First Story

This is my first story and i dont know how to submit it to the so i’ll put it here…here it goes.

Ms. Louis
My name is Nick and I’m a 15 year old sophomore, well built, 5’10” 155lbs, wrestler and not too good with the ladies, but I try.

I woke up to my alarm going off, oh shit I thought, the bus is gonna be here in 5 minutes so I go up throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and ran down the stairs. I grabbed my backpack and ran out to the bus. Phew just made it I thought as I sat down with Jim my best friend.

On the bus me and Jim talk about normal things like the tests we have and who we think is hot that stuff. When I get to school I go to my locker and get what I need for the morning and head to class. My first 3 classes are English, Math and Computers, which are total borefests and hard to stay awake in. But my fourth period class is science with Ms. Louis one of the hottest teachers alive.

Let me describe her for you, she’s about 5’7″, 125lbs, her tits are not too big nor are they not too small, and she has the nicest ass ever perfectly symmetrical and nice and juicy.

Now Ms. Louis has been in many of my fansies and she is for many of the guys in my school too. Now I wanted to fuck her perfect ass for so long but I knew it was only my dreams and she would never do that.

I walked into her class and it was another lesson on how a plant carries out photosynthesis. Lets just say my mind was not thinking anything about plants that class and I think Ms. Louis caught me staring at her tits but when she did she gave me a grin that really turned me on and I got a boss instantly and it was hard to hide because of the jeans I was wearing, and then the bell rang. Fuck! I Thought, when I get up everyone will see my boss!, so I waited till everyone got up and was walking out the door to get up. But Ms. Louis stopped me, “Hey Nick,” she said, “Yes Ms. Louis?” I answered, “I need you to help me after school, I can get you some community service hours”. I replied “Sure need some for this year and I don’t have practice after school today.” “Okay see you after school Nick!”

As I went to lunch, I wondered what Ms. Louis needed help doing after school. When I got to lunch Jim asked “Hey man you want to go hang out at the mall with me, mike, and Joe after school?” “I can’t Ms. Louis asked me to help her with something after school.” “And why did you say yes?” I said, “Because I need some community service hours, I’ll meet you guys there at 4.” “Okay, see you there.”

The rest of the day went like any other day. Then the last bell rang and I but my books in my locker and went to Ms. Louis’ room. When I got there she was in her office, a little room attachd to her class room. “Hi Nick, let’s get started.” “Okay I need you to hand we the boxes that are in this cabinet so I can put then on the shelves above them.” I said,”Okay, sounds easy.” Ms. Jones got on the step ladder while I bet down to get the boxes. I went to hand her the first box and saw up her skirt, she wasn’t wearing any panties!. Shit! I’m getting a boner! I thought as I kept giving her the boxes and seeing her pussy.

When we finished Ms. Louis said, “How was the view from down there?” “What do you mean?” I replied. “I saw you staring at my tits in class and I know you were looking at twat.” I was speechless, I just stood there dumbfounded in her office. “You can see it again if you want,” My smoking hot teacher is offering to show me her pussy! “On two conditions, you show me your dick and you tell no one about this.” She got up and closed the door. “Sowhatdaya says?” The only word I could say was “O-okay.” “Here is what you wanted to see,” I stared in amazement as she took off her skirt and sat down and spread her pussy lips, “Okay now your turn..” She got up and un buttoned by jeans and pulled them and my boxes down in one swift moved. My 7 inches was standing rock hard at attention.

“It’s beautiful,” Ms. Louis said, “Lets sixty-nine.”
I laid on the floor and she got on top of me and started to suck. As I liked and finger fucked she was moaning “oohhhhhh yessssss, right there oh yeah Nick don’t stop! OH FUCK YES YES OHHHHHH!” and her whole body shook as she moaned in extacy through her orgasm. Shortly after I came closer and closer to my orgasm and started to hump as she sucked.

Then she got off of me and said “Since your that eager to fuck…” and she bent over and guided my dick into her ass. I started to pump slowly at first but starting to gradually pick up speed. “Ughhhhhh ooooo yeaaa Miss Louis.” “Fuck me Nick, Fuck me hard in my tight little ass.” “I’m……gonn…com….” “Come in my ass Nick, fill me up!” As I came I thrusted harder and faster until I got every last bit of semen into her ass.

As I left I said,”That was great, we should do it again some other time.”
“Don’t worry we will.” and she gave me that grin again……



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