Puddles Adventures – Chapter 5

A chance meeting leads to some fun for Puddles as she continents her sexual encounters.

Chapter 5 – “A Career Change?”

The sun was just starting to make its presence felt in the sky as Puddles opened the front entrance door at her apartment block and made her way to the train station. Whilst enjoying herself in the shower earlier that morning she heard the radio presenter saying today was going to be a scorching day. With the weather in mind Puddles dressed for work in a crop top that allowed her playboy piercing in her belly button to be visible to anyone who cared to examine her figure in greater detail. To match the top half she wore some hipster jeans and leather boots. As Puddles reached the station, people were starting to queue for the train, keen to get a decent seat she pushed her way past some of the people, a task that was easy with the men as she just let her tits rub across their bodies and they were only too happy to let her through. What’s a few cheap thrills if I get what I want Puddles thought to herself.

Having managed to get past the men using her charms, Puddles was able to get a seat on the train for her short journey into the centre of town. She sat down at a group of four seats, quickly as the passengers moved forward the remaining 3 empty seats were filled, sitting next to her and directly opposite were two businessmen who had their heads buried in their financial newspapers porning over the latest movement in the market. The other seat was occupied by a tall, short haired man in an overcoat who was using his organiser to plan the day ahead. The overcoat being destroyed immediately made Puddles think of flashers who for their own reasons want to expose themselves in public. Puddles began wondering if this unknown man had nothing on underneath his coat, and found herself getting excited at the prospect of it being true. The train started on the journey to the town centre with the gentle rocking motion of the carriage giving Puddles tits a playful bounce up and down. Dreading the paperwork that was waiting for Puddles to complete on her arrival at work her mind wandered to a scene where the overcoat wearing man suddenly stood up, pulled apart his coat to reveal his cock standing erect and waiting to be sucked, Puddles could almost taste the cum in her mouth as she was brought back to reality by the ticket examiner making his way through the train.

Having had her carnal thoughts disturbed Puddles became aware that the ‘overcoat’ man was paying close attention to her body. Although she was quite happy to get admiring glances, he was crossing the line into being a pervert. Puddles wasn’t backwards as speaking her thoughts and this occasion was no different as she asked the man if he wanted a picture given how much he was leering at her.The reply given by the man supresed Puddles as he said yes. Taken aback by this Puddles didn’t know what to say, sensing her unease the man qualified his response by handing Puddles his business card saying that his name was David Roberts and he was a glamour photographer. David said to Puddles he had seen her on a few occasions on the train and took the oppurtunity that morning to sound her out to see If she would be interested in doing some trial photo work. David’s offer sounded interesting, she always thought she could be good as a glamour model. Thanking David for his card, Puddles said to him she would give it some serious consideration. Just as this conversation was finishing the train arrived at the station. After getting off the train Puddles made her way to the office, she had an smile on her face as she pondered the proposition that David had offered her.

As expected there was a large pile of paperwork requiring Puddles attention when she reached heroffice. Reluctantly she set uabout progressing what seemed like a never ending task. Mid morning was near so Puddles decided it was time for a break, as she got up from her chair something fell from the pocket of her jeans, it was the business card that she had been given on the train that morning. Examined the card, printed on it was the name of the company, “Roberts & Son Photographic Enterprises”. Lower down was the name of the ‘overcoat man’ David Roberts with the job title listed as “Glamour Photographer” followed by a list of his qualifications. Puddles thought one qualification that should be listed for someone doing that job was the ability to remain calm and focused behind the camera whilst grogeous women were posing in scantily clad outfits. It was certainly something her last boyfriend couldn’t manage as the sight of Puddles posing provocatively for the camera led to his cock quickly being thrust into various parts of her body !, although that action in itself was not without its merits.

Puddles philosophy in life was that she would try anything at least once, that was how she obtained her insatiable appetite for anal penetration, but thats another story. So feeling she had nothing to lose she decided to take up the proposition regarding the trial photo shoot. Sitting back on her chair she started to dial the phone number on the business card. She heard the ringing tone as the last digit was pressed on her office telephone, then realized as she waited for someone to answer that the ‘overcoat’ man, David Roberts did not know her name and she might have difficulties in explaining to the person answering the call who she was and why she was phoning. With some relief to Puddles the call was answered by David Roberts, he said that he was hoping that she would call. He gave her directions to their offices and indicated that a slot at 5pm was available if she could make it. Puddles confirmed that she could make that appointment before hanging up the handset. The rest of the working day passed without incident and before long the office clock was indicating 4.55pm, Puddles cleared her desk and made her way to the lift. Puddles quickly found the photographer’s office and was stimulated to find it was located near one of her favourite drinking dens, Joe’s Bar. At least if she didn’t enjoy herself at the shoot she could quickly forget about it with the consumption of vast amounts of alcohol. After opening the entrance door to the offices, Puddles made her way up the stairs to the main reception area. On both walls leading to the reception were huge pictures of models posing in everything from flowing dresses to erotic lingerie. As she reached the main office Puddles noticed David Edwards examining a portfolio that was on his desk. He noticed Puddles and quickly came over to greet her, asked if she wanted some coffee and led her into one of the studios. Both David and Puddles sat on chairs next to the camera as he explained the process and what could happen if one of the agencies liked the trial shots he was going to take. Puddles finished her coffee and although she could feel ‘butterflies in her stomach’ she indicated to David that she ready to start. A bar stool was positioned in the middle of the studio area which was surrounded by an array of cameras and lights, Puddles moved to the stool and sat on it while David positioned himself behind a camera. Once everything was set up, David asked Puddles to pose in various positions at he took what seemed like a never ending sequence of pictures. It was nearing 6pm, David said he had taken enough shots for the trial, Puddles made her way from the stool to the main picture processing area, the photography business had kept up to date with technology and all the cameras used were the digital type. Appearing on a monitor in front of Puddles was small images of all the pictures David had taken. Over another cup of coffee the quality of the shots were discussed, David said that she had a great body and they would probably have no problem in getting some work for her. He pointed out that in all the shots took the main asset he was seeing was her chest, Puddles laughed and said “Yes, that’s normally what most people notice first!!” . David felt he had a idea of ​​what Puddles would be willing to do when he asked if she would be interested in having some more erotic pictures taken that would involve showing various parts of her body. Puddles said she had no problems on that score and that she was very proud of her body and loved to show it off. David dissapeared to the main office and came back with a bottle of vodka and asked Puddles if she wanted a drink to which she was only too happy to accept. The conversation and the alcohol flowed between Puddles and David so much that before long the bottle was empty. David got up to get another bottle when Puddles said how about we try those more erotic shots now. David didn’t need asking twice as he made his way back to the camera. Puddles walked over to the stool, by the time she reached it she had unbuttoned the jeans, causing them to fall onto her hips leaving her black thong visible.

Puddles initially stood behind the stool, positioning her legs apart she then put her hands on the stool as David focused his camera on her tits which were boucing wildly in front. He made appreciated sounds as she thrust her tits towards his camera. Moving to the front of the stool, Puddles pulled down the zip of her jeans and pushed them past her hips so that the open button was in line with her ass. At the same she put Her hands back on the stool with her back towards David and pushed her ass towards the camera, wiggling from side to side in unison with the clicks of the shutter. As she moved to face David again she teased him by pulling at her crop top, slowly revealing more and more of her tits that were pushing through her black bra. Letting the top fall back down to cover her body, Puddles skillfully opened her bra using one hand, her tits now pushed at her top, with nothing to hold them in they were just visible below the edge of her top. Not quite ready to remove her top Puddles noticed a bottle of water and proceeded to pour the water over her mouth letting it fall on to her top which quickly became soaked. David moved closer to Puddles with his camera as he focused on her tits which were clearly visible under her wet top. Puddles body shaked as the water dripping from her top made it way down to her crotch.

Standing still in front of the stool, Puddles bent over and slowly pulled at the zips on her boots, once they were fully open she kicked them off her feet, the left boot narrowly missed David as it flew in his direction. With her boots removed, Puddles pulled at her jeans, they fell further down her legs allowing her black to be fully visible to thecamera lenses which was now being directed at it. As the top of the jeans reached her knees, Puddles draped her body across the stool with her curvaceous ass pointing at David. Using her fingers she pulled at her ass cheeks, David encouraged Puddles as she exposed her ass to the camera. Her jeans were now becoming a hinderance to her movements so they were quickly removed and left lying on the floor. David continued to take pictures as Puddles posed for him in her crop top and thong. Sitting back on the stool Puddles removed her top and black bra in one quick movement, David’s eyes widened as the full enormity of her tits was revealed. Remaining seated on the stool, Puddles used her left hand to massage her tits, she pushed her mouth onto each tit in turn, sucking and licking at the erect nipple while moaning contentedly. Puddles moved her legs apart on the stool, then using her right hand she pushed her fingers under her thong allowing them to make contact with her pussy which wasbecoming wetter by the second.

Puddles placed a hand on each side of her thong and pulled it up, causing the crotch material to push apart the lips of her pussy. David focused his camera lens on the sad pussy that was now being thrust in his direction Leaving the thong pushed up, Puddles put her fingers either side of her pussy and began to massage her lips, starting slowly she pulled and pushed at the hairless skin. As Puddles pussy became wetter her fingers slid into her pussy adding to her pleasure. Making her hand into a fist she pushed at her pussy forcing the lips apart as she rotated her fingers, Puddles felt the waves of sensings run through her body as she pressed her fist against her pussy. It was difficult to get more enjoyment whilst on the stool so Puddles lay down on a sheepskin rug that was lying on the floor. Arching her back with her legs apart she Pulled her to one side.

Puddles pushed her fingers into her wet pussy, as the sametime she pulled and pushed at her clip, helping to drive her body into a frenzy. Her fingers functioned as a dildo, she pushed them in and out of her gaping pussy, trying with each movement to reach deeper and deeper. After her fingers were pushed into her pussy, Puddles brought them up to her mouth and licked them, further the excitement level her body was now reaching. She continued to thrust her fingers into her pussy whilst massaging her clip. Puddles was now oblivious to anything that was happened around her as she pushed her body to a higher state of excacy. As Puddles pounded away at her soaking pussy she suddenly felt something wet hit her tits. Still disorientated from her state of excitement it was a couple of seconds before she realized what had landed on her. Puddles nose started to twitch asd she realized she could smell something familiar, her hand was moved to her tits to exam further, her instincts were right, lying across her swollen tits was cum!! Her first reaction was to push her fingers into the cum, the next place it went was her mouth. Puddles moaned as she licked the cum from her fingers, if there was one thing you could not get enough of, it was cum. As she licked at her finger she angled her head from the rug to see David the photographer with his trousers and pants at his ankles. He was wanking himself at the sight of Puddles emrithing on the floor. As Puddles sat up on the rug David realized he had crossed the line in their professional relationship, he went to lift his trousers up but was beaten to it as Puddles moved across to him on all fours and grabbed his throbbing cock.

The remain of the cum that had failed to land on Puddles tits lay around the head of David’s cock. Puddles moved her mouth to the cock allowing the tip of her tongue to make contact with its tip. Puddles body pulsed as she tasted the cum from the cock. Slowly, meticulously her tongue licked at the foreskin and around the head lapping up the cum like a cat with a bowl of milk. David’s cock was pushed into Puddles mouth so that her lips were half way down its length. Continuing to use her tongue to explore David’s cock, Puddles started to suck on it, causing the cock to move further into her mouth. Putting one of her hands around the cock, Puddles pushed it in and out of her mouth. As the movements of her hands increased in their speed, David’s cock became harder. Now fully erect the foreskin at the top of David’s cock was pushing back down the shaft as Puddles mouth sucked ferociously, willing the cum to flow into her mouth. Puddles wish was soon true, with the attention he was receiving, David’s cock could take no more, it jerked wildly inside Puddles mouth as shooting jets of cum flew from its tip. Puddles almost choked as the cum hit the back of her throat.

As Puddles pulled David’s cock from her mouth, more cum shot from the head, this time it landed on her hair and face. David moaned in pleasure as Puddles pulled his cock towards her tits. With her other hand she pulled his trousers and briefs off his legs. He was standing there, sweat dripping from his body naked from the waist down. Puddles rubbed David’s cock between her tits, squeezing the nipples together to increase her excitement. Her knees were now resting on the floor with her ass feeling the material from the sheepskin rug brush across it. David realized how inviting Puddles pussy looked in that position as it was just a few inches above the ground. With his socks removed he placed his big toe at the lips of Puddles pussy allowing it to penetrate, as Puddles rubbed his cock against her tits, David pushed his toe in and out of her pussy. Every so often a second toe would penetrate the soaking pussy. As Puddles excitacy level increased she put David’s cock back in her mouth whilst using her other hand to manouver his foot in and out of her pussy. Looking to widen her pussy further Puddlespushed the heel of David’s foot against her pussy. Although both Puddles and David were clearly enjoying themselves the sexual acrobatics they were getting up to was becoming more difficult to sustain. Sensing that David would be likely to fall over if they continued in their present action, Puddles lay back on the sheepskin and pulled David’s body towards her.

Puddles pulled David towards the ground as her back landed on the sheepskin rug. As he reaches arms length from Puddles she yanked at his shirt, tearing it open. David cock rested on Puddles pussy, bobbing up and down on her clip in a ticklish manner. David head moved to Puddles swinging tits, he buried his head between them, cupping their sides in each hand. His hands then grabbed at the her nipples, twisting They fiercely. His head moved down Puddles body past her playboy piercing with his mouth reaching her clip. With his tongue he licked at the reddened lips whilst moving a hand to pull and rub Puddles clit. With his next movement he hoisted Puddles in the air, moving his knees so that his cock was directly above her ass……

Sensing that penetration of one of her holes was imminent Puddles excitement increased. Suddenly without warning David pulled his hand back and brought it down with force on Puddles ass, pain was etched on her face.

Before Puddles had time to react to the seizing pain, David had ripped off her thong and tied it around her ankles. Her disclosed bra was used to bind her hands. His face was above Puddles when he said “Now it my turn to take control”

David moved to puddles head, spread his legs either side of her body and placed his ass down on puddles face with his balls pushing into her mouth. While his ass grinded on puddles face he pulled at his cock. As he got faster with his hands, his balls were pushing up and down puddles face. Suddenly his body stopped moving and cum shot from his cock landing on puddles tits and legs.

Once he had finished cumming over puddles body, David wasted no time in setting about her pussy. With his ass on her tits he pulled puddles bound legs towards him and pushed his tongue on to her clip. Biting down on puddles clip brought a muffled shriek from behind him, ignoring the noise he moved his tongue and into Puddles pussy. With all the energy he could produce his tongue licked and sucked at Puddles hide hole, at times penetrating deep into the hairless pink skin. Contented moans were heard from behind David’s back, Puddles was enjoying the attention her pussy was getting, as her body was reaching breaking point she moved her fingers to her pussy pulled her lips apart so that David could push his tongue deeper. The action of David tongue lashing her pussy along with Puddles fingers pulling at Her soaking lips brought her to a quivering state as cum flowing from her wide open hole. David continued to use his tongue, licking at the flowing cum as Puddles body shook violently. Slowly her body stopped shaking as the orgasm waves reduced, completely exhausted she lay on the floor with David’s cock between her tits and his head resting on her tights. There was an awkward silence which Puddles broke when she said “Do you think I have what it takes”. David replied “Ask me again after the next session”. His reply pleased Puddles, as David stood up she said “I’m looking forward to it already”.


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