Penance With Pastor Fuzz (teen salvation)

Jean was following her normal routine, cleaning the house, doing laundry, all the dull daily chores of most house wives. School was off for the summer, except for the Bible classes the family attended every week. Jean was very proud of her family, good upstanding members of the community, Regularly attending church, healthy civic functions that enhanced her perfect family. Her husband Ned was an elder in their church so it was important to have the image of propriety.

Her two children Molly and Mary were ideal daughters, A+ averages in school, dressing conservatively, certainly not being allowed to have a boy friend until they were at least eighteen. They helped around the house with all the womenly duties, even working in the vegetable garden and doing yard work so their father had more time to do his church work. Along with his full time store job he was busy sixteen hours a day six days a week. Little time for the more pleasant family duties that are the luxury of the less christen neighbors.

Jean was putting extra time into cleaning the second floor of their perfect little home to make it sparkling clean for Ned’s approval. The girls both had rooms on the second floor, Jean and Ned’s master bed room was on the first floor. More proper Jean thought that their rooms were not close together, so her daughters wouldn’t be curious about the sounds she made when Ned came home feeling the need for taking pleasure with his wife.

Ned was a very large man, at times it was difficult for Jean to just lay quietly while he took his pleasure without moving or making any sounds. Jean was certain that it was inappropriate to give in to the emotions that what he was doing to please himself actually felt good to her. Having two children and giving her husband pleasure was nothing more than part of her duty as his wife.

While Jean was cleaning upstairs she could hear some annoying sounds coming from Molly’s room occasionally. After an hour of listening to the sounds her curiosity was overly aroused, what on earth she wondered was Molly doing? Jean could see Molly’s door was not shut all the way, so she went over to glance in easy her curiosity. Jean nearly failed dead away, Molly was completely naked rubbing the handle of her hair brush rapidly over her forbidden place thrusting her hips wildly.

Jean was shocked beyond belief at the shameless sight of her youngest daughter acting in such an imperfect way. Jean burst into the room demanding that Molly end her shameless activity immediately! Jean knew that somehow Molly would need to repent for her unholy sin. After some thought Jean concluded the only possible solution to save face for the entire family for Molly’s weakness. Was to have her go to the Pastor as soon as possible for a private meeting to confess her sinful conduct.

For the time being she would refrain from telling her husband what she had witnessed in Molly’s room. Certain that his punishment would be unbearable for her young daughter, that the Pastor could resolve the matter more tactfully. Jean went quickly to the phone calling Pastor Fuzz, begging that he find time to give Molly sin concealing as soon as passable. Since Jean’s husband was an elder of the church Pastor Fuzz gave the matter prompt attention. Saying that it would be fine to send Molly to his office promptly at six in the evening and he would discuss whatever the problem was with Molly personally.

Jean was very relieved that she could avoid having to let her husband handle the situation, he would rarely hold Jean at least partially responsible for not instructing the girls better on their personal conduct in such shameful matters. Jean knew Pastor Fuzz was a fair man, he livedalone since his wife had left the church years ago to join the Missionary’s in Siberia. The Pastor was still a young man with dynamic stature that captured the attention of every lady in the congregation. He was stern yet had a way of earning trust that gave positive effect to all that new him well.

Molly was a bit afraid of confessing her sin’s to the Pastor, she had always been looked upon as the perfect image of vitamin. Molly waited quietly in her room ashamed to face any one in her family until her meeting with Pastor Fuzz at six. Molly dressed appropriately for the meeting, a long dress, sandals, with her white bonnet. She looked pure, as well as sweetly innocent, her attire not reflecting even the slightest image of ripening fertile womanhood.

At ten minutes of six Molly said good bye to her Mother as she walked the short distance to the parsonage to meet with Pastor Fuzz. When she arrived the house looked huge, it’s Victorian vintage echoed of religious history. Molly tapped the large iron door knocker several times before the big creaking door swung open. There stood Pastor Fuzz, his face void of any expression as his deep voice said, come in Molly.
As soon as she stepped inside he shut the door behind her, Molly could hear him slide the lock bolt tight to prevent any unexpected intruders. Molly’s knees were shaking uncontrollable beneath her dress as Pastor Fuzz ushered her into his dimly lit office. His office had many bookcases, a large Mahogany desk, one large day bed covered with a hand made Afghan throw. Pastor Fuzz motioned for Molly to sit on the day bed as he paced slowly back and forth in front of her. Molly’s heart was in her throat, her hands o her knees trying to stop them from trembling.

In a calm yet stern fashion he asked her to please do her best to explain to him about the matter that her Mother had been so upset about? Molly had no idea how to talk about such personal problems, finally she meekly said, I have been getting strange feelings in my body a lot the past few months. Pastor Fuzz stood thoughtfully looking down at Molly saying, tell me more about these things that feel strange Molly? Molly felt a little more at ease now that he had stopped pacing and was listening more intently. She went on, it happens mostly at night Pastor, I have strange dreams that wake me. My body feels very hot all over wanting me to touch it to make the strange feelings go away.

Pastor Fuzz again looked extremely deep in thought, then he sat down beside Molly asking her, what parts of her body seemed to be wanting her to touch them the most? Molly gestured to her chest saying, I get a tingling feeling here in my chest, then she gestured down towards her lap and said, down there it gets very hot. Pastor Fuzz put his hand on Molly’s shoulder saying, dear Molly this sounds very serious, please tell me more about those feelings? Molly felt safer now that his hand was comforting her shoulder, he had turned more towards her, also moved a little closer.

Molly said, my chest wants me to massage it desperately, there becomes such an overwhelming need to rub my hand between my legs to ease the hot feelings that come there. Pastor Fuzz began rubbing Molly’s shoulder as he said, Molly we are going to have to do something to release these evil spirits from inside your body. We can begin your penance today, but we are going to need to attend to this severe evil problem. At least four or five long sessions every week for probably months or even years to save your soul from endless suffering.

So there is hope for salvation Molly asked, yes, he said, you will find more peace in your soul every time I help you set free the spirits within that cause you suffering. Pastor Fuzz said, now we will explore these feeling to find their source, any time you think you feel those strange things be sure to tell me Molly! Molly said, yes, I will promise to tell you the truth so I may find salvation. Pastor Fuzz stroked Molly’s hair, stroked his strong fingers up and down her back as his leg touched slightly against hers. He said, what are you feeling now dear Molly? Molly thought for a second, then said, I feel that tingling in my chest a little bit now.

He placed his hand on her chest just above her breasts saying, is it here? Molly said no, lower down is where I feel it the strongest. His hand moved down over her breasts and squeezed gently, yes, right there Molly surprised. But now Molly said, I am getting that hot feeling between my legs beginning also. Pastor Fuzz immediately placed his hand on her upper leg as he pushed his more against hers. Molly said, no, its more in the middle between my legs where it gets the hottest.Pastor Fuzz quickly slide his hand down between Molly’s legs, Molly muffled her scream, crying out, Oh yes! Pastor Fuzz that’s the place right there. He squeezed the source of her suffering gently making Molly gasp with sounds of Pagan pleasure flow from her lips.

Molly, pastor Fuzz muttered, we need to get closer to the problem to deliver you from this Pagan bondage that has captured your soul. Pastor Fuzz said, stand dear Molly so we can reveal the source of these evil feelings. Molly stood as he removed her bonnet letting her long brown hair tumble free over her shoulders. Slowly he lifted her dress up and off tossing it on his desk. Then he removed her bra freeing her breasts to feel the cool air causing her nipples to become highly erect. As he slipped Molly’s pink panties off her knees trembled wildly.

Now Molly he said, as he ran his fingers over her breasts, this is one problem area? She said, yes, asher breath quickly. As he ran his fingers down over the fluff of her public shaft trailing them over her cliporis then down her wet slit he said, this is the most significant problem correct? Molly was trembling so hard she had a difficult time saying, OH! yes, right there it is getting so very hot now. Pastor Fuzz said, now we will try to release some of the evil spirits that are causing you this frustration and suffering. Molly sang out, praise the Lord, bring me salvation Pastor Fuzz? He laid her back on the day bed moving over her body like a shadow saying tell me dear Molly any time you feel this possession leaving your body?

He licked at her lips then her neck, biting her ear lobe, Molly cried out, I feel it moving so hot inside me. His mouth went down to her breasts as Molly’s chest heaved up sucking her nipples deeply into his mouth. Yes, Molly screamed, I feel the heat burning now way down in my belly. It feels like it wants to come out dEsperately! Molly felt Pastor Fuzz spread her legs widely apart, her belly quivering as it filled with hot evil pressure aching to come out of her body. Pastor Fuzz lowered his head between Molly’s legs.

His nose rubbing in her public hair as he gently licked her cliporis slipping his tongue deep inside the slippery heat of her Pagan possession. Molly moaned loudly tossing her hips wildly against his face screaming, I feel it almost cumming out now! Pastor Fuzz drive his long tongue hard and deep into Molly very fast, Molly’s hips thrust violently into the air as she screamed, Oh God! it’s cumming now! Molly could feel the peace inside as enormous squirts of liquid evil shot from her belly all over Pastor Fuzz.

He got up from between her legs looking her deep in the eyes as the hot liquids dripped from his face onto her chest saying, did that help ease the suffering Molly? Molly said with a peaceful look, yes, Pastor I could feel the evil bursting from my body. He said, now I will drive more from your body dear Molly. Then soon you will feel it return, when you do come to me quickly so we can release it again. Five sessions a week may not be enough to keep the evil from entering your body again creating your suffering.

With that statement he pushed Molly back on the day bed, positioning his body between her legs. Molly spoke saying, I will come as soon as the feelings begin taking over my body, releasing those evil spirits feels so good giving me the greatest peace in my soul. As Molly closed her eyes peacefully she felt something big and hot slipping between her legs, smoothly it rippled over her flesh slipping inside her, gently deeper and deeper until it filled her belly. Molly moaned out I feel more evil wanting to come out now! The magic thing inside her drive quickly in and out building up speed until her bottom bounced franticly off the day bed.

She held pastor Fuzz tightly as he drove harder and harder trying to force the evil from her tortured body. Molly’s bottom bounced and shuddered at each pounding thrust as the evil burned hard inside her belly seeking release. In unison Molly and Pastor Fuzz yelled out, Praise the Lord it’s cumming! Molly failed briefly from the peace that filled her soul as torrents of evil squirted once more From within her peaceful body. Pastor Fuzz helped Molly dress telling her, be sure to come if you need salvation dear Molly? She assured him she would be prompt any time of the day or night should the problem arise. As she left he said, we will have another session at five tomorrow, we may find it necessary that you come to live here for a while until we have this problem fully under control? Molly agreed that may be necessary because she was feeling things again already.

When Molly returned home her Mother was waiting for her at the door, her eyes filled with anticipation. Her Mother asked, how did the session go Molly? Molly smiled saying, Mother Pastor Fuzz saved my soul Penance has been rewarded but there is much more salvation to be had in the future…………


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