Greetings! And welcome to my second story! I hope you all like it ^^;
Lillith awoke in a tiny dank little room. There was no light within eyeshot, so she had no way of knowing where she was. Her head throbbed, and she tried to get her eyes to adjust to the lack of light. She could hear the sounds of water splashing outside the walls which contained her and the drip, drip, dripping of more water slowly leaking from various places around her. She sat up from the hard damp board that she was perched on and tired to make sense of what was going on. Slowly the cloud of blurriness that shrouded her mind began to lift and she could piece together the events that brought her here.
Lillith was the daughter of an aristocrat in bustling village of Port Blarisden. She was a beautiful girl, slim with soft pale skin and starting features. Her hair was a fired red that reachesd down to her lower back and her eyes were a piercing blue color. She grew up under the protective eye of her parents, for she was their only child, and now that she was the age of sixteen they were preparing to marry her off to another well-to-do family in order to create a powerful alliance that would have a great swway of power over the port. Lillith didn’t like this idea at all. Her parents thought that perhaps she didn’t like the idea of marrying for the sake of politics, but the truth was Lillith had no interest in men at all and secretly much preferred the company of women.
The night before she was scheduled to marry she snuck out of her home in her night robe and into the village, this was the night that sealed her fate. Lillith ran off to meet her best friend Vivian, who was also her lover. Vivian was similar to her lover’s size, but she was certainly of a different background. Her skin was tanned like the color of caramel, her hair was as black as the night skyand her eyes were a soft brown that seemed to emotional kindness. Lillith found her friend wait in her bed, and tapped gently on the window to rouse her. Vivian woke up and let her lover through the window, where Lillith flew to the arms of lover in a saved embrace. Their lips found one another’s and soon they were locked in a password kiss. Their breathing quickened as the two girls continued to kiss like lovers who hadn’t seen each other in years. Their tongues danced together in their mouths as they pressed against one another desperately.
Vivian backed Lillith up to the edge of her bed and knocked them both down onto the mattress. As they girls fell and Vivian lay on top of her lover their kiss never broke. They breathed in each other so deeply as their tongues darted in and out of each other’s mouths. Soon Vivian began to fumble with Lillith’s clothing and managed to peel it from her body before discarding her own, in the dim moonlight that filtered throughouth the window wetness could be seen forming against the slip between both girls legs. Vivian finally broke their lip lock to begin kissing down Lillith’s sweet young body. She kissed down her neck and chest, her lips finding Lillith’s pert pink nipples. She gave each one of them a gentle kiss before taking one of them into her mouth and sucking on it gently while rolling the other in her fingers.
Lillith managed to run her hand down Vivian’s tanned body to her hip. She slide it around further and found her lovers smooth wet snatch. Lillith ran her pale nimble finger along Vivian’s slippery slip playfully before parting her outer lips and slipping her finger into her silky depths. Vivian moaned against the nipple in her mouth as she felt her lover’s finger enter her. It wasn’t long before they lay along one another, Each tonguing the others sweet cunt. They dipped their tongues into one another hungrily while sucking the tender bud of their clients into their mouths. They kept this up until both had moaned out in pleasurable ecstasy. As Lilith lay panting under her lover she thought how no man would ever be able to make her feel like Vivian did. Once they had cleaned up and dressed the two girls conspired to run away together, they would meet back up in an hour with supplies for their trip westward.
It wasn’t long before they were to meet up again when plans suddenly changed. As Lillith slipped along the shadows in the dark she heard a fear whistling in the air. By the time Lillith looked up to realize what it was it was too late. Cannon fire. A pirate ship had sailed into the port under the cover of night and was now bombarding the port with attack. Pirates flooded the village, murdering locals and setting fire to the homes and shops that boarded the waterfront. Lillith desperately tried to weave her way along the arson lighted streets to meet Vivian. When she reached the bridge where they were to meet she was relieved to see Vivian had made it as well.
Suddenly two filterthy looking pirates stepped from the shadows and took hold of Vivian and from behind Lillith two more took her arms as well. ‘These two will make a perfect start to the capt’s new collections, aye!” One of them grew, his fowl breath in Lillith’s ear. Vivian panicked at these words, she heard stories about girls who are kidnapped by pirates, and Vivian was not about to let herself become one of their toys. She struggled free and managed to grab one of the pirate’s pistols. She put the barrel of the gun to her head and pulled the trigger. Lillith let out a blood curdling scream as she watched her lover slump over dead in a pool of her own blood. “Damn bitch!” One of the other pirates yelled. In a panic of grief and fear Lillith attempted to reach for the pistol of one of pirates holding her, but the other knocked on her on the head with mallet he had. Pain welled up in her head and Lillith soon slipped from consciousness.
As the blur of unconciousness lifted and the throb in her head subsided Lillith was able to piece together her memories. Her eyes were now adjusting to the darkness and she could tell she was in the brig of a ship. Tears began to stream down her face as she remembered the death of her friend and lover Vivian. She sobbed in the silent darkness, alone, until suddenly a door at the far side of the room and candlelight danced towards her. The same filthy pirate who attacked her earlier came in with a vile toothless smile upon his face. “So girl, you are away eh?” He said in a cold yet lustful tone. “The captain will be very pleased.” He said in a sinister manner before letting out a cruel laugh as he left the brig, closing the door behind him, and leaving Lillith in darkness once more.
If you like it so far and whats to know what happens to Lillith next leave me some feed back. Perhaps I will continue on to write part two <3
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