Bad Nanny pt 1 The Tub Tug(young,true story)

Hi my names Josph Cerr..yea i know its a funny name, Joe Cerr (joker) i get made fun of for it all the time so ease off well anyways here’s my second attempt at a sex story, hope you all like it:

Do any of you remember your first tug? i know i do….i’ll never forget it, some people out there might say I was sexually molested…but i dont think so…molested implies that i didnt enjoy it and i most definitely did.

I was about ten or eleven years old at the time and was just entering the early stages of publicty,i began noticing certain parts of the female body more so than ever before, especially on my nanny Mari. She was spanish about 25 or 30, and oh damn was she hot! Long black hair, soft white skin, her eyes a pale blue color, her lips so full. Her body was a little thicker than most fresas….she wasnt Flabby or anything like that, just a bit chunky, the sexy kind of chunky. Her legs were long and thick, her ass so well rounded and her tits massive.

Well anyway i was horribly inept when it came to taking shows, i just couldnt or wouldnt do it, i hated the tough of being clean so she’d have to supervise. She’d watch me and if i refused to do it she’d do it for me. Now usually she’d hand me the soap and make me wash my own balls and ass but not this time….no this time something else happened.

I remember the feeling..the cool hard feeling of the soap as it pressed lightly against my body. The hot water running over it turning it to a later. Her soft hands spreading it across my chest…over my nipples, down my stomach….my dick slowly began to awaken…the small nub slowly extending upwards and outward drawing the skin tight. I look down at it…why is this happening? i think to myself, nervously i look at her…she’s staring at it too biting her lower lip like some sort of hungry animal….”Mari are you ok?” I ask her confused as to the look on her face. “Huh? oh, yes” she tells me in her sultry spanish accent. She seems to ignores my hard on and continues washing me…i catch her glancing at it every now and then and try to tuck it between my legs but its so hard it keeps popping out.

She slowly works her way down the small of my back and to the crack of my ass….i reach my hand back and ask for the soap but she doesn’t give it to me “No don worry, i’ll do it this time” she tells me. I don’t think anything of it…means less work for me. She runs her hand down the crack quickly at first on the way down then slowly back up, she presses the bar tightly against my hole, rubbing it in small circular motions around the rim…it feels so odd at first and i dont know quite what to make of it…then i realize that my dick begins to get harder and wetter……whats going on? i think to myself. I hear a thud in the tub floor…the soap slides infront of me. The next second a chill runs down my spine and up my dick as i feel her hand in between my cheeks, it feels soo good…my dick begins to ooze a sticky substance. She gently cares my tiny tender hole and more begins to spew out.

Her hand slides between my legs and gently grips my hairless balls….my dick jumps with excitment. My breathing quickens as she slowly massages them…my face blushing with ecstacy…her other hand reaches around and lightly grips my shake…she rubs it slowly…my face gets redder, I stare at her in confusion “Mari?” “Shhh, Its ok” she tells me. “Give me your hand” she orders. I extend it outward to her…she grabs it and presses it against her breasts. My cock gets harder as does her grip….She lifts up her shirt…her large breasts concealed barley by a tiny black lace bra. I nearly pop at the sight of her cleavage….”wow” i say innocently “hmmn theres much more” she assures me.

She casts the shirt aside and reaches back…i hear a faith snap of a bra hook coming loose, the bra swings towards a bit and her massive heavy jugs drop down nearly to her belly button. she moves my hand again onto her breast her light brown nipple nubbin pokes out between my fingers….theyre so soft…like over filled water balloons…she pulls me in close….she gets up on her knees and presses her body against mine, my dick dissapears in between the valley of the tits. She squeezes them together and rubs them up and down. I feel the blood begin to pulsate…my cock begins to throb, my eyes tear up and i tilt my head back…then…”Uuuughhh” I moan POP! my cock burst in a creamy explosion….it erosions from between her tits like some sort of volcano and hits her in the face..”Mmmmnnn” She moans as she licks it it off the side of her mouth. “Mari…what happened?” I say…”Youve becomes a man mijo” she says pulling me in for a kiss…”Theres alat more you can dowith that thing…I’ll show you tomorrow” She wipes her tits clean and finishes washing me up. She helps me put on my underwear and tells me one last thing for the night “It’d be better if your parents don’t hear about this ok? so don’t tell them” “Ok” I say skipping off to go to bed…I dream of what may come tomorrow



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