Neighbor ladies.

The four women on Willow Lane had been neighbors for quite some time, and while their husbands were at work, they would meet regularly for pastries and lemonade, any old excuse to get together.
Recently the last of their children had reached an age where all of the children were in high school or older, so the women had their days alone.
The four of them had lived near each other for so long as they grew from hot young women in their twentyties to now being moms in their forties. Until this day, they had figured that their friends had probably had boring sex lives, but one day that changed.
Ginny, a curvaceous brunette with large high round breasts, thick hair and a gorgeous smile was talking about everything she had done that morning and without thinking added that she had to “spank and wank” Ray that morning before he went to work.
“Pardon me?” said Trish. “You did what with your husband?’
“Oops" Ginny blushed. “I’m sorry. I was blabbering on and I really didn’t mean to….what did I say?”
But then Candace, the sultry bond chimed in, “You mean you spank your husband once in awhile too?”
“Well, sometimes they just need to be put in their place.” Ginny retired.
And then it was on. The women of Willow Lane had opened up the avenue to something they had never done in all their years, talking about their sex lives over morning coffee time.
Ginny explained, “Ray has always had that long thick dick of his, and sometimes he just thinks that ohmygosh women will all just run to him and want him, and he gets so pissy. But he has such a strong sex drive that I just use that to get what I want.”
“Like how?” asked a here to now quiet Tina.
“Well, I don’t just let him do me any old time he wants. I set the rules for the bedroom and he, well, he does the begging. I usually let him screw me on Friday nights when he brings home the paycheck, and then on Sundays after he sits through church with my hand on his thigh and take me out for a nice dinner, we’ll tell the kids that we are going to take a nap. I always have my nice outfits on with nice lingerie underneath, and Ray will just sit on the bed watching me undress. Gosh,he loves my back and butt in the lngerie, and then we he see the tits, he absolutely drools. I usually walk right up to him and bury his face right between the big girls. Of course, he always strips immediately when we hit the bedroom, so I can see his 11 inch boner sticking straight towards the sky. “
And Trish inserted, “So your husband DOES have a giant one too.”
At which time Candace said, “Gosh, I sure wouldn’t marry a guy with a small penis. We’re all good looking women with a lot to offer. Before I was married I’d go on dates with a lot of guys who thought they were God's gift to women, so I’d sit in their front seats and open my big blouse up a little bit. Then I’d ask the horny boys if they wanted a nice slow hand job while their face was buried in my chest. Well, you know that none of them ever turned it down. They’d try to get more and I’d just stop my hand for awhile and asked them if they just wanted to go home right then. I had handy towels ready and most of them didn’t last too long once they got my shirt open.”
Tina offered, “Well, as big as you three’s tits all are, the men probably wanted the girls all the time. Wish I had that problem.”
Tina was the only one of the three who did not have enormous tits, but she had a face like an angel and a rear end to match, with no fat on her anywhere, and she turned more than a few heads herself.
Candace went on, “Oh it’s not like you don’t turn men on Tina!”
And Tina admitted, “True, I can’t get John to leave me alone.”
And Candace continued. “So, back when I was giving all these front seat handjobs, I met Rod and as he started pulling out the calm, I knew that this was not going to be just an ordinary cock. So, I was very slow in petting this new toy of mine. And I remembered right away all the money in Rod’s family, and you know how cute Rod was. So I stroked his cock slowly, barely touching it for a long time that first night. And then I told him that I thought he’d had enough. Of course, he was harder than a spike, sucking away at my big tits. And oh did he beg for relief, and then he kind of tried to say he was the boss and should be finished off. So right there, I just turned him over my knee and said that any guy with that attitude would get a good spanking, something I’d never done to a guy before, and when he argued, I asked him if he ever wanted to suck my tits again. So I turned him over with his giant dick between my tighs and gave him a few smacks on the rear, not too hard, and…”
“And I know what happened,” Ginny said. “He came like a racehorse, didn’t he?”
“How’d you know?” asked Candace.
“Because Ray spurted big time the first time I spanked his ass too!” I was pissed at him after a date, and we had the house alone that night, so I made him stick his face right in my ass for about 15 minutes. He hadn’t shot a load for a week and he was just dying. Then I had him on his knees in front of me for ten minutes looking straight ahead at my hairy pussy and up at the big tits. I made him kiss my ass a Hundred more times. I counted! Then I turned him over to spank him with my free hand barely struggling his pole, and after about three little swats he started blasting semen all over our kitchen floor. Took me ten minutes to clean it up. Ray was off to the couch and slept for hours.”
Tina said, “Gee,you guys are kinky!”
“Aw come on Tina,” Ginny said, “Brad probably rams you every night.”
“Not since we had kids,” Tina said, “I have to limit him too. If he gets it every time he wants it, he gets too bossy, so I have to control his ejaculations.”
“Nice words,” cracked Ginny. “So, how do you control him?”
Tina said, “Brad loves my ass. If I let him do me from behind, he is mine for days!”
Candace said, “Wow, we’ve got the tits. You’ve got the ass. Just not as big of one as us three have! Ha. Ha. Ha.”
“But we all seem to have married men with big cocks!” Tina exclaimed.
“Well shit,” said Trish. “Who wants a little bitty thing. I just love it when he walks out of the shower and that big old thing is a swingin back and forth.”
Ginny added, “Or when I come out of the shower and he’s sitting there withthat big old thing pointing straight to the sky.”
“But you don’t spank YOUR husband, do you?” Tina asked.
“Well, yes, I guess that makes three of us. But I don’t just pat him. Sometimes he’ll make me mad in the kitchen, and if the kids are away, I’ll make him drop trow right there and bend over, and I’ll slap his butt hard once or twice. Then he gets all weepy, the big baby, and I’ll make him get on his knees and beg for a titty sucking, and then he just melts and I know he’s mine.”
“How long does yours like to suck on your titties?”
“Oh gosh, he’ll spend a half hour on them if I let him. But sooner or later, I’ll usually just grab ahold of the big thing and give him some relief.”
Tina said, “Isn’t it amazing how they will just do anything in the world for a shot of their loads?”
“So do you let yours whack himself?” asked Ginny.
And they all answered in unison, “NO.”
Trish started, “Hell no. I let him know that when he married me, that became my cock and not his any longer. He only comes when I say he comes, which is still pretty often, so if he starts to whack off, I’ll shut him off for a week. It only happened once, and he has never tried it again. I want to see his big shots, not have them wasted in some kleenex, plus I want all that power over him.”
Ginny said, “That’s why I try to only let Ray fuck me twice a week. I want him desperate for me. But once in awhile after I smack his butt like this morning, I may give him a sympathy whacking if I see that he is so horny that he can barely stand it. I don’t want him looking at the women at work the wrong way with that giant dong between his legs.”
“So do you think he has ever done anybody else?” one of the others asked.
“NO, he wouldn’t be alive and he isn't going to risk losing my big tits and pussy and he isn’t going to risk losing half the family business, and he knows he’d never have half as good of a sex life with anybody else, so when I want him to kiss my ass, he kisses my ass. When I say he can mount me and fuck my cunt with all his might, oh my gosh, he’s like a bull. But,…he’s my bull.”


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