This is my 1st story that I post. I’m a little new here but I like what I’ve read so far. I hope you will all like this one I really would like some feedback. For all those that only read sex tales & don’t want romance, well this one is not for you. I will write one eventually. This one is true & is about the 1st guy I ever loved. It is not my 1st crush or my 1st experience. To set things up a little, I was almost 14, a few days shy. I met a kid that lived @ the end of my street. Things would have been perfect if not for his step father but anyway. Happy reading & let me know what you think.
I knew @ a fairly young age that I was into boys & really had no desires for girl what so ever. Even though I tried a couple of time since I live by the advance of “don’t knock it till you try it”. I had a few crushes here & there & had fun a few times by the time I was 13 but nothing too serious & never with big feeling involved. One day I was shoveling snow in my driveway because there was nothing on TV, I didn’t feel like playing vid games & well, I love winter & the snow. It was a little rough since it was really snowing hard & by the time I had finished half of our 30m drive way, it would full again. In all, the storm would drop about 40cm of snow on my city. That would be Montreal Quebec Canada for those who would like to know. (Mtl QC Ca). Anyway, I was hard @ work in the driving snow, the wind blowing & snow plows blocking us in with the banks they pushed. @ Some point, I say someone walking down the street all curled down. He was walking backwards with his hand in his pockets. I thought nothing of it since it’s a common sight in the winter. About 5mins later, I saw him @ the other end of the street just sitting on the snow rocking back & forward. I decided to go & see why he was there. I asked him
-Why are you sitting here in the cold?
-I forget my key & my parent aren’t gonnabe home for a couple of hours.
Do you wanna come with me? I have a little cave made in under the snow. I can go inside & bring out something to drink if you want?
Sure! Can I have a hot coco?
I showed him where I had dug a big cave in the snow my parent had put @ the bottom of our drive way with the snow blower. When I came back out with the coco & went in the cave, he had his hat hot blowing on his hands. I handed him one of my gloves & his coco so that he could warm up.
-Thank you!
You’re welcome. My name is Robert, what’s yours?
-Michael! Can I stay here for a while? It’s warmer then outside.
-Ok! That’s why I built it.
-For me to sit here?
-No! Because snow keeps in more heat then open air?
-how’s that?
-Don’t know.
I held back from passing a comment because I didn’t know what he would think but he had the sweetest blue eyes in the world. Every time I looked @ him, I felt so warm inside.
-Robert, aren’t you cold out there?
-Not really. I’m used to it. I get outside as much as I can in the winter. I like the cold.
-But don’t your toes get cold? Again I held back a comment. I had my fun with other boys & always got to play with there feet & they mine. It was always something I like & well kindda wanted to do.
-Sometime, but that’s why I come in here. It gives them time to warm up a little before I go back out. But if you keep moving they don’t get as cold. Why? Are yours cold?
-My feet are freezing. How long before they usually start to warm up?
I could no longer hold back.
-Here, are my hands warm?
-Ok. Take off your boots and socks. I’ll rub one of your feet & in the mean time you can warm one up a little on my back. With that, he did as a said & I pulled up my jacket a little. About 20mins later he thanked me & said that he was better. He said he should go see if hisparents were home. Before he left, I asked if he wanted to be friends & he said yes. The next day, I was practicing my slap shot @ hockey when someone snuck up behind me & grabbed me around the waist.
-Hey Robert! Thank you for yesterday.
-No prob. How are you?
-I’m ok but I feel a little weird.
-Why’s that?
-Well, yesterday while you were rubbing my feet, I felt like I needed to pee but when I got home, nothing came out. Why is that? I knew very well why but not sure how to put it I just blurted it out.
-I got you horny. It wasn’t pee you felt building up it was an orgasm.
-What’s that?
-You know, when you jack off that white stuff comes out. It’s sperm. That means you’ve had an orgasm.
-What’s jacking off?
-You’ve never jacked off? How old are you?
-I’m gonna be 12 in November, why? What difference does it make?
-You’ll see in a year or two. You’re too young right now.
-Well, if I’m too young, can you show me? That way when I’m older I’ll know.
-Maybe on day.
-Well my parents are going out tonight. Do you wanna come & baby sit tonight?
-Ok! If it’s fine with your parents & mine.
Both parents agreed & that night I went over. After playing games for a while, he asked me if I could show what jacking off was. I really didn’t know what to do. I mean I know what masturbating was @ his age but didn’t know what to do. I knew that it might be wrong. But after much asking, he convinced me to do it. So, I got undressed & started to play with my dick. He commented that it was big & I told him that his would get there as got older. He watched & started to grab himself. He said that he felt tingling, what did it mean.
-It means that you are horny. It means that you are getting hard & if you were older, by doing what I’m doing, you would be jacking off & eventually do this. And with that I shot two ropes into the air & it landed on my chest.
-The feeling like you need to pee but better, the feeling of tingling all over will feel much better when you can do that.
-But I can do that! I didn’t know that that’s what you mean. I’ve felt even better when I put my finger up my butt.
-Who taught you that?
-I did it by accident one day. I was washing in the shower one day & sneaked. My finger slipped up my butt. Is that how boys fuck each other?
-Where are you getting all this from?
-At school! My friends always say fuck you & I’ll fuck you. Is that how they do it?
-Sorta but not always with their fingers.
-Can you fuck me?
-No way you are too young… I couldn’t believe it. This 11, almost 12 y/o kid was coming on to me. I was flattered & kindda wanted to since I was a slave to my hormones but there was something holding me back. I thought it was my conscience but about a month later I realized that it was that I was falling in love with him.
Over the next two months, we would be together a lot. We even started kissing. But what got me was one day I went to meet him @ school because he was being picked on & when I got there, he was waiting with a few people & the 1st thing he said to them was “there’s the teenager I told you I was dating”. I knew then that I really loved him. I knew he had a crush on me by the way he acted an all. But I was both mad & him for saying that & @ the same time I just wanted to grab him & kiss him all over right there. When we started walking home, he asked me if that was what love felt like.
-I don’t know what you’re feeling; I’m not in your mind. You love your parents’ right?
-Then do you feel thee same?
-No, better.
Every day, he wanted me to fuck him & all but I just couldn’t. I didn’t want to hurt him. I loved him too much. But every time I would sit him, we would kiss, lie down together, sometimes naked, other not. He wouldAlways make me kiss his butt lick his feet. We would wrestle & when I would let him win, he would put a foot in my face & clam he was the best force me jack him.
We never would have split up or anything of the sort until I moved onto the west island & I gave Michael a love note one day. He forget to remove it from his pants. His mom found it. They wanted to speak to me so one day His mom, step dad, Michael & myself sat down their living room & had a talk.
Long story short, the end of the conversation was simple.
-Listen, I love Michael with all my heart. I’ve looked out for him for the past year. I’ve treated him with the outmost respect & never hurt him in any way & never will. I think we can deal with this as best we can & will learn as we grow. I seriously think that it would be more hurtful by separating us. I will do what ever you think is best since you are his parents but I do think it is wrong. (Michael grabbed my hand& my wait) You would have no objects if we were boy & girl. You just don’t want him to be gay & I can promise, doing this will confuse him.
With that I kissed him & left. The next time I say him was two years later. He change & now was just a sex mad boy who let anyone fuck him. His friends that is. It took me almost another 2 years to get over him & still loved him during that time but I couldn’t stand him that much since his attitude changed. Although I finally did give him what he wanted from me one day. I fucked him & then that was it. He no longer wanted to have anything to do with me. It hurt so badly but I finally got past it.
I’m 26 now. I’ve with my man for just over 9yrs now & I’m happy in life. The last I heard from Michael, he was such an ass that I told him to get out of my life for ever.
Let me know what you think. I can post many more tales. I’ve done a lot in life so I can post more true stories. I can post fiction based on my fansies & I can post pure fiction. But before I wanna know what you all think of this.
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