After the dead-end that was my Teaching Masturbation thread, I just went ahead and wrote a story myself. Part 1 is pretty much finished. It covers a wide range of perversions:
g solo, F solo, gF, inc, toys, ws, ggggg solo, mg 1st reluc, gg solo
I’m going to post the first chapter and might post more if anyone likes it. Constructive criticism welcome. Be warned: it uses mostly British English, not American English.
WARNING: The following story (including characters and situations) is purely fictional, and is in no way a representation of appropriate behavior in real-life or an advocation of this type of behavior. Do not read any further if you are easily offended, of a non-liberal mind-set, or have trouble separating fiction from reality.
The Kitty Trilogy
- Kitty’s Birthday
Chapter 1
Monday morning of the second week of theschool holidays. Little Kitty lay in her bed staring intently at the clock on her bedside table. The glowing red didgets read “6.58”. It was two minutes until she could leap out of bed and go both her mother to let her open her birthday presents. For today was a big milestone in Kitty’s life. She was about to hit her final year as a pre-teen. It was a moment she had waited weeks, no, months for. Almost all Her friends had reached the big 1-2. Kitty was a late bloomer in many respects, not just age wise. While she was tall for age, she still had the body of a girl.
Her boobs had only just began to flower and remained small pin pricks on her chest. One of her friends had what were probably the biggest breasts in the whole year. Like two halves of a large melon strapped to her rib-cage. She’d let Kitty have a feel once. They’d feel like two squishy pillows, Kitty thought, as she buried her head into the feathery pillow on her bed and pulled her duvet up around her. Luckily for Kitty, her nipples surely outdid all those of her friends. When Kitty was cold, they grew to the size of probably her middle finger. The girl sometimes liked it when it was cold, as it made her nipples extra sensitive and just brushing a finger across them would send a shiver through her nuclear young body. One minute to go.
Kitty brushed her long, light brown hair out of her face as she started a count down in her head. 58…57…56… Her face was the picture of cuteness as she concentrated on those numbers… 53… 52… 51… Her bright blue eyes widened in excitement as she got closer to that magical empty single number… 47… 46… 45… She checked the buttons on the her pink pyjama were all done up. The last thing she’d want was for her top to come open as she ran to open her presents… 29… 28… 27… She pulled her pyjama bottoms up over her hips. They had slowly slipped down through the night, and now exposeda little to much cleavage of her ample behind than Kitty would have liked… 21… 20… 19… If ever there was a spankable bottom, she had one for sure… 12… 11… 10… She could often feel eyes on her when she walked and it made her smile… 6… 5… 4… And not always boys’ eyes… 3… 2…
Kitty leaves out of bed pretty, not even being able to wait another literal second, flinging her heavy duvet to one side as if it were made of tissue paper. She bolted for the door and flung it open. She ran across the hall way and into her mum’s bedroom.
Kitty looked around the room, but she couldn’t see her mum anywhere in their. She left and searched the bathroom. Not their either. She hadn’t expected her mum to be up this early. Both were on relative holidays from school and work, so there was no real reason to be up so early.
Still, the girl was still excited, so she ran down stairs and into the kitchen. There she was! Her mum was sat at the dining table, surrounded by presents and cards for her daughter.
“Mornin’, sweetheart”, her mother cheerily greeted her.
“Mornin’ mommy”, Kitty replied, “What are you doin’ up so early?”
“Couldn’t sleep!” she replied. She then broke into a solo rendition of the “Happy Birthday” song.
When she was done, they exchanged the usual birthday pleasuresants and then Kitty tucked into all her presents. There were lots of lovely gifts from Mom, Gran, Gramps, Grandma, Granddad, and her Aunties and Uncles. Unfortunately, most of them lived far away or couldn’t visit due to work commitments, but all had sent their love.
She had been for an early birthday meal with her father the day before and had already received her present from him. Her parents were divided. Normally that wouldn’t have stopped him seeing her on her actual birthday, but again, work commitments got in the way. Anyway, she’d got a nice gift voucher… OK, so maybe dads aren’t the best at buying presents for their soon-to-be -teenage daughters! But she loved him, so she could forgive him.
Very soon, Kitty was surrounded by empty wrapping paper, envelopes, birthday cards, and presents. She’d had some really nice things- clothes, make-up, CD’s, DVD’s and so on. She was lucky as she had a large family so got quite a lot of presents. She was also having a party with her friends that afternoon, so she had a lot more presents to look forward to later.
There was just one present left, from mommy. It was a long oblong box, wrapped in purple shiny paper. The label on it read “To Kitty, Happy Birthday, Enjoy this one, love Mummy xxx”.
Kitty couldn’t guess what this present was, as she had pretty much got everything she had asked for already. Well, truly, she couldn’t remember most of whatshe’d asked for, so this one was going to be a surprise. DVD’s and so on were quite easy to guess what they would be, but she couldn’t think of many things this shape. Surely her mum hadn’t bought her a doll? No, she was far too old for that. The only thing she could think of this shape was a carrot, but they already had plenty of those in the vegetable drawer in the fridge. Besides, she didn’t think mommy would buy that as a present for her.
“Go on, baby, last present…”, her mother encouraged.
Kitty didn’t need any more encouragement. She tore into the paper of the present and pulled it off. She then held the present in front of her, trying to work out what it was. It was called a “Bullet Vibe” and had a picture of a small, but long smooth, white object that didn’t look too far off a man’s… thingy.
“Mommy, what’s this?”, the curious birthday girl asked.
“Well, it’s called a vibrator. Now you’re growing up, I figured it’s time you had one.”
“But, what does it do”, Kitty asked, “What do you do with it?”
“Well, it’s like a grown up toy. You play with it. You put it in and out of your puss, and it makes you feel good!”
Kitty screwed up her face. She didn’t quite understand. She knew what her “puss” was- it was her and her mum’s secret word for her vagina. She’d sometimes heard the “naughty” words for it, but they were bannered from the house. In truth, she was a bit stranged from her puss. She hadn’t yet discovered the pleasure she could get from it, but that wasn’t from lack of feeling horny, she was just quite an innocent girl for her age.
Her mum could see she was confused.
“Can I show you?”, her mum asked, “Do you want me to play with you”
Kitty was unsure.
“You’ll like it”, her mum encouraged.
Kitty nodded ok.
“Just one thing,” her mum noted, “This should be done in private in future, and it’s not polite to talk about in public. But it’ll keep you happy until you’re ready to have sex.”
Kitty blushed slightly at the rude word “sex”.
“I hope you’re not getting embarrassed already, Kitty?”, her mum said, “Because you need to be really grown up about this toy and what I’m going to show you. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, ok? Remember, I’m your mum, I just want you to enjoy this and do as I say. Ok?”
Kitty said it was ok.
Her mum helped her clear the table. Kitty’s mum then asked her daughter to climb up on the table. Although the girl was unsure about this, she did as her mum asked.
“Now for this to work, you need to be naked. I’m going to get undressed as well, just so you feel comfortable.”
The woman then unDid the belt on her dressing gown, pulled the gown open, and pulled it off her arms and dropped it to the floor. She was completely naked underneath. Her dark dropped hair flowed to the bottom of her shoulder blades. She ran her hands across her 32C breasts, down past her tonesdstomach, and down the outside of her thighs, going past her trimmed but still hairy pussy. Her hands rest on her ample ass, much like her daughters, and then pulled away to lay by her side.
Kitty stared in awe. It was a while since she had seen her mother’s body and it was still shockingly gorgeous. Her dad must be mourning the loss of seeing that body every night. Kitty had always hoped that she would grow up to have a body just like her mother’s. The way the girl was maturing, it looked like she might even surpass her own mum!
“C’mon then… less staring, it’s you’re turn now”, her mother prompted with a grin.
Kitty obeyed and started tounbutton her pyjama top. She pulled it open to reveal her naked torso, pulled her arms out of the sleepes and dropped the top beside her on the table.
Now it was her mother’s turn to stare at her blooming beauty. She too hadn’t seen the other naked for a long while. Once upon a time, her mother would bathe and sometimes even help dress her daughter. Back then her daughter had the body of a child. Now, her body was slowly becoming that of an adults. She stared at her daughter’s tiny mounds of flesh and big nipples.
Kitty laughed.
“Less staring!” she jokingly scolded, imitating her mother.
“I’m sorry, honey, but it’s so great to see you flowering into a young lady. Pretty soon you’ll have breasts like mine”, her mother said, cupping and raising her own tits for emphasis.
“Oh, thanks, I can’t wait till my breasts are as big as yours, mummy!”
Her mother smiled andThen reached out to touch her daughter. Kitty moved backwards slightly in a reflex reaction to someone trying to grab her.
“It’s alright, hun, I just want to explore your new found woman-hood, and see if your developing well”
Kitty moved back forward a bit and puffed her chest out slightly.
Her mother moved a palm onto her daughter’s right breast. She tenderly explored it with fingers and palm. At first she just stroked, softly caresing the flesh. Then she started to lightly squeeze.
Kitty let out a soft moan.
Her mother smiled and continued. She placed a hand over her girl’s breast and ripped her nipple between index and middle finger, and stroked. Then she pinched the nipple between thumb and index. She could feel it begin to grow erect. She teased the top of the nipple with her index finger.
Kitty whimpered in pleasure like a sad little puppy.
Her mother smiledyet more and moved her attention to the left breast, repeating a similar routine, so as not leave it out.
When her mother had finished her exploration, Kitty enquired, “Are they both alright then?”
“Yes, dear”, her mother replied, once again with a smile on her face, “They’re… perfect!”
“Oh,” said Kitty, unsure of how to reply to such a compliment, and then further wondering if she should have replied at all, and then wishing she hadn’t both said anything at all.
“Would you like to come up to my room?”, her mom asked, “It’s a lot warmer on my bed than on the kitchen table.”
“Yes please”, said Kitty.
Her mother extended her hand to help the girl off the table, and she grabbed it and held on as she climbed down from the table.
“Don’t forget your present”, her mother reminded her.
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