, she pulled a couple of ice cubes from the first glass and dropped them into the whiskey, swirling it until things had chilled nicely. Then she crooked her finger at me.

When I rose this time, she caught me by the hair and made me gasp before pressing the glass to my lips and pouring some of the now-cool liquid into my mouth. Then she pulled me up my the hair until our lips met, leaving me to whimper into her mouth as she tasted her drink. When she let go I fell back onto my ass gracelessly, head spinning.

“Delicious.” Mary licked her lips with a grin, leaning back in the seat. “Definitely better cold.”

“I’m glad you like it, Daddy.” I smiled up at her. “Please enjoy it while I service you.”

“Later you’ll have to tell me where this all came from.”

“The dirty mind of a perverted slut.” I leaned forward to kiss her chest while I took my time unbuckling her belt. I kept my eyes on hers, watching her watching me. “And there’s more where this came from. Good toys have lots of ideas for how they want to be used.”

Mary quivered under my touch, running fingers through my hair. She inhaled sharply as I licked slowly around one nipple, taking it betweenn my lips for a gentle nibble as I freed her from her pants. She helped me slide them down her legs, taking her panties along for the ride.

I pulled away and leaned down to carefully lift each foot and pull away the relevant pant leg, leaving her completely naked and unrestrained. When I set her clothes off to one side, she slowly spread her legs in a silent invitation to continue.

I repositioned myself, kissing my way slowly up her inner thigh while massaging her calves with my hands. My eyes were still locked on hers as I got close enough to ticke the neighbor trimmed hairs just above her pussy. I stopped there, while softly and licking my lips while she tried not to hold her breath. “Can I please lick your pussy, Daddy?”

Mary huffed softly, amused. Her free hand slid into my hair and gripped lightly, making me moan. She paused to sip her drink, her eyes locked on mine even as she pressed my eager mouth against her hot slit.

I was more than pleased to oblige, pressing the flat of my tongue against her and dragging it slowly up over her clip, savoring my first taste of another woman. Not satisfied with the small amount of wetness I got to taste, I used the tip of my tongue to burrow directly into the source, burying my face against her and making her gasp and grip my hair more tightly.

She ground against my face slowly, my nose pressed into her clip as I got my fill of her taste. When I needed to breathe she let me pull back and gasp in a few breaths, showing her my giddy grin. She couldn’t help but chuckle at my unrestrained glee, forcing me to look away to keep my oncoming giggle from turning into a fit.

After a moment Mary gave me a gentle pet to bring my attention back, her trademark smile easing me right back into my submissive head space. She pulled me back into her, putting my tongue to work on all her favorite spots. “There’s my good girl. You must feel very accomplished, licking your first pussy.”

I nodded, not breaking away from my eager lapping.

“You’re pretty good at this, I bet you did some research.” She sipped her drink, pleased with the renewed blush on my cheeses. “Actually… knowing you, it was probably a lot of research, right?”

I squirmed under the pressure of her gaze, whimpering as I nodded to confirm her statement. It was only supposed to be a blog post or two, but then the two most recommended articles disagreed on some points, and I ended up in a 100-tab rabbit hole. I liked to know what to expect, alright?

I tried to distract her by sucking on her clip, pulling it between my lips and flicking my tongue rapidly back and forth on it, but Mary just winced and pushed my head back. “Too fast, sweetie. Keep it nice and slow until I tell you otherwise. It takes me a while to get warmed up.”

“Thank you for the feedback, Daddy.” I tried again, suckling on her clip and slowly dragging my tongue over the tip of it. This time I was rewarded with a deepmoan and a weak twitching of her thigh muscles. I went to repeat the experiment to check the results, but she pulled me away from her again, gasping.

“Fuck!” She shuddered, pressing her drink against the arm of the chair to keep it steady. “That’s too good, alright love? Use with caution.”

“But I like making you shake and moan, Daddy.” I pouted dramatically.

“You’ll get to, slut.” My spine tingled at the determination in her tone, “But right now you are going to shut up and do what I tell you so I can cum on that pretty face of yours.”

I gave the only proper response, shoving my face between her legs to slowly drag my taste buds over her clip. I took her moan as encouragement, repeating the process while wiggling my tongue from side to side. Now I had her panting and clutching the crystal glass. Her drink was practically forgotten as I took all the time I needed to push her closer and closer to the edge.

When I moved to add myfingers to the mix she shook her head, so I keep them firmly squeezing her thighs. As she approached the point of no return, she gasped out instructions in a tone that would have ruined my panties if I’d been wearing any. “When I pull on your hair, do that trick with the suction. Lots of saliva, gentle pressure, quick flicks with pauses between.”

She didn’t have time to make sure I understand, throwing back her head and moaning loudly as her abdomen and thighs clenched. I kept up my slow lapping as she came hard, shaking in her seat and twitching violently every time the tip of my tongue gave a little flick at the end of a stroke.

I watched as her muscles relaxed, slowing my movements as she came down and started to catch her breath. Apparently this was the wrong move, as she brought one of her legs around my back to pull me into her and growled intensely, “Don’t you fucking dare stop, slut.”

I nearly came as she treated me like a glorified sex toy, grindingHer clip against my tongue when I didn’t move just the way she wanted. Maybe 45 seconds after her first orgasm, she pulled on my hair. Then, when I didn’t seem to get the message, she gave a yank rough enough to make me yelp. I immediately sucked her clip into my mouth and did my best to pause between quick, light flicks of my tongue.

This time Mary practically screamed as she came, her whole body going tense and her back arching. “Fuck! Yes, Yuri, yes!” She shivered and twitched, moaning through her panting as all of her muscles seemed to relax at once. This time when I slowed down, she nodded at me, patting my head to signal my stop.

Not quite ready to get up, I shifted my legs to make sure they had proper blood flow while also leaning myself into the leg that was still wrapped around me. I kissed her thigh softly as I watched her heaving chest with a mixture of satisfaction, pride, and lust.

As she calmed enough revitalize her smirk, she lifted her glass at me. “Icould get used to this kind of service.”

“Any time.” I giggled softly, nuzzling her thigh “I’m really glad you like it, Daddy.”

She finished the last of her whiskey, then reached out to place the cold glass against my shoulder, making me gasp. “You’re such a wonderful little slut. It makes me want to bully you.” She paused, gently petting me with a pensive look. “I wasn’t too rough with you at the end?”

I slipped a hand between my legs and showed her how slip my hand was. “I liked it. It was really hot how you got so caught up in your pleasure that you stopped thinking about me as a partner.”

That got me a wry laugh. “I’m glad you liked it. Don’t go expecting it though.”

I nodded into her thigh, watching her eyes as they followed my tongue, currently busy cleaning off my hand. “I know you prefer to be more gentle with me. Just don’t feel guilty about it, alright?”

“Yeah.” She finally pulled my hand away to suckle on my fingers herself, making me moan softly.

“Hey, Mary?” She cocked an eyebrow at me, noticing my choice of words. “Why no fingers? I thought you have an easier time cumming from penetration?”

“I do.” Her suddenly blush surprised me. She couldn’t seem to look me in the eye, but she shook her head to keep me from apologizing and back-tracking. “Penetration is easier, but since you already had me revved up with clip stuff and I didn’t know if you would go for my g-spot…”

I cocked my head, not seeing the connection.

“You, um, might have made me squirt.”

I had to pause at that, blood rushing to my face and chest as my thighs reflexively pressed together. “I can see that you’re really self-conscious about it, but… that sounds really hot.”

“I’m not, like, against it as a rule. It’s just messy, and you clearly wanted to get me off with your mouth, so…” When I only looked more aroused, she winced. “Yuri, you know squirting is basically just piss, right?”

That gave me pause. She watched the gears rolling slowly in my head for a bit before I finally shrugged. “Still hot. I’ll need to think about it a bit more, but I might not… Well, if I finger you while I’m going down on you, know that I’m aware of the risks, alright?”

It was her turn to pause and process information. Eventually, she shiver slightly. “In that case, I might have other fans for you.”

Her wholehearted lack of hesitation made a very different feeling of warmth spread from my gut, making my heart flutter. I pulled myself up her body to press our lips together with a full-chested moan. She returned my intensity, but I pulled away after only a moment so I could whisper to her, “Please use me to make all your fans come true, Daddy. I love being your dirty little toy.”

I was pulled roughly back into a kiss, as though Mary was trying to devour my soul through my mouth. She held me with both hands on my wait, my arms dragged loosely around her shoulders to be out of her way. When she finally released my mouth, she grew and squeezed with her hands until I gasped. “Enough pillow talk. It’s your turn, slut.”

She pushed me back as she rose, trying to bring me to my feet. Instead I ended up on my ass, smiling shyly as I scrambled to stand. “Sorry… one of my legs fell asleep.”

“That’s what happens when you eat pussy for nearly ten minutes straight.” Mary grabbed my arm and hauled me back to my feet before swatting my ass. “I’ll make you a merit badge. Now get that cute butt up the ladder, I plan to fuck you in an actual bed. Not on the floor like an exciting puppy.”

I hoped in place for a second while the pins-and-needles feeling passed, then turned my most innocent smile to Mary. “I think an excited puppy could be arranged, too.”

I was halfway up the ladder before she could sputter out a response, giggling to myself. She seems to be placed by the excellent view, not bothering to add her thoughts on the matter. A moment later she joined me in the cozy loft area, not that I noticed.

I was too busy looking out the window.

Directly above Mary’s bed on the heavy slant of the ceiling was a HUGE skylight. It was long and narrow, with a short section at each end that could open for ventilation. From where I was standing I could see the glimmering lights of the city stretching out to the horizon, and above the city ​​the moon was a thin crescent on a backdrop of twinkling stars.

Mary wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me back against her chest, bending just enough to rest her head on my shoulder. “Do you like it?”

“It’s amazing.”

“An unfortunately perk of hunting for the cheapest rent in the city. When I feel down, or I get art block, I’ll just stare out there for hours and think About all the different lives being lived.”

“Can you see the mountains during the day?”

“When it’s clear enough, yeah. The first painting I ever sold in a gallerywas of this view.”

“I can see why.”

“Mhmmm. Of course, tonight I have something even more gorgeous to look at.”

“Pfffffft. Come on, I thought you had more game then that.”

“Oh? Feeling sassy, ​​Yur’? Well I want you to get a good, long look out there… Because in a few minutes I’m going to make sure every one of ’em gets to hear you cum.”

I shivered in her embrace, turning a little so I could meet her side eye with my own. “Promise?”

She nipped my ear, “As long as you do as you’re told.”

“Yes Daddy!”

“Fuck that’s hot.”

Mary let go of me so she could shove me forward onto her bed. I let out an undignified squeak on my way down, landing in a tangle of limbs. Before I could sort myself out, she was kneeling behind me. She grabbed my arms and used something soft to tie my wrists to my elbows. Then she grabbed my legs and flipped me over, making me gasp from the sudden movement.

I was panting, looking up at her. Helpless and restraintd, about to be forced to put on a show for god knows how many people…

“Daddy, if you keep this up I’m going to cum before you even get to touch me.”

“Oh no you won’t” Mary leaned in to grab me by the hair and force me to look into her eyes. “You don’t get to cum until I say so! I’ve put way too much effort into this to have you ruin it by being an overreager slut. Is that clear?”

“Yes Daddy. I’ll try.”

“You’ll do better than try.

I nodded, my words beginning to fail as I let myself slip into my most submissive head space. As long as I was there, I could let Mary be an external source of determination and willpower. I whimpered softly as I felt her tie something around my ankles, pulling my legs up and tying them to hard points on either side of the skylight.

It slowly dawned on me that I was completely vulnerable and spread open under the window, with a perfect view up at the sky. I was just glad that I couldn’t see the city spread out below me. Too many opportunities to convince myself that people were staring.

I realized that I hadn’t felt any movement in nearly a minute and considered lifting my head to look for Mary, but a warm hand slipped under my raised ass to hold me steady and a soft puff of damp air made my desperate pussy begin to ache. I whileplitically. When that didn’t get me any further contact I whimpered softly, “Daddy…”

All I felt was my own anticipation and that one delicious hand keeping my hips from squirming.

Another breath on the wet mess between my legs. More whining, whimpering, and other desperate noises. It took everything I had to keep my hips still, the desire to understand in search of pleasure mounting.

Another breath on my desperate, dripping cunt. I swear it was closer, like her tongue was only millions away from giving me everything I wanted. In that moment, there was nothing I wanted more in the world than for Mary to lick me just once.

“Did you want something, pet?” I could feel the soft victory of her low tone in my thighs. “You know I’m not going to touch you unless you ask me to, right?”

“Daddy, please…!” My whole body shuddered as I fought to remain still, desperately trying to kick the language center of my brain to spit out something rarely coherent. “I need you to touch me! Please!”

“I am touching you.” She emphasized this fact by squeezing the ass cheek in her palm.

“Not like that.” I while, finally losing the battle as my hips bucked. I couldn’t see her move, but there was nothing there for me to grind against. “Your tongue. Please, please, fuck me like a needy toy.”

“Like a toy?”

“Like Daddy’s favorite toy!”

“And you’ll be a good girl for me?”

“Yes! I promise I won’t cum until you tell me to!”

“Mmmmmmm…” I felt her second hand then, spreading my lips so she could examine the quivering hole that was slowly soaking her bed with my scent.”I believe you, love.”

“Thank you, Dadd- AH!” She cut me off with the lightest possible flick of her tongue across my clip, but the sensing hit me like lightning bolt.

I was so tense I was literally holding my breath while I waited for her to continue, but again she kept me waiting.

“Hnnnng…” I made a truly pitiful noise as it began to dawn on me what she was doing, and how long it was going to take. I tried to distract myself by looking up at the stars, but the way her breathing kept intermittently brushing across my sex kept my focus locked exactly where she wanted it. “This is so mean…”

“Should I stop then?” Her question was dripping with the smug pride of someone who already knew what the answer would be.

“N-No, Daddy. I can take it.” I paused, then elaborated in a smaller voice “I think.”

“That’s a good girl.” Her tongue flicked me again, making me yelp. “Now show me just how good you can be.”

The slow torque of waiting was awful. What she did next was much much worse.

Without any more buildup she sucked my clip into her mouth and began to run her tongue around it in quick little circles. The sudden change forced a garbled mess of gibberish out of my mouth, made only worse as she switched the direction of her circles randomly. Then she was flicking. Back to circles. Sucking harder, then softer, then letting my clip pop free and sucking it back in.

I was a mess. In less than a minute she had me shaking, quaking with need as I desperately tried to force myself not to cum. I knew that making me cum was pretty easy, but Mary made it seems like a solved problem. Absolute simplicity.

“D-Daddy…” I while softly, trying to warn her that it was shortly going to be too much for me.

She released the sensitive nub from her lips, chuckling. But rather than address me directly, she casually slipped two fingers into my dripping hole and began a new form of torque.

Her fingers were as capable as her tongue, but due to the difference in sensitivity she was able to vary her technique to keep me from rushing headlong over the edge into orgasm. Slow, long thrusts became short, deep thrusts became the classic ‘come hire’ motion that I’d always found rather disappointing. As it turns out, my fingers simply aren’t long enough to hit the right angle. Mary, however…

“OH FUCK!” I jolted, my hips bucking as she rubbed just the right spot. “What the hell, Mary, that’s so good!”

“Hm.” I was suddenly quite empty. “That’s… disappointing.”

Surprise, displeasure, and determination collided on their way to my vocal cords and came out as a garbled mess of sylables and a great deal of thrashing. Eventually, I whimpered more commonly, “Whyyyyy?

“I thought we had an agreement, but I guess I expected too much from you.” Her mock-disappointment was still enough to make my heart fall. What had I done wrong? What agreement? Seeing the pitiful state of my mind, Mary took pity on me. “What did you call me, pet?”

“Oh! Oh no no no I’m so sorry Daddy I didn’t mean to please don’t stop!” All of the words came out at once and I was amazed at their overall coherence. “I promise I’ll be good, Daddy, please?”

“Well, I suppose…” A slick finger lazy parted my folds, “But now you’re gonna have to earn it.”

“I will! I’ll- AH!” Her fingers were inside me again, immediately pressing against that spot and making my back arch with pleasure. “I promise I won’t cum until you say so!”

“Oh, do you now? We’ll see about that.”

I had to bite the tip of my tongue to keep from squealing as she began to thrust with her hand, pounding my g-spot hard enough to make my head spin. The pleasure was so intense I almost couldn’t tell when my climax was approaching.


“Fuck! Daddy, that’s too much!”

“Just a little more, love. Can you do that for me? Can you hold on a little longer?”

I mewled incoherently, concentrating every fiber of my being on fighting back the pleasure. It was a losing game as long as she kept hitting me with those experts fingers. “I- I can’t…”

And then they were gone again. The sudden lack of sensing made my whole body shake with unreleased tension. I while, but didn’t say anything. Instead I focused on relaxing my body, the shaking slowly subsiding as I slipped further back from that infuriating edge.

A quick puff of hot breath was all the warning I got before a familiar tongue began to explore my slick vulva, tracing them patiently as I made all the sounds I expect she was hoping to hear. Slowly she came closer to the places I most wanted to feel her. From my outer folds to my inner, fingers spreading me open wide to give her plenty of area to tease. A slow circle around my opening, then a brief delving within to taste me.

“You’re taking this very well, love.” Her words vibrated against me. “Can you keep going for me?”

“I-I can. I think.”

“Do you want me to stop?”


“You don’t sound very certain, Yur’.”

“I- This is really hard. But I want to be good for you, Daddy.”

“So you want more?”


“Ask nicely.”

“Please Daddy, edge my desperate pussy until I can’t even think Anymore. Make me beg, then deny me anyway! I want you to be sure you’re done when you let me cum.”

“That’s a good girl.”

As she dragged her tongue devastatingly slowly across my clip, and I tried not to think too hard about what I’d just given her permission to do. By the third lick I didn’t have room in my head for anxiety, only my own pleasure and the desperate need to make Daddy happy.

She licked my clip until I became gged her to stop, then switched back to her fingers. She pounded me deep, stretched me wide, and finally drilled that awful, glorious spot until I couldn’t even form the words I needed to tell her it was too much. By that point she cI learned had my body figured out, because she stopped at exactly the right moment. I was so close that she could have blown on me and set me off.

When I stopped shaking she started the cycle again. Teasing me until I was relaxed enough for her to attack my clip with a slow buildup of pleasure, then switching to her fingers when that became too much. She knew that it took a lot more penetration to push me over the edge and she was all too happy to take advantage.

After the next edge, I screamed with frustration.

After the next edge, I begged her incoherently to let me cum.

After the next, I thrashed in my bonds in a useless attempt to escape and finish the job myself.

After the next, I was quiet. I was so focused on maintaining my breathing that I didn’t realize that Mary had crawled up my body to kiss me gently. When she pulled away, I realized there were tears on my face. I smiled at her, giggling manically. “I… I’m okay.”

Her next kisswas more intense, making me moan into her mouth. It lasted for a long time before she pressed her body against mine so she could whisper in my ear. “I think I should feel guilty for pushing you so hard. Instead I just keep thinking about how fucking hot this is. About how much hotter it could be if I keep going. About what you might look like if I keep pushing until you break.”

I whimpered softly, my pussy clenching.

“Sounds like you’re just as fucked up as I am, my wonderful little slut.”

I nodded. She climbed around me until she could straddle my face.

“Be a good toy and make me cum while I deny you.”

She shoved herself into my face, grinding against my tongue to compensate for my lack of mobility. Her soft moans made the next round of pussy teasing all the more intense and extravagant. By the time she switched to her fingers, she’d already cum once. When she pulled them back out of me I think she’d managed another three.

Now we were both panting,Although I was certainly shaking harder than the slight tremble I noticed in her legs. My face was slick as she freed me to turn around once more and look at me with that devilish little smile, making my heart flutter and my pussy tremble.

“Are you ready to cum for me?”

I could only nod weakly and offer her my most plaintive whimper.

“Good.” She reached over me to open the bottom section of the skylight, letting in a pleasantly cool breeze along with the sounds of the city around us. Presumably, it also allowed sounds to escape. Sounds like my screaming orgasm.

I whimpered again, less enthusiasically.

“Shhhhh, don’t think about them, sweetie. Focus on me.” Her fingers traced down my lifted leg. I gasped softly. “That’s right. It doesn’t matter who can hear you, as long as I can hear you. Right?”

“I- hng, yes Daddy.”

“That’s a good girl. Lean back and relax, I’ll take care of the rest.”

I did my very best to comply, bresomething steadily and relaxing my tense shoulders and throat. When her tongue found me I already felt like the whole world could hear me moan. I leaned into it, moaning louder for her as she found just the right way to lick me and send me rocking towards orgasm.

This time when she had demonstrated her oral skills to satisfaction, she added her fingers without ever taking that wonderful muscle off of my aching clip. She went right for her favorite spot, eliciting a yelp that turned into a series of shouts as she pressed into it with just the right pressure and just the right tempo.

I was so close. Right there at the very edge. She slowed, and I wanted to scream, but she only took her tongue away long enough to tell me, “Hold it for as long as you can, pet. Then cum for me.”

I nodded desperately, Not wanting to waste a million second being misunderstood. In an act of selfless mercy, she resumed her position without any further delay.

It only took a few seconds afterher renewed assault for me to reach the edge, but I knew that she wanted me to fight it. Against every fiber of my being, I tried. I felt like was clinging to the edge of a cliff with one hand, hanging over a yawning pit of ecstasy.

I clung to that cliff with all I had left in me. Until I was hanging on with just the tips of my fingers.

Just one, single, desperate finger.

And then I was falling.

The orgasm hit me like the rocky ground at the base of that metaphor, slamming into my whole body at once. I’m not sure I could have stopped myself from screaming, all of the air getting squeezed from my lungs as my muscles spasmed and the undiluted pleasure flooded my brain.

I couldn’t think. I couldn’t breathe. I saw white.

When I finally came back down, I was panting like I’d run a marathon. Mary was still slowly licking me, and it took me entirely too long to remember what words were so I could beg her to stop. I was so sensitive the pleasure hurt. When she understand my babbled plea, she pulled herself up my panting body to carefully until my legs, then my arms.

She pulled me into her chest and let me cling to her as aftershocks made my body quake. She stroked my hair and told me how good I’d been. Told me that she could see how hard I’d tried for her, and that I’d earned every second of mind-shattering pleasure.

I cried again, when I thanked her. Sniffling as I told her how wonderful it was to feel seen.

She said it was more like I had been heard, and the sniffles turned to blushing and whimpers and hysterical giggles.


I must have fallen wait, because I woke up after the moon had set, still clinging to Mary. At some point she had wrapped us in a blanket, and in my struggle to free myself from both of them I felt her up.

The first thing she did was kiss me.

Then, she told me, “Don’t fall. Door next to the kitchen.” Before she closed her eyes and returned to slow, deep breathing. I watched her for a moment, then remembered that I had hurt up due to a very full bladder.

I did not fall down the ladder. I did, however, miss the last rung and end up on my ass. After a short scramble to the bathroom, I hauled my exhausted body back up to the loft and slipped under the blanket next to her.

She smiled at me. “You fall.”

“Only a little!”

“I tried to warn you.”

“It wasn’t much of a warning.”

“Here I thought you were a graceful kitten. Guess you’re more of an eager puppy.”


“I’m gonna make you floppy ears.”


“I bet you’d like that. Floppy ears for an exciting puppy.”

“Shut up…”

“Sorry, sorry.”

“No you’re not.”

“I will be, when the wet spot reaches me.”

I whimpered and shoved my face into her chest again.

She pet my hair, and I feel myself slipping back towards sleep.

“I… I would like that. Floppy ears.”

“Mhmm. Goodnight, Yur’.”

“Goodnight Mary.”


Thank you for reading the second chapter of Yuri’s Tales! Next time you’ll meet a new partner for Yuri who has a VERY different style of domination. Make sure you check the content tags so you aren’t blind-sided by the difference in content!

Mary will, of course, be back in future chapters. I’d love to hear your ideas for scenarios/kinks/interactions you’d like to see Mary and Yuri explore, so leave a comment if there’s something specific you want to see!


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