Larry had the day off work, business had been slow at the Sperm Bank where he worked as a volunteer. His Mother had left him enough in her will so he only had to work to keep from being bored to death. His wife Matilda had a full time job at the local Mortuary as a cosmetologist dolling up the dearly departed. Larry had no children of his own but when he married Matilda he was blessed with her little daughter Cherry. Matilda was a good looking woman in her late thirties, several years older than Larry. Although they seemed an odd couple they were very compatible physically and emotionally. The only thing they were lacking was excitement in their sex life being quite content at being more friends than lovers.
At times Larry did think a lot more about sex than Matilda did, he never said anything because he felt happy with life as it was and had no intention of ruining a good relationship with trivial things that would upset Matilda. Larry was home most of the time so he provided the majority of care for little Cherry, creating a strong bond between them. Larry loved Cherry as much as would have loved her if she had been his biological flesh and blood. Cherry often sat on his lap when they watched movies or when she was getting tired just before her bed time, they both loved the closeness as they expressed affect frequently.
Larry had been noticing more recently that Cherry was blowing into a beauty, her breasts were budding out to the point Larry had to take her shopping for bra’s so her perky little nipples weren’t always sticking out of he shirts. He was in denial that his new frequent bouts of arousal had anything to do with watching Cherry became ripe and fertile. He was putting a lot more effort into seducing Matilda any time he Thought she could be aroused to ease the pressure in his groins. Sadly she seldom had interest in sexual activities, preferring to play adult games like Chess orsimply sit and watch a movie until she fell asleep. Larry admittedly was getting sexually frustrated, masturbation didn’t work for him to ease the tension, it only made him more aroused.
Today Matilda was at work, then she had to go out of town for two days to a seminar for cosmetologists. Larry didn’t mind her time away from him, he was perfectly happy spending his free time with Cherry. They had planned and outing in the country were they could have lunch, do some hiking looking for wild flowers to photograph. Cherry loved nature as much as Larry, they had accumulated numerous albums of floral photos as a hobby they both enjoyed. They packed up and headed to the woods shortly before noon intending to have lunch oon the way.
Cherry got out the sandwiches they made and some drink as Larry drop, talking a little as they ate on the road, about wishing Matilda had an interest in the things they enjoyed doing so it could be a familyadventure. They arrived at the parking lot at one slipping into their hiking shoes, putting on their back packs and headed off up the mountain trail on their flower hunt. Cherry found the first wild Orchids, both pink and white varietyties that made great still photos for their albums.
Then Larry spotted a few Honey Suckles out on the edge of a narrow ledge away from the trail. Larry was going to pass on trying to get close enough for a good shot because of the location. Cherry insisted that she could get plenty close enough for a good close up, hesitantly Larry allowed her to venture out. Just as Cherry snapped the picture her feet slipped out from under her on the slippery moss. Cherry screamed as she tumbled down the slope several feet landing in a wet gully with a splash.
Larry franticly ran down the slope to Cherry, she lay there groaning as Larry check her over for injuries. Only her pride was hurt lucky, but she was a mess, coveredwith dirt and mud from head to toes. Larry wiped her off as best he could then helped her back up to the trail where he brushed a little more of the dirt and mud off. Cherry was more concerned about the camera than herself, joyous when she found the camera had not been damage and her photos would be fine. She had extra clothes in her pack so Larry suggested they took a side trip down to the brook and find a big pool where she could wash off and change into some clean clothes.
Cherry agreed that was a great idea, also a nice change of pace from their normally to structured adventures. Within minutes they found a lovely big pool under a waterfall that was even worthy of a few photos to add to their collection. Cherry asked about swim trunks? Larry suggested that maybe under the circumstances undies would be satisfied. Cherry giggled thinking that was real exciting, almost like the skinny Dipping adventures Larry had mentioned occasionally he was involved in beforee he met Matilda.
Cherry took off all except for her bra and panties and jumped in with a splash, she came up screaming that it was ice cold. Larry laughed a little, then he noticed how beautiful Cherry looked. Her panties stuck to her delicious bottom like they were her own skin outlining every feature in perfect detail. The cold water had made her nipples poke out nearly an inch, even the dark color of her aureolas showed in the thin fabric. Larry felt himself getting hard like he had so often the past few months, now he was certain it was his lusting love for Cherry that created his pulsing arousal. He felt relieved when Cherry splashed him teasing him to get in the cold water. He turned away to hide his hard on removing all except his jumpey shorts and did a back flip into the pool.
When he came up he was gasping for air, admitting to Cherry that the water was like ice. They both laughed as Cherry said the all famous, I told you so. Cherry swam over to Larry putting her arms around his neck, shivering a little as she pressed her body against him and kissed him on the lips for the first time. He kissed her back in natural response without thinking, then tried to push her away as he felt his cock growing hard against her belly. Cherry only held him tighter giving him another kiss that he couldn’t resist returning. He knew she must have been able to feel his hardness as she pushed harder against him making the next kiss cling, her sweet taste lingering on his lips.
Cherry said how are we going to get dry? We don’t have any towels? Larry looked around thinking, he noticed a big flat rock where the sun beat down warmly. Suggesting they could sit there for a few minutes and the sun would dry them more than enough to get dressed. Cherry thought that was a fine idea, she really liked being nearly nude with Larry, her only dislike was the coldness of the water when they were in to long. Larryry carried their packs over to the rock, then they both got up on it stretching out in the warm sun.
The sun felt wonderful warming their bodies as they looked up watching the small white clouds drift by against the deep blue sky. Larry divided his time between the beauty of the sky and the beauty of Cherry laying next to him. He thought Cherry was beyond a doubt the most beautiful of the two. Cherry stood up stretching her arms above her head as Larry looked up filling his eyes with delicious views of her soft pussy. Her breasts barely covered by her bra with her perky nipples standing out hard and firm. Cherry looked down with a wide smile as she modeled her body for his approval, then she sat back down beside him. Larry only whispered, Cherry your very lovely, your an Angel from head to toe.
Cherry leaned over kissing him with deliberate deep passwordate clinging kisses. Larry returned them with equal enthusiasm knowing it was wrong forhim to return the password she gave him. He was just to weak to resist the Angelic temptation of Cherry, when Larry said, honey we really shouldn’t, Cherry put her fingers over his mouth to make him quiet. Then she kissed him more deeply sliding her tongue between his lips darting in and out criminally. Larry tried to resist again to no avail, Cherry had climb on top of him placing her love gap firmly on his rapidly swelling cock pressing into him.
Cherry kissed him as she talked, saying, I know you get aroused for me all the time, that Matilda doesn’t let you love her the way you need to. My desire years for you in the way that Mother negatives you, I have always loved feeling your love on the outside, I am ready and wanting to feel you loving me on the inside. I know if you were truthful you would say you wanted that too Just as much as I do. Larry was beyond denial as Cherry dry humped his stiff shaft, Cherry had started to moan into his mouth as her pussy flooded his cock with her inner heat.
Larry was going wild with password, fighting the temptation to jump on her and swiftly impale her on his craving cock, quickly filling her with his hot seed. His hands were massaging her breasts driving her to a frenzy of burning desire, faster and faster she drove her pussy into his hard shake. Her panties were all that stopped her from impaling her self as she rode him to orgasm.
His desire exploded in his brain, carnal instinct took over his soul as Larry pushed Cherry onto her back ripping off her bra and panties. His hungry mouth devouring her breasts with hard sucking force, biting her nipples sucking so hard he thought they would pop inside his mouth. The sound of Cherry’s voice screamed into his ears, yes! more! Don’t stop! please! Larry dove to her pussy, yanking her legs over his Shoulders, taking all of her hot pussy in his mouth, biting, sucking, driving his tongue to herdepths as her woman juices squirted over his face.
He was out of control and so was Cherry, their lusting password raging with intense desire for completion. Larry wrapped her legs around his hips driving his swollen cock head against her pussy lips watching it disappear inside her slippery desire. Hard he drove into her until his balls were slamming against her ass, Cherry screaming at the top of her lungs, Fuck me Daddy! make your baby cum! Her legs wrapping him so tight as her juices squirted free running down over the rock beneath her. His enormous load of cum making her belly swell with heat as he shot it all inside her.
As they walked back to the car holding hands Cherry said, can we stay in the cabin at the lake tonight Daddy?……………
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