Studly Longfellas Revenge( part 1 of 2 )

Studly hated going to school, the educational part wasn’t a problem. He was just tired of the girls teasing him all the time, poking fun of his tall slim body. He knew he was a bit geeky as well as extremely shy where the girls were concerned. That wasn’t reason for anyone to tease and taunt Studly as cruelly as they did. The worst was at school where Studly was in his second year. He called the click of girls that tortured his Ego the bimbo squad. For some reason one of the other boys had spread the rumor that Studly was hung like a horse. The girls caught on, every day it was the same cruel taunting that embarrassed him dramatically in front of the few friends Studly had.

Like cheer leaders the girls would chant, prove you got a big one! Studly would try to escape the verbal abuse, leaving school early or changing his routine so they couldn’t ambush him with their cruel teasing. Studly never hurt or teased anyone, even the girls that were so cruel to him he treated with respect and dignity. over the past weeks the teasing had increased beyond what Studly could tolerate. He cut his last class early, singing out the back door to walk quietly alone home via the park trail.

Studly looked around seeing no one, then he headed down that path that went through the small park Forrest. At the half way point Studly thought he could hear voices ahead of him, occasional giggling. He figured another vocal barrage of cruel taunting awaited him when he passed where the voices were coming from. Sure enough as he rounded the corner, there stood several of the bimbo squad waiting. As always the teasing started, come on Studly show us what ya got! Studly had enough abuse, for the first time he said, Fuck You! Then he walked faster to get away from them. He could hear one say, Wow, he’s got balls too, then they were running after him.

Studly stopped, thinking that if he conFronted them they would back off and he could go home. He was dead wrong, when they got close enough they knocked him to the ground pinning him down. Studly tried to push them off but there were to many, he had been outnumbered as well as overpowered. He was helpless now, the girls were on a power trip like a pack of wolfes surrounding a wounded dear. Their blood lust aroused to shade him as they began pulling at his clothes while they held him down.

The leaders taunted him shamelessly saying, now we are going to see what you wouldn’t show us Studly. He closed his eyes trying to block out what was happening to him as they unbuckled his pants and slipped them off. Now only his jokey shorts covered his virgin manhood. Studly choked back his tears as the ability to struggle faded from his body and he felt his jokey’s being pulled down to his knees. He could hear them gasp in shock as their hands released his body, saying in unison, Oh my God he’s huge! Look at the size of that cock! Then they scanpered away leaving him laying naked on the forest floor. Studly stood up, gathered his clothes and put them back on, wiping the tears from his eyes he walked towards home knowing he could never return to face his classesmates at school.

Studly hid in his room for days telling his Mother he was to sick to go to school. When he was home alone during the day he would occasionally look out the window trying to find the courage to go outside. Finally on the third day Studly went out to sit on the deck overlooking the street. There was little traffic wit only an occasional person walking by, Studly was feeling safer than he had since his frightening experience in the park.

He saw a girl walking up the street alone towards his house, when she got close enough to be recognized Studly realized she was one of those that had been in the park. His first thought was to run back inside, then he realized she was alone and not a threat to him more than the embarrassment he felt. When she came close to his property she looked up at him saying, Studly, forgive me for being with them when they did that terrible thing to you? Studly said, why should I? She asked if she could come up on the deck to talk with him? Studly felt he was in control of the situation this time so he said, OK, for a minute if you want.

He asked her name, she said, Terry Slutly, yes I got teased a lot about my last name constantly. Yes, Studly said, I sure know about teasing, people can be very cruel just like you were with your friends in the park. Terry had to agree with Studly, she was as valuable as her friends for not trying to stop the attack on Studly. He decided it was time to make peace, he couldn’t hold her Totally at fault and at least she was decent enough to come and apologize for her shameful behavior. He offered Terry an ice tea, she accepted as they sipped and talked.

Studly was noticing how pretty Terry was, actually finding her very attractive. He compiled her looks and she blushed a little, then she said, your very handsome too. Studly said you should know! You certainly saw enough of me against my will! Terry apologized again, saying I regret what we did Studly but ill never regret seeing you in all your glory naked. You are truly the most beautiful piece of manhood I have ever seen. Studly blushed shyly yet he felt falsetered that she thought he was that good looking underneath it all.

Terry was being very nice considering when she was with her friends she acted like a vicious animal. Studly watched her closely, her legs were long and smooth as they extended below her mini dress. Her bottom resembling the shape of a heart he thought, her belly shirt revealed a creamy soft abdomen with baby soft flesh. Her breasts filling her top showing a lot of cleavage with slightly aroused nipples poking into the fabric of her shirt. Studly was slowly becoming infatuated with her looks, dark hair that flowed down over her shoulders, beautiful big brown eyes that seemed almost to large for her face yet overwhelmingly fascinating.

Studly wanted to see her naked, run his hands all over her delicious body. He felt the hardness in his shorts filling with heat as it began to swell to it’s full status. Studly said, I like you Terry, even after what you did to me. Terry said, I like you too Studly, I did before that happened but I was to shy to tell you. That’s why I came here to apologize hoping that you would forgive me for being so stupid. Studly thought deeply for a minute, then he said I want to forgive you but we aren’t on equal ground that makes it very difficult. Terry said, how can I make it up to you Studly? How can I make us even, so we can become friends?

Nervously Studly said, if I saw you naked like you saw me that would probably make us even? Terry said, but I’m so shy and Iv never let a boy see me naked before. Studly said, so was I when you and your friends ripped my clothes off. Terry said, maybe if we were alone where no one could see and you promised to never tell anyone? Studly said, that’s fare enough, we can go inside to my room, no one will be home until late tonight. Nervously Terry agreed as she followed Studly inside, he locked the door then directed her to his room at the top of the stairs.

Studly turned on his stereo to some soft music, then sat on his bed watching Terry. Anxiously she began moving to the music closing her eyes, slowly she moved closer to Studly swwaying in tune with the sound. Studly watched intently as Terry lifted her belly shirt over her head revealing her delicious breasts. Her nipples protruding farther as the cool air stimulated them, Terry cupped her breasts lifting them up as she kissed Hernipples. Studly felt his cock bobbing in his pants as she moved so erotically apparently becoming lost in her sexual dance. Slowly she reached down wiggling her mini skirt down over her gyrating hips, her muff hair softly fluffed out with a beautiful curl of hair in the center. The pink lips of her labia hung slightly below her mound so soft and sweetly creamy.

Terry came so close Studly could smell her pure womanly scent permeating his nostrils. He wanted desperately to reach out and touch her perfect smooth flesh, feeling every delicious inch of her body. Studly choked on his saliva saying, Terry your so beautifully adorable, but you have to stop. Your arousing me more than I have ever felt before. Terry’s hand moved down over her belly erotically, then over Her muff toying in her public hair. Her fingers stroked over her cliporis, then slide up and down her creamy slit. Terry moaned as she said, doing this is arousing me too Studly, I don’t wantto stop now. Her gyrations continued growing more exciting as she came so close she was almost touching Studly.

Studly said, I have never been close to a woman like this before, I don’t know what to say? Terry said neither have I but I want to be close to you so desperately right now. Studly stood up, his huge cock bobbing wildly in his pants as he touched her shoulders for the first time. Terry’s lips met his with the softest kiss, her lips so sweet and soft he eagerly kissed her back drinking the wetness of her lips as their tongues explored inside each other mouths. Terry slide Studly’s shirt off but this time he didn’t mind at all, then slowly she slide his pants down to the floor along with his shorts.

Terry pressed her breasts into his chest as one hand cradle his balls, the other softly stroking the length of his throbbing shaft. Her fingers teasing at the swollen bulbous head making his seed start to flowon her fingers. Terry gyrated against him moaning from the core of her soul in pleasure as she rubbed his bulbous cock head against her pussy shuddering as an orgasm swept over her body. Studly kissed down over her breasts nurses deliciously at her nipples making her squirm with heated password. Her hips gyrating her pussy against his cock head. Studly dropped down kissing and licking at her belly, then over her muff as his soft tongue licked at her swollen cliporis. he slid his tongue up and down her creamy slit as Terry pushed her pussy into his face.

Then he stood as she went down kissing her way to his cock head, her tongue licking up his precum as she slid his cock within her soft nursery mouth sucking down each flow of his hot man seed………


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