Stroll in the park: Part 1
We had’nt been on holiday together like this in years. The last time, I recall must have been at least 11 years ago. Now at the age of 20, that was all a blur.
We used to go every year, but i guess after my nan passed away, it just wouldnt have felt right going off without out her. But this year, it was my mum that suggested it. Now being the oldest in her first family (silbings), I guess she was just trying to bring the family back together after our loss. So there we were, in a restaurant in sunny spain, me, my mum, my twin brother sam, (Notice my dad is absent, he could’nt attend this holiday as he had ‘business’ to attend to, although me and my brother know he fucking his boss on the side, we just don’t want to break mothers heart, after her mums death, it would send her over the edge) my mums sister, aunty liz and my cousin, stacey who mirrored exactly her mothers looks – tall and leggy… her legs met to formthe most perfect ass… round and totally fuckable. Supporting her peachy ass was her broad hips, which, above that would be her perfect toned waist and her gorgeous curvacious chest, dominated by her huge bouncy tits. Sitting on her tits was her long, soft blonde hair which compiled her piercing blue eyes, her feminine cheese bones and her slender, thin lips. Now the part of her body I haven mentioned are her tights. Ever heard of the saying, save the best till last? Well, this is the situation where it should be used. Her thighs were perfect. Juicy. They would certainly keep my ears warm, but at the same time would act as great handles as i pounded her hard, which I have practiced many times before in my mind.
Ive never had the courage to make a move on her however. after all, she is my cousin, and that would be wrong, wouldnt it? Shes rather suggestive at times – hand on my leg, rubbing her foot up the inside of my leg, resting her head on my holder. This was mainly whenshed had one too many to drink. However, before setting out to Spain, i made a mental bet with myself that id fuck her during the holiday, and as i caught her eye while tucking in to my third chicken wing, i made up my mind that i would be doing exactly that tonight, and once i felt her leg touch mine under the table, i knew i would be in for a great time…
‘im tired’ spacey claimed, withdrawing her seat from the table, ‘i think il call it a night.’
‘ok, hunny’ answered aunty liz, ‘sam, why don’t you walk her back to the aprtment?’
my heart skipped a beat. jumping from my chair at an incredible speed, much to the notice of my mother, i said ‘no! i will! il walk her home!’ which was welcomed by a cheeky grin in my direction from spacey, and a wink from my brother sam. mum took no notice, continuing to stare into the bottom of her empty wine glass.
‘ok’ liz said, but take care of her.
‘will do’ i replied.
Getting up from the table, we both walked out of the restaurant and proceeded round the corner, where she warmed to me in the dark, humid night, slipping her fingers in between my own. We turned a corner, and headed through a public park, however im sure there was nobody there – jus the trees, the grass, the benches and… us.
‘what was that look for then?’ she said, as we walked down the path
‘what look?’ i replied, playfully
‘ohhh you know what im talking about! the ‘look”
‘ha, yeh i know what you are on about, but what was the leg about? ive told you before not to do that, you know i get hard easily, and doing that in a restaurant doesn’t help!’
‘and giving me that look in a restaurant doesn’t help my pussy from staying dry either!’ she replied. i gulped. speechless. am i hearing her correctly? ‘oh come on’ she said, ‘i know you want to fuck me… ive seenthat look form your brother plenty of times, and he was enough to do something about it, so many times have i felt his cock inside my pussy…’
no, SERIOUSLY. am i dreaming?
‘erm… what are you trying to say…? wait a second, you fucked sam?’ i said, shocked
‘yeh, plenty of times, and hes good too. he does me till im pink! and im trying to say, the amount of times ive sugested to you, you haven even took me up on my offer! even now, with that bulge in your trousers, you are still hesitating to pull me behind that tree and give me a good seeing to…!’
And she was right, i was growing hard.
Very fucking hard.
i grabbed my prick through my trousers, and we both involuntary walked towards the tree she was pointing at. she knew what she was doing, and was she bloody good at it! i didnt say a word, i let my actions do the talking, and by the look on her face, she new she had acheived what shes set out to do.
as i pushed her against the tree, our lips met and my tongue slowly pierced her shut lips, swirling it round in her wet mouth. i feel her hands frantically feel for my belt buckle, which she pulled off with masterfully, before undoing my flies wih great skill – all in one movement, one thing is for sure, shed had plenty of practice in this department…
once my jeans were down by my ankles, she pulled down my boxers and out sprung my 9 inchm rock solid cock, poking her in the belly.
‘well, well, aren you a big fucking boy!’ she said, her eyes widening like a child on christmas day.
Her cold fingers rapped round my hard dick as she fell to her knees and pushed her parted lips against my soft bellend, from where she licked off a drop of pre-cum. she appreciated this with a delightful moan, before pushing my cock deep into my mouth, withdrawing and repeating the process. every now and then she would take my throbbing cock from her mouth and give it a lash of her tounguess, from where she would resume her duties once again, gagging as my dick proceeded to pound the back of her throat.
After a good few minutes, she stood up, grabbed my hands and placed them on her hips. i rubbed my hands up and down her beautiful, hourglass shaped body.
‘fuck me’ she said, looking into my eyes ‘fuck me hard’
i didnt reply, i just unddid the buttons on her cut-off denim hotpants and slipped the two fingers of my right hand towards her panty-less pussy. as my finger made contact for the fist time, she let out a slow, quiet groan. he was wet. very, very fucking wet.
‘cor, stacey, if u want me to lick that later, i think im gonna need some diving equipment, cos that one wet cunt…’
‘ooooohhhhh…… fuck me!’
i turned her round, fiercely parted her legs and pulled down her little hotpants right down to her ankles. her ass was fucking amazing. round. bare. fuckable. was it my birthday? christmas?no… both!
Then i heard a noise, behind me… i stopped, peered round, but no-one was there. at the conclusion i had just heard something, i ignored it and slapped her ass hard..
‘ooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh’ she cried ‘again, AGAIN!’
i slapped her apple shaped ass with my right hand, while slapping my hard price against her arse cheeses with my left..
‘mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm’ she moaned… ‘stick your hard fucking cock into my juicy little cunt now!’
so, doing what any lad would do, i did!
i rubbed my wet, shiny bellend up and down her welcomes slot… up to her pulsing clip… and down her meaty cunt before toying her twat with the tip of my solid cock. slowly, i pushed the first few inches in, to her great approval,,,
‘aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!’ she screamed
‘shit…’ i said. i couldnt quite believe what was happening.
i pushed it inEven further, inch by hard inch, deep into her inviting little cunt. it swallowed my cock. it loved my cock. she was a good girl. i felt her pussy muscles clnch the base of my fuck wd, beckning my last inch inside her, i looked down to see her gleaming pussy lips wrapping my cock, not letting them go, her pink lips loved my pole.
her hands were on the tree. she was hugging the tree, tightening her grip.
her nails clung to it as i pounded my hard dick in and out of her little wet pussy, harder with each and every fuck.
‘oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooodddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd’ she moaned with delight.
i grabbed her hips and used them to help thrust her cunt deeper and deeper, harder and harder, then, all of a sudden…
‘oi!’ a voice said from behind. we stopped, motionless, looking behind us.
with spaceys finger still clung to the tree trunk, my hands clinging to her broad hips, my wait pressed against her soft ass and my hard cock still deep inside her dripping little twat, sam proceeded to say-
‘looks like you two are having fun… mind if i join in…?’
Shall i write a part 2????
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